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Comment History for sharkfin

The Forum > User Index > sharkfin > Comment History

» 11/02/2010 10:30:49 PM Severin: <change is the one constant we can rely on and outmoded unnecessary behaviour .....
» 10/02/2010 9:47:07 PM Dear Cotter, Please forgive me for my post. I can plainly see that you are very tongue i.....
» 9/02/2010 1:32:50 AM ANTISEPTIC: <Ho Hum more of the usual, <all men are bastards cos I have a uterus guf.....
» 9/02/2010 12:36:23 AM COTTER : <it is the duty of the court to save children from female influence of any mot.....
» 18/01/2010 5:21:05 PM What happened to Examinators mother reminds me of a country music song sung by a female si.....
» 6/01/2010 11:16:55 PM Maracas 1, <The Munich kidnap of Israeli athletes was an effort by a black September fa.....
» 5/01/2010 9:55:24 PM Guy-<What the Israeli government was doing at this time a year ago is indefensible wher.....
» 4/01/2010 12:21:23 AM correction of the above article:- force them to have more children they can't provide for......
» 4/01/2010 12:11:31 AM Ron Witton-< December marks the first anniversary of the Israeli invasion of Gaza which.....
» 29/12/2009 12:44:24 AM This is a good article from Nina. Too much control of the internet by any government gives.....
» 27/11/2009 10:59:47 PM Rubberneck-Girls in their current state of empowerment will use all and any means at their.....
» 26/11/2009 9:21:47 PM Houellebecq<I don’t have a story I merely suggested an alternative version of events th.....
» 26/11/2009 8:12:38 PM Antiseptic, MRS. BRIMBLE to you. (not Brimble) <if one of the men had died and she had.....
» 24/11/2009 11:14:40 AM Houellebecq-<That's just your story. Why did the jury not convict. They had much more t.....
» 23/11/2009 11:58:52 PM Houellebecq-<if I overdosed I wouldn’t be blaming my dealer . I’d blame my own stupidit.....
» 23/11/2009 12:27:27 AM Antiseptic-the files that I read are the ones you couldn't be bothered reading that Pynchm.....
» 22/11/2009 12:03:32 AM Hi C.J. Sometimes I think you are just a big kind-hearted cuddly bear underneath that pr.....
» 21/11/2009 11:51:06 PM Antiseptic- <80% of women instigate divorce> You seem to be blaming the women for t.....
» 21/11/2009 8:58:19 PM Antiseptic-<she never noticed the remarkably salty taste in her drink> That makes m.....
» 21/11/2009 12:28:27 AM Thank you PYNCHME for those links to more files on the Mrs. Brimble case, I didn’t only re.....
» 19/11/2009 9:35:31 PM Antiseptic- <Would you go off drinking and taking drugs with a bunch of loose cannons l.....
» 19/11/2009 8:42:50 PM Benk- Thank you for your sensible ideas on trying to improve the justice system which so o.....
» 17/11/2009 10:50:28 PM Antiseptic- If these men were regular users of this as a recreational drug as you say the.....
» 17/11/2009 12:30:40 AM Houellebecq <GBH is used recreationally, and Brimble asked for the drug according to so.....
» 16/11/2009 12:00:23 AM Then there is the issue of why MISSUS BRIMBLE’S RAPIST KILLERS are still walking the stree.....
» 4/11/2009 10:10:12 PM Fatherless children certainly would be a huge problem associated with adolescent sexuality.....
» 25/10/2009 9:56:36 PM C J Morgan<there’s been a significant Tamil population on the island of Sri Lanka for o.....
» 23/10/2009 8:42:51 PM Bushbred <the Jaffna Tamils were formerly bought over by the Brits like slaves in the c.....
» 22/10/2009 9:35:47 PM Same Age-old precipitator of war. Tribe migrates to country of other tribe, 200years later.....
» 21/10/2009 11:03:51 PM Thank you Socratease for providing some historical background on the Tamils. Puts a whol.....
» 14/10/2009 9:43:00 PM REXMUNDI <for the sake of raising our international profile above buffoon, is it not wo.....
» 14/10/2009 1:22:52 AM What is wrong with having black skin and curly hair. It seems to me the people who thought.....
» 14/10/2009 12:50:52 AM Glorfindel <Many Western Societies are committing demographic suicide; Without children.....
» 12/10/2009 6:15:17 PM MICHAEL JACKSON WAS AN ECCENTRIC He was regularly lampooned in the press as wacko Jacko,a.....
» 12/10/2009 5:19:52 PM Anitseptic:- It appears that most women find the prospect of an already married man very a.....
» 12/10/2009 5:01:39 PM Peter Hume- <women would be subject to unequal laws imposed on the basis that they are .....
» 11/10/2009 12:26:05 AM Peter Hume<If it’s not O.K. to treat women as sex objects why is it O.K. to treat men a.....
» 8/10/2009 9:20:14 PM <such changes in legislation would be the equivalent of lawyer heaven.> In reality.....
» 7/10/2009 10:57:33 PM Now for some practicalities Could most men who are flat out providing for one or two child.....
» 4/10/2009 3:47:29 PM KAEP <for the cost of a trip to the space station I bet I could get her for the night&g.....
» 4/10/2009 3:31:34 PM <It would be the end of Islam and our beautiful sex-driven Jihads> How come Islamic.....
» 4/10/2009 3:01:31 PM <Under Western Law nature is regarded as human property , and by definition is a legal .....
» 2/10/2009 10:25:02 PM This is a good article by John Reid addressing the major problem that threatens humans and.....
» 1/10/2009 12:17:51 AM Sue Wareham <civil society organizations around the world galvanized to push for a Nucl.....
» 30/09/2009 11:31:48 PM New Zealand has simply figured out a shrewd way to save money on weapons and at the same t.....
» 21/09/2009 12:51:35 AM The men on this forum who defend using prostitution for a bit on the side and say that it .....
» 19/09/2009 9:15:29 PM EXAMINATOR- Perhaps your article did reach the right people because they ran a documentary.....
» 18/09/2009 8:49:08 PM To the the Israelies and Palestinians living in Australia or America you have sworn allegi.....
» 18/09/2009 8:34:33 PM The conflict is between the Israelies and the Palestinians why don't we just let them figh.....
» 12/09/2009 12:22:44 AM MIKK While you are selling your car and turning off your electricity etc. why don't you .....
» 11/09/2009 11:55:04 PM SANCHO:<rates are more dependant on the SEX appeal of the worker> I just thought of.....
» 11/09/2009 11:07:29 PM Dear Big footed Pixie, You have a lovely ancestory,Celtic music invokes pictures of the .....
» 11/09/2009 6:52:42 PM Ho Hum, I agree with you that the invention of these weapons is horrific. There is also .....
» 11/09/2009 5:42:50 PM . <Why are prostitutes paid such high wages?> Because men are silly enough to pay.....
» 11/09/2009 12:48:48 AM Mikki <If they had guns and tanks and nuclear weapons like we have I doubt they’d conte.....
» 10/09/2009 12:00:15 AM <The actions of the US prison guards at Abu Grhaib played on what it meant to be an hon.....
» 9/09/2009 2:07:18 AM The Insight programme I watched last night on the ABC Channel verified what I said about t.....
» 7/09/2009 6:33:11 PM It is a deadly business taking sides in these civil wars, you may end up with planes being.....
» 7/09/2009 5:47:42 PM Bruce Haigh says in this article <tragically Australia has taken sides in the Sri Lanka.....
» 5/09/2009 11:11:22 PM I was a bit torn in my opinion on this at first but in the end I think that Free Speech ha.....
» 29/08/2009 12:38:39 AM Cornflower:- Thanks for the interesting web sites, I added a couple of them to my favourit.....
» 28/08/2009 9:37:20 PM And it’s not over yet. Daily paper dated August 28th 2009, sitting in front of me on the d.....
» 26/08/2009 11:18:47 PM Nina Funnell states <I didnt know that Australian women had only relatively recently ac.....
» 23/08/2009 2:09:33 AM Oh, play that fungi music white boys......
» 23/08/2009 1:47:29 AM Squeers, you say you beleive <they would have garnered far more sympathy and support ar.....
» 22/08/2009 12:36:51 AM Squeers <America should have acted with compassion and self- examination after 9.11>.....
» 18/08/2009 8:43:30 PM <when I read some of the articles that are produced on the issues about which I am well.....
» 18/08/2009 3:31:57 AM David Fisher and John Tons, < The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. The media mus.....
» 17/08/2009 1:35:53 AM DOCTRINES are the real problem. The belief that our God and the story of our God is the ri.....
» 13/08/2009 3:33:19 AM This is great, a big good on you to the Aboriginal people......
» 10/08/2009 3:24:46 PM Sorry I misspelled your name Col, I was having issues with my computer cords and in the en.....
» 10/08/2009 1:20:29 PM Hello COL Rogue <you will only resolve racial differences by ignoring origins and accep.....
» 9/08/2009 3:40:35 AM Incidentally C J, I have seen the documentary about IDA. You would do well to not except b.....
