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Comment History for Perseus

The Forum > User Index > Perseus > Comment History

» 2/07/2008 2:58:19 PM OLO is obviously getting some traction, otherwise the mediocrats wouldn't be trying to tak.....
» 27/03/2008 11:37:42 AM Talk about ripped off. Three pages of complete waffle and absolutely nothing specific on t.....
» 7/03/2008 10:03:56 PM So Dickie, your reference is an anecdotal newspaper snap shot of two sites from a journali.....
» 6/03/2008 4:27:30 PM Where did you get your data, Dickie? I got mine from the world nuclear association who see.....
» 5/03/2008 11:34:33 AM It is entirely appropriate that Rudd, the leader of the parliamentary labor party should a.....
» 5/03/2008 11:22:29 AM Garnaut hasn't even factored in existing innovations let alone new ones. The increase in t.....
» 4/03/2008 10:54:00 AM What a light weight piece of guff. Garnaut was ignored because his report was so far below.....
» 15/02/2008 11:48:35 AM What a waste of blog space. The only thing he got right was that he, not us, was stark rav.....
» 17/01/2008 2:05:36 PM Isn't it curious how, after all this time, and after all the sorry examples of totalitaria.....
» 17/01/2008 11:44:43 AM A bit of standard casuist logic from green/left. Pity the initial premise is pure bollocks.....
» 7/12/2007 10:42:08 AM Yes, it is seperatist, that is what happens when public standards fall below those of a la.....
» 4/12/2007 12:10:06 PM People like Prof. Bob Carter have been pointing out that there has been no more warming si.....
» 4/12/2007 11:32:38 AM So. The spivs are back in government and, surprise, surprise, Garnaut has crawled back out.....
» 16/11/2007 11:09:22 AM Thanks for recognising the important distinction between cyclical forest growth and harves.....
» 15/11/2007 12:30:15 AM The other serious error in Mooney's logic is the focus on the difference between the stora.....
» 14/11/2007 12:13:36 PM What a pile of half truths and spin. The equivalent of 5500t CO2/ha is only possible in th.....
» 8/11/2007 11:32:19 AM Great story, pity about the facts though. Katrina was entirley within the normal range o.....
» 2/11/2007 12:17:15 PM Sheila got a stiff response from me because she, like many other contributors, assume that.....
» 2/11/2007 10:23:51 AM All good stuff, but for the assumption that shipping will be disadvantaged in an energy co.....
» 1/11/2007 4:39:35 PM Limit Australia's population and they all lived happily ever after, is that it? For abou.....
» 1/11/2007 10:50:10 AM If less of us and more of everything else is best then Sheila should lead the way by junki.....
» 29/10/2007 9:26:52 PM Thank you, MikeC, for a timely dose of reality. Note how most of the anti-nuc posters have.....
» 29/10/2007 11:05:08 AM The way Sir Vivor et al continue with this totally baseless notion that water passing thro.....
» 27/10/2007 2:23:07 PM Sir Vivor, after an eliptical orbit around the planet Gonzon said, "Whether it is s.....
» 27/10/2007 12:27:55 AM Like a dog to his vomit, Atom1. So if the facts just don't add up, just repeat the mantra .....
» 26/10/2007 11:35:50 AM John Galt is alive and well. He once bought a farm that the previous owner had been forced.....
» 26/10/2007 11:09:12 AM What a fatuous beat up masquerading as science based comment. Clearly, most of the water i.....
» 18/10/2007 10:13:04 PM Oh, really. In 1968 Erlich predicted that India would descend into mass famine, starvation.....
» 18/10/2007 11:21:52 AM Thanks, Phoenix94, but the story is pretty well told. Taz is tossing in his usual bunch of.....
» 18/10/2007 11:00:47 AM The guy has obviously spent the past two decades with his head in a paper bag. He claims, .....
» 17/10/2007 12:10:18 PM I concede that there may be non-linear influences from winter warming, etc, but in the cas.....
» 16/10/2007 11:25:03 AM Sir Vivor, you may not be aware of the fact that the precautionary principle has two parts.....
» 15/10/2007 11:14:46 AM There is one other way to explain why global warming will have a minimal effect on bushfir.....
» 14/10/2007 3:59:22 PM What a convenient sidestep for you Sir Vivor. Is the current warming being driven by incre.....
» 14/10/2007 10:08:06 AM An understandable response, Sir Vivor, but the UK Met data was used because it was such a .....
» 13/10/2007 11:10:46 AM Sir Vivor, your own quote pointed out that the number of extreme cold events has been redu.....
» 13/10/2007 10:52:36 AM You missed the point, Gianni. You have a fixed notion of what is "right" and &qu.....
» 12/10/2007 4:25:31 PM Thanks for the link, Taz, especially the fire temp numbers. I knew there were 300's and 90.....
» 12/10/2007 11:07:20 AM Good point, Country Gal. Over the range the majority of species are woodland species which.....
» 11/10/2007 6:18:19 PM Steel, you made it very clear from your first post that you have the kind of mind that run.....
» 11/10/2007 4:10:33 PM Taz, a friend's farm was hit by the 2003 fire which bowled straight down a long riparian c.....
» 11/10/2007 11:27:28 AM So, we are expected to believe that the millions of hectares of native forest on private l.....
» 10/10/2007 4:08:31 PM Steel, if all you can offer is a blatantly political personal attack on the Author then ta.....
» 10/10/2007 11:40:41 AM There is a lot of ignorance about the issue of carbon emissions by fuel reduction burns. C.....
» 2/10/2007 11:37:55 PM Gosh, Ian D thinks he has discovered a trend to ad hominems by people who support the mill.....
» 2/10/2007 12:05:08 PM The only way that two time zones will work in Queensland is when there are two or more sta.....
» 2/10/2007 11:42:08 AM Beattie's little "sledgehammer moment" on local government amalgamations was a t.....
» 2/10/2007 11:14:38 AM "The 128 scientists who propose further studies might not be “green opponents” as sta.....
» 2/10/2007 12:27:20 AM The actual number of new states are not important at this stage as they are rightfully the.....
» 20/09/2007 10:43:31 AM The term "Daylight Saving" is itself a gross misrepresentation loaded with spin......
» 20/09/2007 1:05:32 AM Jim, it is all very well to refer to, but not elaborate on, "the facts" of dupli.....
» 20/09/2007 12:43:24 AM Rudd is a disgusting hypocrite. All his grovelling to Hu Jin Tao will not mask the fact th.....
» 20/09/2007 12:27:56 AM So Stanners has a mind capable of excusing deliberate lies to the policy process as long a.....
» 18/09/2007 12:02:59 PM The Nationals have always been a poor second choice substitute for real self government in.....
» 18/09/2007 11:44:43 AM Federation is not broken. The existing state premiers carry out their role as glorified ma.....
» 17/09/2007 12:47:23 PM Federation will work when North Qld, Central Qld, Southern (non-metro) Qld, NSW Nth Coast,.....
» 24/08/2007 1:21:35 PM Thanks Forest. Note how the author has used the plantation growth rates from high quality .....
» 22/08/2007 3:42:44 PM The usual rudimentary grasp of forest ecology wrapped in a veneer of science. The so calle.....
» 21/07/2007 10:30:28 AM As "South Park" put it, Gore is fixated by "manbearbig", the root of a.....
» 17/07/2007 1:13:05 PM Xoddam, I used the Haddley data because the nasa/Giss stuff has serious variances with our.....
» 13/07/2007 4:27:39 PM Note that Tony Jones committed the same crime that he condemned Durkin for. Durkin was rig.....
» 11/07/2007 3:56:57 PM As the posts on this trail clearly demonstrate, there is no limit to the ignorance of thos.....
» 26/06/2007 8:41:25 PM So, Australians produce 4.5 times our globally proportionate share of CO2 and this needs t.....
» 13/06/2007 12:18:39 PM Ludwig, your comments on leakage from regional money flows mentions things that will conti.....
» 7/06/2007 12:09:10 PM Thanks, Davsab. The government is not doing more for forest management because it is still.....
» 7/06/2007 11:44:36 AM I note your comment, Ludwig, but it is not for you or I to decide the appropriate size for.....
» 7/06/2007 10:57:47 AM The key point to be taken from this article is that the high end "scarenarios" p.....
» 5/06/2007 9:12:52 PM These are valid criticisms of the IPCC methodology but the study makes an equally signific.....
» 5/06/2007 1:34:52 PM Thanks, Davsab. Current IPCC accounting standards actively discourage the management of th.....
» 5/06/2007 12:39:42 PM Ludwig, you have completely ignored my post on the leaking circular flow of money in regio.....
» 4/06/2007 5:42:33 PM Ludwig, the issue of whether a regional state should be centred on existing provincial cit.....
» 4/06/2007 12:35:30 AM I would not have a problem with anyone who actually does something to seriously curb their.....
» 3/06/2007 11:40:31 AM Ludwig, I have repeatedly pointed out that the major advantage of regional states is that .....
» 2/06/2007 4:59:04 PM Well said, easy times. Most contributors to this blog are the last people you would look t.....
» 2/06/2007 4:30:21 PM Yeah, right, a meaningful dialogue with nutters who want half our net worth to "prote.....
» 2/06/2007 9:49:31 AM Ludwig said, "A 50/50 deal for productivity and ecological processes seems pretty rea.....
» 23/05/2007 1:08:25 AM What a quaint assumption, a doco appears on the ABC, it must be right. Give us a break, wh.....
» 22/05/2007 4:21:52 PM This whole concept of "peak anything" is mired in moronic simplicity. For it imp.....
» 21/05/2007 3:37:24 PM I wonder if it has ever dawned on these Europlodders that the reason no-one has bothered u.....
» 21/05/2007 12:43:18 PM How anyone could mistake this kind of crap "Scarenario" from the Eurospivs as cr.....
» 20/05/2007 12:01:36 PM Liam displays the usual partial grasp of the brief when he claims, "Ocean warming to .....
» 17/05/2007 11:47:26 AM Don't try on that crap Misha. Exactly which threatened species are there? And exactly how .....
» 17/05/2007 11:36:31 AM Note Liam's use of what Bjorn Blomborg described as "the litany" or list of issu.....
» 16/05/2007 2:01:45 PM So, Demos, SWB is just a surrogate for your political preferences. The training facility h.....
» 15/05/2007 4:30:49 PM So, this clown has a mind capable of condemning a set of future actions in 2007 based on t.....
