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Racism - the type that is a problem.

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I want to give you some real live examples of the type of racism and discrimination that our Government ignores.

At the Administrative Decisions Tribunal hearing when the Selective Schools Unit (SSU) was being cross examined in relation to IQ tests provided by parents to support applications for placement in Selective Schools the Leader of the SSU said in relation to the release of a chart that showed the IQ equivalents:

"Q. Because the reason that you gave why the chart couldn’t be released, or the reason that the Department gave and I think that you gave some evidence about this, was that you said that people could somehow manipulate their IQ scores if they came from interstate of overseas.
A. Yes.

Q. But you’d agree with me, wouldn’t you, that if you wanted to get into a selective school you’d just submit an IQ test with the highest mark. You would do that whatever. You don’t need a particular IQ to be aiming for.
A. There are people who don’t know. For some people 120 is a very high IQ. It’s certainly the bottom of the gifted range. A lot of parents think that if their children show an IQ of 120 then they’ll get into James Ruse. The fact is, they wont>

Q. Why shouldn’t they know that? What would be the problem with them knowing that?
A. the whole point of that is that unfortunately we know exactly how scrupulously honest our registered psychologists are but we’re getting reports from Bahrain and anywhere else.

Q. Does your chart have something to say about that, does it say somewhere on it that IQ tests from Bahrain score differently or –
A. No, but I’m saying we can’t be sure that the psychological society, if such a thing exists in Bahrain, will not allow their psychologists to take a fairly large bribe to provide an IQ score that is commensurate with the thing"

That is racism of the worst kind
Posted by Jolanda, Sunday, 4 February 2007 10:15:58 AM
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It might well be racism of the worse kind but perhaps someone is
well aware of what goes on in the real world.
Generally when someone says something like that they have seen it
happen but don't have the proof and could never get proof.

No reason why another test could not be peformed.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 5 February 2007 1:09:29 PM
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Bazz, it would make no difference if another test was performed because people with power are allowed to use discretion regardless of their prejudices and attitude, and power easily shifts from racism to discrimination.

There are many instances when people are in positions of power making decisions that impact on others where their prejudices can rule and they are allowed to use discretion without question or challenge.

Another example of this type of ‘discretion’ being abused was given when my family took a matter to the Administrative Decision Tribunal. When giving evidence at the hearing in relation to IQ tests presented by parents to support applications for Selective Schools- the Leader of the Selective Schools Unit said:

“We have told parents that they can give us other evidence of academic merit and IQ’s can be interpreted as another piece of academic merit …….

-the selection committee can say, all right, I will incorporate this IQ score into the profile score because it’s a piece of evidence of academic merit. Another selection committee will say, no, even though it’s under two years old and its’ this, and that and other thing, we won’t incorporate it because really this is a piece of evidence that somebody can go out and pay for to get. They can get another bite of the cherry and that it not equitable”.

I can’t help but wonder how equitable and fair the attitude that has been presented is? If people who are making decisions that can impact on a child’s education and future can discount IQ reports based on their racist beliefs, negative attitude towards Psychologists and thier negative attitude towards those that have paid to have their child tested by a psychologist then how can that be seen as equitable, impartial, unbiased and fair?
Posted by Jolanda, Monday, 5 February 2007 7:04:00 PM
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It would be difficult to sustain the argument that the Selective Schools Unit practices racism.

Anyone who has recently attented any functions at James Ruse,Baulkham Hills or North Sydney Girls would be able to testify that the number of children who derive from Chinese ,Korean & Indians backgrounds at such schools is of a much higher proportion than those races make up in/of the general pop.So if they are stacking the deck -it is not with children from the traditional elites.

Though I do agree that the selectors seem to pay little if know attention to outside evidence -despite what their official press releases say.( I was actually told “oh we don’t consider such things” by one Selective Schools Officer..)
Posted by Horus, Tuesday, 6 February 2007 5:45:27 PM
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Horus. Racism can be directed at different groups. The group that is the least represented in selective schools would have to be those of darker skin, being those of Aboriginal background and those of middle eastern background.

I have heard some very negative attitudes presented by those in the Education Department in relation to Aboriginal children and children of middle eastern background.

I do believe that there is racism at play in education.
Posted by Jolanda, Tuesday, 6 February 2007 7:00:35 PM
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Let me tell you another story, it happened to my son. My children are of Lebanese background.

I was called to the school office as my son had been accused of harassment and name calling. They told him that he could be expelled. Problem was that my son didn’t know what they were talking about. When I asked them to give me the date and time that this was alleged to have happened as my son clearly didn’t know what they were on about, I was told that it didn’t matter the date and that they had Teachers statements and other statements that said my son did it. When I challenged them for the date and information so that my son could defend himself they eventually gave me the details. Problem was that they should have checked their roll before providing the date as on the day that they say that my son harassed this other student in English class and for which they say they had teachers statements to support it was my son who did it, my son was at home sick and that was confirmed by the school roll.

On parent teacher interviews the acting Deputy principal was telling the parents of my sons friends (Year 7) to keep their children away from my son as he is a trouble-maker.

Problem is that my son is a polite and respectful student and he has never done anything wrong.

The schools accusations were part of a witch hunt and a desire to discredit and vilify my son and it is easy to do because he is of Lebanese background. Other people just automatically believe that he must be bad because of his background and that is so grossly racist and unfair.

This is the most damaging type of racism.
Posted by Jolanda, Tuesday, 6 February 2007 8:11:15 PM
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