» 9/08/2009 3:08:27 AM C J Morgan, I beg to differ, I think that you are the obtuse, bloody minded one about race.....
» 6/08/2009 12:25:45 AM CLOWNFISH: <saying that we are all African is not the same as saying that we are all b.....
» 3/08/2009 1:09:21 AM <BERG tells his audience we are all blacks> Berg is showing his bias or agenda by s.....
» 2/08/2009 9:38:09 PM Good Evening C J , C J, It’s not so much if I agree with the 'all of mankind out of Afric.....
» 1/08/2009 2:49:35 PM This piece is not about evolution so much as it is about the left wing academics grasping .....
» 30/07/2009 9:52:41 PM Whether our relatives all did come out of Africa 250,000years ago or not will make not a j.....
» 30/07/2009 12:09:21 AM ooh! C.J. I didn't know you found me attractive. seriously, I agree with you that OLO is.....
» 22/07/2009 11:47:15 PM Houellebecq, You could apply your logic to coffee as well, why do you pay $4.00 for a cu.....
» 22/07/2009 11:23:57 PM There seems to be a misconception that everyone is free to dress as they like without bein.....
» 21/07/2009 3:09:08 AM Nursel; <France and other Western countries should also provide Afghan women with schol.....
» 20/07/2009 11:43:13 PM I remember a time when you couldn't get a drink of water in a Supermarket or anywhere. If .....
» 18/07/2009 1:13:43 AM Vanna .<How do you define a person as being a woman or a man> I agree that there ar.....
» 13/07/2009 9:19:23 PM Vanna <a number of regimes currently in power in certain countries seem to want to divi.....
» 12/07/2009 11:53:52 PM Vanna, I don't understand your point. The whole damm human race judges if you are a man or.....
» 10/07/2009 12:05:22 AM Helen expresses disdain in this article for Grade six girls wanting to be movie stars or s.....
» 9/07/2009 11:31:05 PM <Sexed up and dumbed down> Helen Pringle doesn’t seem to be able to accept the sexua.....
» 8/07/2009 12:44:51 AM Yes I agree with a lot of the above. The trouble is the same people who always jump on the.....
» 5/07/2009 5:37:38 PM HEAVEN IS A PLACE ON EARTH This article states---- <Not the old life of the living dea.....
» 29/06/2009 5:46:55 PM Leigh, I agree totally with your posts. Written with your usual clear sighted commonsence .....
» 29/06/2009 5:42:32 PM Fractelle <Eventually new migrants adopt the culture of their new country. It can take .....
» 13/06/2009 3:13:31 AM There is little we can do about the undeveloped world’s population, although to read what .....
» 13/06/2009 3:00:08 AM POLITICIANS NEED IMMIGRATION There seems to be a lot of information in the posts here tha.....
» 5/06/2009 10:24:34 PM …………………………continued from previous post (excerpted from Howard Zinns- Cross-examining Ameri.....
» 5/06/2009 12:31:02 AM Cornflour:- I agree with you that football is a male sport and that it is best that way. T.....
» 4/06/2009 9:37:59 PM Antiseptic you say; that it was the same girl with the two footballers in the toilet cubic.....
» 4/06/2009 7:14:15 PM American History: THE LUDLOW MASSACRE, 1913-1914 - Wikipedia R.B. Mellon <YOU CAN'T MI.....
» 4/06/2009 5:28:01 PM Ozandy,<We’ve had experience dealing with morally ambiguous countries that abuse power&.....
» 28/05/2009 8:10:58 PM Yabby< The night before she seemingly went into a toilet with two guys for a bit of sex.....
» 27/05/2009 9:27:36 PM LET’S DO A HYPOTHETICAL HERE. change the victim from a woman to a man and surprise ourselv.....
» 27/05/2009 12:43:41 AM Robert-: Nothing that I’ve seen of this case suggests that her expressed wishes were ignor.....
» 18/05/2009 11:30:15 PM Yabby, Be careful you don’t shoot yourself in the foot. There but for the grace of God go .....
» 18/05/2009 10:07:20 PM The real problem here is not the fault of the babyboomers of the next 10years or so which .....
» 12/05/2009 10:41:32 PM Jewely, I would like to say how greatly I admire you and your husband for having fostered .....
» 12/05/2009 10:20:10 PM Hi Romany, I felt that from your life experiences with love and marriage you had a specia.....
» 11/05/2009 11:53:33 PM Couples who do not plan to have children don’t really need to be married I don’t think. Th.....
» 11/05/2009 10:00:26 PM EXEMPT PENSIONERS FROM THE GST If the government wants to give pensioners and carers a r.....
» 6/05/2009 12:19:33 AM Mill-Observer> You mention the term African American. I was watching a talk show with t.....
» 5/05/2009 11:04:51 PM >--- by viewing al-Qaida militants as a demonic force bent on destroying cilivisation B.....
» 5/05/2009 10:34:39 PM Reza Aslan’s article states>---- that America must stop looking the other way as Americ.....
» 2/05/2009 10:37:55 PM OXFORD DICTIONARY - NEGRO> MEMBER OF BLACK-SKINNED AFRICAN RACE I can assure you that .....
» 25/04/2009 1:58:53 AM >Gage, became Skeptical of the idea that people living in Afghan caves could possibly h.....
» 25/04/2009 1:30:35 AM Daggett- Bush sat in front of a class for seven minutes reading a children's book after he.....
» 25/04/2009 12:26:22 AM Fred Pearce-Hardin's metaphor had a certain ruthless logic. What he omitted to mention was.....
» 24/04/2009 11:55:13 PM LanC-The article you refer to by Geoff Carmidy, states-They badly need to steer away from .....
» 24/04/2009 2:22:43 AM Stormbay - Once we have contact with other life,humans will begin to understand how illusi.....
» 23/04/2009 12:06:23 AM MX- The Iranian president rallies against invasions and land occupation. It depends what .....
» 21/04/2009 2:26:47 AM <How do we effectively guarantee minium standards of fundamental human rights for all p.....
» 21/04/2009 1:54:25 AM <How do we ensure against any form of future global tyranny> Answer- We can't. <.....
» 19/04/2009 5:33:57 PM Dream on- Certain religious problems to which Pelican alludes can be easily overcome by th.....
» 17/04/2009 11:55:12 PM Shadow Minister, I am relieved that testing has been done on these nanotechnologies as I w.....
» 17/04/2009 11:11:13 PM Socratease- That is a very interesting piece of information, that you cannot obtain a copy.....
» 17/04/2009 10:50:01 PM RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE OF SOCIETY It is not society that is intolerant of religious groups.....
» 16/04/2009 9:49:59 PM If any other industry was allowed to sell products with the utter disregard for truth and .....
» 14/04/2009 1:03:57 AM Ozbib, I do understand your concerns about this legislation, and under certain dictatorshi.....
» 9/04/2009 9:42:28 PM The inhumanity of branding people. People brand themselves, when they hook up with groups.....
» 4/04/2009 1:00:15 AM Dear Kartiya Jim, Thank you for your reply to my post. You are right we should never give.....
» 31/03/2009 1:56:49 AM DAVID YOUNG -: The developing course of industrialization and modernization has not led to.....
» 31/03/2009 1:21:07 AM DAVID YOUNG -: Can the human race handle thinking, or is it too into the Arabhamic way tha.....
» 29/03/2009 3:38:54 PM Why do women still line up in droves to enter beauty contests, women’s liberation targeted.....
» 23/03/2009 6:19:06 PM This article is right in saying a liberal democracy is probably the only system that will .....
» 20/03/2009 11:10:40 PM SANCHO--- I have no tolerance for this sort of hooker bashing. That prostitute isn’t respo.....
» 20/03/2009 10:35:13 PM Foxy -- Prostitution is simply functional in that it meets a man’s needs for a variety of .....
» 17/03/2009 9:09:27 PM Dear Foxy, I agree it doesn't apply to all, but it is very notable that we see a lot of r.....
» 17/03/2009 7:58:09 PM HOW WOMEN DISCRIMINATE AGAINST POORLY PAID MEN IN THE MATING GAME. A man with a good fina.....
» 16/03/2009 3:15:23 AM Fractelle-: Why should a prosperous nation like Australia need to import skilled labour? .....
» 16/03/2009 1:43:37 AM Hi C.J., Your Post says - It is this attitude by exenophobics that is the real reason po.....
» 15/03/2009 1:13:29 AM I wish job advertisements were allowed to state age, race, gender, and sex. How many peopl.....
» 15/03/2009 12:32:19 AM Reyes-: Money in the till, I'd say was the answer to our mad immigration policy. 250thousa.....
» 14/03/2009 12:16:10 AM Rape is part and parcel of the whole reason for the agression in the first place. The male.....
» 13/03/2009 11:36:29 PM It should be obvious to anyone that you cannot allow total privatisation of the banks. The.....
» 9/03/2009 11:29:25 PM Pelican- One of the failures of feminism was to devalue the role of parenting, while mater.....