» 15/05/2007 4:01:20 PM One under reported aspect of this stunt was the extent to which people shifted to candle p.....
» 11/05/2007 11:33:46 AM James Ward would have us believe that ecosystems around the world are about to collapse. B.....
» 10/05/2007 11:58:56 PM "and if your head explodes with dark forebodings to, I'll see you on the dark side o.....
» 10/05/2007 10:10:21 AM I just can't wait for "Climate Change" the musical......
» 10/05/2007 10:05:14 AM Greenland is a big, flat mass of ice with a volume of 2,850,000 km3. It's recorded annual .....
» 9/05/2007 12:27:22 PM Dickie has a little chat with himself, asking and answering his own questions, and then re.....
» 8/05/2007 11:59:04 AM I agree with you, Klaas, on Competition Policy at least. Indeed, the big limitation of tha.....
» 8/05/2007 11:35:50 AM Once again the Y2Kers claim they actually fixed the problem. But there were no reports of .....
» 4/05/2007 11:34:45 PM Good posts, Reynard. The blind faith of the CO2 Flux Clan in their climate muddles would .....
» 4/05/2007 10:59:51 PM In a past life as an executive recruiter, the GM of a certain overseas merchant bank told .....
» 4/05/2007 12:41:32 PM Well said, Rojo. Clouds were always the unknown in the climate muddles, and for very good .....
» 4/05/2007 12:09:00 PM Notice how these guys have not costed their new roads solution. New roads are still a &quo.....
» 3/05/2007 10:23:17 PM I have seen some moronic analogies in my time but davsabs little effort to compare the sim.....
» 3/05/2007 2:09:59 PM It is interesting to note Drummonds criticism of the Federal/unitary study as being biased.....
» 3/05/2007 11:28:09 AM Just the usual Clive Hamilton spin and fantasy about "Climate Y2K". I will tell.....
» 2/05/2007 11:46:42 PM It was actually Mark Drummond who used the assumed 40 states the size of Tasmania to come .....
» 2/05/2007 2:05:10 PM Spot on, Big Mal, thanks Pegasus. Of equal impact on climate change is variations in the.....
» 2/05/2007 1:42:30 PM This notion of "decentralised unity" government has a stench of Orwellian newspe.....
» 2/05/2007 12:58:03 PM Curious. Under the climate modelling assumptions the addition of vegetation to rooftops wo.....
» 1/05/2007 1:32:12 PM A federalism with a number of new states, as already provided for in the Federal Constitut.....
» 30/04/2007 12:27:55 PM It is interesting to speculate on what an independent state of North Queensland would look.....
» 27/04/2007 2:18:49 PM It all sounds fine, Simon, but it is nothing but posturing and window dressing until we ha.....
» 27/04/2007 1:40:48 PM The way hard facts can go right over your head, Demos, leaves me breathless. Global temp.....
» 27/04/2007 10:47:44 AM There is also mounting evidence that much of the increase in atmospheric CO2 is not even h.....
» 23/04/2007 11:42:39 AM If susan had been anywhere near real Australian farmers over the past decade she would und.....
» 15/04/2007 11:16:04 PM You raise a very interesting point, Boaz David. I wonder what proportion of the anti-smack.....
» 13/04/2007 9:29:00 AM Tor Hundloe calling for sensible debate on climate change? Now I've heard everything. Does.....
» 12/04/2007 11:54:52 PM It is not widely known that Dr Benjamin Spock, after a lifetime of lecturing parents on th.....
» 20/03/2007 12:43:57 PM So Dickie finally betrays the undelying anti-rural bigotry that characterises this so-call.....
» 20/03/2007 12:28:25 PM There is only one landscape in Australia that can be trully said to have demonstrated such.....
» 20/03/2007 12:17:51 PM The cost of Burdekin piped water is $5-$6/Kl wholesale. But this is based on the continual.....
» 19/03/2007 11:40:59 AM For the record, Dickie, it is "spaying" not Spraying. And here is the Qld regula.....
» 19/03/2007 10:59:01 AM Further to my above post about ignorant people mouthing off about things they know nothing.....
» 19/03/2007 10:39:58 AM Let there be absolutely no doubt that the only reason we have a water crisis is that we ha.....
» 17/03/2007 2:21:16 PM And still no-one has provided any solid evidence of this so-called cruelty. Wild claims ab.....
» 17/03/2007 2:06:37 PM Thirra, when you have spent an entire El Nino cycle managing an integrated forest and graz.....
» 16/03/2007 12:13:45 PM And exactly how often does Dickie think cows have their ovaries removed? If this sad plodd.....
» 16/03/2007 11:59:10 AM What a classic bit of metrocentric drivel. Dudes wont even fund a decent road to the burde.....
» 15/03/2007 11:19:56 PM Note the completely closed mind of the moron with the Cheech and Chong pseudonym. But how .....
» 15/03/2007 1:34:28 AM All these clowns have done is make a few wild claims, repeat a few anecdotal stories and l.....
» 12/03/2007 11:12:13 AM Bernie, I was once advised by a key ALP numbers wallah that the main reason for having an .....
» 8/03/2007 1:49:14 PM There is one very serious problem with this sort of approach. It is a tax on the functioni.....
» 8/03/2007 1:20:31 PM The notion that increasing the number of politicians will do nothing but increase overhead.....
» 5/03/2007 2:55:08 PM Liam, the reason I can state with certainty that the IPCC did not consult with industry gr.....
» 4/03/2007 10:30:57 PM Moploki, your post reads like you haven't had a bowel movement for three weeks. Get some r.....
» 4/03/2007 1:02:56 PM Well Dickie, what about the scientists who ran the scare story about the collapse of the a.....
» 4/03/2007 12:53:25 PM I can state with absolute certainty, to Bennie and all the other planet plodders who claim.....
» 4/03/2007 12:39:04 PM That is the problem, ChrisC. The fact that there is so little difference between the simpl.....
» 3/03/2007 3:20:22 PM Certainly, Dickie. Most Europeasn nations have comparatively small areas of forest so they.....
» 3/03/2007 1:51:14 AM Chris C, this quote from P9 of the RC report says it all. "The simplest estimate, ta.....
» 3/03/2007 12:40:19 AM I have been trying to find that thread again Chris C but my recollection is that you suppl.....
» 3/03/2007 12:11:25 AM As a past member of the NGGI Consultative Panel on Landuse Change and Forestry, and a curr.....
» 2/03/2007 11:47:48 PM The models are junk science because they are locked into unreality by the IPCC accounting .....
» 1/03/2007 11:16:07 AM A timely article, David. Rejuvenating federalism, especially with new states based on co.....
» 1/03/2007 10:33:31 AM Cribb has been flogging purple science for more than two decades. Note how there is not a .....
» 1/03/2007 1:10:52 AM Now I have heard everything Fester. If ice continues to be formed from snow on the top of .....
» 1/03/2007 12:55:27 AM So this kind of drivel is what the ALP regards as mastering a brief? It continues the tra.....
» 28/02/2007 1:21:09 PM the most ironic bit of all is the fact that the climate cretins, after all the extraordina.....
» 28/02/2007 12:27:46 AM David Latimer, there were clearly two opinions expressed by two qualified people on the ro.....
» 27/02/2007 11:59:16 PM Fester, you have used the raw rate not the net rate after new ice formation on top of the .....
» 27/02/2007 11:34:04 PM Actually, Billie, now that the Gold Coast and Sydney are switching to desalinated water, t.....
» 27/02/2007 4:04:37 PM Would Bennie care to tell us how many climate research papers Al Gore has written lately? .....
» 26/02/2007 10:48:41 PM Good point, Owen. One can also tell the Minister that the conversion of forest to grasslan.....
» 26/02/2007 10:32:46 PM The key to shifting population from the unsustainable metropolitan centres to regional cen.....
» 26/02/2007 12:24:58 PM It was Aldous Huxley who said, "To believe some things, one must be an intellectual,.....
» 26/02/2007 12:13:31 PM There are three main Iraqi communities, none of whom has a divine right to govern the othe.....
» 26/02/2007 12:01:47 PM Interesting issue. Sydney has long since achieved the size (about 1 million) that is crit.....
» 25/02/2007 10:32:18 PM Fester, some people should simply stick to believing what other people tell them rather th.....
» 25/02/2007 10:08:00 PM This is a thread about water, Ludwig. And enough water still lands on the roofs of every u.....
» 24/02/2007 9:16:39 AM Just one minor correction to the post above. The 220 cubic KM of annual melt from Greenlan.....
» 24/02/2007 12:44:26 AM If anyone would care to google "Greenland Ice Melt" they will get a good look at.....
» 24/02/2007 12:11:59 AM I think you may be overestimating tank size and cost, VK3AUU. 40 inches is 1000mm of rain .....
» 23/02/2007 10:28:43 AM The only similarities between Iraq and Vietnam is that in both cases we have had smarmy, l.....
» 23/02/2007 9:54:43 AM Good post, Pat. The average household uses slightly more shower and bathroom sink water th.....
» 22/02/2007 11:13:32 PM Is that a classic weasle, Julatron. What I provided was some simple maths based on verifia.....
» 22/02/2007 10:34:45 AM Do the numbers yourself, Whispering Ted. The average thickness of the ice sheet is 1.5km, .....
» 21/02/2007 9:00:24 PM It is not that simple, David. The cutting of a tree is a deemed emission under IPCC rules......
» 21/02/2007 10:11:02 AM Julatron betrays his intellectual limitations when he refers to "the science" as.....
» 20/02/2007 4:31:41 PM We agree on most things, country gal, but not this one. We must give credit where credit i.....
» 20/02/2007 12:25:09 PM Good points Cafog and Bigmal. I also seem to recall a story about certain scientists shif.....
» 20/02/2007 12:08:33 PM This is good work and deserves support. But of more immediate concern is whether this 300.....
» 20/02/2007 11:40:00 AM Here we go again with Julatron et al and their "get it wrong and we fry/cook/barbeque.....
» 19/02/2007 4:33:30 PM The Australia Institute is nothing more than an ACF front. Ask him who pays his salary. An.....
» 19/02/2007 2:57:14 PM Some curious inconsistenciesby the author. The latest IPCC "report" is nothing m.....
» 15/02/2007 11:51:24 AM The green movement is not motivated by self interest, it is motivated by narcissism. This .....
» 13/02/2007 11:54:30 PM I noticed that the IPCC has finally accepted that Antarctica will not melt and temperature.....
