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Self defence or arms race? : Comments

By Jeff Schubert, published 14/2/2007

What Israel and the United States really want is to maintain their power to call most of the shots.

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I agree wholeheartedly with your article, it's just common sense, sadly common sense is not as common as it used to be, enjoyed the read, thank you.
Posted by SHONGA, Wednesday, 14 February 2007 10:09:07 AM
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An actual “world state” may not be the aim of the US.
A better understanding than a world state is world hegemony; then all humanitarian obligations are wiped off the slate in the race for profits and colonies. Looting the colonial possessions, monopolizing the markets (nationally and globally) and the battle cry is "no drain or hindrance on profits." No outlay or finance to assist the failed states, poorer states, including the worlds starving or supplying clean water. The former US security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1997 expanded on this theme publishing a book called The Grand Chessboard that dealt with America’s strategy for global supremacy including resources and access to cheap labour under the domination of US multi-nationals. The axis and thrust of the book was "America’s capacity to exercise global primacy" and that meant preventing "the emergence of a dominant and antagonistic Eurasian power." Brzezinski then concluded: "Eurasia is thus the chessboard on which the struggle for global primacy continues to be played."

As well,there are also geopolitical strategic areas of the globe for checking or undermining your trading rival. To control, narrow sea lanes or canals referred to as "choke points." To name a few, the Suez and Panama Canals and another being the Mallacca Straits, shallow and difficult to navigate; where most of Chinas oil is shipped in and finished products shipped out. Other books that deal with this perspective are "resource wars" or "oil wars."
But monopolizing the worlds resources, oil being a critical resource, has its consequences, which become incompatible to other nations. And in consequence, engenders retribution such as trade war and beggar thy neighbour policies. Different nations are thrown into trading blocks and trade war spirals into shooting war. Other nations are forced to take sides and dragged into the fray and "peace in our time" becomes "a war to end all wars" - that is, until the next war comes along.
Posted by johncee1945, Wednesday, 14 February 2007 11:46:34 AM
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"Iran is not seeking nuclear weapons to destroy Israel; its leadership is not so stupid as to annihilate itself"

Evidence for this statement? Do you have a direct line to Tehran perhaps? This whole article seems to be based on that one line, with barely a skerrick of supporting argument.

Just because you, perhaps, would not be crazy enough to launch a nuclear missile at Israel, doesn't mean Iran isn't. Suicide bombers seem to think killing themselves with the aim of murdering others has a certain, compelling logic. Why couldn't Iran's leaders be planning a similar end?
Posted by grn, Wednesday, 14 February 2007 4:12:25 PM
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Yes, there are always individuals – and groups of individuals – who will engage in suicidal attacks; but even they have to psych themselves up. At the upper levels of a reasonably sophisticated country and culture, it just does not happen! The Nazi regime as a group was never suicidal, and even Hitler only became suicidal toward the end. The basic reason is human nature. The Iranian leadership – like the German leadership (which consisted of committed Nazi’s, nationalists, careerists etc) -- will have a massive majority of people who are not suicidal; indeed, they will be like many people in the Israeli leadership who take particular (often hard-line and misguided) views to ensure that their families, societies and countries have a better life and SURVIVE. You might like to read my book which explores the psychology of such “executive suites”:

Jeff Schubert
Posted by Jeff Schubert, Wednesday, 14 February 2007 5:50:39 PM
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'Why couldn't Iran's leaders be planning a nuclear attack on Israel?'
That seems to be the question and anything is possible, but let us keep things in perspective. Sharon was one of the first and most avid advocates in the Begin cabinet of Israel’s 1981 air strike on Iraq’s Osirak nuclear plant. Sharon has repeatedly warned that it may sooner or later take direct action to stop any Iranian nuclear plants. Shielded by the US backers in the White House—Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s Likud government is able to operate with impunity. And what is more, world leaders know it. There is also the policy to of Sharons Likud Party with the traditional expansionist drive for a "Greater Israel" and the extension of Israels borders.
It is the US and its ally Israel that have made all the bellicose statements against Iran. And there is no shortage of underlying threats in the leading US press as war is being talked up. In 2005 the Sunday Times provided details of Israeli military plans for a strike on Iranian uranium enrichment plants that would dramatically inflame tensions throughout the Middle East. The US is in the Persian Gulf with 2 aircraft carriers, patriot missiles and 50 warships in order to invade Iran! Iran is not in the US sailing up the Mississipi. Israil has nuclear arms supplied by the US.
Posted by johncee1945, Wednesday, 14 February 2007 7:13:35 PM
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Israel and the USA want to call the shots ? :)

Myyyyy goodness.. this actually shocks or surprises people ?

Ok..thats one side of the coin. What's the OTHER ?

Here it is.. "Iran or Europe or..Name_The_Country" wants to call the shots.

I suppose we could think out of the loop/square and say.."But a One World Government would be a mighty fine idea"

Conspiracy theories, Jewish plots to control the world, and Illuminati aside.. I wonder if anyone who might advocate such an idea has looked closely at how the UN is infected beyond redemption by vested national interest.. vote buying... lobbying... etc ad absurdum.

Each country is still it's own man. NONE will want to give up sovereignty. They will see the UN as a means to nationalistic/tribal ends rather than a place to sacrifice their independance on the alter of world harmony.

So, call it self defense or arms race.. personally I look to the 2nd coming of Christ to sort it all out.
Something to watch though.. in the backburner of the mind, is a Europe becoming VERY strong..and an Islamization of Europe within 30-50 yrs. Added to that would be a tightening of trade and an increase in personal identity requirements to participate in 'the system'...
Watch to see who ends up occupying the only unoccupied seat at the European Parliament. Can anyone guess its number ? There are 768 seats.
How many of you know on what the European parliament building in Strasbourg was modelled on ? Guess's ? (hold that thought when reading Rev 17 below)
If you see this, then beware... be ready.... because it might just be the beginning of the end.
See that link.... REALLY. What is the resolution number ?
What is the WEU ? how many nations are in it ? FIND OUT !
Then.. read Revelation Ch 17:1-14
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 14 February 2007 9:17:02 PM
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