» 9/03/2009 11:07:37 PM Phanto-: I want a Ferrari and it is my right to expect taxpayers to provide it for me. A .....
» 7/03/2009 11:25:47 PM There is also the question of resusitation when you reach 80years or more. Should you not .....
» 7/03/2009 10:52:25 PM CONTINUED..... If we could have watched all the humans abuses,the great battles and confli.....
» 7/03/2009 10:38:34 PM I think this is a great article written by Zakaria and bought to our attention by STEVENLM.....
» 4/03/2009 8:27:28 PM Sorry should have been Pantho forgot to delete the s......
» 4/03/2009 7:55:26 PM Panthos-: No individual can survive easily without the support of a non hostile group or c.....
» 3/03/2009 6:29:56 PM Panthos-: If we choose to become extinct then that is our perfect right. If we choose to l.....
» 2/03/2009 10:16:20 PM ShazBaz001, - : We have no right to deny any of these people compassion WE do when they b.....
» 2/03/2009 9:49:00 PM Bronwyn- : Feminism doesn’t require a selling out of feminity and that if women aspire to .....
» 1/03/2009 12:16:37 AM Bronwyn- You state that it is war and persecution which causes people to flee their homela.....
» 28/02/2009 12:52:37 AM Benk your post states – that when women pick up men from nightclubs they create a world wh.....
» 26/02/2009 11:04:23 PM Runner- I know many would like one of these ladies for a night and then find someone who i.....
» 26/02/2009 10:52:55 PM Houellebecq-I agree entirely with your post that women are not acting as victims but as fr.....
» 23/02/2009 9:26:02 PM The Jo-anne Lees case also received world wide saturation coverage and she was definitely .....
» 21/02/2009 12:48:09 AM Efranke- No I wasn't proposing erasing all distinguishable ethnic,racial,cultural and ling.....
» 21/02/2009 12:10:05 AM Andrew also states in this article – Perhaps our passions and aspirations, our deeply felt.....
» 20/02/2009 11:18:49 PM Andrew makes the observation that – Peoples stated philosophical and religious adherence m.....
» 19/02/2009 11:39:10 PM ELLSWORTH- I have never been convinced that the whole of mankind originated from Africa. W.....
» 19/02/2009 11:27:13 PM Bennie, A bellybutton is needed on a man for the umbiblical cord to feed from in the womb,.....
» 18/02/2009 10:22:09 PM Did God create Adam or Eve first? Easy answer. The one with the nipples is the prototype.....
» 16/02/2009 10:27:10 PM Bushbred – you say : there is little doubt that todays Middle East conflict is nothing lik.....
» 14/02/2009 8:44:08 PM When the statement is made that Israel must pay for crimes. How do you put a whole nation .....
» 7/02/2009 4:15:08 PM Joel thinks he has found the key to everlasting health if only he eats right and exercises.....
» 5/02/2009 10:48:37 PM Relda- Thank you for your very intelligent reply and your search for a solution. My outloo.....
» 5/02/2009 9:59:58 PM Befriend people from different ethnic backgrounds; I would like to add that it should be w.....
» 5/02/2009 9:11:07 PM Dr. Abramovich, States - Noone is born a bigot, predjudice is a learned trait. However we.....
» 5/02/2009 7:55:41 PM Relda- Ideally Israel should be a free state where all races and communities can live toge.....
» 2/02/2009 11:59:26 PM Yuyutsu, with the wolf of course unendowed with the self-objecting to system man has we sh.....
» 2/02/2009 12:04:53 AM As for the The Jews being bankers in Germany. Well the purpose of money is to buy food, sh.....
» 1/02/2009 11:23:36 PM Yuyutsu, The war between the Arabs and the Jews at the present moment is over land. Show m.....
» 31/01/2009 10:10:08 PM Fanatical religious leaders and the people who believe what they say unquestioningly are t.....
» 31/01/2009 8:03:19 PM Yuyutsu, I had read some where there were about 6million Jews killed or expelled during WW.....
» 29/01/2009 6:33:48 PM HOLY TOLEDO BATMAN, How the Australian people do shout to defend their tribal origins. No.....
» 29/01/2009 5:17:52 PM Yuyutsu, I agree entirely with what you say. The article we are discussing prosposed the q.....
» 28/01/2009 9:42:02 PM WHERE WILL THE JEWS GO IF THEY LEAVE ISRAEL? There is the problem of where the Jews are t.....
» 23/01/2009 12:34:50 AM As a matter of interest, I was reading a while back about some doctor who had tattooed on .....
» 23/01/2009 12:21:36 AM Meredith, thanks for your reply, sorry I misunderstood......
» 23/01/2009 12:05:31 AM KMB - Do you think none of the other races he mentioned are bigoted and racist. What about.....
» 22/01/2009 11:22:34 PM The election of President Obama has the potential to actually divide the country more alon.....
» 22/01/2009 10:24:30 PM Meredith- sounds like tolerance for just tolerance sake. Are You referring to the fact th.....
» 20/01/2009 11:35:52 PM All lives have equal value. According to the law of nature, no. It was only as long ago a.....
» 20/01/2009 9:57:34 PM Dane, You say Muslim countries don’t claim to be Liberal democracies. They claim to be Isl.....
» 19/01/2009 10:29:04 PM Dane, you say - We have a black president in 2009 while Britain had a Jewish PM over 150ye.....
» 31/12/2008 12:55:00 AM Mill Observer- Irrational fear, alarm, hostility, loathing and prejudice that gets a Brazi.....
» 31/12/2008 12:21:44 AM Oh Boy, this article is so full of non facts, where do I begin? The only thing Nick Hasla.....
» 30/12/2008 9:53:13 PM The working class can build on capitalism and create a new world where the economic crisis.....
» 11/11/2008 2:07:49 PM To those who believe Tang is wrong. Believing that Tang is wrong in what he says is in fa.....
» 9/11/2008 4:31:01 PM Malcolm King-: They see themselves as clever people in a stupid world. It is a fact that .....
» 9/11/2008 4:14:53 PM John J - facts and evidence where were they? Fact-: as quoted from Malcolm King’s article.....
» 5/11/2008 12:11:30 AM JOE in the US It was the writer of the article Brendan O’Connor who stated that SOME WOU.....
» 3/11/2008 11:34:42 PM BUSHBRED-:Israel was not prevented from going militarily atomic" If Israel had not b.....
» 3/11/2008 10:54:55 PM “SOME WOULD BLAME AN OBAMA LOSS ON LINGERING AMERICAN RACISM” There are always a lot of w.....
» 3/11/2008 9:43:09 PM There is one reason and one reason only why Powell is supporting Obama. It’s purely racist.....
» 22/10/2008 7:53:43 PM Romany-“Sharkfin is Brendon O’connor” Did you read the part where I said I disagree stro.....
» 20/10/2008 11:10:35 PM Human Interest - "it's not the anti-intellectualism that bothers me it's the extreme .....
» 20/10/2008 10:40:30 PM Examinator- “Next time you are sick remember it was one of these intellectuals who discove.....
» 19/10/2008 10:02:37 PM Turn Right Turn Left- “The term intellectual doesn’t have to signify left wing academics” .....
» 19/10/2008 1:07:12 AM Brendan O’connor seems to take the view that it was university educated intellectuals like.....
» 20/09/2008 2:53:50 AM SPIKEY: I’ll tell you why I think what happened in Germany was tribal territorial warfare......
» 20/09/2008 1:53:05 AM C.J. “there is far greater genetic diversity within the so-called races than there is betw.....
» 18/09/2008 10:52:57 PM DAGGETT: "A green light to excuse the holocaust." I was not trying to excuse th.....
» 18/09/2008 12:20:17 AM C.J. My spouse and I always say that everyone is racist in the sense that they are proud.....
» 16/09/2008 11:43:02 PM SPIKEY- And just who am I being racist against. THE JEWS? Dont you think the Jews were als.....
» 16/09/2008 11:25:54 PM C.J. Don't shoot the messenger for stating the awful truth. I am not ashamed!! The truth a.....
» 14/09/2008 1:07:29 AM The baby boomers now in their late 50’s and early 60’s will have a good chance of being de.....
» 13/09/2008 11:36:56 PM When the price of petrol goes up, so do all the groceries and everything else that require.....
» 13/09/2008 11:16:44 PM If ever World War 3 breaks out I very much doubt Russia and America will take sides agains.....
» 10/09/2008 11:32:48 PM JOHN PASSANT says in this article-: "our ruling class wants to help the US contain ch.....
» 10/09/2008 11:25:27 PM PHILLIP TANG: Would you also agree that China or Japan, should also open their borders to .....
» 9/09/2008 2:43:41 AM Glynne Sutcliffe has got her facts right on this . The question is what are the long-tim.....
» 8/09/2008 11:14:44 PM I agree with Pericles, there are some purely fanicful comments in this article which Peric.....
» 7/09/2008 9:13:50 PM KIPP: "America maimed thousands of civilian Japanese with their my bomb is bigger tha.....
