Comment History for dane
The Forum > User Index > dane > Comment History
» 26/04/2015 5:42:08 AM Sarah, I just read your response to One in Three Campaign where you said 'after dane dism.....
» 26/04/2015 5:06:52 AM Sarah, My remark about speciousness made it into your next article! Gave me a good chuckle.....
» 22/04/2015 10:39:13 PM Sarah, Like many advocates who push an agenda rather than look for truth, your use of sta.....
» 22/04/2015 6:53:32 AM Sarah, 'not to respond to people who call me a “cretin”, as dane did' You disparage mill.....
» 16/04/2015 10:56:57 PM Most biggotted artical I've come across in a long time. Terrible generalization after gene.....
» 22/03/2015 7:24:37 AM Tree, So far Israel's foreign policy is going exactly to plan. Israel managed to convince.....
» 21/03/2015 8:15:48 AM Excellent article. Israel is in for a rocky ride. Bibi is seen by world leaders as an unt.....
» 3/03/2015 8:44:42 PM Robert, I understand sports people are admired by a large part of the population and they.....
» 3/03/2015 4:54:07 PM "Don't forget the woman in Cairns who murdered 8 children." This represents a .....
» 2/03/2015 4:43:01 PM Craig, I agree. The way that rape has been re-defined to mean anything from a brutal home.....
» 2/03/2015 5:12:30 AM Suze, I don't believe a word you say. There are extensive protections in place for rape v.....
» 1/03/2015 9:38:36 PM With the winding back of legal protections against rape accusations we risk the reverse ha.....
» 1/03/2015 9:38:13 PM Rhostry, 'And in the sexual context, women are invariably the real prey and men the real .....
» 28/02/2015 11:11:59 PM Brendan, I thought it was a well balanced article in all but the first line. Why would y.....
» 28/02/2015 10:40:37 PM The article makes limited economic and no social sense. Maybe our mild climate makes us fo.....
» 3/02/2015 7:59:05 PM Jay, Your remark about 60,000 people being liberated from Belson reminds me of a quote I h.....
» 2/02/2015 1:01:19 AM I couldnt care less about the holocaust. The term wasn't even coined until 1960s or 70s......
» 22/01/2015 7:30:24 PM Import millions of third world immigrants from vastly different societies to us and each o.....
» 9/01/2015 5:39:25 PM Squeers, Ha. I've been around far too long to ever expect people like you to take respons.....
» 9/01/2015 5:00:07 PM Squeers, I defend liberal western democracies against an intolerant backward people who c.....
» 8/01/2015 11:43:24 PM JoM, The answer to your question is just colossal moral vanity. A narcissism so deep and .....
» 8/01/2015 6:41:04 PM LEGO, I find it hard to understand too. I mean how many terrorist attacks does it take be.....
» 8/01/2015 4:50:55 PM The Religion of Peace strikes again. Surely, what we need is more Muslims in Australia a.....
» 23/12/2014 8:45:01 AM The snipers didn't shoot because the police weren't sure he was alone or booby traps weren.....
» 10/12/2014 7:42:00 PM The ABC is a massive anti-Liberal propaganda machine. How can the Liberals possibly hand o.....
» 8/12/2014 10:45:09 PM 'Netanyahu is motivated by a narrow religious conviction that bequeaths the "Land of .....
» 8/12/2014 7:47:13 PM I don't know what you're talking about Hasbeen! I can't wait for Tanya Plibersek to be Tr.....
» 5/12/2014 6:55:35 PM Jay, I couldn't agree more. If I manage to get a day off work for some reason and make .....
» 4/12/2014 9:23:19 PM Joanne, 'Seems to be some bitterness out there.' Do you mean like when someone becomes t.....
» 3/12/2014 10:34:49 PM This was a classic, 'When I raised the issue of diaspora rights in context of multicultur.....
» 3/12/2014 10:03:52 PM I think I could sum up my last post with: Women have endless choices; while men are expec.....
» 3/12/2014 9:56:27 PM Women get great lives in Australia. They go to university more often than men, study lon.....
» 1/12/2014 8:45:26 PM We should forget the lot and buy 8 Virginia Class nuclear submarines. There is no more iso.....
» 25/11/2014 10:36:30 PM plantagent, Israel as America's 'friend'. Laughs all around today. And you have the gall.....
» 25/11/2014 9:40:18 PM Comical Dave, Great stuff. You're always good for a laugh. What 'heavy price' did you ha.....
» 21/11/2014 11:52:52 PM Suse, 'Dane, just think for a moment that you are one of the judges deciding on child abu.....
» 21/11/2014 3:40:50 AM Suse, 'You must also think very poorly of the justice system that must charge these child.....
» 20/11/2014 7:42:07 PM It's nice to see something positive about men being written. Killarney, Neglect is often.....
» 16/11/2014 11:51:05 PM Suse, 'women are brighter in general' Haaaaaaaaaa. Whatever you tell yourself. Suse. W.....
» 16/11/2014 11:33:49 PM The old wage gap myth....again There is no such thing as a wage gap. Differences in avera.....
» 7/11/2014 11:47:56 PM Well said, Hasbeen. There's just something about the mad left personality that revels in .....
» 5/11/2014 7:44:17 PM Comical Dave writing about Sweden perverting international law. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......
» 24/10/2014 8:17:47 PM Killa, If we're all the same, why don't you move to Mosul or anywhere in the ME for that .....
» 24/10/2014 7:28:40 PM Emma Fulu, Emma Fulu has a PhD from the University of Melbourne and currently works for t.....
» 24/10/2014 5:55:14 PM 'The fact is that traditional Western norms of masculinity both encourage and coerce boys .....
» 24/10/2014 5:47:40 PM Terrible article. Wrong on every point. 'The male of the species is in deep trouble and h.....
