Comment History for Andras Smith
The Forum > User Index > Andras Smith > Comment History
» 3/12/2024 4:14:18 AM More evidence that SusPopAus spruiks opinion based junk (social) science word salads masqu.....
» 3/12/2024 4:04:08 AM Rogan* and peers in the 'manosphere' are not very listenable, presume even Rogan.... has t.....
» 13/11/2024 4:04:33 AM Abbott needs a tap on the shoulder and a heads up on the ecosystem his workplace inhabits .....
» 13/11/2024 3:51:47 AM More dumb ass crusties promoting the US nativist Rockefeller Bros. ZPG now Tanton Network .....
» 28/10/2024 9:46:09 PM Many have said that Bob needs a heads up on this network, but coming from the NSW right in.....
» 28/10/2024 7:14:33 PM False, by conflating since 2006 NOM expansion, far more international students counted int.....
» 21/10/2024 5:05:57 PM Fact is we are dealing with imported US GOP anti-abortion agitprop propagated by parts of .....
» 23/09/2024 2:26:29 PM How many ageing nativist conservatives led by Howard, Abbott, Downer; US fossil fuel Atlas.....
» 22/07/2024 5:59:58 PM Orwelian, the writer must be in another world to not hear the rhetoric of the GOP and see .....
» 10/07/2024 1:52:36 AM 'Degrowth' is a right wing fossil fueled PR construct based on the debunked pseudo science.....
» 10/07/2024 1:41:06 AM The author ignores voter suppression of up to 400K mostly young people, wall to wall RW MS.....
» 10/07/2024 1:38:13 AM In the Anglosphere and parts of Europe, where one sees the influence of US fossil fuel Atl.....
» 1/07/2024 6:30:10 PM Maverick, one agrees firstly much of the Wikileaks dumps apparently had hallmarks of FSB/G.....
» 25/06/2024 12:01:38 AM Written by someone employed in an authoritarian fossil fuel corrupt racket monarchy of a n.....
» 24/06/2024 11:52:39 PM The writer, a former Wikileaks Party candidate, like too many on the right and the faux an.....
» 10/06/2024 8:19:19 PM Farage like Assange, Wikileaks, GOP, Kochs, Fox News et al. couldn't get enough of Putin's.....
» 10/06/2024 8:15:39 PM The influence of the QLD LNP, thanks to Gina, IPA & Murdoch media, spreads further includi.....
» 31/05/2024 4:54:13 PM Population is growing, mostly due to us, but slowing everyday.... Problem solved 'the glo.....
» 30/05/2024 1:02:34 AM Good overview, while Australia and the Anglosphere have been led up the garden path by the.....
» 28/05/2024 6:07:52 PM Bob 'Australia's best demographer' Birrell and Katherine 'Camp of the Saints' Betts who ha.....
» 25/05/2024 7:47:43 PM Divergence: I take it that you have shares in MB :) Like MB you denigrate Australian demo.....
» 24/05/2024 6:32:54 PM Divergence, why don't you access credible research vs. RW media anecdotes supporting its o.....
» 23/05/2024 11:11:51 PM The article is a mash of talking points that are written to confuse and mask the fact that.....
» 8/04/2024 6:38:47 PM Australia the innovative nation and clever country, not. Flogging a dead horse in the cau.....
» 27/03/2024 12:39:37 AM No Stephen S, you are wrong e.g. conflating ABS/Treasury to muddy the water, like most SPA.....
» 25/03/2024 7:21:07 PM Cited Farage and Bolt, but missed one or two others eg. Bannon and emergent Lee Anderson i.....
» 25/03/2024 7:02:54 PM No, we do not have have high immigration, but high temporary border movements or churn ove.....
» 21/03/2024 9:03:58 PM Maverick: Says much about you, Russians and Assange's supporters who too often are right w.....
» 20/03/2024 1:18:14 AM From Pekka K's Vatnik Soup includes Assange but this on Trump Campaign's Roger Stone http.....
» 20/03/2024 1:12:26 AM WTF? - Not Again one agrees and worse, think it was not financial or business strategy by .....
» 11/03/2024 6:10:15 PM Not sure what data the author is drawing on, but one observes the phenomenon not widely, j.....
» 2/03/2024 6:32:22 PM One would trust informed and credible sources vs. opinions and beliefs relying on dubious .....
» 1/03/2024 3:49:49 PM AC, you are offering opinion by claiming it's just somebody's opinion or the FBI culture; .....
» 29/02/2024 12:33:26 AM AC think false equivalence.... For example, if you read summary and reporting of the Muel.....
» 26/02/2024 9:42:24 PM We don't have 'high immigration', but higher border movements due to international educati.....
» 26/02/2024 2:54:24 PM False equivalence and conspiracy. Too many Australians avert their gaze from Assange's b.....
» 17/01/2024 9:24:19 PM No need to patronise me, but you seem to suggest that 'dispatchable' sources are absolutel.....
» 17/01/2024 4:51:24 PM Where is the evidence for your claims? You make no mention of batteries, home e.g. solar.....
» 16/01/2024 6:57:10 PM Interesting opinions lacking any scientific support? Suppose one cannot expect more from .....
» 16/01/2024 6:55:17 PM Suppose one cannot expect more from the Atlas or Koch Network linked US fossil fuel Heartl.....
» 11/01/2024 12:43:44 AM Sure, if you listen to US &/or UK RW conservate ecologists following Malthus & Galton, but.....
» 8/01/2024 8:04:08 PM Malthus and Galton? Australia's 'best demographer' Jack Caldwell outlined a generation ag.....
» 10/12/2023 12:25:01 AM The writer does not 'believe' in the 'free market' nor follow science? One would prefer t.....
» 10/12/2023 12:12:51 AM Interesting how the left abhor Kissinger but adopt bipartisan approach on the views of a f.....
» 6/12/2023 12:47:36 AM Finnish (next door to Russia) social media research and academic (but not a user) Pekka K......
» 4/12/2023 8:56:57 PM A word salad and whine masquerading as demographic analysis, while the writer is linked to.....
» 28/11/2023 3:59:24 AM Doing the bidding of wealthy 'elites' and boomers dominating before they start disappearin.....