» 1/09/2008 11:48:45 PM A very insightful comment DICKO, coudn't be more accurate. (sorry about the above post pr.....
» 1/09/2008 11:44:07 PM A very insightful article DICKO, What you say.....
» 1/09/2008 12:19:21 AM Isn't this lovely to join each other in a song. Good one David, "LOVES LIKE A BUTTE.....
» 31/08/2008 10:05:03 PM COL- What you say is true about businesses taking their companies to India and China. That.....
» 31/08/2008 12:28:35 AM Malcolm says that - "One has to wonder about the existence of age prejudice in the 21.....
» 31/08/2008 12:08:39 AM This is an intelligent factual article on the real situation regarding the employment of o.....
» 29/08/2008 10:55:45 PM COL: I really enjoyed your reaction to my comment. I usually get that kind of reaction whe.....
» 29/08/2008 10:42:15 PM COL ROUGE: "NO DOCTOR OR NURSE DOES IT FOR FREE" The point I was making is ther.....
» 27/08/2008 12:30:56 AM RACHE: I agree with your assesment of Putin , I think he should never be underestimated. T.....
» 26/08/2008 11:29:34 PM The West is at war; that's WAR, with certain Arab states. The sensible thing to do would b.....
» 26/08/2008 10:48:04 PM USUAL SUSPECT: "Why do we need this kind of social engineering based on overriding wo.....
» 22/08/2008 2:26:44 AM Veronika, Thank you for your reply to my post, you have asked some good questions about th.....
» 20/08/2008 3:23:41 AM PASSY - Quote "In 1922 the South Ossetian Oblast(section),was created when the Soviet.....
» 20/08/2008 12:58:39 AM PONCAN: Women voted with their feet and walked away from motherhood and the traditional fe.....
» 20/08/2008 12:00:55 AM If marriage is so bad for men how come the studies always show that married men have a gre.....
» 19/08/2008 10:44:48 PM If the fashions shown in womens magazines, for example the latest trends or what celebreti.....
» 18/08/2008 4:22:54 PM "Quality immigration is good for our genetic diversity" This is true provided t.....
» 17/08/2008 3:43:30 AM Do Muslims and people who wear modest clothing really have happier marriages? I doubt it. .....
» 17/08/2008 2:27:01 AM If clothing hides the real person, what about plastic surgery? It must be a bit of a surpr.....
» 17/08/2008 2:05:15 AM Passy, It is not just the leaders. We all compete with each other in this world for jobs.....
» 17/08/2008 1:43:50 AM WIKIPEDIA: “Between DEC.1937 and March1938, one of the worst massacres in modern times too.....
» 14/08/2008 12:39:52 AM Thats right Robert, colonialism is a fact and its not going to go away. The highly advance.....
» 30/07/2008 12:18:37 AM BEWARE THE PRIESTS Save your praise and adoration for the God you believe in. The Pope i.....
» 29/07/2008 11:32:07 PM It's like I have always said the law courts are useless if the men with guns (the army or .....
» 15/06/2008 12:57:35 PM Hi David, thank you for your answer to my post, “We now see critiscism of homosexual beha.....
» 14/06/2008 10:15:06 PM "SOME DAYS ARE DIAMONDS SOME DAYS ARE STONES." The title of the well known song.....
» 14/06/2008 9:59:31 PM To be born female you must have a XXchromosome To be born male you must have an XY chromos.....
» 13/06/2008 1:14:08 PM As to the economy and the pain of the rising cost of living. It states in my morning paper.....
» 13/06/2008 12:51:48 PM “The media indulge the high priests (of global warming) castigating the many heretics who .....
» 12/06/2008 11:20:37 PM The answer to David’s great question “If you are an Anglo and your son marries an Arab and.....
» 12/06/2008 9:59:43 PM Maracas, "paving the way for the people of the area, the Jews and the Arabs in establ.....
» 12/06/2008 9:11:47 PM History has proved time and again that treaties are not worth the paper they are written o.....
» 6/06/2008 11:49:19 PM Haralambos; I agree with you that suicide and Euthanasia are different, but I would like t.....
» 6/06/2008 10:11:44 PM It would seem that the commandment "thou shalt not kill" is open to interpretati.....
» 6/06/2008 8:42:47 PM It has amazed me for years that those professing to be the most intellectual and clever na.....
» 25/05/2008 2:20:00 AM I wonder how these pictures would be regarded if they were a painting and not photographs......
» 25/05/2008 1:24:41 AM I don't understand all this covering of the hair on your head in church. The covering of p.....
» 22/05/2008 12:39:05 AM Haralambos: You state "that women and men should be free to be whomever or whaever th.....
» 21/05/2008 11:14:50 PM I agree with this article that Putin (despite his portrayal in some of the Western media) .....
» 20/05/2008 1:49:03 AM ROMANY: I'd say the problem belongs to the politician who sniffed the chair. It doesnt see.....
» 19/05/2008 11:17:28 PM Haralambos does your article have anything to with the $5000 baby bonus. If you are since.....
» 19/05/2008 10:11:11 PM Haralambos does this article about birthing machines have something to do with the $5000 b.....
» 15/05/2008 1:45:43 AM Commonsense is the ability to use the IQ(intelligence)in practical and useful ways. This a.....
» 13/03/2008 12:14:48 AM Yindin “This has created the problem we see today and helped the extremists in these count.....
» 12/03/2008 11:29:17 PM BBoy No matter if it is a human rights treaty democracy, or a bombs and ballots democrac.....
» 9/12/2007 10:20:22 PM Why should America or the Western world give two hoots what the rest of the world thinks o.....
» 30/10/2007 10:15:13 PM This article once again shows the territorial hostilities between ethnic groups(tribes) li.....
» 24/10/2007 10:20:41 PM The Geneva convention and the United Nations will prove to have no effect whatsoever as lo.....
» 24/10/2007 9:36:51 PM Well I don't need any experts to tell me what I already know- that suicide bombing or terr.....
» 24/10/2007 9:20:39 PM Should Julius Ceaser have apologised to the people he conquered, should Napoleon Bonaparte.....
» 16/10/2007 11:04:29 PM I include ethnic cleansing by armies who invade a country from the outside in my above pos.....
» 16/10/2007 10:41:39 PM Actually history teaches us that no country or control of that country ever remains foreve.....
» 16/10/2007 10:16:04 PM As far as I'm concerned if someone kills any of my family especially the children, 20years.....
» 16/10/2007 9:48:52 PM Here is an interesting quote that I cut out of the newspaper a little while back because I.....
» 11/10/2007 11:36:21 PM CJ- You old softie you. A dog lover. Well we have that in common. I lost my old mate Ben .....
» 11/10/2007 10:51:50 PM Should there be any white refugees in the near future should they be taken half way around.....
» 11/10/2007 10:08:16 PM Good article, The bigger percentage of people who play the poker machines arent addicted.....
» 7/10/2007 2:57:33 AM Ho Hum - “Should we go back and create some kind of Mono-cultural utopia. We should also .....
» 7/10/2007 1:56:17 AM Paul L Kaiser–Archduke So? How does that change the point I made that World War 1 was not.....
» 6/10/2007 2:31:35 AM Why cant the Sudanese people be resettled in a peaceful African state why must they come t.....
» 6/10/2007 1:24:56 AM Oh obviously! Everyone can see that women are just so much more free under the world's mus.....
» 6/10/2007 12:48:22 AM Ho Hum-; "The West gave the entire world both of these wars." NO! multicultura.....
» 6/10/2007 12:03:18 AM Citizenship test Question (1) Do you swear allegiance and unswerving loyalty to the Aus.....
» 24/09/2007 10:02:06 PM Dont judge people for their human frailities too harshly. Barriers of the mind can be just.....
» 24/09/2007 9:41:57 PM I remember reading somewhere that 1 in a hundred people suffer from schizophrenia that see.....
» 23/09/2007 10:47:38 PM Have there ever been any revolutionary leaders who were not just as bad and most times wor.....
» 19/09/2007 11:14:31 PM Will these cheap foreign labourers on visas ever go back home? There were hundreds of th.....
» 19/09/2007 9:57:42 PM In the bible didn't God kill thousands of innocent babies in their mothers stomachs when h.....
» 19/09/2007 9:24:06 PM BN- "is it your policy to have an open cheque book in the medical system". That.....
» 17/09/2007 11:28:32 PM Any Australian at any time could become one of these carers so we should all stand up for .....
» 17/09/2007 11:01:42 PM Pericles-"Allah has promised to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds .....
» 17/09/2007 10:30:54 PM ""BN - "I'M in the Gym 6days a week to burn off the calories I take in".....
» 13/09/2007 12:01:18 AM Trade 215- your article containing the statement that "Love is a very powerful device.....
» 12/09/2007 6:08:01 PM Col - it was you who suggested it might be a good financial move to have sex for money ins.....
» 12/09/2007 5:22:55 PM "Everyday the world is witnessing a new form of terror and torture" And whose r.....
