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Left right out on Israel : Comments
By Fotis Kapetopoulos, published 3/12/2014I believe there has been an increase of anti-Semitism among some of the community arts activists on Facebook postings I have been following during the last Gaza-Israel conflict.
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Beware of Israelis bearing gifts - Aye Mr Kapetopoulos :)
Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 3 December 2014 8:27:16 AM
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Is it possible that, over the past three or four years, more Palestinians have been killed in Syria, by both the dictatorship and the Islamo-fascists, than were killed by Israeli defence forces in Palestine during that same time ?
Hamas fired tens of thousands of rockets somewhere - it didn't seem to matter precisely where - into Israel. The intention, presumably, was that every one of those rockets would kill or injure 'an Israeli', man, woman or child, it wouldn't have mattered. Now where have we seen that random disregard for life before ? That justification for killing in the name of a Cause ? The sacrifice of others for one's Own 'Common' Good ? Just one or two other things, for now: does any recognition of a State of Palestine require a recognition of what that 'State of Palestine' claims are its boundaries ? i.e. all of the 'Holy Land' ? i.e. the recognition of a 'State of Palestine' requires an implicit agreement that Israel should not exist ? And now that the Islamists in the Sinai, and in the Horn of Africa, and in northern Nigeria, have come under the black cloud of ISIS, how long before Hamas does the same ? What righteous outrage over Israel then for the Australian 'Left' ? And how long will the 'Left' stay silent about the random killings of the fascists, from West Africa through Kenya and Kurdistan, almost daily now, right across to the Philippines ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 3 December 2014 8:40:39 AM
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"Worse, the attacks on Israel seem to bear the hallmarks of deeply rooted and latent anti-Semitism."
Arabs are semitic. If anything, Israelis are clearly far more caucasian than their neighbours. The Israeli caricature of the arab is eerily similar to the nazi propaganda posters of jews (beady little eyes, big noses, dark skin) Posted by PaulMurrayCbr, Wednesday, 3 December 2014 10:51:12 AM
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I recently commented on David Singers thread many topics that surround a general view of anti-semitism, and have been told repeatedly about my so-called "Jew Hatred", "Vile invective", and that my home is with "Hamas, the PLO, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and Islamic State" and that I am "not welcome here". Firstly though I'd like to make myself clear in regards to any attempt to label me "Anti-Semite", which was not said, but implied. My basic mantra is that 'People have the right to live however they choose, so long as it doesn't affect people in an adverse manner. When that happens, something has to change.' For quite a long time I had a hard time reconciling those views on the topic of homosexuals (I grew up in a time where things were a general consensus was somewhat different to the way things are nowadays), but eventually I've become a lot more tolerant and accepting. I believe in freedom, liberty and equality for all, including Jews, even if it doesn't come across that way in the way I've voiced my criticisms (Not anti-Semitic views but a general questioning of the type of people Jews and Zionist represent) from information I've learned, all freely available on the internet in this information age. Why is it that any questioning or criticism of Israel is almost automatically given to labeling a person 'Anti-Semite'? Maybe the information I put forward is only one side of the story, factually incorrect, not the whole story or taken out of context, I invite pro-Jewish people to correct me if I'm wrong and to set me straight. What I want to know is instead of having a discussion on a single topic relating to Israel, why cant we have a discussion on the 'Bigger Picture'? I simply stated that why should Israel be deserving of compassion? In regards to Fotis Kapetopoulos's article the only room I have left in this post is to put forward that Israeli spies may have been posing as art students and also using faked Australian Passports. Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 3 December 2014 1:18:06 PM
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"During the bombings in July of Gaza by Israel in "reaction" to the firing of up to 3000 rockets from Gaza into Israel..."
With this sentence, the author loses all credibility. It seems that reactions can only go one way in Israel. Israeli violence is in "reaction" to Palestinian violence. Palestinian violence is only because they are insane haters of Jews. No mention of course of the possible reasons that Hamas might be firing rockets. The ongoing occupation, the demolishing of homes, the assassinations of leaders, the seemingly random killing of farmers, fishermen, children and sometimes entire families. All which occurs with monotonous regularity during both times of cease fires and times of all out hostilities. Of course according to this author, Palestinians have no right to "react" to this kind of thing. Presumably this is as a result of their inferior ethnic or religious credentials. I get very tired of the shouts of anti-semitism whenever someone criticises Israel. By this logic those who criticised the invasion of Iraq did so out of a hatred of all things American rather than any real disgust at a superpower invading a defenceless and broken nation, killing tens of thousands of people and setting off a ten year civil war which continues to rage to this day. The main real difference between the two sides is that Israeli violence kills many thousand of civilians, whereas Palestinian violence kills a mere handful. If Israel was to make even the slightest attempt to make peace with its neighbours and end its occupation, I would be its strongest supporter. However, they seem content to continue the occupation all the while stealing more and more land, making the likelihood of any two state solution more and more remote. That is why I criticise Israel. Not some underlying hatred of Jews. Though as the self proclaimed "Jewish state" the actions of Israel will reflect on Jews as an ethnic and religious group, just as the actions of the Nazi's reflected on the German people as a whole and the actions of ISIS reflect on Muslims as a whole. Posted by Rhys Jones, Wednesday, 3 December 2014 1:29:16 PM
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For the record nobody is acting like a Nazi or a Fascist here be it Israelis or "Islamofacists".
Hitler had a completely different view of Jews to that put forward by the modern Left, this quote from his 1920 speech "Why we are Anti Semites" is the keystone of his position: "Thus we can see the two great differences between races: Aryanism means ethical perception of work and that which we today so often hear – socialism, community spirit, common good before own good. Jewry means egoistic attitude to work and thereby mammonism and materialism, the opposite of socialism." Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 3 December 2014 9:34:06 PM