» 19/11/2023 9:40:05 PM Australian based 'analysis' is bonkers.... US faux academic grifter Mearsheimer has no cr.....
» 11/11/2023 12:49:13 AM He's afforded the law like others, and more when confidentiality was given, that not avail.....
» 11/09/2023 6:17:27 PM The dirty little secret that the Australian left cannot consider is that Assange willingly.....
» 5/09/2023 1:18:35 AM QANTAS have been clever over past generation in having governments cater to them commercia.....
» 5/09/2023 1:10:16 AM Cross post from Macrobusiness (influenced by the pro Russian Zero Hedge) masquerading as r.....
» 28/08/2023 6:50:09 PM Classic non science, but a socio-political response, with fossil fuels Koch Network via th.....
» 28/08/2023 6:45:08 PM The naive and narcissistic Assange did much to help the right, Russians, GOP and Trump, wh.....
» 18/08/2023 11:58:21 PM You use a lot of words trying to explain your antipathy towards Israelites or those of the.....
» 18/08/2023 6:48:57 PM You do know that Wiki is not a credible source nor did you attempt any direct rebuttal any.....
» 17/08/2023 5:16:09 PM Canem Malum: No, it's not a (lazy) pejorative, but a fact that Australia's (US & UK) nativ.....
» 15/08/2023 10:49:07 PM Fascinating watching a 'blue on blue' rumble, with media and authorities desperate in tryi.....
» 14/08/2023 6:03:40 PM Confusing using 'headline data' with neither context nor definitions provided e.g. 'immigr.....
» 7/08/2023 5:43:28 PM Assange was naive in accepting and passing on stolen DNC emails, from the Russians, to adv.....
» 7/08/2023 5:34:21 PM 'Corrupt judge Walter Sofronoff, who faces up to 6 months jail and owns a plane at Toowoom.....
» 7/08/2023 5:32:09 PM According to another source: 'Walter Sofronoff has gone into hiding after illegally leaki.....
» 18/07/2023 5:51:16 PM 'Why shouldn't alternative views be published and allowed to stand up to scientific, acade.....
» 18/07/2023 12:45:27 AM Thanks for the non science/non academic feedback, but you seem more intent on suggesting, .....
» 17/07/2023 5:51:52 PM Sure that renowned geo-political expert Keating would agree, but.... 'the Kosovo affair c.....
» 17/07/2023 5:36:26 PM This article implies Covid conspiracy without evidence or based on an article that did not.....
» 10/07/2023 7:06:18 PM In Melbourne private Haileybury College, with main campus in outer eastern suburbs, Keysbo.....
» 3/07/2023 6:48:26 PM What's the source of the article? We now like government intervention vs. the free market.....
» 14/06/2023 6:03:26 AM 'Over 2005-06, John Howard near-doubled net migration. His opponent Kim Beazley caved.' M.....
» 18/04/2023 3:39:27 AM This has the whiff of Koch all over it linking issues of anti-abortion with climate scienc.....
» 13/03/2023 7:33:06 PM Agree with the argument, but there have been some who argue that Russia's demographic posi.....
» 13/03/2023 7:16:36 PM Makes property sound like a Ponzi scheme that's dependent upon, amongst other variables, A.....
» 27/02/2023 8:03:00 PM More evidence of Red (Green) Brown alliances in promoting the same pro Putin agitprop, who.....
» 22/02/2023 12:57:23 AM Interesting in highlighting supposed issues as a narrative but as always, coy on any 'solu.....
» 13/02/2023 3:40:58 AM Citing this in first paragraph takes away any credibility: 'Prominent anti war activist, .....
» 31/01/2023 12:52:44 AM Here's a question for others, if you stop all or severely crimp immigration, i.e. includin.....
» 31/01/2023 12:42:12 AM More conservative fossil fueled Malthusian clap trap or pseudo science narratives masquera.....
» 23/01/2023 7:59:18 PM Steve S: A good example of the 'libertarian trap' and a long game... 'I wouldn't say Exxo.....
» 23/01/2023 7:54:02 PM How many years have Australians of all stripes been happy to blame, without any scientific.....
» 10/01/2023 9:02:12 PM Yuyutsu: Did you read this part at the end? 'politics which motivates some people to deny.....
» 9/01/2023 8:58:26 PM The 'freedom movement' was a confection of Koch Network think tanks, via a website in Germ.....
» 3/01/2023 6:58:13 PM Peter van O's suggestion on social issues etc. being bypassed in favour of conscience vote.....
» 29/12/2022 7:38:07 PM Divergence: Think you need to learn what academic or research credibility is? It's not ju.....
» 21/12/2022 7:30:22 PM Divergence: A 'credible source' is not a non expert person from another field or disciplin.....
» 20/12/2022 7:53:10 PM Divergence, try harder on credibility inc. sources and presentation, fail; otherwise you a.....
» 19/12/2022 8:36:40 PM Rather than celebrate improved health, education and longevity (hence, sustain higher popu.....
» 13/12/2022 12:52:52 AM Rache: Agree, Overton window going so far right many of the right are being pushed to the .....
» 12/12/2022 7:20:29 PM A rusted on paid up active Lib member cousin in Melbourne, familiar with Frydenberg (same .....
» 12/12/2022 6:52:41 PM Interesting article and important role APEC has, with which Australia can participate with.....
» 14/11/2022 7:20:21 PM Issue with this 'analysis' include the first paragraph, 'sources' and how they are used to.....
» 7/11/2022 7:34:35 PM Not a credible argument blaming undefined 'immigration' nor using non expert sources i.e. .....
» 24/10/2022 6:13:40 PM Italy and much of the developed world need more than the 'great replacement' but focus, as.....
» 26/09/2022 2:49:27 AM Not a monarchist, but..... many on the fossil fueled nativist libertarian right in media a.....
» 19/09/2022 11:20:03 PM Basic maths, analysis and demographic awareness are not the strong points of many.... The.....
» 19/09/2022 11:12:07 PM As someone who should have been a rusted on Liberal, one thinks there is a simple explanat.....