» 12/09/2007 5:06:11 PM Well said Coach- spot on. Syed Atig ul Hassan- "The blunders on strategic and policy.....
» 11/09/2007 10:32:57 PM Col Rouge – “From a tongue in cheek perspective it might well be cheaper to buy the servic.....
» 8/09/2007 10:23:05 PM Strayan-Thats rich! Saying that I'm trying to control what women wear. The muslim religion.....
» 8/09/2007 9:59:23 PM CJ Morgan - How is saying the Muslims are a handsome people racist. I could have said they.....
» 7/09/2007 8:40:25 PM Country Gal- "The Israelis bomb whole towns into submission women and children includ.....
» 7/09/2007 8:32:02 PM Maybe the Great flood in the bible refers to climate change. The earth was covered in wate.....
» 7/09/2007 8:04:37 PM Strayan -"it is White christian Australians who should be the focus of any intregrati.....
» 1/09/2007 3:43:26 PM David Boaz, Thank you for your kind words, I always enjoy being on these forums with you a.....
» 1/09/2007 12:42:56 AM Danielle- Dont blame the West for their perception of muslims as terrorists. Blame your fe.....
» 31/08/2007 10:55:23 PM David Long- "mankind on the other hand had free will. It was argued that human passio.....
» 30/08/2007 11:22:19 PM Relda states that 2 rules of Scientific Method are-: OBSERVATION AND PREDICTION It is tau.....
» 30/08/2007 10:26:11 PM 1. STABLIN the Dark - "We have laws to prevent discrimination and exploitation"......
» 29/08/2007 9:48:26 PM RAINIER; If you were an out of space David Attenborough sitting up in space watching manki.....
» 29/08/2007 9:33:46 PM John j- "Europeans mattered because they had the guns to enforce territorial claims.&.....
» 27/08/2007 9:14:19 PM "Can Australians deal with non-muslims commintting acts of terrorism" The Austr.....
» 27/08/2007 8:31:48 PM And when the black Americans outnumber the white Americans and maybe govern the country th.....
» 27/08/2007 12:50:34 AM Earthwise- "They did not get out of The Gaza just to be nice." They got out of.....
» 27/08/2007 12:27:39 AM Marilyn- "The Jews all have somewhere else to be, only 39% bother to live in Isreal&q.....
» 24/08/2007 11:44:13 PM It is always the aim of mankind to ethnically cleanse the other tribe if they begin to fee.....
» 24/08/2007 11:11:36 PM Spanky-"I had a dream it consisted of all nations living as one, a clean living socie.....
» 23/08/2007 7:42:06 PM “showing respect for each other’s culture, religion and race is a core universal value. W.....
» 21/08/2007 9:29:10 PM Alanpoi; All religions throughout history have been ready to kill in the name of God at so.....
» 21/08/2007 9:04:42 PM We all know men are basically sluts so what Rudd did is not surprising. Wives and girlfrie.....
» 21/08/2007 8:52:35 PM "Hansons constituency is located in the racist Australian underbelly". This imp.....
» 20/08/2007 11:22:23 PM Pauline Hansons party failed to win power last time not because people didnt agree with he.....
» 20/08/2007 11:17:27 PM CJ Morgan, “Are we supposed to infer that Caucasians are Australian and those of Indian ra.....
» 20/08/2007 10:11:38 PM Australianism is decided by the laws made by the government who is voted in by a majority .....
» 18/08/2007 4:28:36 PM I always thought it would be a good idea to have THICK tattooed on your head when you are .....
» 18/08/2007 4:04:29 PM Stg - I dont think we actually started the hatred between the Sunnis and Shia, that was al.....
» 16/08/2007 8:46:27 PM Maximus - "Men are more than twice as likely as women to be the victims of violence a.....
» 3/08/2007 11:47:25 PM The thing that stands out as unfair and unjust here is not that a man with terrorist famil.....
» 3/08/2007 10:51:19 PM Jellyback---- "Sounds like the British Empire to me" Sounds like human nature t.....
» 3/08/2007 10:28:04 PM Riaz--- you say in your article that the Arabs were brainwashed into being anti-semitic by.....
» 22/07/2007 9:41:52 PM SYLVIA -“You and Yours may not be a target now, but these things have a habit of expanding.....
» 19/07/2007 12:39:01 AM YES. I and my family as infidels are not the target of these laws and so our freedoms are .....
» 19/07/2007 12:15:16 AM Any suspected enemy plot against the security of the nation by members of our self proclai.....
» 18/07/2007 11:10:36 PM “We are a greater terrorist target due to our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan” True, b.....
» 16/07/2007 9:11:18 PM All this furore clearly demonstrates the pitfalls of multiculturalism doesn’t it. Why shou.....
» 12/07/2007 12:49:18 AM The idea that London or Australian born muslims who plot to carry out bomb attacks must so.....
» 8/07/2007 12:57:27 AM Rainier, You speak as though you dont think aboriginies or negroes are racist only white .....
» 8/07/2007 12:27:12 AM I agree the unions were their own worst enemy and were often run by the more radical milit.....
» 7/07/2007 11:54:34 PM Do Aboriginies want to be treated equally in this country? They could after all move into .....
» 7/07/2007 11:14:15 PM Why cant African refugees from Sudan etc. go to peaceful African states why do they have t.....
» 7/07/2007 10:51:02 PM Every day above the ground is a good one. I believe we do have telepathic powers. I have .....
» 3/07/2007 9:44:04 PM I believe John Howard has done the right thing in acting toughly in this case. It was repo.....
» 3/07/2007 9:26:52 PM I believe John Howard has done the right thing in acting toughly in this case. It was repo.....
» 24/05/2007 1:30:53 AM Spendocrat If we keep bringing the people in here from overpopulated countries we are tak.....
» 24/05/2007 12:40:58 AM NITA I too have an elderly parent to care for. I didn't say anything about you not bein.....
» 24/05/2007 12:31:34 AM NITA-; Who pays for the baby bonus, travel, and pharmaceutical benefits? My daughter who .....
» 23/05/2007 11:29:08 PM Is an acorn an oak tree?.....
» 23/05/2007 10:44:34 PM If Hicks is serious about his muslim religion why did he fight to come back to a western c.....
» 22/05/2007 2:05:19 AM LUDWIG-: I think I finally get what you are saying here, about personal growth rates an.....
» 22/05/2007 12:55:26 AM Why dont we stop all immigration for 15years or so and see what kind of intregration and d.....
» 22/05/2007 12:09:09 AM Bugsy -: "You wouldn't condsider christians to be a racial group would you" Wel.....
» 21/05/2007 11:19:36 PM SARAH 101-: "He did not kill one soldier or civilian" Hicks wrote in his lette.....
» 21/05/2007 10:38:43 PM LUDWIG-: “A considerable hatred of those who don’t have kids.” You were the one who objec.....
» 21/05/2007 9:39:21 PM Saintfletcher-: When war comes it will be beyond your and my control to stop it. Because.....
» 21/05/2007 2:29:21 AM Bugsy-: " The Muslims are not a racial group by the way." Any peoples who have.....
» 21/05/2007 1:54:24 AM "the real issue was the Govts attitude to the rule of law and what degree of protecti.....
» 21/05/2007 1:01:31 AM If I had been aborted I wouldnt know about it would I, because I wouldnt exist. However I .....
» 21/05/2007 12:42:23 AM THE ROCK-: "I sure would like a mexican housemaid to work in my household for a very .....
» 21/05/2007 12:32:49 AM Dont forget the complicity of the national newpapers in this,after all,more people more ne.....
» 18/05/2007 1:29:03 AM As a mother and grandmother I will never vote for men or women who have not had children r.....
» 18/05/2007 12:30:29 AM When we pull totally out of Iraq then either the Sunnis or Shiites will take control. The .....
» 18/05/2007 12:03:25 AM Whether the couple spent it on a TV or not if it still induced (no pun intended) them to h.....
» 17/05/2007 11:49:10 PM Charging for water use is OK as long as families with children are allowed extra water. Be.....
» 17/05/2007 1:28:40 AM Yabby-: "I guess the argument could be made that prostitution is more moral than marr.....
» 14/05/2007 12:11:03 AM To some of you anti abortionists, What is your attitude to single mothers in society? Do y.....
» 13/05/2007 11:50:04 PM Single mothers are treated with a lot of disrespect in this society and that is because th.....
» 13/05/2007 11:40:09 PM The lack of respect for mothers lies directly at the feet of womens liberation. They never.....
» 13/05/2007 10:05:36 PM I'd still like to know why these telemarketers are allowed to call using private number, i.....
» 13/05/2007 9:27:56 PM I think its a waste of time and money to teach kids how to speak Asian at school I always.....
» 11/05/2007 9:39:23 PM Janus-: "I actually think Rudds trade training ideas are very good but I dont think y.....
» 11/05/2007 9:00:47 PM Does anybody else get those private phone calls where when you pick up the phone there is .....
» 11/05/2007 11:07:52 AM The writer of this article just does not understand what territorial means. It means that .....