» 13/02/2007 10:37:29 AM Julowi, which part of "83 cents/Kwt" do you not understand? You keep showing lin.....
» 13/02/2007 10:18:00 AM Where do they find these nutters? If combating climate change is a war then the truth, h.....
» 12/02/2007 11:17:48 PM Julatron's link to the german solar industry is informative but not for the reasons he thi.....
» 10/02/2007 11:38:14 PM I cannot let David Latimers little venture into fairy land go by without comment. All the .....
» 10/02/2007 2:11:05 PM JohnJ. If Prof John Turner had bothered to include the data from the previous period from .....
» 10/02/2007 2:01:13 PM The otherr major element of the green beat-up is the notion that we must all be making sac.....
» 9/02/2007 5:38:34 PM Thanks for the links to the Lake Eyre threads, David, I hadn't seen them before. It is a t.....
» 9/02/2007 12:34:00 PM Spot on, MonashL. We need to deal with Global Warming, not Gullible Warming. Lets get on.....
» 8/02/2007 11:47:32 PM The only problem with geothermal energy is that it is all out near Roxby Downs. And moving.....
» 8/02/2007 11:11:20 AM Ray Evans raises a very good point about european cooling from 1945 to 1975 and the subseq.....
» 7/02/2007 11:36:41 PM So we get another bozo trying to link Hurricane Katrina to "Gullible Warming". A.....
» 6/02/2007 3:07:19 PM A very good point, Yorkie. I have not shared a christmas dinner with my elder sister for.....
» 5/02/2007 11:38:42 PM What a joke, Vade Mecum. First you claim there is no shallow water south of the GBR and ma.....
» 5/02/2007 11:22:16 PM CJ Morgan and Kang persist with this moronic ploy of suggestingg that anyone who does not .....
» 5/02/2007 11:01:55 PM The forests that once belonged to, and formed part of local communities have been misappro.....
» 3/02/2007 11:52:34 PM Wonders never cease, Ludwig. But you do seem to be arguing that coral could have adapted t.....
» 3/02/2007 11:37:14 PM I have become even more sceptical of Global Wonking just recently when I discovered that t.....
» 3/02/2007 10:24:22 AM Those who are tempted to fall back on the old "sediment threat to the reef" ches.....
» 2/02/2007 10:15:33 PM The most pathetic part of the climate fetishists routine is the continual claim that to do.....
» 2/02/2007 10:27:36 AM Good post, David. As any experienced auditor will confirm, the one set of accounts that mu.....
» 1/02/2007 3:40:55 PM The ocean acidification scare is bunk for some very sound reasons. 1 It is dependent on, .....
» 1/02/2007 10:39:09 AM What global warming? Rockhampton is shown as a hot spot of warming in Queensland. But a .....
» 31/01/2007 11:44:28 AM So now it is 110m storm surges from climate change and 40% drops in rainfall. For the reco.....
» 30/01/2007 12:42:20 PM Greg, I entirely agree on the issue of who should own the water but would coax as many peo.....
» 29/01/2007 11:32:20 PM There are some strange costings above. One millimetre of rain produces one litre of water .....
» 29/01/2007 12:22:56 AM ChrisC, the RS modelling was over intervals of several centuries so why should they be exc.....
» 27/01/2007 4:02:17 PM ChrisC, the Royal society are the turkeys who assumed that CO2 would only mix in the upper.....
» 24/01/2007 11:47:34 PM Did we really just observe Latimer state that he only checked 190 papers and then extrapol.....
» 23/01/2007 9:43:36 PM Fester, I will spell it out again for you. My scepticism is in respect of the scale and ex.....
» 23/01/2007 9:24:56 PM As a father, it all makes my flesh crawl. Get a life......
» 23/01/2007 9:19:44 PM I have always thought Singaporeans integrate far better than Kiwis. But there is a valid p.....
» 22/01/2007 2:10:41 PM Of course, there may well have been some migrants to New Zealand that actually did calim t.....
» 21/01/2007 11:09:20 PM ChrisC, there is a huge difference between saying, "there exists a point beyond which.....
» 20/01/2007 10:23:51 PM Now hold on a minute folks. In his posts above, Lambert has provided two figures for curre.....
» 20/01/2007 11:06:08 AM Lambert has clearly not done the very calculation that he suggested I do because, if he ha.....
» 20/01/2007 10:31:47 AM Farmers have had co-ops for decades but that didn't stop the chains playing one dairy co-o.....
» 19/01/2007 9:13:51 PM This bit of Lamberts response is very revealing. "5. Sea levels are currently risin.....
» 19/01/2007 3:12:29 PM It is not widely understood that the big chain's market dominance has been handed to them .....
» 18/01/2007 4:59:25 PM 6.Gore claims there are already sea level refugees in the Pacific. Bolt quoted De Freitas'.....
» 18/01/2007 4:54:59 PM From Graham Y, 1. Peiser admitted one inaccurate interpretation of a paper but Lambert im.....
» 17/01/2007 11:55:45 PM The Australia Institute is nothing more than an ACF front. Ask Clive Hamilton where he get.....
» 5/01/2007 12:49:22 PM It is no surprise, Georgina, that it took you 15 years to discover the Pax Rustica. It too.....
» 2/01/2007 11:55:16 AM Good point, Kevin. For all Bob Brown's posturing, he only needs the votes of about 24,000 .....
» 20/12/2006 11:15:40 AM Ludwig, you may be keen to hear of any option that could put an acceptable spin on a funda.....
» 20/12/2006 11:06:02 AM I can understand your view Fluff4. But the only problem is that we have the powerful veste.....
» 20/12/2006 10:49:33 AM Studies have consistently shown that wildlife populations can plumet by more than 90% when.....
» 20/12/2006 10:12:44 AM A very timely dose of intellect and common sense, Glen. But one point you did not raise is.....
» 19/12/2006 10:21:16 AM And when the whole suite of civil and property rights are restored, and the vegetation man.....
» 18/12/2006 10:55:53 PM Time to change your bong water, Dickie......
» 18/12/2006 10:52:26 PM How surprising. Ludwig, who owns no land and who owns no trees and who is not personally r.....
» 16/12/2006 9:36:36 PM The CO2 Flux Clan should take a look at this information on the work of a Nobel Loreat bef.....
» 16/12/2006 9:26:42 PM Both governments and the greens have dug their own hole on this issue by opting for maximu.....
» 15/12/2006 10:34:06 PM We hear no end of stories about government duplication between state and federal governmen.....
» 6/12/2006 12:01:33 PM A pithy quote, Sirvivor, but the general idea is that one is normally expected to come up .....
» 6/12/2006 11:46:35 AM At least we know that the Author has a serious vested interest in the topic. That might ex.....
» 6/12/2006 11:16:45 AM "Kyotos Interruptus", like its namesake, not only fails to satisfy the need but .....
» 5/12/2006 11:31:09 PM Liam, the 1999 CSIRO workshop on the impact of climate change on temperate forests was adv.....
» 5/12/2006 10:59:13 PM I think many people understand and agree with your thoughts on empowered local government,.....
» 5/12/2006 11:35:37 AM The price of water will only go up for those who do not invest in their own water tank. Wi.....
» 5/12/2006 10:47:46 AM Sirvivor, the fact that you could describe John Rennie's opinion pieces as "excellent.....
» 5/12/2006 10:13:21 AM The very nub of the issue, Klaas, is your statement, "It suggests that the head of st.....
» 4/12/2006 10:53:07 PM Liam, your linked article from the NASA observatory that suposedly debunks the (iris) cool.....
» 4/12/2006 10:12:43 PM Could our greenfarce mouthpiece please explain why they continue to describe the above mar.....
» 3/12/2006 9:36:23 PM Liam, a mind like yours might consider a query as to "how much of your life have you .....
» 3/12/2006 9:22:34 PM Reading over all these posts, Richard, you critics could not have done a better job of hig.....
» 1/12/2006 9:47:52 AM A very timely article, Richard. Well done......
» 30/11/2006 8:22:07 PM Does it hurt when you try to think, Liam? Is there some sort of little demon in your head .....
» 30/11/2006 12:38:59 PM Regular thinning also improves understorey biodiversity and this can actually perform the .....
» 30/11/2006 10:57:22 AM The reason for the flush, Eljayel, is that some of the species that live in the river have.....
» 30/11/2006 10:52:30 AM Good point Eric, the irony is that IPCC rules are inflexible in relation to all sorts of c.....
» 29/11/2006 10:57:10 AM I never thought I would need to quote Herman Goring but, "whenever I hear the word su.....
» 28/11/2006 10:21:17 PM Eljayel, you appear to be taking a literal interpretation of the term "flush". A.....
» 28/11/2006 12:45:52 PM I suppose he could have been a bit clearer, Eljayel. What would happen in nature before .....
» 27/11/2006 10:44:44 AM Liam, do you seriously believe these people could be duped that easily? Give us a break. A.....
» 27/11/2006 10:39:10 AM As Phil McMillan of Sarina said in todays Courier Mail; "I don't have a problem with.....
» 27/11/2006 10:28:11 AM And Kang, so little of substance in reply by yourself and others. Can I assume then that y.....
» 27/11/2006 10:15:35 AM If you really want to end domestic violence then all you need to do is reform the family l.....
» 26/11/2006 10:45:40 PM So tell me, Achis, what, exactly, in my previous post would you describe as vitriole? Desc.....
» 25/11/2006 10:40:56 PM So Bondo has a selective retention deficit in respect of the meaning of consensus and Subd.....
» 25/11/2006 10:31:10 PM Thanks, Maximus. There are times when I can see a lot of merit in getting up an hour earli.....
» 25/11/2006 12:40:38 PM So, Achis, are you claiming that the National Land and Water Audit data is wrong? This a.....
» 23/11/2006 9:49:10 PM For the record, most of Brisbane had above average rainfall last year. It is not even in d.....
» 23/11/2006 1:52:48 PM Your reporting of that link, Bondo, is highly misleading. For a start the author was an &q.....
» 23/11/2006 1:35:26 PM It is blatantly dishonest to even use the term "daylight saving". There is no sa.....
» 23/11/2006 1:05:00 PM The Author wrote, "It has been suggested that the Arctic icecap will completely melt .....
» 23/11/2006 11:38:29 AM Robg, Your claim that the Author, ignores pre-settlement spring snow melt (high run-off, h.....
» 22/11/2006 12:24:52 PM Sir Vivor, my post dealt with detailed attributes of a specific refutation of a claim that.....