» 6/09/2022 5:44:43 PM Of course not, they just promote junk science, data illiteracy and dog whistle (post 1970s.....
» 5/09/2022 11:21:20 PM Because he uses Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) ideology masquerading as demographi.....
» 5/09/2022 7:02:11 PM What are you talking about? You can't have it both ways, a healthy economy for all while.....
» 5/09/2022 4:55:39 PM If you are not data literate, then you could inform yourselves on demographics and decline.....
» 5/09/2022 4:47:26 PM The article avoids credible research deferring to nativist opinion masquerading as economi.....
» 16/08/2022 5:24:27 PM Paul agree. The attitude of most here and in the mainstream neither understand demographic.....
» 16/08/2022 11:42:42 AM Unfortunately in Australia too much of our media, politics and social narratives and polic.....
» 15/08/2022 10:03:15 AM Not informed, can you explain the shrinking working age cohort in Oz and most of the world.....
» 15/08/2022 9:53:35 AM Much of the actions round Taiwan from PRC maybe more about Xi needing to shore up domestic.....
» 15/08/2022 9:46:40 AM Interesting relationship being made between NZE and population? Australians and the Anglo.....
» 15/08/2022 9:11:50 AM Since when have Macrobusiness and/or the SMH been credible sources? Australia's working a.....
» 19/07/2022 5:18:38 PM Why do old left and right of the Anglosphere, in far away places, agree on Russia being a .....
» 18/07/2022 10:56:40 AM This Anglo or US centric analysis requires one to bypass the facts and interests of people.....
» 4/07/2022 9:57:41 AM Maybe the author of the article could learn something about academic credibility? An ane.....
» 7/06/2022 11:50:12 PM The L & NP are looking at two electoral cycles minimum out of power when they have lost th.....
» 1/06/2022 3:30:48 AM The Libs could try to replicate what they did well in the '70s, esp. Victoria, before they.....
» 3/05/2022 3:57:04 AM Agree, Private Eye did a great investigative report (no longer done by Oz media) on 'Londo.....
» 3/05/2022 3:40:06 AM Interesting how so many people think their own beliefs are scientific versus actual scienc.....
» 28/04/2022 2:00:24 AM CM: Still, what are you offering, i.e. credible analysis, that can be interrogated? AC: S.....
» 28/04/2022 12:16:31 AM CM: Not even worth responding to when you simply 'shoot messengers' AC: 'Russia is achiev.....
» 27/04/2022 12:38:09 AM Related to Christianity i.e. Orthodox in both Russia and Ukraine (effectively had their ow.....
» 27/04/2022 12:22:04 AM Think some salient points need to be included to explain the background; Anglosphere white.....
» 23/04/2022 11:38:44 PM 'Russian Federation based and a couple especially of "alternative' news websites from.....
» 23/04/2022 5:03:47 PM What 'western propaganda' examples can you offer? What evidence can you offer of Hungarian.....
» 22/04/2022 7:45:41 PM No, different people. However, do you actually have something more substantive to state ab.....
» 21/04/2022 11:38:01 PM One needs to be quite ignorant or willing to avert their gaze on populist autocrats like O.....
» 21/04/2022 7:16:40 PM DD: Your analysis consists solely of 'I don’t believe you!'..........
» 21/04/2022 3:57:15 AM Anglosphere nativist libertarian conservatives, where do their loyalties lie? Orban, des.....
» 14/04/2022 8:51:27 PM Foxy: :) CM: You have learnt the tactics of Murdoch media, GOP, the alt right and the rela.....
» 14/04/2022 12:40:15 AM Don't ever let anyone tell you that nativist conservatives are paranoid about any scrutiny.....
» 13/04/2022 7:36:53 PM AC: What does a document about the USSR inc. Ukraine of the '60s in the 20th century have .....
» 13/04/2022 3:24:31 AM 'Global Research, features a Canadian domain name and offers an ever-expanding collection .....
» 13/04/2022 3:19:56 AM 'The myth far-right zealots run Ukraine is Russian propaganda.
» 12/04/2022 8:07:13 PM Would add some related news, from conservative historian and political analyst Anne Appleb.....
» 12/04/2022 7:51:29 PM CM: Don't be so paranoid, 'tearing down Anglosphere society' Anglosphere promoters from th.....
» 11/04/2022 11:38:02 PM If this is the fault of the US (or NATO, EU, Anglo Saxons, 'the west' etc.) why are Koch I.....
» 11/04/2022 11:18:45 PM CM: You have unwittingly revealed a dark side of contemporary Anglosphere WASP culture, na.....
» 11/04/2022 7:00:19 PM Even Fairfax last week platformed the rebooting of the Biden Jnr. laptop conspiracy, drawi.....
» 11/04/2022 6:50:00 PM Says a lot about supposed conservative and/or nativist libertarians when a significant sma.....
» 27/03/2022 11:37:28 PM Via Putin's actions there was a clear and compromised weakness in the 'west', especially t.....
» 21/03/2022 9:43:33 PM This more a puff piece for Putin from the Anglosphere nativist libertarian right, masquera.....
» 1/03/2022 2:06:28 AM Just talking with a friend how Australia desperately needs media diversity and skills of c.....
» 28/02/2022 10:08:33 PM The NATO issue has been over-egged and past history belies Putin's claims e.g. when Romani.....
» 28/02/2022 9:55:54 PM Meanwhile US and Oz media are desperate to link Putin - Ukraine project to Xi - China then.....
» 8/02/2022 2:20:55 AM Agree with Rache's comment. Australia has mostly right wing nativist conservative libertar.....
» 3/02/2022 1:43:00 AM In history Jews, Muslims and in some contexts, Catholics, were looked down upon by WASPs a.....
» 18/01/2022 10:13:37 PM 'in the papers' with an axe to grind in support of radical right and antipathy towards any.....
» 18/01/2022 2:54:46 AM Then we have the Aussie great patriot Tony Abbott nominally acting as trade envoy for post.....
» 18/01/2022 1:38:48 AM This statement is telling: 'There was a time when a PhD was a tome-like document infused .....
» 18/01/2022 1:20:41 AM How many of these examples are simply imported Kochian libertarian agitprop masking deep s.....