» 10/05/2007 9:10:44 PM This global warming thing seems to me to have overtones of the leftist greenies finding an.....
» 10/05/2007 8:50:49 PM The trouble with a sleeping pill or drug overdose is, if you dont know the actual amount t.....
» 9/05/2007 8:30:30 PM It would probably be better if you didnt need the consent of three doctors just their conf.....
» 9/05/2007 8:25:04 PM When euthanasia was legal in the northern territory I seem to remember that you needed to .....
» 9/05/2007 8:04:14 PM The playing of scenes of naked muslims at Guntunamo Bay receiving nothing but a bit of hum.....
» 2/05/2007 12:12:59 AM Peppy-; Thanks for your reply, I have just seen it after writing that article about my d.....
» 2/05/2007 12:01:12 AM As I have stated before I have a very fundamentalist christian daughter who thinks televis.....
» 1/05/2007 11:35:27 PM Peppy -; I understand and agree with what you were saying in your post, that at this poin.....
» 1/05/2007 9:45:13 PM The Hijacking of society by the professionals and white collar workers The labour party c.....
» 1/05/2007 12:14:02 AM Unfortunately we do not have total segregation of church and state in Australia or America.....
» 30/04/2007 11:28:19 PM What will happen in the Arab world if the West reduces its dependance on oil. Their main e.....
» 30/04/2007 10:22:41 PM "We must all take responsibility for this bloodshed" Especially the Sunni and S.....
» 30/04/2007 12:42:27 AM People against live exports-: You dont have eight children because you ARE wealthy. Peopl.....
» 29/04/2007 11:28:01 PM Also Pericles-: People in these countries wouldnt be forced to use family planning clini.....
» 29/04/2007 11:12:11 PM Pericles -: I agree with you that in some cases it is also about the inability or the corr.....
» 29/04/2007 10:28:36 PM The wealthy Western nations are not the only ones responsible for earth climate change. Th.....
» 29/04/2007 9:47:58 PM Demos the reason the Kiwis arent afraid or see the need to arm is because they know Austr.....
» 29/04/2007 5:37:17 PM People against live exports and intensive farming-: "always be ready to share your si.....
» 29/04/2007 5:16:27 PM Browyn I agree with your comment that the government should subsidise healthy food like gr.....
» 29/04/2007 4:38:41 PM Regarding the sex trade in Thailand and poor countries like that I often think how differe.....
» 29/04/2007 3:59:25 PM Clayton-; "if you take away that boys job you take away his brothers education, it's .....
» 27/04/2007 11:50:02 PM Pericles -: " Niether do we want to kill off granny to pay for little justin" W.....
» 27/04/2007 11:02:46 PM The right to strike could be taken back by the workers of this country tomorrow if they so.....
» 27/04/2007 9:39:20 PM And we in the Western world enjoy all the fruits of that slave labour. WE know all the che.....
» 27/04/2007 9:18:47 PM Druken man-; "The human being in its basic form is an ultruistic creature" If e.....
» 26/04/2007 12:40:41 AM Country Gal -: To strike back hurting innocent people makes us worse because we know bette.....
» 19/04/2007 12:53:39 AM Turnleft, Turnright, Without intregation the country will simply divide into two or thre.....
» 19/04/2007 12:21:03 AM Alanpoi just because you claim that white people are racist and supremists doesnt mean tha.....
» 18/04/2007 11:52:30 PM Coach: Your quotes from the Quaran are actively inciting sedition. So is Hilali in his .....
» 18/04/2007 11:18:20 PM Irfan: “I’m not aware of Hilali saying anything causing a riot of the same proportion as C.....
» 18/04/2007 10:23:10 PM If as oliver says the new planes will end Indonesias superior aircraft supremecy over Aust.....
» 18/04/2007 10:08:34 PM Dave Clarke Civil or internal wars are fought for exactly the same reasons as external w.....
» 16/04/2007 1:29:23 AM While I know that a percentage of the baby boomers or (the parents) may liquidate the asse.....
» 16/04/2007 12:24:09 AM Apurva: If you are able to see a doctor there is an injection called DE-Provera that can.....
» 16/04/2007 12:10:18 AM DEMOS: The case of David Hicks demonstrates the hollowness of assertions about "the r.....
» 15/04/2007 11:53:49 PM Sorry, meant to write "kick the offending politicians out".....
» 15/04/2007 11:49:58 PM Carreyn 1 Although I agree with what you say about the elites in both the Communist and .....
» 15/04/2007 11:30:01 PM The best means of defending a country this big is by using sophisticated fighter planes an.....
» 15/04/2007 10:56:09 PM one other thing about China. They also have tens of thousands of men who will never get ma.....
» 12/04/2007 7:46:57 PM I too think the West is on the eve of destruction if they dont come down out of the intell.....
» 12/04/2007 7:22:33 PM Great article Demos, It is not the intellect that drives mankind in everyday life on thi.....
» 11/04/2007 2:02:11 AM By the way Morgie could you send me some chocolates and a bottle of wine. No? MEANIE!.....
» 11/04/2007 1:34:02 AM RE ms Ripley Any western woman who converts to a religion that wants to make women wear b.....
» 11/04/2007 12:35:00 AM Bugsy ;- He might just tell us the truth. It didnt look to me like he was telling the tru.....
» 10/04/2007 11:24:52 PM Didn't there used to be a saying, Better to be late than DEAD on time......
» 10/04/2007 10:49:16 PM Woobles, Thanks for the funny post it has tickled my funny bone and given me a good laug.....
» 8/04/2007 2:12:44 AM "There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in your philosophy&quo.....
» 8/04/2007 12:05:16 AM To all these defenders of civil rights and democratic justice out there who think that tha.....
» 7/04/2007 11:55:21 PM What were these terrible tortures that David Hicks was subjected to? Sleep deprivation, so.....
» 7/04/2007 11:35:41 PM Jesus was killed because he had become a leader and was developing a huge following, an em.....
» 7/04/2007 11:14:30 PM DAVID HICKS SUPPORTERS ANSWER ME THIS:- If you had just won a gun battle with German soldi.....
» 2/04/2007 9:43:37 PM Shorbe is right in saying there wont be much difference between John Howard and the Labour.....
» 2/04/2007 9:30:43 PM one reason unemployment may be low is because of the aging population retiring and opening.....
» 1/04/2007 11:43:30 PM Without the pill societies were more reluctant to send women to war because they may have .....
» 1/04/2007 11:03:14 PM My Dear old Dad tells me that at one time it was compulsory for any company or business to.....
» 1/04/2007 10:28:46 PM The workers themselves are to blame for these new industrial laws. They have failed to sta.....
» 1/04/2007 9:53:37 PM Steve Madden, Mr. Rudds father died of Abdominal Sepsis. This also happened to my Aunt w.....
» 1/04/2007 9:10:18 PM Romany RE; reverse racism My previous post refers to the fact that the author of the art.....
» 31/03/2007 1:28:28 AM Chris Shaw;- "i confess that I have had revolutionary thoughts that this time we are .....
» 31/03/2007 12:45:55 AM Emma you ask "why are we importing arguments against Multiculturalism from countries .....
» 30/03/2007 11:24:53 PM David Latimer, "Did he fight against his own countrymen". When you fly with the.....
» 30/03/2007 12:01:53 AM It seems a tad ironic that white girls buy tanning lotions to make their skin dark and dar.....
» 29/03/2007 11:07:38 PM When Hicks raised his gun to fight against his own countrymen who in other circumstances c.....
» 29/03/2007 9:56:42 PM "clashes of culture cause conflict" If by conflict you mean war and suicide bo.....
» 29/03/2007 9:48:19 PM There is no family of man and never will be. A family is made up of people who are offspr.....
» 16/03/2007 2:16:46 AM C J Morgan Full credit to the cultural elites who make wonderful Australian Movies and w.....
» 16/03/2007 12:28:13 AM I neglected to mention that my son-in-law adores his children and does a great job as a st.....
» 15/03/2007 11:45:57 PM Cubano Boatloads of prostitutes were sent to relieve their stress. Those women were pro.....
» 15/03/2007 11:20:31 PM The old adage, If it sounds too good to be true it usually is; springs to my mind when I r.....
» 13/03/2007 11:11:42 PM C J Morgan, "Modern Societies have weak collective identities. Post Modern Elites e.....
» 13/03/2007 10:19:23 PM Pericles; "That at many periods in history Muslim societies have been more tolerant t.....
» 13/03/2007 9:53:40 PM My son-in-law is a stay at home dad as my daughter is the big wage earner. They have just .....
» 9/03/2007 11:35:19 PM “If a Muslim dislikes me for what I stand for it is not called racism” Yolanda, I tota.....
» 9/03/2007 10:01:57 PM Whatever happened to separation of church and state. People with strong religious persuasi.....
» 9/03/2007 9:37:21 PM When people dont have a fanatical religion to use as an excuse for genocide then they elec.....
» 9/03/2007 9:22:09 PM Of course religious groups can be races if they have lived in the one area and only marrie.....