» 22/11/2006 12:16:33 PM Absolute scientific consensus on Global warming, my ass, Gecko et al. The only reason the .....
» 21/11/2006 9:57:56 AM What I want to know is, has our $Billion in aid to tsunami victims been hijacked to assist.....
» 21/11/2006 9:50:31 AM So Sir Vivor would have us believe that once thawed, peat suddenly starts degrading and em.....
» 17/11/2006 10:44:43 PM The classic BS from Cribb and his expert was the item about the permafrost melting and red.....
» 17/11/2006 12:36:30 PM Notice how the CO2 Flux Clan are now calling it "climate change" rather than Glo.....
» 16/11/2006 11:38:57 AM The concept of buffers has been one of the most abused and unsubstantiated methods in a br.....
» 16/11/2006 11:14:33 AM Kang, Liam, Shonga and Gecko would have to be the four horsemen of the apocalypse here. Gi.....
» 14/11/2006 1:10:56 PM Every Australian can cut their emissions from today with minimal inconvenience. Just stop .....
» 14/11/2006 12:51:59 PM What we seem to be skirting around (sic) here is the issue of the apparent female 'right' .....
» 13/11/2006 12:56:24 PM It is surprising, given the obvious left bias of so many contributors to these threads, th.....
» 10/11/2006 10:23:31 AM Gecko, Derek et al, I am a past member of the AGO's consultative panel on the landuse chan.....
» 8/11/2006 11:57:24 AM Ludwig, it has taken a lot of waiting for one of the CO2 flux clan to let slip the actual .....
» 8/11/2006 11:36:21 AM According to the IPCC I emitted 9 tonnes of carbon over the past 4 months as I cut down tr.....
» 6/11/2006 12:29:14 PM Let me get this straight. A former banker delivers a report on climate change that suppose.....
» 6/11/2006 12:08:03 PM Each of our major metropolitan centres have entire suburbs that fail every credible test o.....
» 6/11/2006 11:44:33 AM Hmmn, Dude on a comfortable Senator's salary talks up "hard choices" on farmers .....
» 1/11/2006 11:12:25 AM The Kyoto Protocol is a system of quotas. It is a system that was, in most part, designed .....
» 31/10/2006 3:04:11 PM As one who was once told by a seasoned traveller in Greece that I was the only bloke he ha.....
» 27/10/2006 1:17:26 PM Funny how all these so-called progressives seem to turn into raving, rectal economic dries.....
» 26/10/2006 8:32:16 PM As a member of the small group of anti-smoking activists that won smoke free planes, buses.....
» 26/10/2006 12:26:36 PM Remco, et al, I suggest you have a good read of the works of Fernand Braudel on the develo.....
» 26/10/2006 11:56:35 AM It is not the prerogative of the Javanese to determine whether the West Papuans should or .....
» 26/10/2006 11:29:18 AM A very good and timely article. There is however, a fourth major consideration which is, t.....
» 25/10/2006 12:43:31 PM This is the usual litany of factoids out of context and urban bias masquerading as intelli.....
» 18/10/2006 1:51:48 PM This mindset of planners to assume that a subdivision into two lots must automatically inv.....
» 15/10/2006 11:10:05 AM The green/left have been at pains to point out to anyone who will listen that they think G.....
» 30/09/2006 2:59:31 PM Small states may well result in the merging of local government into the one administratio.....
» 29/09/2006 1:52:06 PM Byron Shire Council has had a Green majority since 1988 so there is no doubting who has pr.....
» 29/09/2006 12:48:07 PM As usual the Zero population fetishists have cluttered what could have been a sensible thr.....
» 28/09/2006 10:28:26 AM Spot on Lyn. After working over the data provided by the Bureau of Transport Economics 199.....
» 25/09/2006 11:20:04 AM States have descended into anarchy, mass killing and a host of all the other crimes associ.....
» 23/09/2006 10:42:33 AM Gusi, et al, one should be very wary of anything out of the UK Royal Society as any credib.....
» 21/09/2006 10:51:33 AM Spot on, Walter. So many of the posts above demonstrate that these people are in the habit.....
» 20/09/2006 3:49:29 PM So did the London Institute of Spivs make that statement about avoiding the facts, or not?.....
» 20/09/2006 10:19:19 AM Well said, Bob. The quote from the London Institute of Spivs says it all. “the task of c.....
» 19/09/2006 11:24:42 AM Interesting points, Spider. I happen to think that Laurence Springborg, and Jeff Seeney, w.....
» 19/09/2006 10:56:53 AM Good article, David. The real issue is that the states, under Labor Governments, have done.....
» 12/09/2006 10:50:52 AM Ludwig, the only reason people don't settle in the inland is that the retirees prefer the .....
» 11/09/2006 11:21:39 PM Ludwig, once a city gets to a certain size then the conventional, incremental options for .....
» 11/09/2006 10:34:00 PM The coalition lost because the evolution towards presidential style elections has exposed .....
» 11/09/2006 1:26:23 PM Pure sophistry, Ludwig. Sydney' congestion costs are very very high and I suggest you drop.....
» 11/09/2006 1:11:23 PM Ludwig, you cannot simply make these claims about the cumulative cost of additional popula.....
» 8/09/2006 2:38:00 PM Ludwig, the congestion costs for major cities was calculated by the Bureau of Transport an.....
» 8/09/2006 10:51:39 AM Don't include me in your population love-in, Ludwig. Population isn't the problem, it is &.....
» 7/09/2006 12:14:21 PM It is all a question of comparative economic, social and environmental cost. Add 400,000 p.....
» 7/09/2006 11:39:37 AM Why is there a push to prevent the release of the final film footage? He didn't actually d.....
» 7/09/2006 11:25:48 AM Neither Mossie or Aussie. Why not Mauslems? And as for the claims of religious origins of.....
» 7/09/2006 11:03:54 AM In the Coalition's official policy launch the other night, Springborg made a point of emph.....
» 5/09/2006 11:25:55 PM Ballarat is too close to Melbourne to constitute effective decentralisation. It is plain o.....
» 5/09/2006 10:57:20 PM Jocelyn, your grasp of the situation is tenuous. Station owners did not just "decided.....
» 5/09/2006 10:26:51 PM Steve Irwin was just out albying albi mangels, and to greater profit. His death is sad but.....
» 5/09/2006 10:56:40 AM Fluff4, I wasn't defending the old sytem, merely pointing out that the change wasn't imple.....
» 1/09/2006 12:28:40 PM I think it was one of the Duracks who said, "if there was exploitation then it was mu.....
» 28/08/2006 11:28:11 AM Shonga, the easiest way to save water is to divert the water from your downpipes onto your.....
» 27/08/2006 10:12:17 AM Greg, the reason the governments will not confirm that the rain on your roof is your water.....
» 25/08/2006 10:47:10 AM Re the percentage of houses, Greg. There is no reason why water tanks cannot be used by Se.....
» 24/08/2006 12:11:09 PM Yes, Jammo, in Brisbane you still pay over $110 a year for the access charge even if you u.....
» 23/08/2006 9:45:21 PM In answer to your last question, Greg. They refuse, at all costs, to grant any credence to.....
» 22/08/2006 1:55:27 PM Thats a bit of a mixed bag, Sylvia. The stuff about the crane is fine but most of the tank.....
» 21/08/2006 2:57:13 PM The key point is that most, if not all councils are mandating water tanks and when faced w.....
» 17/08/2006 10:18:38 AM Good point, Jammo. The sole justification of regulation is to prevent foreseeable harm. So.....
» 16/08/2006 4:51:09 PM Sylvia, I don't think any elements like land area should be included because they are alr.....
» 16/08/2006 10:51:58 AM Des, my understanding is that the WA secession resolution was merely allowed to lapse afte.....
» 16/08/2006 12:10:56 AM Thanks for the timely DCF/NPV stuff, Sylvia. The costings for the 13.5kl tank options were.....
» 16/08/2006 12:02:19 AM So tell me Louise, how did a tall corn plant manage to produce mature corn cobs at the sam.....
» 15/08/2006 11:21:01 AM Ludwig, my reference to you not having heard of rainwater tanks was in relation to the fac.....
» 15/08/2006 10:36:14 AM So, Louise, the genetic material was merely left behind from the previous crop. It did not.....
» 14/08/2006 11:54:52 AM Ev, if Goulbourn had 550mm last year then the yield from a 100m2 tank would be 550x100 or .....
» 14/08/2006 11:16:50 AM Warning! Warning! Shonk Alert! A GM Corn crop "contaminated" a subsequent Soybea.....
» 13/08/2006 12:50:32 PM Very good question, Greg. The governments clearly cannot conceive of a solution that does .....
» 12/08/2006 10:24:35 PM Spot on Fester. And could all the anti-rice zealots please note, The CSIRO retracted the s.....
» 12/08/2006 11:59:00 AM Greg said, "your 13,500L tank will fill on the first major downpour and thereafter it.....
» 11/08/2006 12:37:40 PM I don't know why Greg Cameron persists with this 5kl tank scenario when Sydney water makes.....
» 11/08/2006 12:14:57 PM Gosh, Ludwig, you claim I am off-topic when the essence of the article is our duty to resi.....
» 10/08/2006 10:10:28 PM I have gone back over my post and can identify nothing that indicated "abject hatred&.....
» 8/08/2006 11:02:37 PM So, Ludwig. You appear to admit that being called a departmental officer may well induce p.....
» 8/08/2006 12:39:41 AM Ludwig dishes up the view from within the very department that has impemented the injustic.....
» 7/08/2006 11:50:57 PM No Billie, as a former VP of the Qld Employment Agents assoc, I can advise that the main r.....
» 6/08/2006 12:30:46 PM Yes, curious how an increase in share price is saving but payments of principle on a pre-b.....
» 5/08/2006 4:28:25 PM This raises a very interesting issue. If the notion that, "if injustice becomes law t.....
» 5/08/2006 3:42:10 PM I take your point, freddy, but cannot agree on the issue of comparing household savings ra.....
» 4/08/2006 11:29:52 AM Freddy, I assumed that when you included Austria in your list of Nordics that Germany woul.....
» 3/08/2006 12:57:29 PM Your problem, Ludwig, is that you have crossed the line to witholding benefits to a partic.....
» 3/08/2006 12:48:35 PM All Toowoomba has to do is shift all further housing and commercial development into the w.....