» 15/10/2014 11:39:52 PM Hasbeen, 'When you read articles like this, & realise it is by a professor of a fairy flo.....
» 2/10/2014 8:32:05 PM BJ, 'I am not afraid of feminists, gays, lesbians, transgender, bisexuals, Aboriginals, .....
» 1/10/2014 10:39:19 PM Any Western response to a crack down would most likely be more muted than in the Ukraine. .....
» 1/10/2014 8:40:23 PM Yuyutsu, There's no law against being delusional, so if people like you are determined to .....
» 1/10/2014 4:20:12 PM Yuyutsu, If 1 billion Muslims believe Mohammed said something and are willing to die and k.....
» 1/10/2014 5:37:03 AM Yuyutsu, I'm not sure what your point is. Are you saying the Koran is not the word of God.....
» 30/09/2014 6:35:09 PM BJelly, I understand your point. But my point was that this new terror threat and concomi.....
» 30/09/2014 12:15:01 AM BJ, 'I for one don't like being treated like a criminal and this is precisely how these l.....
» 24/09/2014 8:32:39 PM Two Australian policemen stabbed by radical muslim. Thanks Dave. At least our ME policy i.....
» 24/09/2014 2:37:35 PM Comical Dave, You are a professional propagandist who agitates for the interests of a fore.....
» 23/09/2014 6:44:03 PM Comical Dave quoting international conventions. What a laugh. Next he'll tell us Israe.....
» 23/09/2014 4:47:43 AM I like what Michael Kroger once said when comparing Whitlam with Gillard/Ruud, 'Whitlam ma.....
» 5/09/2014 2:26:22 AM Robert, The line was valid but some time ago. In many families it is the mother who is th.....
» 4/09/2014 5:53:23 PM yvonne, Most divorces are initiated by women so they must feel pretty secure in the knowl.....
» 1/09/2014 8:57:14 PM Ojnab, Adolf was a socialist. Yes, the same type as communist socialists. There are some d.....
» 1/09/2014 7:59:19 PM Carz, I think you missed my point. My point was that the author only attacked Liberal lea.....
» 1/09/2014 7:31:20 AM Incredible that this calibre of writing and thinking gets you a Commonwealth scholarship t.....
» 29/08/2014 3:40:40 AM HasBeen, I agree. The higher costs could be a good thing if less women take sociologogy an.....
» 26/08/2014 4:02:23 AM I love how woman feel they can determine who a 'real man' is. This goes along with the bel.....
» 24/08/2014 8:22:25 PM Gee, Susie, if we are going to go by personal experience, I don't know about all these 'ra.....
» 24/08/2014 5:33:07 PM Jay of Melbourne, +1 Apparently at that Radfem website there are even women who advocate.....
» 24/08/2014 5:30:37 PM Suseonline, Most people would not think lying about hitting a wall and rape were the same.....
» 23/08/2014 9:16:51 PM Hearing Bill Shorten have to face the media about being accussed of rape is poetic justic......
» 23/08/2014 12:06:57 AM Excellent article. Great to see more articles appearing and calling out feminists on the d.....
» 19/08/2014 11:08:40 PM Ozzie, 'My God, I have not been following this conflict much, however after reading this .....
» 19/08/2014 12:02:49 AM Comical Dave is upset. Apparently there are so many pictures of dead Palestinian children.....
» 16/08/2014 3:36:49 PM Joe, You are the only racist here. You feel it is fine to treat Palestinians as sub human......
» 16/08/2014 2:41:21 AM Loudmouth, You think Jewish kids are being 'terrorised'. What a good sense of humour you .....
» 15/08/2014 3:43:13 AM The parent are just using their kids as human shields. It's the parents fault. Come back .....
» 14/08/2014 3:35:00 AM LEGO, 'The RAF and US Fifth Air force killed far more German civilians than the Luftwaffe.....
» 14/08/2014 2:56:48 AM Jonathon, Here's what Churchill really thought of Jews, from an article published in 1940.....
» 7/08/2014 7:20:30 PM Don, the problems don't go back hundreds or thousands of years. The problems go back to th.....
» 7/08/2014 6:34:12 AM Mac, Thanks for taking the time to explain some of the nuonces to spqr. He doesn't cope we.....
» 7/08/2014 6:27:37 AM Spqr, Profound aplogies for over-generalizing. Next time, I'll make sure I list all the ex.....
» 7/08/2014 6:22:09 AM Don, You may think one side is not 'more right than the other', but there is one side th.....
» 6/08/2014 4:25:47 PM Spqr, Im only going by what ive heard Hasidim say in protests against Israel. The referenc.....
» 6/08/2014 1:02:09 AM Jay, I think you're right. Easy to get the two mixed up when it comes to Singer......
» 5/08/2014 8:40:30 PM SteeleRedux, Well said. You pointed out two of David's favourite strategies: exaggeration.....
» 5/08/2014 3:35:59 AM Lego, Your claim that Israel is a liberal democracy is laughable. Laws like the Citizensh.....
» 4/08/2014 10:35:41 PM Don, "My point is that Hamas locates its rockets in densely populated areas, near sc.....
» 2/08/2014 8:47:51 PM 'I do not have much sympathy for people who put rocket bases in housing areas' Is this ki.....
» 1/08/2014 9:08:20 PM The article is pure propaganda. Immigration is divisive and leads to a lack of social coh.....
» 1/08/2014 7:16:36 AM What a joke. Apparently, as Abbott says, 'Israel has a right to defend itself'. They call .....
» 1/08/2014 7:11:31 AM Greg, A good sub-editor would have really helped your piece but that doesn't detract fro.....
» 3/07/2014 2:58:22 AM There are 5 million muslims in France and millions more throughout Europe. The U.S. is hea.....
» 28/06/2014 4:22:37 PM Rhostry, Another person who cant accept that women have agency or should be held responsib.....