» 10/01/2022 4:57:14 AM Mr. abusive, shouty and unhinged narcissist acting as shadowminister whose hubris preclude.....
» 6/01/2022 6:08:38 AM It was not a 'secular democracy', it was one party rule dictated by Ataturk, with national.....
» 5/01/2022 7:55:22 PM Nothing like a bit of glib one liner abuse in lieu of any knowledge or understanding in a .....
» 5/01/2022 12:52:35 AM Think the writer needs to learn more about science and raises the old chestnut, why are in.....
» 5/01/2022 12:33:06 AM Is this news when many citizens of the same nations have known this forever? Turkey base.....
» 5/01/2022 12:14:06 AM Stating the obvious, what credibility does Jo Nova have and why would anyone follow her 'a.....
» 15/12/2021 9:42:19 PM ttbn why bother if you have nothing of substance to contribute except to disrupt any narra.....
» 15/12/2021 8:46:20 PM Funny, conservatives acting a 'Praetorian Guard' desperate to do the bidding of the 'power.....
» 13/12/2021 11:49:17 PM Nothing to do with 'conservatives', centre or left, it's radical right libertarian tactics.....
» 13/12/2021 7:17:35 PM How smart are Australian conservatives nowadays being led into a US cul de sac that will '.....
» 13/12/2021 7:08:16 PM Too many are encouraged think that Covid and health responses are simply a personal choice.....
» 7/12/2021 3:56:13 AM Hilarious how nativist &/or authoritarian conservatives bleat endlessly about the ABC whil.....
» 29/11/2021 8:39:07 PM Good article and one recalls till a decade ago, if that, anything solar was disappeared by.....
» 15/11/2021 7:35:19 PM Interesting how supposed libertarians of the right or conservative bent want to regulate m.....
» 3/11/2021 4:08:45 AM Worldometer uses same flawed UNPD data..... the latter is coming under question for always.....
» 2/11/2021 3:28:04 AM Says a lot about the state of Australian LNP politics, media and commentary when mooted Vo.....
» 2/11/2021 12:39:59 AM Interesting coincidence that articles are emerging in the Anglosphere round COP26 with sim.....
» 4/10/2021 8:10:20 PM Unlike too many Australians, anyone entering, like elsewhere, will be vaccinated, as even .....
» 1/10/2021 11:52:46 PM Back to the original post 'Australia’s ‘Measuring Social Inclusion’ survey showed that 60%.....
» 1/10/2021 9:06:22 PM Good news is, like George Bush has complained, with the radical right libertarian ideologu.....
» 1/10/2021 8:58:46 PM I suppose now Dan Andrews is responsible for Berejiklian resigning today? Better news, t.....
» 28/09/2021 3:48:33 AM Gaia can be neither proved .....
» 28/09/2021 12:20:00 AM Yuyutsu, just another example of rhetorical tricks based upon opinion: 'Honest vaccinated.....
» 27/09/2021 9:05:01 PM Radical right libertarians crying into their keyboards claiming US 'freedom and liberty' w.....
» 27/09/2021 8:58:06 PM How do we deal with our political and related elites from the LNP, media and individuals w.....
» 27/09/2021 8:54:05 PM Australians are the only people or nation in the world that are absolutely obsessed with t.....
» 27/09/2021 8:37:52 PM Elsewhere i.e. states in the EU, no vaccination = no access, but a universal EU standard o.....
» 27/09/2021 8:29:54 PM As a rusted on Liberal Party voting relative had to explain to an 'outlaw' citing the 'gre.....
» 27/09/2021 8:21:45 PM By citing 'Gaia' it's obvious that any analysis is not based on science but more on radica.....
» 21/09/2021 3:49:30 AM Works quite well in many EU nations e.g. Austria the original home of von Hayek and allows.....
» 21/09/2021 3:41:18 AM There is an issue i.e. the Worldometer data is based upon UNPD population data which has b.....
» 7/09/2021 12:55:10 AM One has no issue with the shaming of a public figure craving publicity breaking restrictio.....
» 23/08/2021 8:40:22 PM What we do observe of the far/alt right or neo-Nazis is fairly minor nor locally organic, .....
» 17/08/2021 1:00:10 AM The Liberal Party lost its way decades ago with the ascendancy of Howard, Murdoch and the .....
» 10/08/2021 4:48:05 AM Actually some interesting commentary here, and one could add for a great historical overvi.....
» 10/08/2021 4:26:29 AM I know many who are conservative, but amongst the same are a noisy minority fed by our med.....
» 4/08/2021 8:17:56 PM SR you can add the Czarist anti-semitic hoax that still has legs 'The Protocols of the Lea.....
» 3/08/2021 3:05:42 AM Some would suggest this is another delaying tactic to avoid regulatory constraints on foss.....
» 3/08/2021 12:06:01 AM Israel has another issue too, reflected in a conversation of the past with a Turkish fello.....
» 2/08/2021 11:58:03 PM There is an adage that Australian politicians, especially nationally, are generally up to .....
» 2/08/2021 11:47:48 PM I have heard this all before e.g. Peter van O. claiming the Nazis were socialist (due to n.....
» 29/06/2021 3:23:17 AM Resistance to any measures against Covid19 and encouraging scepticism or denialism has bee.....
» 25/06/2021 12:01:04 AM individual: What does this means 'Andras Smith, Have you got permission to walk around fre.....
» 23/06/2021 10:13:38 PM Don't worry all, Andras is actually Hungarian which CM et al. should respect like good lit.....
» 22/06/2021 3:12:02 AM Canem Malum: keep shooting messengers and offer nothing substantive.........
» 22/06/2021 12:52:19 AM Quite interesting how conservatives and/or libertarians feel compelled to pack on and crit.....
» 15/06/2021 2:04:54 AM Thank God for secularism which was originally about stopping Christian sub cults killing e.....
» 8/06/2021 7:45:55 PM Your statement defies reality 'i hear where you are coming from, but corrupt leftists are .....
» 8/06/2021 7:12:13 PM 'The Age last month revealed the family of trucking magnate Lindsay Fox had sought legal a.....