» 7/03/2007 11:07:41 PM The Geneva convention is a piece of paper dont rely on that to protect you. As I said in.....
» 7/03/2007 10:49:17 PM The United Nations was always doomed to failure and it will never work in the future. The .....
» 7/03/2007 10:10:21 PM Since communism proved itself to be a false promise of salvation to the masses. Usually th.....
» 7/03/2007 9:31:03 PM racism is tribal territorial hostility. The world needs to learn that if they want world .....
» 7/03/2007 8:46:54 PM When David Hicks was caught in bed with the enemy he should have immediately had his Austr.....
» 7/03/2007 8:28:19 PM Hawaiilawyer: “ The image of the conqueror” It was ever thus and still is. All over the w.....
» 7/03/2007 5:20:14 PM First let me state that men can be called sluts just as easily as women in fact I often sa.....
» 4/03/2007 9:20:28 PM Did they also try to church the male responsible for impregnating the whore? It takes two .....
» 26/02/2007 12:40:52 AM West, "Without the belief in God there is no justification for most of the horrors .....
» 25/02/2007 10:39:25 PM I saw David Hick's stepmother on television talking about the letters from David that she .....
» 25/02/2007 3:51:30 PM The war in Iraq is lost because as soon as the Americans pull out the so called Iraqi forc.....
» 17/02/2007 12:56:49 AM I too thoroughly enjoy online opinion and some of the wonderfully written articles and vie.....
» 17/02/2007 12:19:54 AM The fact that there have been no massacres since gun laws were introduced would seem to in.....
» 11/02/2007 2:51:50 PM The Palestian and Jewish conflict is the perfect example of how multiculturalism will not .....
» 11/02/2007 2:30:11 PM Yolanda, I would think my statement was the opposite of predudice towards one group bein.....
» 9/02/2007 12:14:17 AM Rache -: “Why not mention the violent deeds of history and Christianity for example.” Ind.....
» 8/02/2007 11:32:30 PM Turnleft Turnright, It might be more dangerous to the long term surival of our people to.....
» 8/02/2007 10:19:14 PM Ted Bundy the serial killer had a very high IQ number. A high IQ doesnt guarantee emotiona.....
» 8/02/2007 9:38:53 PM Why doesn't God appear in my kitchen and say "It's true Sharkfin I really do exist.&q.....
» 4/02/2007 4:22:37 PM colinsett You may want to add the fundamentalist muslim clerics, as well as George Bush .....
» 4/02/2007 4:08:29 PM Bushbred, Good idea and all the MUslims from the middle east can all leave Europe,Austra.....
» 4/02/2007 3:35:37 PM I have always taken the view that the West carries its ideas of civil libertaryitism, and .....
» 4/02/2007 1:46:42 PM When even the powerful politicians of our own country Australia, also the poiliticians of .....
» 30/01/2007 10:03:16 PM I have never believed that Lincoln and the North freed the slaves for altruistic reasons. .....
» 30/01/2007 9:29:38 PM Mr. Denmore-; "The Indonesian Muslims threw out Suharto to embrace parlimentary Democ.....
» 30/01/2007 9:15:36 PM Mylakhrion:- "This pattern has been seen across every wave of immigration." No .....
» 30/01/2007 8:17:06 PM "America's problem is a serious lack of understanding of other cultures". And .....
» 29/01/2007 6:20:38 PM How the pot does call the kettle black when attacking America and George Bush. A huge perc.....
» 29/01/2007 12:20:54 AM The reality is that women in the West only have the freedoms they have because we live in .....
» 28/01/2007 11:46:46 AM My last comment got me to thinking maybe its time for a new Australian Flag. It is probabl.....
» 28/01/2007 11:31:04 AM Why dont the organizers request that everybody bring an Australian flag to the event and w.....
» 14/01/2007 11:34:21 AM If according to the bible, man is the prototype and woman the copy,then why do men have ni.....
» 13/01/2007 10:05:37 PM The Muslims make no secret of the fact that they would like a muslim state worldwide. The.....
» 13/01/2007 8:58:05 PM Sorry life isnt fair or just, The ones controling the army, the anglo saxons are at prese.....
» 10/01/2007 11:35:11 PM Maybe instead of cultural studies and the humanities the kids should be taught the real tr.....
» 10/01/2007 9:51:41 PM The freedom of the market place has resulted in the greedy marketeers failing to train ski.....
» 10/01/2007 8:52:10 PM "Adapt to the enemy to achieve victory." Wouldst that we could? We would be pe.....
» 10/01/2007 8:38:17 PM What if homegrown terrorists coordinate bomb attacks in every major Australian city at the.....
» 27/12/2006 8:58:39 PM In the end it doesnt really matter why suicide bombers do it or why America does things. W.....
» 20/12/2006 10:14:21 PM correction to the above post. I meant training tradesmen not trading them. A typing error.....
» 20/12/2006 10:10:02 PM Governments win power or lose it based on the state of the economy(the hip pocket nerve). .....
» 19/12/2006 2:20:36 PM In cynical circles it's called the Aboriginal Industry. The Aborigines dont actually want.....
» 15/12/2006 11:15:55 PM Fester, You highlight the point I'm am trying to make that racism at its core is based o.....
» 11/12/2006 10:26:33 PM C.J. Morgan, Greetings from the deep. Racism is as a cough is to the flu. It is only a s.....
» 11/12/2006 8:19:52 PM everyone has an affinity for their own race. People who say they dont ("we are not ra.....
» 28/11/2006 12:46:38 AM Steve Madden, What I mean by intregration is intregration of bloodlines. You can do it .....
» 28/11/2006 12:18:12 AM I have a daughter who is 29years old she is paying off a lovely home and has three rental .....
» 27/11/2006 11:00:58 PM Brain Drain, Of course all the Ethnic groups love Australia(the land) thats what they com.....
» 26/11/2006 5:55:28 PM instead of rising interest rates when prices go up and hitting the the battler who is tryi.....
» 26/11/2006 5:03:27 PM C.J. Morgan "The notion of race when applied to humans is practically meaningless&qu.....
» 26/11/2006 4:06:04 PM Bennie My point about the leaves was it took them years to realise their first conclusion.....
» 25/11/2006 1:04:10 AM I think the English have the best sense of humour in the world. With shows like Fawlty Tow.....
» 24/11/2006 5:02:13 PM Brain Drain, I think a lot of the very stupid believe it is complex,( including academics.....
» 24/11/2006 4:13:55 PM Ronnie Peters You are talking about individuality. The right to dress in an individual wa.....
» 23/11/2006 12:58:21 AM If a lion as a species is so closely related genetically that there is virtually no differ.....
» 22/11/2006 11:44:37 PM I watched the protest on television and the thing that struck me was the MUslim priest up .....
» 22/11/2006 11:15:06 PM Maybe John Howard could offer some of his billion dollar surplus instead of saving it to h.....
» 22/11/2006 11:06:03 PM Treaties arent worth the paper they are written on. Hitler used to sign treaties with En.....
» 22/11/2006 11:01:30 PM Indonesia has never been Australias friend and never will be. When the battlelines of Wor.....
» 22/11/2006 10:39:21 PM Lets change the word genetics to KIN.The mature cells (adults) split off and create new ce.....
» 20/11/2006 9:26:45 PM Logic, I wasn’t disagreeing with the concept of there being no difference between human .....
» 20/11/2006 1:31:19 AM “The brain is not related to skin colouring. Skin colouring is only skin deep” I disagree.....
» 18/11/2006 6:32:50 PM Sunisle, Maybe you should see the truth in what you read instead of seeing what you wan.....
» 18/11/2006 6:26:11 PM Maybe you should see the truth in what you read instead of seeing what you want to see. T.....
» 18/11/2006 6:07:18 PM What about all the Japanese prisoners taken in World War 2. Should they have all been boug.....
» 18/11/2006 1:51:28 PM Fellow Human , If the Arabs and the Jews lived together so happily as you say, then why d.....
» 18/11/2006 2:00:57 AM Why all this misplaced sympathy for David Hicks. My sympathies go to my children and anyon.....
» 18/11/2006 1:29:31 AM I say that the West should pull its troops out of every trouble spot in the world and stop.....
» 18/11/2006 12:10:13 AM What David is asking you people to do here is marry into the white race. Which is one hell.....
» 13/11/2006 8:12:02 PM Bazz You are right when you say this problem between the Jews and Arabs has no solution. .....
» 13/11/2006 7:28:28 PM The thing that I wonder about with this is how come whenever women have been covered over .....
» 13/11/2006 6:32:38 PM A few thousand can become tens of thousands and then number 1million. The point at which d.....
» 13/11/2006 5:41:28 PM The point at which democracy fails is when two tribes equalling each other in numbers go h.....
» 11/11/2006 11:49:28 PM “To be controlled in our economic pursuits is to be controlled in everything” This line o.....
» 11/11/2006 9:04:23 PM Two of my favouite hymns' 1. What a friend we have in Jesus -: "What a friend we ha.....