» 27/06/2014 3:18:06 PM Jayb, Society has such trouble asking women to take responsibility for their actions. If .....
» 26/06/2014 8:35:23 PM Babette, I agree with everything you wrote but Abbott had to offer the PPL due to the hys.....
» 24/06/2014 8:31:53 PM Jay of Melbourne, I agree completely. Look at the different reactions to disaster in hom.....
» 20/06/2014 6:13:32 PM Women should retire later. They rarely do physical work and live longer than men. Why shou.....
» 4/05/2014 7:43:38 AM Surely the retirement age should be raised for women only. Women already live 6 years long.....
» 28/02/2014 2:58:14 AM With onlineopinion constantly publishing Singer's hate-filled rants denying the right of P.....
» 14/02/2014 2:58:21 AM Sam, You're a laugh a minute. Your response comes straight from Jewish Activism Central C.....
» 13/02/2014 8:58:08 PM It's very rare that I praise the ABC but a big WELL DONE. Not since the death of Richard C.....
» 24/01/2014 4:45:08 PM It's great to see liberalists and traditionalists starting to make their case more forcefu.....
» 12/12/2013 6:04:00 PM Btw. It's a bit rich to say that if we change our spelling we'll be just like the Fins. If.....
» 12/12/2013 5:42:07 PM Mashabell, My problem is with teachers who tell children that English spelling is silly o.....
» 11/12/2013 4:58:27 PM It could be a misquote but apparently Noam Chomsky thinks English spelling is about 'optim.....
» 7/12/2013 10:37:48 PM Suse, Thanks for your concern about my existence. Despite the full-force of the feminist .....
» 7/12/2013 5:51:02 PM Btw. Suse, if you want to see twisted logic, take a look at "Banjos" fist post. .....
» 7/12/2013 5:36:54 PM Banjo, your stats are worthless. The domestic abuse industry has redefined abuse to mean a.....
» 7/12/2013 2:32:43 AM I call this the 'let them eat cake' argument. Ben, if you were ever restricted to a low i.....
» 6/12/2013 3:50:00 PM Suse, Btw. Dont know any judges - just their victims......
» 6/12/2013 3:46:35 PM Suse, I dont see why rape claims would be hard to prove. There are so many laws which have.....
» 6/12/2013 6:22:08 AM False rape claims are reaching epi.....
» 2/12/2013 8:59:51 PM Obama has nothing to lose now. He recognises Netanyahu as a pathological liar. Hopefully h.....
» 27/11/2013 9:33:45 PM Aristocrat, Feminism (and feminists like Killarney) may be vacuous but it is anything but.....
» 27/11/2013 6:12:09 AM Killarney, Women just do things so much better than men. If only we could return to that .....
» 27/11/2013 5:48:38 AM Hi Warwick, I found the bit about women living 3.4 years longer than men interesting. The.....
» 26/06/2013 9:02:48 PM Robert, So I guess it was honourable for Wong to take the leader of the senate's job? Wha.....
» 26/06/2013 2:49:33 PM Robert, So listing the failings of our worst PM ever is a rant? Pathetic. This is a woma.....
» 26/06/2013 12:37:58 AM Poirot, It's true that Howard made a grave mistake by not stepping aside for Costello. Ju.....
» 25/06/2013 8:35:33 PM It was nice to read an article that didn't denigrate male values (for a change). One big m.....
» 19/06/2013 2:46:28 AM killarney, What women lack is an ability to lead. The only female leader of any worth sinc.....
» 20/05/2013 8:46:32 PM Candide, I realise that for many families both parents working is just an economic realit.....
» 18/05/2013 9:42:24 PM candide, At pre-school age progress is very much determined by physical development. What .....
» 17/05/2013 2:44:49 PM McCackie, 'Progressives' filter everything through gender. And from a gender perspective .....
» 30/04/2013 8:27:13 PM Luciferase, I'm amazed you say there was no plot against anybody. When you have a plethor.....
» 30/04/2013 6:39:34 PM Susie, I'm sure Ms Burrow does have male relatives but I'm also sure they would have been.....
» 28/04/2013 10:52:35 PM Great article, but I hold little hope of things improving in the short term. I would add .....
» 17/04/2013 4:12:03 PM antiseptic, You are spot on with your assessment of public education. The people running .....
» 5/04/2013 2:17:20 AM A very lazy and illogical answer wobbles. Let me explain: Muslims = masses of murders aro.....
» 4/04/2013 5:41:38 PM Islam is the most dangerous and backward ideology facing the world today. How long does th.....
» 3/04/2013 1:57:54 AM Kevin, Did you really call Gillard intelligent? Most people would think you'd need to be.....
» 26/03/2013 10:48:00 PM Jenny H, I agree with your point that all women should have the choice to stay home with t.....
» 26/03/2013 10:40:06 PM jenny H, It's simple not right that children from single parent families do as well or bet.....
» 26/03/2013 4:10:40 AM Great article. It's so rare to read an article by someone who actually tries to understand.....
» 23/03/2013 3:58:16 AM Peter, I stopped reading the Sydney Morning Hysterical (SMH) more than 10 years ago - soo.....
» 17/03/2013 8:09:17 PM Jay, I watched the video. Imagine if a white person had said something like that! You hav.....
» 16/03/2013 10:54:03 PM I'm just waiting for someone to tell me how successful multiculturalism has been. You know.....
» 9/03/2013 3:09:55 AM A very manipulative article. Instead of saying women are better educated than men but wor.....
» 3/03/2013 7:55:03 PM eyeinthesky, You did what many responsible parents do all the time: you put the interests.....
» 1/03/2013 7:57:27 PM I thought it was a good article and much more balanced than usual on this issue. I still .....
» 28/02/2013 6:17:51 PM We could save billions of dollars by one very simple measure: introduce sanctions for fals.....