» 3/08/2006 12:33:07 PM Can I assume, Fred, that you are including Germany's 10.5% unemployment rate as a "st.....
» 3/08/2006 12:23:49 PM A timely article Babu. And don't let the nit pickers get under your skin. That is just sta.....
» 3/08/2006 8:01:41 AM A very good point Mireille. I think the ultimate tragedy of the holocaust is the intellect.....
» 1/08/2006 10:37:24 PM Robg, zero population growth will not merely reduce economic growth it will produce negati.....
» 1/08/2006 10:12:42 PM The official line from Israel that Lebanon should have removed and disarmed Hizbollah is b.....
» 1/08/2006 10:34:48 AM This collective self delusion of the jews as victim has its most amusing element in the vi.....
» 1/08/2006 9:59:27 AM Nothing would blow both feet off the Australian economy, and housing affordability, like z.....
» 1/08/2006 9:13:40 AM John howard would have insisted on a referendum on sewerage drinking (there are numerous m.....
» 28/07/2006 11:12:37 PM So you do want to depopulate the bush, Ludwig. And you do want to discourage improvements .....
» 26/07/2006 11:00:22 AM Latest estimates of piping recycled waste water to Tarong Power Station just west of Brisb.....
» 26/07/2006 10:39:04 AM It is quite clear that the Queensland government has more than it's hands full just managi.....
» 25/07/2006 11:35:12 AM Sorry Ev, you may have misread the tone of my posts. It is far more derision than anger. I.....
» 24/07/2006 2:57:23 PM So, it is the obligation of the Lebanese to disarm and expell Hezbollah, is it? You mean l.....
» 24/07/2006 2:27:23 PM If Gorby thinks Kyoto has not been discredited he must have had his head in a paper bag fo.....
» 21/07/2006 11:02:24 AM It would almost make a really good Jewish joke if it were not so sad. A people subject to .....
» 20/07/2006 10:07:59 AM What on earth are you bung'n on, Shonga......
» 18/07/2006 11:23:36 AM Beattie wouldn't make "a country boy from Atherton's" armpit. The interesting t.....
» 17/07/2006 1:58:11 PM There is some growth in coastal areas Ludwig, but none of it on a scale like that seen in .....
» 15/07/2006 11:34:20 AM David Latimer said, "there was a clear reference to the coal industry relying on oil;.....
» 14/07/2006 11:28:32 AM Narcissist et al appear to be confusing 'peak oil' with the end of oil. Peak oil means tha.....
» 12/07/2006 4:01:20 PM No, Ludwig, I didn't watch 4 Corners on ABC. If I want information I google scholar, if I .....
» 11/07/2006 10:50:00 AM All these economic illiterates, fresh from predicting the imminent collapse of ecological .....
» 10/07/2006 11:44:36 PM The ABC conspiring to expose and exploit a media person on the basis of sexual preference?.....
» 7/07/2006 9:36:15 AM Wrong, Ludwig. The shift from Dam based water supply to roof based water supply, and its i.....
» 6/07/2006 11:18:56 AM Here we go again, Ludwig. Population growth is irrelevant if every new house has a 13,500 .....
» 5/07/2006 11:09:17 AM Good piece, except fot the old chestnut, "Household water ..9% of total water use in .....
» 4/07/2006 11:25:48 PM Mercurius, as a former long term resident of Surry Hills and now 'born again hillbilly', I.....
» 4/07/2006 10:59:06 PM For the record, Boaz D, Mr Arvanitakis' name is of Albanian origin as described in Greek. .....
» 4/07/2006 12:48:35 PM Ludwig, Beattie is just doing the "dead cat bounce". He will grab any excuse tha.....
» 4/07/2006 12:43:13 PM Thermy, I take a 3 day break and look what sort of dribble runs amok. The difference betwe.....
» 1/07/2006 9:18:47 AM Sure, Darren E. Go to SEQ Water's web site at and check out the 2001/200.....
» 1/07/2006 8:52:14 AM What a bunch of dreamers. The pace of technological change means that the threshold popula.....
» 28/06/2006 10:38:30 AM Not in absolute terms, Eric. An extra 5 million people under the existing system would onl.....
» 27/06/2006 4:26:19 PM Many would be intrigued to learn that the rest of Queensland has not only paid for the exi.....
» 27/06/2006 12:18:51 PM Saintfletcher, if you knew that your neighbour was brutalising his wife and kids would you.....
» 27/06/2006 11:18:58 AM Whenever I see a post rabbiting on about scientists I reach for my shovel. For bull$hit wi.....
» 27/06/2006 11:04:37 AM Re mossies: A "defective tank" ie, one that allows mossies to breed in has only .....
» 25/06/2006 9:58:39 AM Ludwig, pray tell, how does an expanding population in Brisvegas have a major impact on th.....
» 24/06/2006 6:20:21 PM Sorry, Steve, you are still only part right. The containers must be accessible to the mosq.....
» 24/06/2006 3:36:15 PM Readers who are not under an ideological disability may be interested in what Green elder .....
» 24/06/2006 3:27:22 PM Steve Madden, your claim that water tanks are a source of dengue fever is an inexcusable p.....
» 23/06/2006 1:21:57 PM It is interesting that the proponents of megafix options like desalination and effluent re.....
» 22/06/2006 12:40:33 PM All spin no substance! [Deleted for flaming.] I kept looking for some facts but all I saw .....
» 22/06/2006 12:26:53 PM What a pathetic load of breathtakingly ignorant cobblers, Aila. Your quote; "To res.....
» 20/06/2006 1:04:36 PM Correction: Further to my above post on the Author's dated costings. I neglected to point .....
» 20/06/2006 12:47:58 PM I think we should actively encourage Indonesia to produce a flood of West Papuan refugees .....
» 19/06/2006 1:37:03 PM Very good points but the head offices are basically following the shareholders. And as the.....
» 19/06/2006 12:42:25 PM By far the most disgusting public spectacle of late has been that of watching as a bunch o.....
» 16/06/2006 11:25:47 AM What a joke. Dude quotes a 1998 study that found nuclear power to be uncompetitive with co.....
» 13/06/2006 12:04:54 PM All nice, feel good stuff but just another form of new age property development. I assume .....
» 7/06/2006 11:34:20 AM Good point Saintfletcher, there are a lot of country people who have moved to the city, ar.....
» 7/06/2006 11:15:45 AM Good points, Anth. About 15 % of GDP goes to state budgets and at least 20% of each depart.....
» 6/06/2006 10:48:17 AM Good, Anth, so if you are so certain that you and yours have been propping up rural Austra.....
» 6/06/2006 10:28:56 AM A positive and constructive Green Party? Now I've heard everything......
» 4/06/2006 10:45:40 AM Saintfletcher, Condamine is the working title of a potential new inland state covering the.....
» 3/06/2006 6:14:19 PM So do I take it, Alexander, that you agree with my assessment that the only way that regio.....
» 3/06/2006 5:57:11 PM The term "Sustainable City" is an oxymoron. And will remain so for as long as me.....
» 2/06/2006 12:55:12 PM Frankly, Sarnian, the best place for a nuke dump would be smack in the middle of Sydney. W.....
» 2/06/2006 12:30:30 PM When all the sneering and jeering is finished there will be one inescapable fact remaining.....
» 2/06/2006 12:07:50 PM Katter and Joyce both understand the importance of product differentiation and both the me.....
» 1/06/2006 12:45:10 PM The missing element in this analysis is what is taking place in the regions that should ha.....
» 1/06/2006 12:21:16 PM The best insight into the feeble "greenpeace" collective whit is provided by the.....
» 1/06/2006 11:07:50 AM Yes, DFXK, it seems everyone recognises that optional preference voting is a serious water.....
» 31/05/2006 4:25:34 PM This is the last but one step on an evolutionary sequence that started with the end of the.....
» 22/05/2006 11:53:03 AM You would be pleased to learn, Saintfletcher, that recent changes to the defamation legisl.....
» 22/05/2006 11:08:50 AM The main problem with this argument, "The user of land should not be allowed to acq.....
» 21/05/2006 11:05:33 AM So your grandfather saw a massacre, did he Saintfletcher? This is 2006, how old are you? A.....
» 21/05/2006 10:38:07 AM Quotes Freedman without the reference, and without the full context - par for the course. .....
» 20/05/2006 1:24:57 PM Dude proposes we return to a standard 1950's british bolshie style substantial steepening .....
» 20/05/2006 1:16:12 PM Four out of ten for poetic rhythm, Remco. Two for content, two for relevance......
» 19/05/2006 5:10:41 PM To the sound of one hand clapping......
» 19/05/2006 10:59:51 AM So, Lev, we finally get to your point. After all your shifting categories and vague defini.....
» 18/05/2006 1:53:30 PM A squirm, a sidestep and a defamatory statement will not enhance your argument, Lev. Rates.....
» 18/05/2006 11:23:43 AM Out of all your tangential, and indeed, positively orbital ramblings, Remco, I must agree .....
» 17/05/2006 1:10:17 PM I own property in both NSW and Qld and can confirm with absolute certainty that rates are .....
» 17/05/2006 1:00:29 PM Remco, It is a fact that the removal of trees from a catchment will increase the level of.....
» 17/05/2006 12:28:12 PM So now we are invited to help fund development in a place where we are told to mind our ow.....
» 17/05/2006 12:01:35 PM The hidden outcome of the gardening water restrictions is that the urban wildlife populati.....
» 16/05/2006 11:56:43 AM Really, Lev. You should see what Fernand Braudel has to say about the critical role played.....
» 16/05/2006 11:49:18 AM All the official analysis on the water needs of the Murray-Darling system have been based .....
» 16/05/2006 11:20:40 AM "(c), contributions which should capture, for community development and betterment, t.....
» 14/05/2006 9:37:02 AM Jamo's experience is typical of farmers all over the country. And the Remcos of this world.....
» 13/05/2006 1:48:05 PM Thats fine, Remco, stick to generalities, avoid any specifics and maintain your denigratio.....
» 13/05/2006 1:35:18 PM Really, Mhar. If the Y2K problem was mostly fixed before the event then, surely, somewhere.....
» 12/05/2006 12:17:16 PM Loads of cliches will not mask the fact that you are an economic illiterate, Remco. Multip.....
» 12/05/2006 11:53:08 AM Cont’d --- More importantly, the assumption ignores thermohaline circulation, the massive .....
» 12/05/2006 11:50:38 AM Global Warming is neither real nor a massive conspiracy, it is a coalition of self interes.....
