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The Forum > Article Comments > Why facts (voters) can’t get a look-in against ‘Huge Australia’ groupthink > Comments

Why facts (voters) can’t get a look-in against ‘Huge Australia’ groupthink : Comments

By Stephen Saunders, published 21/3/2024

The dominating ‘Huge Australia’ stakeholders are a diverse lot. United however, by false immigration narratives that railroad voters. Almost impossible to counter, in woke Australia.

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Good on Stephen Saunders. The housing crisis has revealed the manic determination of Huge Australia grifters to carry on with the destructive process of sqeezing as many people as possible into the country. Won't be long until we are all told to save water because of "climate change" and people who shower daily are irresponsible. Water issues will be the only thing that will stop the madness. In time, net zero immigration will have to be included into the constitution to prevent any government doing this again. In the meantime, please avoid voting for Labor,Liberal,fake Green or Fake Teal
Posted by watersnake, Thursday, 21 March 2024 8:37:58 AM
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A well researched article.

The final rule though, is the plight of the losers to the greedy plunder mass migration is to the entitled Democracy hating ruling “class”, must never be spoken about.

On the ground, the anxiety inflicting prospects of homlessness are as real as the abysmal prospects of finding affordable shelter; or often, any shelter at any price.

There also is, carried out in unison to the above hopeless prospects, a vicious persecution of the losing “ class” engaged in the unrecognised survival against the odds stacked against participants in the game of abandonment, played by the winners of the sick mass immigration scam.

If it were anywhere but on these pages of OLO, I’d list some local tragedies , but experience tells me , here among the smug and over pampered, is no place to recruit sympathy of the losers?
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 21 March 2024 8:57:02 AM
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Post WW2 migration 1945 to 1965 was about 100,000 per year. That includes many success stories of those who did well. Now it's 500,000 per year many of whom seem to be miserable and unable to get the jobs and homes they'd hoped for. They are lured in by those peddling the fantasy of 'green growth'. The early signs it may not be working as planned are the housing crisis and declining per capita GDP. Later will come the closure of heavy industry that can no longer get baseload power.

This autumn I've wondered if south eastern Australia will have enough water to grow food and meet other needs. That zone is also running out of gas for industry, homes and power balancing. A precautionary approach would be to try and balance the population and resources we already have. I expect it to come to a head this decade.
Posted by Taswegian, Thursday, 21 March 2024 9:05:05 AM
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“ ….voters have no low-migration option.”?

One Nation
Australian Protectionist Party
Sustainable Australia Party

Plus various independents who appear on ballot papers at election time.

Not popular of course, but perfectly ‘votable’ for people seriously concerned about mass immigration that is sending them broke, trashing their culture, making it hard to find somewhere to live, to see a doctor - and all the other things Big Australia is ripping away from us, just to help out mad, career-driven politicians too incompetent fix the economy without importing iffy foreigners.

But, of course, Australians don't appear to be seriously concerned about anything. it's their fault that they don't get a “look in”.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 21 March 2024 9:15:39 AM
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“Once upon a time, things were good and you didn’t have to talk about immigration. Those golden days are over.” (Jordan Knight, ‘Spectator Australia’)

Knight says that “even federal labor have seen the writing on the wall”: that immigration is “extremely unpopular” with Australians.

Not sure about that.

As they bear the brunt of the costs of mass immigration, the mainly Labor states should be having a strong word with Albanese.

But, as usual, loyal to their dear leader - not their constituents - and blind ideology takes precedence over common sense.

And, immigration comes in only 10th. on the list of voter concerns.

Australians are 1st. on the list of people getting what they deserve from the politicians they keep voting fit.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 21 March 2024 9:39:51 AM
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New immigrants tend to vote for the party in office that let them in,

ie. they're new supporters of Labor...
Posted by Maverick, Thursday, 21 March 2024 9:49:09 AM
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