» 28/02/2013 5:41:19 PM divine, An excellent post. It reflects the 'best interests of society' rather than the 'be.....
» 27/02/2013 8:34:49 PM jardine, A while ago there was this meme going around where a woman would say to her husb.....
» 26/02/2013 11:56:04 PM salpetre, you talk about society's responsibilities but what you mean is men's responsibil.....
» 21/02/2013 11:34:07 PM Is this whining woman serious? She seriously thinks it's everybody else's responsibility t.....
» 8/06/2012 7:23:36 PM This is the modern world we live in. When women consult clairvoyants, and that is accept.....
» 8/06/2012 9:55:38 AM [Deleted for abuse.].....
» 6/06/2012 5:33:45 PM hasbeen, i agree. what does it say about our university system that so many academics hav.....
» 23/05/2012 10:12:52 PM Dan, My point was simply that spending money doesn't work. It's not money that will solve.....
» 23/05/2012 10:06:29 PM I agree Joe. I really get into enough internet brawls already but I just think people have.....
» 23/05/2012 6:11:47 PM Dan, It's time for the Left to swallow its pride and admit that leftist policies have bee.....
» 14/05/2012 5:40:59 PM '[PA] in breach of its obligations under the Oslo Accords and the Roadmap...' You really .....
» 11/05/2012 10:00:07 AM 'Policy gains of the Australian government since 2010 election contradict Roosevelt's cont.....
» 10/05/2012 4:38:15 PM I thought it was good article. You should take the criticisms in your stride. We live in .....
» 10/05/2012 4:14:12 PM 'also tragically for France his recent racist pandering to the 6.8 million who voted far r.....
» 4/05/2012 2:31:13 PM Houelle, I enjoyed your pun on One Nature. If it wasn't so deluded, it would almost quali.....
» 3/05/2012 8:29:58 PM RObert, I meant my response to be toxic. Anyone who claims that all men are potential rap.....
» 3/05/2012 5:47:32 PM poirot, It's hard to debate with someone who lacks the faculty of reason. First you beli.....
» 2/05/2012 9:37:13 PM sqeers, poirot struggles for anything intelligent to say and so resorts to belittling men.....
» 2/05/2012 5:20:33 PM Houellebecq, I understand your pining for feminine 'virtue'. Who wouldn't. But at what co.....
» 1/05/2012 8:47:57 PM squeers, 'manly' I can't believe you use the word. You are nothing but a pathetic patsy. .....
» 1/05/2012 5:15:58 PM And while I'm on the pathetic and wretched meme, let me add the author to that list too. W.....
» 1/05/2012 5:04:40 PM Squeers, I was just thinking about how it wasn't a rare aberration for women to sink to a.....
» 23/04/2012 5:48:43 PM Good article. I think we should enforce equality by only having female prime ministers fro.....
» 23/03/2012 12:33:45 PM Ha. Well said VoxUnius. Maybe when women work longer hours than men, take less sick leave,.....
» 22/03/2012 11:43:47 PM Whenever I come across one of these 'I am women hear me roar' posts I immediately assume t.....
» 16/03/2012 1:54:54 PM Killarney, Sorry I forgot to mention the context of Dworkin's quote. Maybe at some point .....
» 15/03/2012 6:29:30 PM Killarney, 'Your 'gentleman's honour' is in very short supply with that vindictive little.....
» 15/03/2012 5:08:54 PM A well written and well articulated article Warwick. Your critics are so full of a sense .....
» 12/03/2012 4:29:44 PM peter, Like many articles about education you take the most complex and convoluted approac.....
» 9/03/2012 4:03:10 PM I'm with you senior victorian. This sort of article confirms a lot of criticism we hear ab.....
» 7/03/2012 1:44:19 PM +1 shadow minister. Not to mention the 16 a night for a fraction of the reward they'd prob.....
» 5/03/2012 10:12:50 PM tooqei Did that post come straight from your how to delegitimise men 101 class? First del.....
» 5/03/2012 8:51:34 AM As usual with feminists they connect the dots and get an answer that suits their agenda. .....
» 1/03/2012 4:42:00 PM Hasbeen, +1. It's all about competency, honesty and policy. killarney, As far as I can .....
» 28/02/2012 7:53:59 PM I agree that we should encourage cooperation between genders. So how come you're criticisi.....
» 28/02/2012 4:46:55 PM Couldn't help yourself could you Poirot. But I must thank you for making 3 good points for.....
» 27/02/2012 11:42:45 PM robert, There are no structures in place that hold women back. In fact, it is in countrie.....
» 27/02/2012 9:20:25 PM Robert, What a blessing it was to read that list. I have to admit feeling a bit overwhelm.....
» 27/02/2012 5:39:19 PM Jessica, As one famous feminist said, if it were up to women we'd still be living in cave.....
» 24/02/2012 4:36:38 PM When I saw polls that showed Labor being absolutely decimated 45-55, I was amazed that 45%.....
» 23/02/2012 5:07:18 PM My problem is definitely with Islamic immigration. Why would muslims come to a democratic,.....
» 14/02/2012 5:50:25 PM Ari, Unfortunately sex workers have been sucked into the feminist anti-male agenda. Claim.....
» 9/02/2012 4:07:24 PM David, Superb article outlining the damage done to UNESCO. Ms Bokova is now fully aware.....
» 31/01/2012 11:09:16 PM AA, You need to pick up a book on how democracy works. Howard didn't break any promise at.....
» 31/01/2012 4:43:32 PM AA, The only ethical vacuum I see is Labor. Abbott didn't do whatever was necessary to ga.....
» 30/01/2012 9:16:39 PM Kipp, 11 years coalition government Australia = paid off 96 billion of Labor debt and 46 .....
» 30/01/2012 5:44:05 PM Funny how people start talking about 'both parties' and a pox on 'both your houses' when L.....