» 11/05/2006 3:25:00 PM It is fairly obvious, now, that PTBI has a mental age of about 12, and that of an over ind.....
» 11/05/2006 3:16:05 PM Remco appears to believe that repeating the same diatribe twice makes the argument stronge.....
» 11/05/2006 10:33:04 AM So now Remco has decided that economic multipliers either don't exist or are simply an unf.....
» 11/05/2006 7:49:53 AM Correction: I awoke at 5am to the realisation that my multiplier was based on total revenu.....
» 10/05/2006 12:55:36 PM We need to get this clear, the 500 Gigalitres is highly misleading. It is actually 500gL a.....
» 10/05/2006 12:27:26 PM Gosh, fresh from a brief dalliance in planet salvation, Remco turns his hands to macro eco.....
» 10/05/2006 11:33:11 AM A measured response to such a juicy bait, Pericles. As I decade long past resident of Surr.....
» 9/05/2006 3:05:32 PM Now do be careful with the accusations of racism, Proud TBI. You see, I have an asian moth.....
» 9/05/2006 2:50:12 PM Gosh, now Remco is a farming expert. He says, "This is why Australian dairy farmers g.....
» 8/05/2006 12:22:04 PM PTBI said' "No stupid Australian can ever change our hatred towards barbaric Papuan.....
» 8/05/2006 11:54:26 AM And while we are at it, Remco. Get me more desperate, Palestinian labourers on day visas t.....
» 8/05/2006 11:47:31 AM So, Remco, you want me to "get smart or ship out" do you? So what part of the fa.....
» 8/05/2006 11:20:16 AM DavidJS is the only one on this trail to venture into the ludicrous but no one will follow.....
» 8/05/2006 10:43:01 AM Could someone explain to the editor that this piece is hardly relevant in Australia becaus.....
» 6/05/2006 4:10:48 PM Leigh, you were mounting a plausible, if not credible argument right up to the point where.....
» 5/05/2006 1:07:10 PM For more than a decade now, my work and my activism has brought me into contact with farme.....
» 5/05/2006 12:28:14 PM The Courier Mail 05/05/06 has an interesting report on the perils of Bathrooms. In "K.....
» 5/05/2006 11:41:05 AM I agree, Tony. After 10 years in office, Howard has finally succumbed to the Keating Kow T.....
» 4/05/2006 11:11:19 AM And Pigs might fly......
» 4/05/2006 11:02:29 AM A blatant fudge of the key question. "Have murderers simply switched methods?" A.....
» 3/05/2006 12:19:37 PM Well said, anti-green. It was the language used by Milne that gave her away. Terms like &q.....
» 1/05/2006 10:50:27 PM Then perhaps PTBI should start a campaign to hand the money back or stop it getting throug.....
» 1/05/2006 10:41:02 PM Perhaps PTBI could explain for us all how many students need to be killed for each dead po.....
» 28/04/2006 9:46:36 AM Sorry Rogindon, you appear to have a fairly rudimentary understanding of the nuances of st.....
» 28/04/2006 9:33:00 AM And still, Proud TBI, you seem incapable of recognising even a little of the same colonial.....
» 27/04/2006 10:10:41 AM Rogindon, I agree that the secession of West Papua would not result in the total break up .....
» 27/04/2006 9:37:53 AM So, PTBI, it is OK for Indonesians to kick out 500,000 Dutch settlers but not OK for the W.....
» 26/04/2006 10:15:49 AM Sorry, Rogindon, but your point about the Bataks and Sundanese does not refute the notion .....
» 24/04/2006 10:22:29 AM Thanks, Rogindon. I knew but had forgotten that Javanese was not the Indonesian language. .....
» 23/04/2006 10:51:58 PM Very good point, Rogindon. Wollcott's grubby mits are all over Australia's disgraceful pol.....
» 23/04/2006 10:15:18 PM I see your point Rogindon, but I am trying not to assume anything. My point about human ri.....
» 21/04/2006 10:14:20 AM Rogindon, you blew your credibility when you dismissed fundamental human rights, to which .....
» 20/04/2006 11:40:40 AM Nothing cheers up a well travelled 51 year old like being called a "boy" by Prou.....
» 19/04/2006 10:16:22 AM Spot on Tony. The Indonesian request to send the Papuans back without any respect for our .....
» 18/04/2006 10:17:53 PM Just give us new states, North, Central and Sth Western Qld and let SEQ Barbie World achie.....
» 11/04/2006 10:34:25 PM Could it be that the main reason the Javanese are so sensitive about separatism is that ce.....
» 11/04/2006 10:02:25 PM It should not be forgotten that the Javanese Empire also once aspired to include much of p.....
» 8/04/2006 12:27:17 PM ProudTBI, I am fully aware of what was passed off as an act of free choice in 1969. So whi.....
» 7/04/2006 11:59:02 AM We could manage our "refugee problem" much better by identifying jobs that simpl.....
» 7/04/2006 11:20:01 AM So Proud TBI now only has one eye. He seems to have forgotten that the two most important .....
» 6/04/2006 10:57:02 AM Ah yes, "failed Indonesian businessman", Paul Keating, now there was a man who k.....
» 6/04/2006 10:44:12 AM I find it rather offensive that any nation can have the gall to suggest that some places, .....
» 6/04/2006 10:10:26 AM It must be said that the extent of the Indonesian response has done more to raise this iss.....
» 5/04/2006 9:50:39 AM What they need first is the capacity to distinguish between fact and opinion, fact and ass.....
» 4/04/2006 12:48:43 PM What an extraordinarily inconsistent mind you have demonstrated, "Proud tb Indonesian.....
» 4/04/2006 12:04:19 PM Thanks, Brian T, for the bits of the criminal code. But the important element of the conce.....
» 3/04/2006 11:11:54 AM That is a very interesting logical twist you display, Proud to be Indonesian. You say all .....
» 2/04/2006 10:01:43 PM And lets not forget the role the ACTU played in the subjugation of West Papua. The Dutch w.....
» 31/03/2006 1:17:37 PM Nice bit of rationalisation Cotter, but your stereotypes are a long way from the reality. .....
» 31/03/2006 10:07:52 AM There have been some good examples of "reasonable fear" presented in this trail .....
» 30/03/2006 11:09:04 AM We clearly have two opposing views of what the Papuan's want. One side is telling us that .....
» 30/03/2006 10:31:22 AM It is grim testimony to the debased state of family law in Australia that one of the siste.....
» 28/03/2006 11:38:21 AM A good and timely article, Susan. The best example of purely metrocentric governance was w.....
» 24/03/2006 10:55:51 AM It was only a few years ago when a visiting whitefella from the country collapsed on the f.....
» 23/03/2006 9:52:13 AM Ludwig, it is a bit hard for me to determine the police staffing levels of a country shire.....
» 22/03/2006 10:17:00 PM So why would we need to elect a new rubber stamp every few years? PK, you may have miscon.....
» 22/03/2006 9:59:49 PM It is time you took a little walk down reality street, Ludwig. If you think the money is e.....
» 21/03/2006 5:38:30 PM I have only one correction to Saul's later comment. That is, the new state movements in No.....
» 21/03/2006 12:09:42 PM Natasha who? Many people, both in Australia and all over the world, derive considerable c.....
» 21/03/2006 11:39:48 AM David Hasslegrove (aka Ludwig), I am 51 years old. I semi-retired at 45 with a number of t.....
» 21/03/2006 11:00:28 AM A very good point Saul. But one aspect of this GST carve up that does not appear to have b.....
» 20/03/2006 10:25:17 PM Excuse me Ludwig, at the time of my supposed guilty silence I was away for a long weekend .....
» 20/03/2006 10:58:46 AM David Latimer wrote, "The main argument made by supporters of an Australian republic .....
» 20/03/2006 10:35:54 AM Ludwig, you did say, "how people can put their life’s work into more efficient and hi.....
» 20/03/2006 10:07:55 AM Taz, when I read your statement that you have been involved with a number of pulp mills, I.....
» 17/03/2006 11:10:46 PM Republicans seem so caught up in the symbolic trees of monarchy that they are incapable se.....
» 17/03/2006 10:33:46 PM Ludwig, the rest of us are sick to death of your population "dogs vomit" that yo.....
» 17/03/2006 10:06:10 PM Taz, whatever was done in the past was clearly a great deal less destructive than just abo.....
» 17/03/2006 5:27:57 PM The reason the international greens choose Tasmania for their diatribes is because it is t.....
» 16/03/2006 3:00:53 PM There are two more ways to improve sustainability of water supplies, 1 improve the effici.....
» 15/03/2006 12:56:01 PM This really is a 15th order issue, Lyn. Don't you have a job to do somewhere? You should t.....
» 13/03/2006 11:27:50 AM The trouble with these people is they just don't know their place. What with the left now .....
» 10/03/2006 12:19:36 AM Rex has touched on a very interesting issue. Should the health system be paying for the tr.....
» 9/03/2006 1:19:51 PM Yawn, Ludwig, Yawn. Well said Pericles......
» 9/03/2006 1:12:52 PM Interesting question, Shonga. I suspect part of the problem is that proper treatment of so.....
» 8/03/2006 11:25:35 PM Ludwig made it perfectly clear in the trail from "More Crops per drop" by David .....
» 8/03/2006 10:52:50 PM Aah Yes, mental health. Isn't it interesting that after Martin Bryant ran amock with a rif.....
» 8/03/2006 10:08:18 AM A good Article, Peter. One interesting feature of our system that has recently become more.....
» 7/03/2006 11:02:41 PM Ludwig has inadvertently highlighted the fundamental flaw in the so-called 'ecological foo.....
» 7/03/2006 10:45:14 PM Flip Top, the WA Treasurer is right. Federal tax collections also have some major leakages.....
» 7/03/2006 1:18:52 PM Excuse me, folks, if you haven't already guessed, Ludwig is my blogstalker, and as per nor.....
» 7/03/2006 11:50:37 AM What a breathtaking bit of ignorance KAEP. Australia already provides the food for 80 mill.....
» 6/03/2006 10:04:18 PM No, Faustino, you have it wrong. About 60% of capital expenditure is outside the Brisbane .....
» 6/03/2006 12:56:57 PM Fibro shacks had Asbestos, don't tell me we haven't improved. The Club of Rome didn't even.....
» 6/03/2006 12:22:37 PM The differential distribution of GST to the states has two elements. The first is the alre.....