» 7/06/2021 11:57:43 PM Hungary and the ruling govt. are a good example of what has gone wrong with 'conservatives.....
» 7/06/2021 8:44:16 PM Racism has its roots in Galton's eugenics and Malthus on population, with many fellow trav.....
» 7/06/2021 8:34:24 PM The Libs need to stop picking these Trumpian or sociocultural wars with society, education.....
» 31/05/2021 9:57:21 PM Former PM Credlin and especially her Sky AD colleagues are becoming one of Labor's elector.....
» 25/05/2021 3:10:22 AM Alan B., with your comment: 'She would have focused her attention with microscopic detail.....
» 25/05/2021 2:40:05 AM Interesting overview of how AFL/NRL dominates, but one would suggest, in the past and for .....
» 18/05/2021 11:49:06 PM Forgot to add the feedback from SPA types years ago about the focus of SPLC, i.e. John Tan.....
» 18/05/2021 6:26:48 PM Maajid Nawaz channeling John Tanton and the same eco-system as SPA, he got away with embar.....
» 17/05/2021 9:30:55 PM There are now vaccines available, with many nations already well into vaccination programs.....
» 11/05/2021 8:01:55 PM Good try, whingeing and moaning dressed up as informed analysis? What's next wheel out env.....
» 11/05/2021 6:25:24 PM 'Talking your book again, Andras, as an "education consultant" bringing in forei.....
» 11/05/2021 12:10:27 AM You still have not presented anything but demand one follows your 'logic' and manners (lac.....
» 10/05/2021 9:09:53 PM Do you have a clear question or argument supported by credible data, that can be tested? .....
» 10/05/2021 9:01:07 PM Australia can stand on the side lines claiming unique environment requiring low population.....
» 10/05/2021 8:47:42 PM Please, the writer has academic background but then goes onto provide little if any credib.....
» 10/05/2021 8:40:21 PM This seems mostly about promoting an opinion or claim, without any credible support or evi.....
» 10/05/2021 8:32:19 PM Agree, not just misanthropist, but much to do with Malthus and Darwin's relative Galton an.....
» 23/04/2021 1:22:26 AM Attacking Andrews like NewsCorp et al. have done is simply disingenuous when most of the d.....
» 19/04/2021 8:10:57 PM Abbott channeling Andrew Bolt, pre enlightenment values and eugenics (same was posted in D.....
» 19/04/2021 7:54:01 PM I agree with SR, very sketchy article based on unclear sources and assuming a constant wit.....
» 16/04/2021 12:37:17 AM Clear that the ABC is important to those willing dupes and useful idiots claiming to need .....
» 13/04/2021 12:22:19 AM Hilarious watching the conditioned paranoia of 'conservatives' doing the bidding of Murdoc.....
» 31/03/2021 2:58:42 AM This raises another question, if 'Critical Race Theory' is guidance for and evidence of an.....
» 11/03/2021 3:36:27 AM Respond to what? A list of conspiracy theories round Biden without any substantive support.....
» 10/03/2021 10:32:31 PM Galen: The public record via credible media clearly states that Biden has suffered from a .....
» 8/03/2021 10:17:28 PM Disagree with the analysis and conclusions as too much focus upon population (growth) and .....
» 8/03/2021 10:05:26 PM This seems more about justifying delays in environmental actions and phasing out of fossil.....
» 8/03/2021 9:47:32 PM Galen: Biden has suffered from and struggled with a speech stutter from childhood. How go.....
» 8/03/2021 9:42:09 PM Headline 'popular' votes, backgrounded by increasingly ageing (permanent) population (moti.....
» 2/02/2021 3:51:51 AM Bazz, you can use others' work under 'fair dealing' laws, from TC: 'Australian copyright .....
» 26/01/2021 12:54:28 AM ttbn: 'In the UK, the emotive advertising of an 'even worse strain' of the virus that has .....
» 19/01/2021 3:25:56 AM One often worries about the direction of supposed 'conservative' and/or centre right polit.....
» 12/01/2021 3:43:54 AM Interesting, plus one observes how many people put media and politics on a pedestal of bel.....
» 12/01/2021 3:18:48 AM Interesting how the noisiest promoters against abortion are found in the Republican Party .....
» 11/01/2021 9:30:09 PM Denigrating, demonising and scapegoating education, teachers, educated people, science and.....
» 5/01/2021 12:51:22 AM Like Aidan comments, the article seems so desperate that it is incomplete i.e. neither exp.....
» 5/01/2021 12:43:24 AM Good overview but backgrounded by mostly silence from those who supported Brexit, and with.....
» 29/12/2020 9:09:48 PM Fact is that the EU should have told 'global Britain' to hop it years ago..... for being a.....
» 26/10/2020 9:16:26 PM Erdogan in fact fears Europe or the EU for what they can do economically to Turkey, and he.....
» 24/08/2020 6:29:35 PM Interesting analysis, however it conflates medium term temporary 'churn over' of temp work.....
» 20/07/2020 6:49:12 PM 'Conservative' needs a clear definition while it changes across borders, as does 'liberal'.....
» 7/07/2020 6:03:47 AM There are several problems for the Australian right including PR or media (support) preclu.....
» 24/06/2020 5:25:31 PM Divergence, too easy, just shoot the messenger when your beliefs are under attack. You ci.....
» 23/06/2020 6:02:14 PM Only a small minority of temporary churn over 'migrants' are eligible and remain long term.....
» 23/06/2020 4:08:22 AM Australia used to have a good brand or image from the outside but that has become negative.....
» 23/06/2020 3:43:27 AM Unclear and confusing analysis citing and relating migration, net migration and population.....
» 22/05/2020 9:28:32 PM Don't ever let anyone tell you that many Australians pine for the nostalgia of the 'yellow.....
» 20/05/2020 1:37:32 AM 'Immigration' or 'Migration' have been confused during the last 15 years since the UN Popu.....
» 20/05/2020 1:22:03 AM The NOM is not a target but a barometer (unrelated to the permanent migration cap of 160k).....
» 5/05/2020 7:26:43 PM The authors cited, like others, have synthesised credible research vs. promoting beliefs a.....
