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Our narcissistic selves : Comments

By James Cumes, published 13/9/2006

We shouldn't use our perception of our Australian-ness to attack those who are different.

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Australians don't hate the 'other'; they hate political correctness which seeks to deny them any identity or culture. With attitudes such as this Australia (and the West) will die a corrosive death, and China and maybe India will take over where the 'West' committed suicide.
Posted by hells angel, Wednesday, 13 September 2006 10:43:53 AM
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This is a very interesting piece. In order to fully absorb it, one has to "Stop the World" - in other words, stop the "noise" that is daily foisted upon us.

To observe the world from the perspective of an unassociated being can leave one shivering and unclothed.

How to stop clutching at the mae-west of one's footy team, the Crocodile Hunter, the illusion of John Howard wearing the Don's baggy green while snicking boundaries off Labor's inswingers?

How to stand in the centre of Melbourne and realise that it is as insubstantial as smoke and mirrors - yet still feel contented?


Perhaps we are just believers with no faith. Belief is a clinging thing - the reflection of one's needs. On the other hand faith is a total letting-go, even to the extent of abandoning one's most comforting beliefs (pious people take note).

Faith in one another is the foundation of civilisation. That faith takes no account of race or religion - otherwise it is NOT faith - it is something else, answering to someone else's beliefs.

Faith is not out there, it springs from within.

Indeed, the Idols I have loved so long
Have done my Credit in Men's Eye much wrong:
Have drown'd my Honour in a shallow Cup,
And sold my Reputation for a Song.

Posted by Chris Shaw, Carisbrook 3464, Wednesday, 13 September 2006 11:15:11 AM
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Try this link to find out where you stand as a 'rich' Aussie. You'll have to convert your annual income to either pounds or US $, but it is a lot of fun to find out just how you measure up.

Posted by Scout, Wednesday, 13 September 2006 12:31:10 PM
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This pretentious bit of writing is the reality of what has dogged Australia for the past thirty years.
These academics have a cringe culture about poor old Oz,a few words of praise are flung as a sort of aside, just so we will not think of the author as totally anti Oz.
Fortunately these 'deep thinkers' are now as passe as last years lettuce.
And we are now finding out just how wrong they were.
Posted by mickijo, Wednesday, 13 September 2006 2:01:06 PM
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Scout.. you don't do justice to this VERY important and ground breaking article. I recall disgreeing almost hysterically with this author on some other matter, but in this article he has opened up so many crucially important points that it's almost hard to know where to begin.

*Above all, we want others to recognise that we have a worth approximating to our self-assessment.*

Yep..its called having a culture :) and some territory in which to live it.

1/ *For much of humanity, the self-image of individuals or the group is the image of the god they worship* -

2/ *who, in turn, is in their image.*

3/ *They see their actions as divinely inspired and godlike. They are superior to all other creation and may be unique in the universe.*

COMMENT on 1. The God of the Judao Christian heritage is the One who calls us AWAY from our carnality and greed. He tells us it is WRONG to covet our neighbours this or that. He certainly does NOT justify territorial expansion, the taking and exploitation of other's resources. "If any man will follow me let him DENY himself"....etc Jesus said. "You are in the world but not OF it" He also said.
"We have given up underhanded deceitful ways" Paul says.

COMMENT ON 2. If 'we' are the land grabbing, wife stealing, underage girl lusting types, then...why does our God CONDEMN such behavior ? Sorry, our God is NOT in 'our' sinful image.

COMMENT ON 3. In less enlightened days, yes, we westerners did. Many today of different cultural/philosophical backgrounds STILL DO feel they are actually superior. If not, why would someone born in Australia 3 generations removed from her Greek ancestors say "I'm so proud to be GREEK" ?

While some may err like this, most people understand now that we are simply 'different'. But,.... (and its a important 'but') our difference is OURS...and we don't wish to be treated poorly by those who come to this territory. If they do, then we might reciprocate.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 13 September 2006 2:07:39 PM
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BD - now I KNOW you didn't try the link.

If you had you'd understand just how narcissistic and intolerant Aussies really are.
Posted by Scout, Wednesday, 13 September 2006 2:14:40 PM
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