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The Forum > Article Comments > Syria hysteria dooms Obama's plan to destroy IS > Comments

Syria hysteria dooms Obama's plan to destroy IS : Comments

By David Singer, published 23/9/2014

Any expectation that Assad and his backers – Russia, Iran and Hezbollah – will help Obama by destroying IS in Syria - is a pipe dream.

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Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 23 September 2014 9:14:13 AM
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Hi David Singer

The US has heeded Israel's (or even your article's) advice and just gone and bombed IS targets in Syria:

Abbott's Super Hornets are almost a cert to do the same thing. Wherever the action is Action Man's Abbott's Australia Will Be There - as the song goes: .
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 23 September 2014 6:34:37 PM
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Comical Dave quoting international conventions.

What a laugh.

Next he'll tell us Israel respects the nuclear non-proliferation treat. LOL

I guess the Geneva conventions sanction Israeli soldiers kicking in Palestinian doors at 2am and dragging screaming 10 year old boys out of their beds to be imprisoned without trial.

The whole region is in chaos. The US has been dragged in at immense cost to its international prestige and in terms of blood and gold. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed. The entire region has been destabilized and is in danger of a greater conflagration.

Millions are suffering but for Singer it all means nothing. Israel's enemies have been divided and weakened. It might be bad for the US, bad for the region, bad for the world but as far as Comical Dave is concerned, it is good for Israel.

This is the sense of morality we are dealing with. The kind that sends high explosives into residential building and then blames the victims.

What about if the West had seen the disaster in other ME countries and supported Assad as the lesser of two evils? Maybe hundreds of thousands of people would still be alive. But a strong and united Syria would be 'bad for Israel', so I guess bad luck for the millions who now live in misery.

Has there ever been another such semi-democratic nation with so little regard for human life outside its borders?

As the Hassim say, Israel, a disaster.
Posted by dane, Tuesday, 23 September 2014 6:44:03 PM
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Coalition against ISIL is the who's who of pyromaniacs trying to douse the fire they started by fanning the flames. It will either blow it out or give the flame more oxygen.

Of course those countries you mentioned (Russia, Iran) won't openly send troops to help Syria tackle IS. I'm sure America would love to "accidentally" bomb them too.
Posted by nowhereman, Tuesday, 23 September 2014 10:55:10 PM
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Quite amazing to see Obama's change of heart in now deciding to attack ISIL in Syria.

Wonder if he read my article - as you suggest?

I propose writing another article to discuss Obama's change of mind in a few days.

Any thoughts you may have for material to be included will be carefully considered.


Irrelevant as ever - preferring to attack the messenger and ignore the message in my article.

Obama has apparently had a change of policy in attacking ISIL in Syria. His policy was doomed to failure if he did not go after ISIL in Syria - as my article pointed out and you simply chose to ignore with your inane comment - "it is good for Israel".

That is what happens when Jew-hatred takes over from trying to understand the horrendous humanitarian tragedy unfolding before our very eyes by a vicious and violent movement that all countries should want to see stopped in its tracks as it sets up a State in parts of Iraq and Syria - an area already larger than Great Britain..

Whether the way Obama attacked ISIL in Syria was the right way to go will be the subject of my next article.

Care to submit something constructive for possible inclusion - instead of taking another personal shot at me under the cover of anonymity?

David G describes you as a person of "low intelligence" as he urges readers to not respond to my articles. In your case that would be advice that you should seriously heed.

Shut up if you have nothing constructive to offer.


Not sure if you posted your comment before America, Qatar, Jordan, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and UAE bombed ISIL in Syria yesterday.

If you knew that had happened when you posted your comment - you should have appreciated that was no "accidental" bombing.

That puts you nowhere man.
Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 24 September 2014 11:44:00 AM
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Hi Dave S

I'm writing a Syria OLO article with some very nice websites.

Nice for the West not IS.

Many will be useful.


Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 24 September 2014 12:01:41 PM
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