» 5/05/2020 8:52:49 AM Not sure of the relevance of your opinion Mr Opinion? Fertility rates started declining d.....
» 5/05/2020 7:26:13 AM Various assets previously over valued, and sectors will be impacted, and housing real esta.....
» 5/05/2020 7:05:00 AM Wrong title for Pearce's book, 'planet' not 'earth', summary continued: In The Coming Pop.....
» 5/05/2020 6:57:37 AM Synthesis of credible population research, excludes ZPG and Club of Rome related Paul 'pop.....
» 31/03/2020 5:22:09 AM Don't ever let anyone tell you that the LNP, MPs, corporates and think tanks ever kowtow t.....
» 24/02/2020 9:06:58 AM Club of Rome, Limits to Growth PR construct and ZPG Zero Population Growth (Paul 'populati.....
» 24/12/2019 8:21:52 AM The English used to complain about the Romans, Vikings, Normans, Hugenot, Irish, Scottish,.....
» 23/12/2019 10:46:33 AM Was privy to some Australian and other management of a global UK company who described Bre.....
» 29/07/2019 10:10:19 AM 'When the majority of British referendum voters opted for Leave, they gave their Parliamen.....
» 14/01/2019 9:01:29 AM One could argue that the LNP has effectively become socialist, of sorts, how? Integrating.....
» 13/01/2019 3:29:10 PM Turkey of the '90s is a good starting point to understand the behaviour of Balkan states a.....
» 11/06/2018 10:59:12 AM Absolutely simplistic binary not dissimilar to belief in God vs no belief. We always shar.....
» 22/04/2018 11:35:07 AM Corporate and other sponsors can give and take away sponsorship according to their wishes......
» 14/04/2018 4:58:29 PM 40% of youth assume they have no future in Hungary and plan to leave for the EU and furthe.....
» 20/01/2018 9:59:19 PM 'If one examines our own situation here in Australia the population has grown from 16 mill.....
» 2/01/2018 7:10:54 PM Brexit, like Trumpism and LNP etc. show the decline of WASP global influence, desperate to.....
» 5/11/2017 3:34:28 AM I am confused about what 'Christian values' that Sheridan et al. are promoting? Some week.....
» 9/10/2017 6:14:13 PM Smoke and mirrors with weoponising the 'nebulous' NOM through undefined and expanded defin.....
» 3/09/2017 2:37:05 AM I'm very sceptical of Watson's 'environmental' bona fide as he does have a history of liai.....
» 13/08/2017 12:54:05 AM Agree with Bender's thrust when we can observe a resurgence in authoritarian nativism in U.....
» 23/04/2017 6:36:43 PM I'd suggest that Brexit, had been in the making for three to four decades via constant med.....
» 4/04/2017 7:54:51 PM As another commenter highlighted, Shell etc. are barely treading water nowadays, while Roc.....
» 12/02/2017 4:22:21 AM 'they're coming from a reasonable perspective that rejects the enormous long-term social a.....
» 11/12/2016 10:53:07 PM You know some history, my great grandfather on paternal side did business with Monash's fa.....
» 11/12/2016 8:51:37 PM Here's a question, where would the likes of a randomly selected citizen like Sir John Mona.....
» 10/12/2016 11:07:42 PM OLO commenters seem to confirm what the writer speaks of, while turning OLO into a forum f.....
» 12/11/2016 10:56:59 PM Much of the 'freedom of speech' and PC griping has been used by big 'C' Conservatives and .....
» 8/11/2016 7:17:16 PM One apparently spurious case on a university campus is now being used as a basis to throw .....
» 5/11/2016 7:36:50 PM 'Calculated'? Try applying social science research and theory that demands a very clear an.....
» 30/10/2016 7:39:21 PM Supporters and/or policy makers for Trump, Hanson, and political parties who play up on an.....
» 30/10/2016 7:19:44 PM Issue with 'globalisation' is that everyone seems to have a different perception or unders.....
» 22/10/2016 10:00:20 PM I assume this emphasis upon Christianity and religion in schools is blowback from a genera.....
» 18/09/2016 8:42:12 PM I agree partially about Bob Brown, but his 'colonial' views not as a person. In my opinion.....
» 18/09/2016 8:28:25 AM Trump has no convictions or real policies about anything except glib soundbites that sound.....
» 10/09/2016 10:09:50 PM Apartments have been 'dog whistled' for years on basis of not adhering to Oz housing cultu.....
» 21/08/2016 10:44:18 PM Further, a reason many do not watch Q&A (copied from BBC's Question Time) is that it's abo.....
» 21/08/2016 10:08:24 PM Not sure if one should pay any notice of the writer when they are an associate of ideologi.....
» 2/07/2016 9:11:18 PM It's all very well to bag and blame Europe for perceived ills, seems to be the conservativ.....
» 26/06/2016 6:35:20 PM Much of the 'population growth', 'immigration' and 'unemployment' perceptions are wrong. .....
» 22/06/2016 7:12:58 PM Environmentally friendly while masquerading as lefty enemies of neo liberalism, or plutocr.....
» 20/06/2016 6:51:12 PM Most people can control themselves, no matter how noisy the media etc, become, but there w.....
» 9/04/2016 8:23:28 PM According to comment from LEGO: 'Central to this is to destroy the white European identit.....
» 20/03/2016 8:52:31 PM Trump is not unique as much of the fertile ground he reaps has been developed over generat.....
» 13/12/2015 7:24:53 PM There is neither evidence, nor a picture of how a 'low population (growth)' nirvana will l.....
» 10/12/2015 6:30:27 PM Attack the messenger, how about the message i.e. facts, evidence and analysis :) PS I ha.....
» 10/12/2015 5:40:54 PM One of the most significant drivers of both our estimated resident population and permanen.....
» 10/12/2015 6:08:26 AM Not sure what Dick Smith (former sceptic) et al are on but they do not seem to understand .....
» 21/11/2015 8:42:23 PM 'Limits to Growth' ideas, systems, beliefs etc. are just that, it's not a tested theory wh.....
» 1/11/2015 7:24:01 PM This article tries to paint a benign picture of eugenics i.e. it's about improvement of pe.....