» 27/01/2012 8:34:24 PM rhian, If women earned their own money and spent their own money I would absolutely agree.....
» 27/01/2012 6:07:57 PM Rhian, You make my point about why men shouldn't try to please feminists very well. You .....
» 27/01/2012 4:27:52 PM Rhian, 'women hating' is such a hollow phrase nowadays. It's simply a rhetorical device u.....
» 27/01/2012 3:54:10 PM Vanna, Anyone who manages to get in the phrase 'women hating' and freudian' in the first .....
» 25/01/2012 7:33:51 PM The simple answer is women have less retirement income because they work less, retire earl.....
» 24/01/2012 6:08:29 PM Germany is a high skill/high productivity economy par excellence. They do it because they .....
» 20/01/2012 3:39:09 PM Just what we need.....another book on the holocaust......
» 19/01/2012 5:59:55 PM 'Men and misogyny are two separate things' Next you'll try to tell us the mass of NGOs, p.....
» 16/01/2012 6:00:22 PM Yabby, Attracting good teachers is the key. There are many excellent teachers around but .....
» 4/01/2012 11:00:11 PM This article illustrates why academics are losing the prestige they once had. This sort of.....
» 3/01/2012 9:40:13 PM Here, here. I thought thinking logically rather than jumping on the leftwing groupthink b.....
» 29/12/2011 10:21:02 PM "Successive Australian Governments have taken little action to curb the corporate tak.....
» 26/12/2011 8:08:38 PM Lego, Your comment that most advertising executives are male is just trite. We have a fem.....
» 25/12/2011 11:03:57 PM Lego, Each time I turned on the TV, read a magazine, or see a billboard I see extremely s.....
» 25/12/2011 12:49:28 AM This is just the usual anti male stuff we have come to expect from second rate academics. .....
» 29/11/2011 4:48:38 PM runner/antiseptic, This isn't about debate - it's about stifling debate. It's about silen.....
» 28/11/2011 5:09:37 PM Xenophobic attacks on the Germans won't save Greece. Many people's fears about Sydney bec.....
» 27/11/2011 11:47:39 AM antiseptic, I love the '579' comment - 'show some leadership'. So after 50 years of disem.....
» 25/11/2011 4:47:59 PM These articles never talk about women's responsibilites. My brother's neighbour put his ha.....
» 23/11/2011 4:32:16 PM hasbeen, I think you've misread Dr West. Even though he claims to be an expert on men and.....
» 17/11/2011 4:42:56 PM Rhys Couldn't agree more. Bet Saddam wished he had the bomb (incidentally - didn't the IA.....
» 14/11/2011 5:14:42 PM Best thing for peace in the ME would be if Iran got the bomb. Israel will never make peace.....
» 11/11/2011 5:27:44 PM david, You forgot to tell us how good multiculturalism is because we now get to eat food .....
» 10/11/2011 10:52:34 AM KenH, Couldn't agree more. The multicultural lobby (i.e. the every culture is valid and w.....
» 2/11/2011 5:19:49 PM Normally you would think that if there were less women in leadership positions then it mig.....
» 17/10/2011 9:06:13 PM oto, I suspect menzies school of health research would have a lot to do with charles darw.....
» 11/10/2011 11:35:23 PM Dave, 'Ciao' Are you going? Don't want to talk any more? Those big bad people on the int.....
» 10/10/2011 10:18:04 PM David, I feel you're becoming a bit defensive now. But at the risk of making things worse.....
» 10/10/2011 7:06:32 PM David, It hard to debate with you. You vacillate between spoofing and arrogance. If I com.....
» 9/10/2011 8:22:40 PM david, It's hard to believe you are being straight forward with me. Surely I am the victi.....
» 9/10/2011 2:29:40 PM hasbeen, david is obviously used to publishing in peer reviewed journals. You know the ty.....
» 9/10/2011 2:23:36 PM david, My understanding is that the phrase 'carpet baggers' is used in modern American po.....
» 8/10/2011 5:09:31 PM david, You missed my point. I'll spell it out. 1. Bolt criticised carpet baggers for acc.....
» 7/10/2011 9:49:20 PM amicus, To be honest I don't think most indigenous people in remote NT, where I work, fol.....
» 7/10/2011 3:23:34 PM Dilan, Your accusations against the media miss the mark. You may think of indigeneous aff.....
» 30/09/2011 3:22:00 PM "Why is marriage, which seemingly worked well for hundreds of years in so much troubl.....
» 11/09/2011 6:47:20 AM vanna, I see you've really upset suzie. You should know by now that with feminists, whate.....
» 8/09/2011 1:21:48 PM vanna, women can convince themselves of anything. men dont want to get married because th.....
» 5/09/2011 2:22:45 PM A very shallow article. It doesn't make any attempt to understand why so many women 'need'.....
» 5/09/2011 2:05:37 PM I'm not sure if 'VAW' will cost $15.6 billion but it might cost men: -$15.6 billion to pay.....
» 29/08/2011 5:59:14 PM Too many old battle axes are still flying well past their embittered date. I'll take the.....
» 2/08/2011 9:58:11 PM pelican, I think the link between this individual case and fatherlessness is a bit diffic.....
» 6/07/2011 10:19:32 AM Jennifer, Nice to see an article about DV that doesn't come from an anti-male perspective.....
» 6/07/2011 9:53:49 AM poirot, I think is was Samuel Johnson who once said, 'cartoon analogies are the last refu.....
» 5/07/2011 8:55:55 AM poirot, 'No takers? Why am I not surprised.....' Refer to my point about not trying to .....
» 4/07/2011 1:44:20 PM ammonite, 'As for men in positions of power behaving like "managers" WTF is tha.....
» 3/07/2011 11:41:29 AM poirot, 'Both genders have been complicit in the rupturing of the traditional paradigm by.....
