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The Forum > Article Comments > An accident waiting to happen: NATO looks to Asia > Comments

An accident waiting to happen: NATO looks to Asia : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 12/7/2023

NATO has become, almost shamelessly, the vessel and handmaiden of US power, while its burgeoning expansion eastwards has done wonders to upend the applecart of stability.

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Contrary to the statement in the following paragraph of the article:

"Such views have also pleased former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating, whose waspish ire has also been trained on the NATO Secretary-General. In his latest statement, Stoltenberg was condemnedas "the supreme fool" of "the international stage". "Stoltenberg by instinct and policy, is simply an accident on its way to happen". In thinking that "China should be superintended by the West and strategically circumscribed", the NATO official had overlooked the obvious point that the country "represents twenty percent of humanity and now possesses the largest economy in the world … and has no record for attacking other states, unlike the United States, whose bidding Stoltenberg is happy to do"."

China does have a record for attacking other states. A list of communist Chinese wars may be found at:

In some of those wars, China was the aggressor. China attacked and annexed Tibet. China attacked India and Vietnam. In some of those wars, China was allied with the US. In the game of war, there are few innocents.
Posted by david f, Wednesday, 12 July 2023 10:14:48 AM
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NATO in Asia? Well, a good thing and a desirable outcome. And sure to give the rogue nations, cause to pause and reflect the wisdom of aggression!

It's united we stand, divided we fall.

The Author's take is at best ill-informed and at worst, that of an anti-west fifth columnist?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 12 July 2023 10:41:20 AM
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Meanwhile, in the Workers Paradise also known as Russia, eternal peace and goodwill to all continues........
Posted by Aspley, Wednesday, 12 July 2023 10:54:12 AM
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NATO is bad news for its members as well as for the Asia Pacific. Albanese needs to be reminded that Australian society is friendly and rejects the militarism, propaganda and censorship that is an integral part of the NATO disaster.
Posted by Macedonian advocacy, Wednesday, 12 July 2023 12:55:35 PM
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The Roman Empire will do as it wishes.

NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organisation: Emphasis on North Atlantic. Euro centric.

Drawing Asia into its sphere is an anathema to its original intention of securing National boundaries and individual sovereignty of nation States applicable to Europe.

US would be better advised to hide behind their lies of a UN smoke screen, as it currently does, and continue its own plunder of Sovereign States Globally with honesty.

What is wrong with calling a spade a spade.
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 13 July 2023 5:56:41 AM
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These enablers for war mongers won't rest until we have WW3 !
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 13 July 2023 6:11:32 AM
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