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9-11: treason in the academic comfort zone? : Comments

By Mervyn Bendle, published 11/9/2006

There has been a scandalous lethargy among the Australian intelligentsia in terrorism research.

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If you are interested in 9/11 academic studies, can I suggest that you have a look at It is a collection of around 300 US academics who share the views of Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed. It consists of engineers, physicists and humanities scholars.

If you can offer adequate explanations to some some of their concerns, particuarly regarding WTC 7, I would be very interested to hear it.
Posted by Carl, Monday, 11 September 2006 10:14:57 AM
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I agree there is a dilemma with endlessly looking for definitions concerning terrorism and consequently overlooking the most important element - that a terrorist act is essentially criminal behaviour and must be assessed and treated as such.

Nonetheless to ignore the underlying motivations of any criminal behaviour will limit our ability to comprehensively deal with the issue. Australia needs to be firm on building infrastucture, security apparatus and intelligence networks to prevent further attacks but must also be mindful of how certain foreign policies contribute to the liklihood of further terrorist activity.
Posted by siapadia, Monday, 11 September 2006 10:27:08 AM
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No doubt the war on terror could provide rich pickings for academia and commerce alike. This has the potential to be a great sunrise industry.

Look how well NY Mayor Giuliani did after 9-11. Look how Mr Cheney's Halliburton shares have burgeoned too.

I am thinking of adding Wackenhutt to my portfolio just in case creepy old Uncle Phil throws me in the slammer.

On the other hand it would be nice to have a Minister for Peace, or even a Minister of She'll Be Right. Since you mentioned 1930's Germany, I suggest they could have used just such an arrangement to their advantage. It might have made all the difference in the world.

After all, the real terrorists and fascists of those days were the banking and industrial cartels who saw fit to invest in and enable Mr Hitler and the Nasties.

Shouldn't academia be pondering that one?
Posted by Chris Shaw, Carisbrook 3464, Monday, 11 September 2006 10:34:30 AM
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I agree with the need for more research into terrorism, its causes and strategies for risk management. I also feel that western governments are probably not going to fund it, or if they do, it will be like so many enquiries - have a very narrow scope.

There is no doubt in my mind that Terrorism is also serving these governments well, in taking citizens focus off the ever-increasing totalitarian policies being ushered in under the cover of Terrorism and Gradualism. ie the more draconian aspects of Industrial Reform, Civil Liberties.

In my view we face two distinct types of terrorism in the world today - State-sponsored and Islamic Fundamentalist. As one would expect, the latter is far more "honest" in it's intents and actions. The former relies much more on Stealth and Spin Doctors. Either way, we the citizens of democratic nations are destined to be the big losers! So, what alternatives do we have, particularly here in Australia. The Devil you know or the one you don't?

By the way, when was the last time you heard any politician refer to you as a Citizen of your country? Rarely I suspect, we are just "consumers" of all the spin they feed us, since governments handed over economic control of their nations to the Central Banking System (read Geneva and Brussels). The same "Royal" families and their Merchants of Venice now tell our governments how it is going to be! Just like the "good old days."

Posted by Flezzey, Monday, 11 September 2006 11:39:41 AM
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The rumble of big black limos disturbing the arcadian tranquility of downtown Carisbrook. G-men in dark suits and mirrored sunglasses trying to look inconspicuous in the thriving village of Carisbrook with its several hundred population. Maybe Uncle Phil has booked into one of the 3 tastefully decorated bedrooms at Keziah’s of Carisbrook, and how fitting is that; a restored former police residence. With Phil’s entourage and the need to double up in single beds I bet those G-men with a snoring habit were forced to pitch tents in Bucknall Reserve.

Chris, the next time you post a letter in that red brick post office at Carisbrook I’d remain circumspect if I were you. Uncle Phil might be out back steaming open your correspondence to that chemical company.
Posted by Sage, Monday, 11 September 2006 11:49:55 AM
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Merv, I agree with your description of Paul Kelly's analysis of the war on terror (Weekend Australian, 9-10/9) as "excellent", and encourage OLO readers to read it and your response (Australian letters, 11/9) in conjunction with this debate.
Posted by Faustino, Monday, 11 September 2006 12:18:04 PM
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