» 2/07/2011 10:54:16 AM ammonite, The idea that feminism hasn't been extremely successful in disempowering men is.....
» 2/07/2011 10:31:10 AM poirot, I thought you made a good point in a previous post but then you lost it. 'Man's .....
» 2/07/2011 10:11:12 AM poirot, I think you make a good point. I guess at heart I believe that many women don't w.....
» 1/07/2011 6:25:11 PM Ian, You talk about porn in society but like all feminists portray women as passive victi.....
» 26/06/2011 6:47:15 PM pelican, Women don't only have the sexual power they also have the financial power. Somet.....
» 25/06/2011 10:33:18 PM peter, Your last paragraph says it all. Men's problem is that when we hear women say th.....
» 17/06/2011 5:47:26 PM Bob, OMG!! Someone writing about remote Australia who actually understands it! Is that al.....
» 17/06/2011 5:03:07 PM peter, You should have read enough of these 'women's issues' posts now to realise that th.....
» 7/06/2011 9:47:12 PM Why don't you argue that Israel is on the Asian continent and should have no right to play.....
» 26/05/2011 4:37:13 PM runner, Love your idea. I think 'indigineous' people should perform the 'thanks for comi.....
» 11/05/2011 4:49:54 PM "We have reached a point where publicly expressed social attitudes towards 'sole pare.....
» 3/05/2011 5:48:40 PM pelican, My point was that Paul McCartney experience is very much indicative of all men. .....
» 2/05/2011 4:51:42 PM This is good stuff. We should be paying academics more. How many thousands do you get a ye.....
» 27/04/2011 9:59:14 PM Loudmouth, The people you mention are urban political Aboriginies. They have very little .....
» 27/04/2011 9:44:22 PM daprhys, I think Bess is a courageous women. Please tell her there are many people who su.....
» 18/04/2011 9:55:26 PM Just what we need - more advice from human rights lawyers. But she is right. It's terribl.....
» 14/04/2011 4:37:03 PM Pericles, You obviously think smacking is a form a torture. Well, there are a lot of litt.....
» 13/04/2011 5:24:10 PM I think the anti smacking crowd discriminates against boys. Boys are physical creatures wh.....
» 11/04/2011 1:30:02 PM PaulL, We're not really getting anywhere here. A BDS is already in place against many o.....
» 10/04/2011 9:19:16 AM PaulL, I'll say it again. I haven't been addressing your points because they are designe.....
» 9/04/2011 1:45:47 PM PaulL, Your argument follows the well rehearsed Israel First tactic of disemble, obfuscat.....
» 9/04/2011 9:47:45 AM PaulL, I support a one Israel policy but I didn't know the organisers of the BDS movement.....
» 8/04/2011 8:27:35 PM Rhian, 'the holocaust was first mentioned in this thread by antagonists of Israel. If you.....
» 7/04/2011 4:45:37 PM DaveL and Rhian, I only mentioned the holocaust because Australia's preeminent cheerleade.....
» 7/04/2011 12:57:31 AM PaulL "Actually, its your point thats irrelevant" It was you who raised Russia.....
» 6/04/2011 9:26:58 PM PaulL I'm not on the left at all. I couldn't imagine voting Labor. It's appalling that th.....
» 5/04/2011 10:55:58 PM PaulL First class rant but we don't believe the hyperbole anymore. These are the people .....
» 5/04/2011 9:24:20 PM We only hear the argument that local councils should stay out of international affairs whe.....
» 31/03/2011 3:37:38 PM "Whose perception should count?" you say. What about the person whose perseptio.....
» 30/03/2011 9:33:40 PM Like a lot of edubabble these days, this piece was more about making people feel good with.....
» 21/03/2011 6:13:21 PM I burst out laughing when I read this: "There is evidence to suggest that there also.....
» 21/03/2011 5:14:04 PM I third the meatloaf moment... Why would you highlight the role of women in a government .....
» 14/03/2011 8:27:00 PM Ho Hum, "The Every Mother Counts website is not at all narcissistic, nor is it about.....
» 14/03/2011 5:57:31 PM Peter, I agree with you. If we are so equal than why do we need laws that distinguish on t.....
» 10/03/2011 11:34:52 PM I should be clear, I'm talking about some of the comments above......
» 10/03/2011 11:27:50 PM A link to Jezabel, a popular feminist website, to show how feminists really think. When a .....
» 8/03/2011 8:00:10 PM More women talking about their favourite subject...women. All I can say is thank god for p.....
» 10/02/2011 4:14:22 PM Women should be able to wear what they want, when they want, wherever they want. They shou.....
» 20/01/2011 7:48:09 AM David, Israel's leaders are on the record saying they don't want peace. Many Israeli lead.....
» 12/01/2011 10:28:00 AM Rubbish article. She is nothing but a spoiled brat looking for attention. Apparently gett.....
» 7/01/2011 1:05:00 PM shintaro, Your argument is illogical. The sort of brutalisation hardened criminals repo.....
» 6/01/2011 3:12:16 PM suze, Sorry to get on the gender thing so early in the year... but you did raise it. It'.....
» 6/01/2011 2:52:16 PM I think corporal punishment was banned in NSW schools in about 1986. Well, since then th.....
» 21/12/2010 7:18:09 PM I think the good judge should go and spend a year in a community and then form an opinion......
» 10/12/2010 1:33:27 PM MHIRC, You have highlighted the problem. Whenever a woman kills her children the media cl.....
» 8/12/2010 6:00:10 PM John, A first-class article. I think another reason the Labor rollback is a disaster for.....
» 7/12/2010 4:47:00 PM [Deleted for abuse.].....
» 2/12/2010 5:20:48 PM suzie, Great quote. I love how financial support doesn't count. So men who are responsibl.....
» 30/11/2010 5:02:19 PM parttimeparent, I like your point about women living longer than men. I think men should .....