» 6/10/2015 5:07:41 PM Smear the messenger, don't provide any peer reviewed research evidence for claims about 'p.....
» 5/10/2015 7:26:31 PM An ambiguous article that uses confusing and undefined expressions 'progressive', 'conserv.....
» 13/09/2015 7:07:00 PM One of the movement's great protagonists is Donald Trump, but why are the Democrats smilin.....
» 12/09/2015 9:49:05 PM Australian mainstream media don't even need political strategists etc. to encourage them, .....
» 15/08/2015 7:42:56 PM I agree with a little.... Australian universities have never been high quality, nor does O.....
» 25/07/2015 12:13:42 AM Think Mr. Johns has excluded some important biographical information, i.e. being Senior Fe.....
» 12/07/2015 9:31:28 PM As others state here, many managers are not comfortable with home working for various reas.....
» 22/06/2015 6:08:22 PM Think you misunderstand, I am an apt. living protagonist, living in one myself 45sq, built.....
» 21/06/2015 7:33:48 PM Interesting and correct, it is up to a purchaser or tenant to be aware of apartment specif.....
» 6/06/2015 6:57:35 PM People will only stop flying so much with price signals, i.e. expense, but not sure it is .....
» 4/04/2015 6:30:03 PM No matter how much the ACF, Dick Smith, Sustainable Population Australia, Bob Carr, Planne.....
» 4/04/2015 6:15:26 PM There is another context which is affected by the dominance of sporting culture in Austral.....
» 25/01/2015 9:41:53 PM @ Divergence If The Social Contract Press TSCP contributors have naively been taken in by.....
» 25/01/2015 9:01:47 PM One thing not highlighted, and very important, is that Rosling has formal and real experti.....
» 24/01/2015 11:36:05 PM @ Banjo, most focus upon the headline figures which can appear alarming, but the real data.....
» 18/01/2015 7:52:54 PM Interesting article, in addition to the fact that this is not about left vs right, althoug.....
» 18/01/2015 12:42:24 AM Having researched the experience of students and stakeholders in international education, .....
» 11/01/2015 10:09:23 PM @ Yuri I agree, Stone's "Untold History of the USA' is very entertaining but it's mo.....
» 4/01/2015 10:30:16 PM @halduell Good article that explains well the background of the population and anti-immigr.....
» 31/12/2014 10:56:51 PM Curious opinion piece.....based upon anecdotal, no evidence or statistics? Not knowing an.....
» 13/12/2014 9:34:56 PM Comments reflect that American hard right neo con nativist disease, i.e. I don't like some.....
» 4/10/2014 9:18:14 PM Any future strategies involving change will be resisted strongly to maintain the status qu.....
» 4/10/2014 8:54:49 PM Like Putin I think Erdoagan is a product of the system, while Ataturk was the problem or c.....
» 29/09/2014 8:22:54 PM Population growth is not infinite, nor is the earth or humanity finite in a static state s.....
» 25/09/2014 9:35:47 PM So you are one of 'them' who lurch into the social territory about immigrants, population .....
» 25/09/2014 5:40:14 PM Brilliant work Sherlock :) I have often divulged my name and co. here, but OLO does not ha.....
» 24/09/2014 8:35:37 PM International education and the benefits have never been explained by the sector, politici.....
» 14/09/2014 12:57:14 AM I would argue there is context here, via (coincidental?) connections between many in the l.....
» 7/09/2014 6:39:47 PM Not sure whether Putin trolls or naive posters living in an Australian bubble.... The natu.....
» 17/08/2014 7:55:44 PM Incomuicardo, what's the relevance of the Oxford Martin School link to a research report o.....
» 17/08/2014 7:39:55 PM I'd agree with the writer that opinions, beliefs and attitudes are taken at face value or .....
» 7/08/2014 10:18:48 PM What a coincidence, Dr. Bob Birrell is on a propaganda campaign in Australian mainstream m.....
» 5/08/2014 7:30:24 PM Whoops, Shockadelic, for what it's worth, Divergence claimed I had not denied being a migr.....
» 5/08/2014 7:06:34 PM Shockadelic, are you not Mark O'Connor? Like O'Connor you put words into peoples' mouths......
» 4/08/2014 11:19:06 PM More BS from the flat earth society, who is whom? You're very good at telling us what yo.....
» 4/08/2014 8:06:32 PM What else don't you know about science and research? Preferring religious types of belie.....
» 4/08/2014 6:47:26 PM What many don't understand is that if the zero population growthers had their way, we woul.....
» 3/08/2014 9:24:21 PM Much if not all the over population alrmism and spruiking has nothing to do with science b.....
» 26/07/2014 7:30:22 PM Have you done one of John Tanton's writer workshops?* :) Distort, misquote and misunders.....
» 20/07/2014 1:04:08 AM A reference from some whom also have a negative view of SPLC 'Jewish terrorist gang SPLC a.....
» 19/07/2014 11:41:30 PM Regarding issues that Tanton, FAIR, CIS et al have about SPLC Southern Poverty Law Center,.....
» 19/07/2014 11:09:22 PM At least Birrell acknowledges publicly on his profile that he has contributed to Tanton's .....
» 18/07/2014 6:40:26 PM With the John Tanton Network in the background behind a variety of front organisations and.....
» 16/07/2014 6:45:42 PM While desperate for mainstream recognition, it's not worth SPP etc. claiming victimisation.....
» 13/07/2014 8:04:02 PM SPA are predictable, rather than showing empirical evidence for their 'scientific' claims .....
» 12/07/2014 7:23:36 PM It's not an issue of right or left, it's about deep seated beliefs and prejudices held by .....
» 28/06/2014 7:14:05 PM Hardly surprising, a generation of politicians in all mainstream parties including the Gre.....
» 17/05/2014 7:25:31 PM @Arjay anymore conspiracy thoeries? BRIC should read BIC..... and they are now competing w.....
» 17/05/2014 7:17:31 PM Putin knows history and need for xenophobia and scapegoats, with a good dose of cultural s.....
» 12/04/2014 7:56:42 PM Russia is a socio economic basket case led by delusions of grandeur..... outside of main c.....