» 8/11/2006 11:46:06 PM The only thing that will stop world poverty "TheHoneyMoonisover" is if the male .....
» 8/11/2006 11:23:54 PM Maybe the government should crack down on some of the blatent profiteering on groceries, p.....
» 8/11/2006 10:12:00 PM If the pimple on the Yanks arse gets attacked they will have to defend it......
» 8/11/2006 9:55:59 PM Rhian talks about antagonism and misunderstanding between Islamic and White Australia. The.....
» 8/11/2006 9:45:31 PM West says that the Buddist, Hindu, Pagan and Wiccan Sermons have managed to be conducted f.....
» 8/11/2006 9:07:52 PM Having thought about all of the above I agree with maximus that treatment is probably a be.....
» 8/11/2006 1:36:00 AM Aqvarivs There is nothing wrong with womens magazines or teen magazines or womens fashion.....
» 8/11/2006 12:20:33 AM This is an interesting article Maximus. I believe that all humans possess a latent ability.....
» 7/11/2006 11:00:33 PM Although at face value the Shiek Hilalis words appear to be about sex it is really about p.....
» 4/11/2006 4:22:14 AM “The opponents of multiculturism are taking us back a century”. It would actually be more.....
» 4/11/2006 12:42:30 AM Dear Fluerette, It was the Sieks not the muslims who fought the Hindus in India. I typed .....
» 3/11/2006 11:24:54 PM Its funny how sometimes people speak a truism without actually realising how true it is. N.....
» 3/11/2006 10:18:17 PM The dictionary says that a patriot is a lover or defender of his country. Do some of the p.....
» 3/11/2006 9:29:03 PM It is a shame that voting has to be made compulsory. Everyone should realise that voting i.....
» 2/11/2006 12:57:47 AM Dear Fleurette, Australia has become wary of taking refugees because we can see the troub.....
» 1/11/2006 11:29:19 PM Yes Turnright Turnleft, Germany and Hitler is a very good example of what happens when p.....
» 29/10/2006 7:26:22 PM Dear Fleurette, You say that Muslims were forced to migrate to the West because of Weste.....
» 27/10/2006 9:44:34 PM If men only commit rape because of the way women are dressed how do you explain the case o.....
» 22/10/2006 9:01:47 PM Rainer, Racism is a complex sociological phenomena. What do you mean by that?. That’s jus.....
» 22/10/2006 12:30:53 AM Ena, I also disagree with you that the Jews were slaughtered because it was cultural for.....
» 21/10/2006 11:42:57 PM The point I was making Ena was that people who wear the Hijab have threatened the life of .....
» 21/10/2006 10:43:37 PM Dear Accent, I don’t think the answer to war is tolerance, wisdom, or education unless .....
» 21/10/2006 9:07:49 PM OK, Time to organise big ethnically mixed dance nights nation wide. Lets assimilate by mea.....
» 21/10/2006 5:33:30 PM What a wonderful article David Boaz. The Ethnic groups in the West are using the racism ca.....
» 19/10/2006 8:54:59 PM Ena You say that women in this country can wear any damm thing they like. Does that mean.....
» 18/10/2006 8:59:40 PM There is a limit to tolerance. Should the Jews be offended if a group of people decided .....
» 18/10/2006 8:47:37 PM Ena, If you think that apartheid was wrong in South Africa why do you condone the practic.....
» 16/10/2006 11:20:24 PM The womens liberationists who are responsible for a lot of the support for multiculturalis.....
» 16/10/2006 2:01:49 AM Dear Wobbles, You need to take your head out of the sand. When I was growing up in the f.....
» 16/10/2006 1:44:50 AM David Hicks wrote letters to his stepmother which she handed over to the federal police, s.....
» 16/10/2006 12:36:18 AM Religious law, my foot. We saw this with the Greeks in this country, where they were so a.....
» 13/10/2006 2:42:44 AM To Kevin you failed to say that some of the people you are forcing off welfare into low p.....
» 13/10/2006 1:03:55 AM In democratic societies as well as communist societies there are always elite groups who t.....
» 12/10/2006 11:51:02 PM There are probably two different types of suicide,youth suicide and aged suicide which may.....
» 6/10/2006 8:23:54 PM The IRA may have just officially declared a laying down of arms in Ireland but they havent.....
» 6/10/2006 7:03:47 PM When the Japanese invaded China they killed 15 million Chinese. I obtained this History.....
» 4/10/2006 11:03:17 PM Japan versus America Japan moves to acquire an Empire -The East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.....
» 4/10/2006 6:42:07 PM The protaganists may have funny angular shapes but I did mean angels......
» 4/10/2006 6:39:39 PM To Tao, How would you like to pay $5.00 or even $10.00 a litre for your petrol and then .....
» 4/10/2006 6:12:48 PM So America put sanctions on the Japanese and they bombed America but why did they bomb Aus.....
» 4/10/2006 1:07:28 AM As I have said before these arent terrorist attacks they are territorial attacks. . Its o.....
» 3/10/2006 11:02:44 PM Like Albie Manton says, If you kill off all the young fertile women in a war (and I dont.....
» 3/10/2006 10:34:13 PM Could society accept female polygamy as easily as male polygamy? With guaranteed financial.....
» 1/10/2006 12:41:33 AM I agree with turnleft turnright when he says “extreme free market ideology is just as flaw.....
» 30/09/2006 10:00:17 PM Yes I agree Ozgirl that the death penalty should be applied in certain cases of rape and o.....
» 25/09/2006 12:16:10 PM The Taliban came from Pakistan when they took control of Afghanistan and have been backed .....
» 25/09/2006 2:27:39 AM It is obvious that John Howard is targeting the Islamic Imans (priests) who cant speak Eng.....
» 25/09/2006 12:18:25 AM We saved the Aborigines from the Japanese in World War 2 they couldn’t have held Australia.....
» 24/09/2006 11:04:25 PM And another thing Celivia, Wars are not about intolerance, so you wont stop wars by bein.....
» 24/09/2006 10:42:39 PM The trouble with multi-culturalism Celivia Is that we can now have our arms and legs blow.....
» 17/09/2006 10:53:06 PM probably hamlet because men dont actually have to subject their bodies to having an aborti.....
» 17/09/2006 10:02:04 PM I agree with Bazz on this one. David Hicks is a prisoner of war and the usual justice syst.....
» 15/09/2006 10:50:48 PM when I said priests I meant it as a broad term including immams, rabbis the lot.....
» 15/09/2006 8:52:32 PM We saved the aboriginies from the Japanese who were a lot more cruel and barbaric then we .....
» 15/09/2006 8:36:24 PM There's a point at which democracy fails and that's the point at which one etnic group(tri.....
» 15/09/2006 7:47:51 PM marilyn people may wear different clothes and have different traditions but the human be.....
» 14/09/2006 1:20:23 AM If WORLD WAR 3 breaks out James Cumes and the line is drawn in the sand who is going to be.....
» 13/09/2006 11:14:46 PM Because Plantagenet, Religion should be the personal choice of the individual and to have.....
» 11/09/2006 11:54:20 PM TO MARILYN This blaming of the West for all the territorial warfare on the planet ignores .....
» 11/09/2006 11:29:48 PM If world war 3 breaks out and the line is drawn in the sand your true friends will be the .....
» 11/09/2006 11:10:53 PM his blaming of the West for all the territorial warfare on the planet ignores the fact tha.....
» 11/09/2006 10:11:32 PM You only have to look at history and the bombing campaign waged by the IRA for control of .....
» 11/09/2006 8:14:46 PM The refusal to integrate that is marry outside of your tribe is the ultimate racism. Its t.....
» 10/09/2006 4:42:09 PM To Tony kevin, I make no apology for speaking the truth. As for the book "Ornament of.....
» 10/09/2006 4:16:03 PM Tony Kevin, I will not apologise for speaking the truth. As to this book Ornament of the .....
» 10/09/2006 2:14:23 PM To Leigh, I disagree with you that people who practice religions like Islam are not races.....
» 7/09/2006 11:59:32 PM As for the Arabs being responsible for all the inventions and technological advances of th.....
» 7/09/2006 11:25:27 PM Nayeefa, The problem is NOT YOUR RELIGION. Its the fact that the majority of fundamentalis.....
» 19/08/2006 12:42:09 AM To those who seem to only blame the Israelies for whats happening in Lebanon. It should be.....
» 19/08/2006 12:00:17 AM DAVID BOAZ, I apologize, I actually took the time to read the posts more slowly and I real.....
» 17/08/2006 1:14:53 AM so David B You think my belief that all wars are territorial is too simplistic. Democra.....
» 15/08/2006 11:42:50 PM Change the term ethnic cleansing to territorial massacre and you will get a more accurate .....
» 15/08/2006 9:23:30 PM MIDDLE EAST WAR - TERRITORIAL DOGFIGHT IT IS OVER CONTROL OF THE LAND. wars are not about .....

598 comments in total: 394 article comments, 204 general comments.

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