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The Forum > General Discussion > Who is NOT a terrorist?

Who is NOT a terrorist?

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Division of Terrorism:

1. Physical Terrorism (unfair violence) like killing an
innocent person.
2.Non-Physical Terrorism (unfair non-violence) like a speech
which cause fight and killing.

Division of Targets of Terrorism:
1.Body a. Person b. Group c. Society(large Group)
2.Mind a. Person b. Group c. Society
3.Image and status a. Person b. Group c. Society or
4.Economy (Financial Terrorism) a. Person b. Group
c. Society or Country
5.Culture a. Person b. Group c. Society
6.Belief or Religion a. Person b. Group c. Society

Division of Violence:

1.Unfair Violence a. with bleeding (like killing an
innocent person)
b. without bleeding(like hitting an
innocent person)

2.Fair Violence
a. with bleeding (like when a killer
attacks and you defend and kill or
injure the killer)

b. without bleeding (like when a
police stops a thief by force)

Division of Non-Violence:

1.Unfair Non-Violence a. with bleeding (like publishing
a book for making fight and

b. without bleeding(like a wrong
policy that makes people
suffering in life)
2.Fair Non-Violence
a. with bleeding (like
the operation of the surgery)

b. without bleeding (like speaking)

Any person, any group or any country that has any kind of unfair movement and action
whether it's with violence or without violence, whether its result is bleeding or not bleeding,
against the body,mind,status,economy,culture,belief or religion of a person,group or country IS A TERRORIST.

Posted by DDAN, Wednesday, 4 October 2006 4:56:24 AM
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I think we should forget the term 'terrorist' because much of what you say is clearly true.

It should be 'enemies and allies'.

The term "Terrorism" by us has overtones of moral superiority. This might well be true, but never entirely true, and in some cases may be entirely UNtrue about the actions of a nation.

I suggest that Australia's involvment in East Timor shows both.

To the extent that our motive was to save the E/Timorese people and repay the debt to them for caring for and assisting us against the Japs, it was good and noble.
To the extent that we may have had our eyes on their oil....... and especially if we saw an opportunity to gain unfair advantage over its exploitation... we are 'terrorists
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 4 October 2006 6:35:08 AM
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The real motive was gas and oil which they are effectively stealing. That makes the rest a convenient cover for colonial ambitions - or lies.
Posted by tao, Wednesday, 4 October 2006 8:12:41 AM
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Hitler used "Terrorism" as his excuse to declare martial law and obtain dictatorial powers. It was after a Russian "Terrorist" burned down the Reichstag building.

Anyone else see the parallels between Hitler and George Bush? Invading other countries without provocation, spying on his own people, torture...........

It's sad but true that America has been Terrorising the World for decades. Pushing their flawed system on other countries where it is going to be even less workable. The Middle East is composed of Tribal factions and unwilling to be pushed towards adopting a failed system like ours. One in which crime is high, unemoployment is high and our imagined freedoms are actually "sacrificed for the many" and never actually existed.

I frequently hear of how the Americans saved us from the Japanese during WW2. What utter rot. The Americans caused the Japanese to join up with Hitler by introducing sanctions. Sound familiar? They are still using this same stupid methodology to try and control other regimes. Like with Iran and N.Korea. It never works. In the case of Japan instead of rolling over and bearing it's throat this proud nation chose to send a warning. They bombed Pearl Harbour.

Now we hear that the illegal war on Iraq has increased the number of Terrorists. Why would this surprise anyone?
Posted by WayneSmith, Wednesday, 4 October 2006 1:00:45 PM
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Dear Wayne and Tao

You guys are speaking as if 'suddenly' Nation states are persuing their interests, and that:

a) It has not happened b4
b) Only the Bush/USA are doing it now.
I'm guessing that there would be a
c) Democrats or.. 'name the leftist' organization would do better ?
(not to mention the hijacking of the Southern USA states by Mexicans.)

Why not pay some attention to the activities of the Soviets, Iran, N Korea, China (specially in the current trade talks)

I have just as much angst about the sacrifice of our manufacturing industry on the alter of Graziers cattle and wheat, as you do about the USA and its goings on.

There never has been, nor will there ever be, a time when Nation states are not involved in the sometimes murky, unethical and downright immoral persuit of survival.

It becomes a matter of degree, and hopefully democratic nations will not take us down the National Socialist path, and always remember, Governments are usually voted OUT rather than new ones voted 'in'.

The emphasis on the 'War on Terror' and the various intelligence and security laws have no effect on truth being told from what I can see.
A republican who writes innappropriate emails to a male page is out their for all to see, and he has resigned. It will damage the image of the party also.

I don't really see all this 'conspiracy' lurking around me that you guys seem to, and I don't just see the 'murky' stuff happening in the USA.

I see N.Korea is on the verge of a Nuclear test. You didn't say anything about that. Given that they might send a nuke in pieces to somewhere to be re-assembled for later strategic use, does this not worry you more than phone tapping or 'threat level' indicator
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 4 October 2006 2:25:19 PM
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So America put sanctions on the Japanese and they bombed America but why did they bomb Australia? Why did they risk death in the islands of Malaya, Singapore, New Guinea etc.

The reason was the glittering territorial bonanza that Australia offered to an overcrowded Japan and if they had taken Australia they and their children would have had prosperity for centuries to come. While we would have been shot out of existence and have become a dying race like all conquered people.

The Japanese knew we were stretched thin with our soldiers helping to defend Britian who was being bombed every night by the Germans and they thought there was a good chance that they could take this country regardless of American sactions.
Posted by sharkfin, Wednesday, 4 October 2006 6:12:48 PM
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