» 5/03/2006 9:46:15 AM So Jared Diamond got all his facts right and Michael Duffy isn't a peer of Diamond's? Some.....
» 4/03/2006 10:16:06 PM Thermoman and Ludwig, if the club of Rome are correct then the population will decline to .....
» 3/03/2006 5:12:13 PM Prof. Jared Diamond is carving out his own niche as the 'Jubilation T Cornpone' of the sub.....
» 3/03/2006 12:32:51 PM Thermoman said, "The Club of Rome was essentially right even if not in some details a.....
» 3/03/2006 12:13:21 PM The city has spent more than a decade telling farmers that they had a duty of care to the .....
» 2/03/2006 11:08:21 AM It is also not widely understood that, unless Toowoomba's population makes a sudden jump t.....
» 2/03/2006 10:54:01 AM A very good point, GC. I need to correct the numbers provided in my above post on farmers.....
» 2/03/2006 10:05:48 AM An excellent point, Jamo. I hadn't thought of the counterveiling need to keep the 'roos ou.....
» 28/02/2006 10:49:19 PM They say Beattie has 200 spin doctors to make himself seem like an honest man. Most people.....
» 28/02/2006 10:44:23 PM Where do we put them? asks woodyblues. We find a big saltpan out Cunnamulla way and dig do.....
» 28/02/2006 10:21:24 PM Shonga, water is a state responsibility, not a federal one. And the turkey who vetoed the .....
» 27/02/2006 11:16:27 PM Well Bernie, that million year breeding program was not to produce an animal suited for fa.....
» 27/02/2006 10:59:00 PM You're taling through your arse, MikeM. An exported crop is not exported water because, un.....
» 27/02/2006 2:47:15 PM If David Hasselgrove ever ventured beyond his own nose he would know that the biggest conc.....
» 27/02/2006 2:34:53 PM KAEP, you obviously haven't seen a whole town die when a factory goes down the gurgler. In.....
» 27/02/2006 2:01:49 PM I think this is a massive waste of money and an egotistical indulgence on the part of Toow.....
» 26/02/2006 12:31:25 AM This is only part of the story. Regional areas do have skills shortages but this country a.....
» 25/02/2006 11:57:14 PM The key point is that we need a proper functioning health system NOW but the people who wi.....
» 25/02/2006 11:44:12 PM Tim flannery has spent his entire life looking backwards. And there is no way I'll put my .....
» 24/02/2006 3:02:29 PM Pericles, you raised some interesting issues. We need to distinguish between the public's .....
» 24/02/2006 2:32:11 PM Shonga, I can't believe that after 19 years you are still trying to blame Joh for Qld heal.....
» 23/02/2006 1:54:43 PM I think discouraging green/left loonies from breeding is a very good idea and needs to be .....
» 23/02/2006 1:33:12 PM Here is the definitive response, Ludwig. The scale of the underutilisation of water, and t.....
» 23/02/2006 1:23:14 PM To the sound of one hand clapping......
» 23/02/2006 1:20:37 PM Well said, Yobbo. The people who think China's one child policy was the key to the economi.....
» 23/02/2006 12:09:28 PM The notion that a 100,000ha property or bigger would not need fences needs a closer look. .....
» 22/02/2006 12:11:34 PM The intersting point to come out of this is in the implications for fixing the health syst.....
» 22/02/2006 11:35:02 AM As a 5th generation Australian who has lived and worked in London, Athens, Hong Kong, Vanc.....
» 22/02/2006 11:19:05 AM I understand your perspective, Pericles, but you have missed an important point. The 15% o.....
» 22/02/2006 10:59:54 AM Leigh got my figures wrong, my 0.5kl/day was for five people which makes only 0.1kl/day pe.....
» 22/02/2006 10:33:09 AM It is true that properties of 100,000 hectares may avoid the need for fences but how many .....
» 21/02/2006 10:21:16 AM Why is a dam on the Clarence assumed to be too valuable to be allocated to farmers in the .....
» 20/02/2006 1:04:41 PM Thanks, Albie. Any agro in my post was a consequence of yours being too close to Ludwigs a.....
» 20/02/2006 12:49:38 PM Looks OK but it would still be nice to see the complete list of articles for the month so .....
» 20/02/2006 12:47:06 PM You are only part right, Leigh, but your numbers don't add up to the reported data. Averag.....
» 20/02/2006 12:22:33 PM I don't know DFXK, but after having eaten (taken one bite) a turkey that fed on camphor la.....
» 17/02/2006 5:41:29 PM What a joke, odsoc. Has it ever dawned on you that just about any migrant from a third wor.....
» 17/02/2006 12:42:30 PM So Byron, Noosa and Douglas Shires are the way to go, Ludwig. You really are a fringe dwel.....
» 17/02/2006 12:24:54 PM Spirituality, eh. Is that where we can conclude that the green cultists are worshipers of .....
» 17/02/2006 12:13:58 PM Facts in a knot again, Ludwig. You have the timing out badly on China. The chinese economy.....
» 17/02/2006 11:53:00 AM Good idea Goeff, perhaps Flannery or Beale could provide us with a more realistic budget f.....
» 16/02/2006 3:02:13 PM Goeff, the economics will improve under a broadacre scenario but nowhere near enough becau.....
» 16/02/2006 12:25:05 PM So Ludwig was involved in the economic analysis and viability assessments for dams in Nort.....
» 16/02/2006 12:02:52 PM All the posts on the merits of a smaller population are grossly ignorant of the fact that .....
» 15/02/2006 10:22:16 AM So now Ian Lowe (of ACF) is an expert and unbiased mentor? Daffy Duck for PM......
» 15/02/2006 10:08:17 AM Her we go again with the usual litany of half truths and falsehoods. 1 While the total imm.....
» 14/02/2006 2:35:10 PM The current situation where one urban Premier, backed by an urban based scientific and pol.....
» 14/02/2006 11:11:37 AM Don't fall off your chair, Ludwig, when I say there is some merit in your point. The preva.....
» 14/02/2006 10:27:42 AM Emotional intelligence? Left and right brainers? Strong leadership? Just what we really ne.....
» 13/02/2006 1:36:54 PM So how many funding applications does ANU have in train that can expect improved prospects.....
» 13/02/2006 10:04:40 AM Albie, your concern about the 700 litres/m2 used by cotton is the product of the political.....
» 12/02/2006 1:14:57 PM The role of cycling in the contribution value of water serves to focus on the wisdom behin.....
» 11/02/2006 11:46:45 PM Ludwig achieves enlightenment on the perfection of his sneer. Yeah, right, give us a break.....
» 11/02/2006 11:40:41 PM Geoff, I think all bets are off once a city gets to 3 or 4 million because, like it or not.....
» 11/02/2006 11:19:35 PM The denial of a property right that is inherent in the notion of Terra nullius can only wo.....
» 11/02/2006 10:27:03 AM Thanks fellas, whenever I need to explain why regional areas have no future under metropol.....
» 11/02/2006 10:15:32 AM Ludwig clearly implied that an increase in water use or farming productivity would lead to.....
» 10/02/2006 9:48:45 PM I agree in part, Pericles, but households who are inclined to install tanks are also incli.....
» 10/02/2006 9:25:32 PM Lorenzo is right but took a very long way to get home. The essence of the concept of Ter.....
» 10/02/2006 10:27:58 AM There is one vital difference between the markets for household water and electricity or g.....
» 9/02/2006 10:59:20 PM Here you go again, Ludwig, setting up your own absurd interpretation and then criticising .....
» 9/02/2006 10:42:06 PM I gather The original purpose of the Barrages at Lake Alexandrina was to supply Adelaide w.....
» 9/02/2006 4:15:33 PM Ludwig, all this population stuff is completely irrelevant to the issue. We export enough .....
» 9/02/2006 9:33:30 AM You still don't get it, do you, Remco. You and your ignorant marginal urban electorate mat.....
» 8/02/2006 12:19:41 PM No Remco, it is about the fairness of choosing to live in a place but still be subject to .....
» 8/02/2006 12:07:18 PM [Continued] The need for river environmental flows is not incompatible with farming use an.....
» 8/02/2006 12:05:05 PM A very good article, David. One point that is not widely understood is the fact that green.....
» 7/02/2006 10:19:51 AM Gerrymander? Remco, this is 2006. Have you spent the last 30 years with your head in a pap.....
» 6/02/2006 8:54:56 PM I still have the email, with the suggested script, and the recommended changes to essentia.....
» 6/02/2006 10:05:37 AM As a former regular contributor to ABC Bush Telegraph, Ludwig, I can report from my own fi.....
» 5/02/2006 11:44:29 AM I agree, Arjay. The amazing thing about water recycling is that effluent is more valuable .....
» 5/02/2006 11:10:30 AM Really, kaep, 10,000 x 2 acres (8,000ha) of engineered wetland to maintain thermal balance.....
» 4/02/2006 3:26:06 PM Dredging up the same old anecdotal stuff again, Ludwig. Unanimous support from farmers for.....
» 4/02/2006 10:51:53 AM And how dare you have the gall to include a quote from Hansen, the NASA scientist who kick.....
» 4/02/2006 10:45:00 AM Just for the record Mr Gruen, what was your position on Y2K? Were you busy insulting the d.....
» 3/02/2006 12:03:24 PM Frankly, DFXK, I really don't care who wins an election in the city state of NewSydGong. I.....
» 3/02/2006 11:38:14 AM Bit of dejavu here, Pericles. You forget, the costings did stack up. Or at least they stac.....
» 3/02/2006 11:26:56 AM Still delivering the party line, Ludwig? "Bottom up approach to vegetation management.....
» 2/02/2006 12:18:45 PM Not this Republican window dressing, again. It will not change a single attribute of our l.....
» 2/02/2006 11:57:35 AM Just make sure you send the bucket story to the Auto Unions (Mitsubishi bail-out) the Tran.....
» 2/02/2006 11:29:03 AM Sydney has got to the point where any solution to any problem will be far more expensive t.....
» 2/02/2006 11:07:34 AM Very good article Alan. The other aspect of this issue is that these powers have been dele.....
» 31/01/2006 9:16:16 PM Just in case anyone may be wondering, Ludwig is a regulator, a fully paid up departmental .....
» 31/01/2006 11:14:04 AM So the solution to congestion is to dispossess a significant portion of the population of .....
» 31/01/2006 11:00:43 AM Good point DFXK, the leakage from the regional economy is in direct proportion to the dist.....
