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An ignorant Australian? : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 22/2/2006

Editorial writers of 'The Australian' seek to paint a picture of a monolithic culture of recently arrived Muslim migrants.

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No surprises there. The Murdoch press has been consistently backing Howard for years. Hardly a hint of criticism, and rarely following through with the really hard questions. Whilst the Liberals rave on about the supposed bias of the ABC, almost all of the commercial newspapers, TV and radio are solidly right wing. Australia has the most one-eyed media in the western world. Not a single Murdoch paper in the world opposed the invasion of Iraq. Editorial independence? What a joke.

Packer's state funeral: another fine example of media independence from government.

The only question is: which is the tail, and which is the dog?
Posted by AMSADL, Wednesday, 22 February 2006 9:37:12 AM
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Good article, the Australian articles are rarely objective or constructive. But thats journalism for some.
Posted by Fellow_Human, Wednesday, 22 February 2006 10:15:29 AM
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If you are concerned by attitudes and behaviour towards women, look into structural problems of poverty, male domination, patriachy and misogyny. Please, I beg of you, do not make out like these very same issues do not exist as problems in Western communities. Woman abuse is not limited to minority ethic communities in this country. Mr Howard should be concerned with violence against women in general, rather than attempting to pigeon hole Muslims as the uncivilised other; people who are perhaps more accepting of woman abuse than their dominant mainstream White Australian counterparts.
Posted by strayan, Wednesday, 22 February 2006 10:19:00 AM
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Well again we have Irfan Yusef insinuating Australian as either bigoted or at best just ignorant, then goes on to show how the Australian has a “biased” attitude towards Moslems, because of their own attitudes towards our society because of the Moslem failure to integrate into our society.

What you fail to appreciate is that we do not have to integrate into your backward society – quite the opposite as you have migrated here and you have to integrate into OUR society – understand the difference there – or do I, lime many other continually bash our heads against a brick wall?

I am aware that we have had other Moslem migrants here and of course they have been peaceful, however we now have the Lebanese Moslems who cannot even live peacefully in their own community importing their own brand of mongrel attitude – one that bites the hand that feeds it.

The article referred to by Megalogenis is really a wake up call – of course many Turks, Afghans and some Bosnians have migrated and integrated into Australian society - BUT Moslems are not a race – they are dangerous monotheists and to deny that only shows your own ignorance and I for one do not want a Moslem culture dominating in Australia after all from your own Koran, Mohammed was a murderer, war monger, adulterer and paedophile – what a hero to follow?

Islam is a missionary dogma like any other – but the difference is you can tell a Mormon and a Jehovah to rack off – and they do not take out their swords and kill you. Moslem missionaries in Australia – right – I have heard their message loud and clear, filled with violence and hatred and not much peace about them – BUT how many other religions are there allowed in Saudi Arabia?

You want respect – fine, I will respect you with the same respect you show me, I will respect your women with the same respect my women are shown. However remember that respect has to be earned, not given on demand.
Posted by Kekenidika, Wednesday, 22 February 2006 10:22:01 AM
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It appears the larger Australian community is always accused of being ignorant of Muslims and Islamic culture in general. Yet I see nothing in the persistent writings of the author that attempts to set the record straight- as usual the buck is passed (to Howard and the media) and the hard questions dodged. Surely Australian muslims are not blind to the fact that a small proportion of their community has exploited their religion to justify violence, degredation of women and other immoral behaviour?

Has cultural relativism become so muddy that Christians and muslims cannot find common ground on the treatment of women and street violence? Instead of branding those gang rapists 'Pakistani and Lebanese' and ignoring their obvious muslim heritage, why not offer an unequivocal condemnation? I read recently that a 'moderate' Islamic leader in Australia stated that "those with extremist views should not be open about them or leave Australia." Shouldn't those with extremist views not have them at all!?

Greek, Italian and Asian Australians can often be drawn into a conversation on their views of segments of the muslim community. This shows this is not a racially motivated nor influenced debate. It is about the pragmatics of the situation. The longer the situation is denied and largely ignored the stronger the chances are that the debate will become about race and culture and less about the criminal actions of a small group of disenfranchised young people.
Posted by wre, Wednesday, 22 February 2006 10:33:50 AM
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Irfan attacks 'The Australian', John Howard, Politicians, Cultural Australia, well every one and their dog really except himself...

Irfan, the reason for our collective views on islam are your your very religio-political practices as found in your holy books.

Instead of looking at the problem in the mirror you are acting like a halal chook that has just been decapitated!

You forget one thing - we can read and critically analyse your "holy" texts and read YOU between the lines also.

Islam will never adapt anywhere - it is doomed for implosion for two reasons:

1. Self-critique is impossible - Islam is stuck with an immutable Qur’an riddled with atrocious misconceptions and false teachings which being ” the direct word from allah” the texts can never be challenged therefore will never lead to a ‘reformation’

2. Arrogant Blindness - The cultural thrust of islam is xenophobia: antisocial, antidemocratic, anti-women, anti-Christian, anti-Jews, anti-Buddhist, etc… attracting more and more criticism and worldwide intolerance to which the muslim clerics are bluntly refuting
Posted by coach, Wednesday, 22 February 2006 10:34:09 AM
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