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Wanton acts of racism : Comments
By Rohit Revo, published 1/10/2009Is student bashing an accepted way of life in Australia?
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Posted by divine_msn, Thursday, 1 October 2009 10:02:15 AM
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The author asks: "Did Kevin Rudd's office or the foreign office know about these acts? If yes, did they inform their Indian counterparts about these acts?" Things like this don't happen in a communication vacuum. The Victorian Police would be required to brief: - the Victorian and NSW Premier's Offices - AFP - ASIO - various multi-cultural and education departments - the Prime Minister's Office and his Department (PM&C) - Immigration - as well as the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)(Australia doesn't call it the "foreign office"). The Indian High Commission in Canberra as well the Indian Consulates General in Melbourne and Sydney would be briefed by the Australia Federal and State governments at many levels and make their own enquiries. On the Indian High Commissions website is the following advice (in part): "LIVING SAFELY IN AUSTRALIA • Try not to travel alone late at night. If you are travelling alone, make sure that you have checked out your route carefully and try and keep to well-lit, populated areas as far as possible. • Make sure that someone knows where you are going and at what time you are expected to return. • Don’t carry more cash with you than what is required. • When you are traveling alone or late at night, it is advised do not make it obvious that you are in possession of expensive items, such as mobile phones, ipods or laptops. • Always carry with you some identification as well as details of who should be contacted in an emergency. • If in danger, dial 000 to get police help. Check out the other hotline numbers in the “Resource Section” below. • In case you have a complaint, get in touch with the officer responsible for students welfare in the High Commission or the Consulate nearest to you, at the contact details given in “Resources” section. • If you have a genuine problem, do not hesitate to approach the police or other authorities; making a complaint will not affect your visa status..." Pete [more to follow] Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 1 October 2009 10:40:43 AM
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[PART 2]
Contact details of the Indian High Commission and Indian Consulates in Australia : High Commission of India 3-5, Moonah Place, Yarralumla, ACT 2600 Website Tel: 02- 6225 4929 E-mail: Contact person: Second Secretary(E&C) Consulate General of India, Melbourne 15, Munro Street, Coburg, VIC 3058 Tel: 03-9384 0141 E-mail: Contact person: Consul (Consular) Consulate General of India, Sydney 25, Bligh Street, Level 27, Sydney, NSW 2000 Tel: 02-9223 9239 E-mail: Contact person: Consul (Consular) Pete (not in Australian or Indian Government employ) Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 1 October 2009 10:46:37 AM
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Sorry but the more multiculturalism you have the more violence. Many bring the anger and hate with them. Added to this the no smacking spoilt brat brigade has led to dramatic increases in violence. Indigenous gangs see it their right in many regional centres to attack the invaders. Until these issues are addressed things will continue to get worse. We can thank our liberal thinkers for this mess.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 1 October 2009 10:49:12 AM
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you're spot-on. If only there was a way to get the (mainly) academic do-gooders who wormed their way into politics to see. Posted by individual, Thursday, 1 October 2009 11:16:37 AM
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What came first, the assualts or the media reports?
Clearly the assualts but are they higher now than before the media started reporting them? We don't know. Are other people from non-Australian descent involved in these crimes? Maybe, but so what? Are these race crimes or opportunistic crimes? Probably both. Are Australians racist? Some. How many? Beats me. Are Indians racist. Some. How many? Beats me. Do the Federation of Indian Students (FISA) feel aggrieved because they're not getting any publicity? Sure are. Posted by Cheryl, Thursday, 1 October 2009 12:57:00 PM
Just another instance of the joys of multiculturalism of which there are numerous incidents but political correctness does not really allow the accurate reporting.