» 6/04/2014 6:41:49 PM Repetition of such mantras or memes serve's a purpose, like (the oxymoronic) Progressives .....
» 3/04/2014 6:48:11 PM Wouldn't be so sure, we're talking about 28 or fewer people who claim to be eexperts in po.....
» 1/04/2014 9:02:42 PM Like Tanton has commonly complained about anybody being able to breed..... begs the questi.....
» 1/04/2014 5:13:46 PM And there is the neo con style or predilection for smearing or individual personal attacks.....
» 31/03/2014 9:56:48 PM Curious, why aren't the 'sustainable population' spruikers crowing about Adelaide's succes.....
» 31/03/2014 9:42:14 PM Interesting article, and for those negatively concerned about 'population growth', they ne.....
» 15/03/2014 1:42:28 PM Yes and using the language of Birrell et al, those nasty 'global cosmopolitan elites' ... .....
» 15/03/2014 9:19:00 AM The quasi religious cult of John Tanton and his network, with funding from right wing foun.....
» 13/03/2014 8:23:30 PM The SA Greens have really exceeded themselves by not only following the old 'greenwashing'.....
» 2/02/2014 8:36:02 PM There are many inter related issues one can see in the Australian labour market including .....
» 6/01/2014 8:07:24 PM Monash University (not Bob Birrell!) conducted research into the Turkish community 2012 (?.....
» 8/12/2013 3:48:49 AM Not clear due to the brevity of the article if the qualitative side of population data has.....
» 11/11/2013 6:49:13 PM Cohenite, interesting list, but ironically they are all family, i.e. connected to Tony Abb.....
» 4/11/2013 2:57:07 AM Temps contribute then leave without access to pensions, generally don't/can't buy property.....
» 3/11/2013 8:35:07 PM If the CIS Center of Immigration Studies "researches" something it must be true......
» 19/10/2013 1:26:31 AM Not forget New York Times feauture on Ehrlich's, O'Connor's and Birrell's mate John Tanton.....
» 19/10/2013 1:18:46 AM Article supporting Tanton and attacking SPLC for daring to investigate from VDare, a very .....
» 18/10/2013 9:51:31 PM Divergence, so writing for John Tanton's The Social Contract Press is not compromising? A.....
» 17/10/2013 12:48:32 AM Tired of his article or the unwelcome attention to details such as lack of empirical resea.....
» 16/10/2013 7:45:01 PM As SPA/SPP are linked to John Tanton and The Social Contract Press via Mark O'Connor and D.....
» 8/10/2013 4:31:34 AM Making connections, where is the empirical evidence connecting population (growth) with cl.....
» 20/09/2013 10:36:48 PM Related to Birrell and Betts, Birrell is not a demographer and Betts conducted the prized .....
» 20/09/2013 10:13:55 PM According to arch capitalists Deutsche Bank for whom the flat earthers, i.e. anti populati.....
» 15/09/2013 12:56:39 AM 'Last year, in a speech at The Heritage Foundation, Abbott explicitly identified himself a.....
» 2/09/2013 6:23:33 PM Personally (lived/visited Turkey on and off over 20 years) and I become upset when young b.....
» 25/08/2013 1:59:35 AM From the USA a great quote: ' All this "concern" for the "environment".....
» 23/08/2013 4:49:31 AM In addition the fact that even most Republicans avoid Tanton: http://www.cafeconlecherepu.....
» 23/08/2013 2:48:33 AM If one looks at the index of Tanton's The Social Contract Press TSCP from winter 1997-98, .....
» 17/08/2013 8:54:46 PM The organised anti population and anti immigration advocates such as Sustainable Populaton.....
» 12/08/2013 11:47:38 PM It's an issue in Central Eastern Europe, like the laboratory or Petri dish, that is realis.....
» 12/08/2013 10:06:45 PM What does SPP and SPA plan to do, if in their idea of nativist nirvana, Australia's popula.....
» 6/08/2013 6:17:06 PM As Prof Ian Goldin of Oxford University says, the anti immigration and anti population gro.....
» 5/08/2013 8:53:05 PM This article could have been written by US based anti population and anti immigration advo.....
» 5/08/2013 8:41:10 PM "An overzealous scrutiny by the Australian Immigration Department is delaying the dec.....
» 4/08/2013 10:28:02 PM Doug Stanhope talks about some of the myths and attitudes surrounding nationalalism and im.....
» 30/07/2013 3:11:54 AM Interesting article here from almost ten years ago by David Neiwert 'Environmentalism and .....
» 14/07/2013 9:00:36 PM SPP and other anti immigration anti population growth advocates rely upon statistical infl.....
» 6/07/2013 11:43:41 PM Predictable, as explained it's about neither me nor anyone who discusses or describes the .....
» 6/07/2013 9:35:36 PM Some time ago Sustainable Population Australia linked Fiona Heinrichs wrote a piece ".....
» 6/07/2013 9:30:28 PM Curious tactics used by anti immigration and anti population growthers who are very certai.....
» 5/07/2013 6:34:18 PM Talking of racists, another one this lot has been at it, Cory Bernardi's blog re. Ed Huusi.....
» 5/07/2013 7:00:05 AM Progressives for Immigration Reform (whose events Labor MP Kelvin Thompson has attended) h.....
» 2/06/2013 10:30:45 PM Have researched, discussed and dealt with the BC directly and indirectly over the years, w.....
» 2/05/2013 12:31:01 AM Unfortunately our contemporary political and media culture precludes goverments making lon.....
» 3/02/2013 6:53:23 PM +1 Yes all the John Tanton acolytes.....
» 2/02/2013 6:50:14 PM Yes, and they are well versed in diversionary and time wasting tactics, e.g. when asked to.....
» 1/02/2013 7:57:46 PM Yes, the "Australian poet", and white nationalists (as they are politely describ.....
» 30/01/2013 7:53:14 PM +1 You will find connections amongst these networks to some very dubious organisations and.....
» 27/01/2013 1:43:31 AM King's article shows that he understands and uses something the anti population and anti i.....
392 comments in total: 330 article comments, 62 general comments.
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