» 26/11/2010 10:10:25 PM roscop, more jobs for the girls........
» 26/11/2010 1:34:20 PM Antiseptic and TPP, I take back what I've said about women being unfunny. You two are hil.....
» 25/11/2010 8:42:14 PM poirot, You try to paint it as an illegitimate comparison. But just because you find it un.....
» 25/11/2010 3:55:01 PM Thankyou for proving how misandrist how society has become. TPP, I might have brought th.....
» 24/11/2010 7:50:48 PM TPP, 29 men killed and you write.. 'Hahah'. You must really hate men......
» 24/11/2010 5:21:07 PM cornflower, I agree. Women dress for themselves not for men. But when you wrote 'androcen.....
» 23/11/2010 5:49:24 PM Women talking about women. Again......
» 22/11/2010 5:37:49 PM antisepic, I'm with you. The whole idea of equality with women is crazy. Men foolishly th.....
» 16/11/2010 6:41:29 PM I'm not sure why the editors of OLO publish so many of Singer's articles. David, You al.....
» 26/10/2010 1:24:22 PM grim - 'Well, suck it up, lads.' 'Perhaps the pendulum has (in some areas) swung too far.....
» 25/10/2010 7:35:42 PM Grim - 'If Einstein had a right to be proud of his achievements, couldn't his parents have.....
» 24/10/2010 11:23:01 AM Grim Are you seriously trying to say that men put men on the moon because they were 'enco.....
» 24/10/2010 8:24:57 AM jefferson, I couldn't agree more. If women are equal with men then why do they need endle.....
» 22/10/2010 4:31:34 PM samsung, Here's a link to an article where the heads of physics at Sydney University and .....
» 7/10/2010 5:52:54 PM It was a rubbish article. Boys are doing abysmally and all this so called 'expert' on boy.....
» 17/09/2010 5:22:11 PM o sung wu, "As a retired detective, I can assue you that culpability is equally divi.....
» 17/09/2010 5:00:36 PM Hopefully Iran will develop the bomb and then we'll have peace in the ME. At the moment .....
» 16/09/2010 5:40:21 PM Great article. Good luck trying to get the Sydney Morning Hysterical being fair to men th.....
» 15/09/2010 5:11:34 PM another rubbish academic. yawn......
» 14/09/2010 7:32:30 PM It shows the state of our tertiary sector that such rubbish could be written by an academi.....
» 27/08/2010 8:04:58 PM AGIR, My understanding is that God fulfilled his promise during the exodus and that it wa.....
» 5/08/2010 5:51:24 PM It would be great to see Iran get the bomb. At the moment Israel has no military foe cap.....
» 29/06/2010 2:28:40 PM Unfortunately, I think the ethics were guided by politics in this case. The ethics in the.....
» 26/06/2010 4:20:33 PM Cossomby Just a post script: there are probably still English who call Scotts savages......
» 26/06/2010 4:18:49 PM Loudmouth/Cossomby In the 17c nations as we know them today WERE unknown. That was my poi.....
» 24/06/2010 11:06:40 PM Loudmouth, I think you missed my point. The article refers to aboriginal 'nations' on n.....
» 23/06/2010 12:43:11 PM Surely one of the worst articles ever written on indigenous issues. These inner-city latte.....
» 22/06/2010 8:35:14 PM Hasbeen, You hit the nail on the head. The problem is that many women actually do think th.....
» 22/06/2010 2:03:16 PM poirot, Women work more part-time jobs, and for fewer years than men. It's politically in.....
» 21/06/2010 4:57:34 PM Otokonoko, I'm not surprised you were replaced with a woman. Women see men as a threat to.....
» 21/06/2010 4:24:56 PM I'm with you billthkid. We have this enormous women's industry costing us millions of dol.....
» 19/06/2010 10:43:04 AM robert, I don't like being personal but you really are pathetic. I'd put money on it that.....
» 19/06/2010 10:34:22 AM My point is that if women are equal then why do they need this enormous superstructure sup.....
» 18/06/2010 4:35:49 PM Warwick, A good article but how do you hope to compete with the millions upon millions of.....
» 26/03/2010 3:50:23 PM Houellebecq, I agree with you. In our society womens problems are medicalized while mens .....
» 22/03/2010 5:17:27 PM I'm not sure I agree with your analysis of item 49 of Yr7 2008. It's true we usually only .....
» 10/03/2010 9:54:02 AM This article reflected the real problem we have with reality when it comes to gender issue.....
» 1/03/2010 6:59:19 PM sapperk9 I disagree with the former clerk. i think what he said may apply to Labor, a par.....
» 28/02/2010 11:34:16 AM mikk, You have fallen into David's trap. Do you think you will ever get agreement on the .....
» 27/02/2010 10:22:38 AM david, Since you are such an expert on international law, perhaps you could let us know w.....
» 24/02/2010 4:41:48 PM I see what you are trying to say. A bit like.. 14 May 1948 - Arabs living in British Mand.....
» 6/02/2010 4:12:17 PM partTimeParent, I saw a story about that case. I think it was on 7 Brisbane - it was a cl.....
» 1/10/2009 6:18:51 PM Cheryl 'Are Indians racist. Some. How many? Beats me' This is not quite right. In Austral.....
» 24/09/2009 5:07:09 PM 'It is estimated that in Australia at least one in four girls and one in seven boys will e.....
» 20/09/2009 8:23:26 AM Excellent article Jake. I can't understand why we are held captive by the Jewish Lobby ei.....
» 13/09/2009 11:34:45 PM TPP, 'Based on the way I phrase my posts you say I am a feminist. I think if you read m.....
» 13/09/2009 9:18:19 PM TPP 'could you define feminist?' If you want to be a feminist then telling someone who qu.....
» 10/09/2009 6:20:16 PM The plan works in sequence: First comes economic sanctions: closing borders, destroying .....
