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Global hysteria : Comments

By Ben-Peter Terpstra, published 10/5/2007

Gore can fly in a private jet but we must carpool because Greenland is 'melting'.

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Wherever there is passion there is exaggeration – or at least biased opinion. I am turning off to the incessant talk about global warming. On the other hand, the author’s pointing to Al Gore’s private jet as an example of hypocrisy is a bit much. There is no way he could be as effective as he is if he was not wealthy and used the most efficient means to move himself and his support team around
Posted by healthwatcher, Thursday, 10 May 2007 9:22:43 AM
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Greenland is a big, flat mass of ice with a volume of 2,850,000 km3. It's recorded annual melt rate is 239 km3 but this does not include the 95 km3 of new ice deposition each winter. So even without any new ice formation it will still take 11,925 years for the ice to completely melt.

Greenland's annual mean temperature ranges from -31C to -20C and the climate cretins predict it will warm by 3C over the next century. And last time I checked, ice still remains as ice between -17C and -28C. But don't let the facts get in the way of a good "scarenario".

The facts are that parts of Greenland melt every summer. What the satellites detect is shallow layers of melt water on top of the ice each summer. This area of transient puddles has expanded recently and has been widely reported as if the entire ice mass has melted. But these puddles all do exactly the same thing every Autumn. They freeze over again, as they have done for millenia.

The latest research also reveals that the glaciers that have been recorded as speeding up are also just as likely to slow back down once the internal stresses have adjusted. To extrapolate from the speeding up times is just as scientifically corrupt as it would be to extrapolate from the periods when they come to a halt.

So Greenland isn't even melting much at all. Don't sell the waterfront property just yet folks.
Posted by Perseus, Thursday, 10 May 2007 10:05:14 AM
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Manbearpig is totally real! No one believes me but I am super serial!
Posted by spendocrat, Thursday, 10 May 2007 10:42:55 AM
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Global warming, climate/change, end the world – whatever - will prove to be the biggest hoax perpetrated on mankind since ancient sea voyagers were supposed to drop off the end of the earth if they went too far from home.

The worst effect of the nonsense is that sensible people have to put up with all of this chattering for now, knowing that when even the alarmists and climate charlatans get the message they will not be made to apologise, at the very least, for their scaremongering ratbaggery
Posted by Leigh, Thursday, 10 May 2007 10:45:33 AM
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"There is no way he [Gore] could be as effective as he is if he was not wealthy and used the most efficient means to move himself and his support team around."

But, what, shame on the small businessperson for using their Toyota Hiace to efficiently move themself and their product/service around to make an honest living and provide their family with food, shelter and shoes? Gore blimey!
Posted by Richard Castles, Thursday, 10 May 2007 11:09:20 AM
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Did anyone notice that even Rupert Murdoch acknowledged the reality of global warming today and intends to restructure his business activities to carbon friendly practice.

Meanwhile why do the editors of this forum continue to feature the rantings of the said turpentine. He is a fool--full of sound and fury and signifying nothing. Rantings like that would score an f triple minus in any decent philosophy or journalism class.
Posted by Ho Hum, Thursday, 10 May 2007 11:23:28 AM
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