» 9/09/2009 10:39:37 PM "Women are more interested in getting the facts." While men spend every day co.....
» 9/09/2009 10:05:11 PM Antiseptic, I think you should consider taking your child out and placing him in an all-b.....
» 6/09/2009 1:22:41 PM CJ Morgan and suzeonline, It never ceases to amaze me that people who would identify as f.....
» 5/09/2009 8:49:18 AM cont... Of course the real reason for this unwillingness to admit the bleeding obvious is.....
» 5/09/2009 8:48:48 AM Suzie, I think you're misreading the statistics. If U.S. statistics confirm that 78% of U.....
» 3/09/2009 8:50:38 PM SJF, 'you are too spiteful and too misogynist' 'According to Slam-the-Bitch Misogyny 101.....
» 31/08/2009 1:18:49 PM Country girl, 'It appears that the 2 persons who have replied to this article so far are .....
» 22/08/2009 8:04:03 PM dalma, The fact the holocaust was even brought up in an article about Catholic priets and.....
» 21/08/2009 10:32:03 PM Ho Hum, Did your mother not like you or something? - You need to take an anger management.....
» 21/08/2009 6:10:18 PM As a 'religious' man and child 'advocate' perhaps you should be more concerned with childr.....
» 19/08/2009 12:16:47 PM A very simplistic article. women = poor, helpless creatures, unable to take responsibilit.....
» 12/08/2009 11:12:47 AM I think it's just about respecting position. White people respect President Obama not bec.....
» 9/07/2009 4:02:03 PM I don't think the year 6 girls are so silly for wanting fame over 'substance'. By 11 years.....
» 2/06/2009 12:53:06 PM This is another Israeli classic. On the one hand they are hysterical about the 'existentia.....
» 29/05/2009 2:04:42 PM Dr Tomlison is not an academic but an advocate. It's a shame that so much of our national .....
» 8/05/2009 2:23:11 PM For years Jews claimed that Palestanians refused to recognise Israel's right to exist and .....
» 16/04/2009 2:05:38 PM I don't really understand the furphy. In NSW at least, Marriage was rendered meaningless b.....
» 12/04/2009 9:21:56 AM fractelle, Men are always expected to take responsibility for their actions. If you went .....
» 12/04/2009 8:53:03 AM pelican "The sexualisation of children is different to the sexual nature of a grown .....
» 10/04/2009 9:43:04 AM I agree with you completely Josgar but the thing that is never discussed is the role that .....
» 8/04/2009 1:26:15 PM It seems in Sydney we go from one extreme to the other. We went from unsustainable 1/4 acr.....
» 8/04/2009 1:20:26 PM I agree with the previous posters. The current hysteria around anything to do with sex is.....
» 31/03/2009 8:10:41 PM keith, When the Austrians elected a racist like that russian Jew, Israel withdrew its amb.....
» 27/03/2009 2:01:05 PM hasbeen, You should know by now that there are some women you can never please. One thing.....
» 24/01/2009 10:09:37 AM I have to give it to the Jewish lobby; while on the one hand they claim Hamas is a terrori.....
» 20/01/2009 3:34:18 AM sharkfin, No it is not fair to ask when will an American or Brit become president of a mu.....
» 19/01/2009 9:03:53 AM david, I welcome your honesty in admitting Palestanians are second class citizens, howeve.....
» 5/01/2009 11:31:35 PM Surely, this latest Israeli attack must rank as amongst the most manipulative and cynical .....
» 20/06/2008 7:13:22 PM HRS, I like your list. After 40 years of tantrums by feminists, I think we still have a.....
» 16/06/2008 6:32:28 PM I couldn't let this go without comment: "They all [Israli Arabs] are Israeli citizen.....
» 3/05/2008 10:57:08 AM A well-written article. I'm not so sure about the "mostly fair-minded older sisters&.....
» 17/04/2008 1:16:05 PM cont... Now it seems some posters are trying to claim Israel does work to help refugees a.....
» 17/04/2008 1:06:48 PM Marilyn, I agree that Israel is an illegitimate state but the reality is it's here to sta.....
» 16/04/2008 12:58:58 PM I'm with you Marilyn, We constantly hear bleating about the holocaust and how we must rem.....
» 2/04/2008 8:57:58 AM Stephen Hagan and Aboriginals need to stop blaming the world for their ills. Australia has.....
» 26/03/2008 8:01:23 AM Australia is one of the most peaceful, tolerant and successful countries on Earth. For tho.....
» 24/03/2008 10:28:33 AM Rainier, "I have taught in universities for years now and it’s been my experience th.....
» 19/03/2008 8:20:45 AM I don't think it's anything wrong with the UMelb or QUT in particular but more with gender.....
» 25/02/2008 12:22:26 PM I'm not sure Chomsky would agree with the article's assertion that reading can be learned .....
» 14/02/2008 2:50:07 PM Lev, I agree with you. Taking babies from their mothers was a harsh but accepted practice......
» 14/02/2008 10:42:15 AM Mercurius, It was nice to read a post where you haven't belittled and poured invective on.....
» 11/02/2008 10:49:50 PM There are easy ways and hard ways to get a first class honours in education and win univer.....
» 6/02/2008 6:14:39 AM HenryVIII My reading of the bible is a little different. My understanding is that God ful.....
» 15/01/2008 4:36:59 PM I agree with you HRS. Our society has come to the point where anything male is seen as fai.....
» 11/01/2008 3:07:34 PM I don't think the article looks at the issues facing boys honestly. Many of the problems.....
» 2/10/2007 10:37:52 AM keith, I agree with you verbatim on just about everything you write. One thing I can't un.....
» 30/09/2007 5:02:34 PM Some people have complained about the Ahmadinejad's support for the 'destruction of Israel.....
378 comments in total: 378 article comments, 0 general comments.
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