» 30/01/2006 11:44:39 AM This post flushed out the usual metrocentrics, who fine tune their anti-rural bigotry. Any.....
» 12/01/2006 11:57:35 AM This issue is very well covered in Jennifer Marohassy's blog with posts by Greenpeace staf.....
» 16/12/2005 12:02:28 PM Really , Bronwyn, a lot of hat wearers in Sydney is there? Give me a break. The comments o.....
» 16/12/2005 11:34:38 AM Mr regard for amnesty took a very big dive over their attempt to exploit this issue. They .....
» 15/12/2005 12:13:55 PM David is correct in highlighting the intrusion of opinion in reportage but this needs furt.....
» 14/12/2005 12:25:07 PM We have the Metropolis we had to have. We have persisted with a political structure that h.....
» 13/12/2005 10:11:59 AM Of course, most readers of this forum will choke on the thought, but we in Australia have .....
» 5/12/2005 2:54:53 PM Good point, enough rope, am surprised you are not hanging out on the death penaly posts. S.....
» 5/12/2005 2:48:44 PM Lets hang lesbian whales in old growth forest. I guess Mr Nguyen shouldn't have stuck his .....
» 4/12/2005 4:59:40 PM Intersting point, Mijiko. Has a person who has killed, or who has embarked on a course of .....
» 4/12/2005 11:11:49 AM Frankly, the volume and intensity of comment over a dead drug dealer, when compared to the.....
» 3/12/2005 12:37:07 PM All this concern for a dead drug dealer? Lets just say he finally paid the premium on his .....
» 2/12/2005 11:02:30 AM Well, that certainly explains the disproportionate incidence of left/green posts. Green vo.....
» 1/12/2005 10:29:55 AM Thanks for the timely numbers, Sten. The cost-volume-profit relationships for 1000m2 ponds.....
» 30/11/2005 11:28:05 AM Thank you and ditto, Ludwig, I was starting to wonder if you had taken up online stalking......
» 30/11/2005 11:18:16 AM I am not, by nature, a Monarchist but consistently vote that way out of a very deep and we.....
» 30/11/2005 11:06:39 AM None of the people pleading for Singapore to change its law for the sake of a foreigner ap.....
» 30/11/2005 10:41:34 AM A very good article, Roger. The ecology of Eastern WA farmlands is crying out for a produc.....
» 29/11/2005 11:15:12 AM Good point on the French revolution, David. The reason a third of Australia does not speak.....
» 29/11/2005 10:50:34 AM Good post, Rainier. It is their call......
» 29/11/2005 10:33:24 AM Thanks for your contribution, Kalweb, live long and prosper. The other element of mainstre.....
» 28/11/2005 12:06:28 PM Ludwig, all you posts of late have had a highly defamatory nature. It is standard green op.....
» 28/11/2005 11:51:27 AM You leave me breathless, Ludwig, with your inability to recognise the critical role of hou.....
» 26/11/2005 9:10:08 PM So tell me, Ludwig, if we are all to scale back our activities, which items of government .....
» 26/11/2005 9:00:07 PM Antigone, the last place one would look for a workable solution would be Q Build. $400k fo.....
» 26/11/2005 8:50:44 PM Michael Duffy reported on a study showing that social workers had a grossly inflated idea .....
» 23/11/2005 10:08:20 AM Well said, Steffen. It is really very simple. Home building, repairing, renovating and exp.....
» 23/11/2005 9:45:00 AM The doctrine of pre-emtion is a cancer that is already well established in the body politi.....
» 22/11/2005 10:37:36 AM Daggett, your proposed solutions, to pay farmers for environmental works, and some sort of.....
» 21/11/2005 5:23:04 PM What Brown has not provided is the url that will enable us to check the validity of the as.....
» 21/11/2005 9:41:39 AM A system of guest worker visas is succesfully employed by Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore, M.....
» 19/11/2005 10:41:09 AM Ludwig, it was a credible process right up to the point when the whole process was junked .....
» 18/11/2005 10:37:30 AM Farmers don't mass in large numbers because it would generally take three days off work to.....
» 17/11/2005 11:31:54 AM Lets look at the facts, Ludwig. You are a departmental officer who has spent a great deal .....
» 16/11/2005 2:29:13 PM Ludwig, all this anecdotal stuff about landholders agreeing with the veg leg is pure depar.....
» 16/11/2005 10:46:29 AM All a bit trite, Chris. Your simplistic analysis of needing a barrel of oil to produce a b.....
» 16/11/2005 10:20:53 AM Daggett, There is currently a proposal by the Pacific Islands Forum Nations for Australia .....
» 15/11/2005 11:32:13 AM You continue to refer to massive clearing rates when the governments own data shows that h.....
» 13/11/2005 4:01:08 PM Your last para, Daggett, almost gets to the point. The precautionary principle only applie.....
» 12/11/2005 6:00:47 PM Gosh, Daggett, you certainly have the official line down pat. Which department do you work.....
» 11/11/2005 11:55:16 AM Ludwig, your capacity for apparent denial is breathtaking. All of my posts went to the poi.....
» 10/11/2005 12:07:03 PM Ludwig, I have read some seriously silly statements in my day but your suggestion that I c.....
» 10/11/2005 9:46:43 AM Correction, Biggav, the shale oil plants closed down with oil at $25-$30 a barrel. And the.....
» 9/11/2005 4:18:15 PM What Winton and Grayson have neglected to point out is that the "known reserves".....
» 9/11/2005 3:54:44 PM Good piece but two points that should be noted as improving our capacity to handle another.....
» 9/11/2005 11:51:23 AM The justice system was designed and implemented by Norman conquerers to enable the disposs.....
» 9/11/2005 11:40:07 AM Wrong again, Ludwig. Most species can achieve the 70% height threshhold in no time when a .....
» 8/11/2005 11:58:42 AM Wrong Ludwig, wrong Ericc. You may not assume that 50% of Qld clearing is "old growth.....
» 7/11/2005 5:47:38 PM Ludwig, you need to take a good look at the satellite data if you think non-forest clearin.....
» 6/11/2005 10:46:16 PM Ludwig, your ignorance leaves me breathless but not surprised. The additional forest in Ql.....
» 2/11/2005 10:53:11 AM As a former Sydney Merchant Banking recruiter, I know this problem well. We tried to avoid.....
» 1/11/2005 12:40:49 PM If Noel does nothing else then he is to be commended for acting as a flack magnet. Observi.....
» 31/10/2005 10:38:04 AM The issue of what happens if a foreclosure takes place can be dealt with by a system of la.....
» 29/10/2005 1:33:36 PM You have got me wrong, BOAZ-David. I am not anti-mortgage. They are a tool like any other .....
» 28/10/2005 10:27:03 AM Christopher, I agree 100% with your concerns about community groups etc. But no further. M.....
» 28/10/2005 9:53:22 AM It is not the extreme nature of the measures that are pause for concern but, rather, that .....
» 27/10/2005 1:56:55 PM You guys are assuming that the same circumstances that have produced the house inflation i.....
» 26/10/2005 1:22:04 PM This article touches on the very important issue of the actual content of the so-called &q.....
» 25/10/2005 10:47:10 AM No dogs or Australian's? It is not widely known but all this distancing of government fro.....
» 25/10/2005 10:24:56 AM I think you are drawing a long bow here Stephen. The capacity to leverage land ownership i.....
» 25/10/2005 9:55:45 AM The notion that other nations have taken it upon themselves to be the arbiters of Kurdish .....
» 18/10/2005 10:27:24 AM I understand from your background, Gary, why you might continue to focus on problems with .....
» 17/10/2005 10:48:51 AM A slur on middlemen, Hedghog? No-one ever accepted a job from me unless they were certain .....
» 17/10/2005 10:09:52 AM Whatever spin you want to put on it, Sneekeepete, the fact is you claimed Tasmanian forest.....
» 14/10/2005 9:59:55 AM Even more interesting, Funkster. You claim to be an impartial scientist and then admit tha.....
» 13/10/2005 5:43:53 PM Surveys of both employers and employees have consistently shown that money was not their p.....
» 13/10/2005 5:13:53 PM Really, Sneekeepete, if you seriously think Tasmanian forests will actually disappear then.....
» 13/10/2005 10:26:39 AM Interesting point, Mahatma Duck. One of the best jobs I have ever had, and certainly the b.....
» 12/10/2005 12:43:37 PM Ya know, Kyangadack, you may have identified a field for all this training money that migh.....
» 12/10/2005 12:33:32 PM I am the son of a beekeeper but am bound to ask, why have the Tasmanian Honey producers ap.....
» 12/10/2005 12:23:52 PM See Comment #3 in "Not Radical Change" by Mike Nahan (above)......
» 12/10/2005 12:17:45 PM All the criticism of the IR reforms has been based on one totally false assumption. That i.....
» 11/10/2005 11:11:38 AM You guys need to nail this one down with the tightest research with controls etc. Accept n.....
» 11/10/2005 10:48:47 AM Why not see if Imparja can get a copy? The betrayal and response of "Old Tom" th.....
» 10/10/2005 4:32:55 PM I think the last word on this issue of Blackfellas eating whales should go to the splendid.....
» 10/10/2005 9:58:55 AM Ah ha, Funkster, so you make a living out of this Greenhouse business. Doen't that make yo.....
» 8/10/2005 9:30:48 AM Really, Funkster, an economics lecturer who believes there is no such thing as growth. Whe.....
» 7/10/2005 10:06:24 AM We should also remember that for the vegetable half of the planet biota, (greens excluded).....
» 6/10/2005 11:06:06 PM Good work, Mark. What concerns me most is that the very last thing the bush needs is this.....
» 6/10/2005 10:52:43 PM All good points, Bob. In the late 90's I was invited to provide a private forest owners pe.....
» 3/10/2005 3:01:09 PM This is standard insider thinking that refuses to accept that the very people who are task.....
» 3/10/2005 2:38:58 PM I agree on the issue of disc jocks and the music multinationals making bucks by presenting.....
» 30/09/2005 11:59:50 AM An interesting article, Graham. And it got me wondering if it might not be cheaper all rou.....
» 30/09/2005 11:35:07 AM Really, Raindrop. And when can we expect you to show up at the onset of the next drought t.....
» 29/09/2005 11:07:35 AM It is interesting mind set, isn't it Wrighta, that we can assume that an intelligent, reso.....
» 29/09/2005 10:41:54 AM One problem with the "pre-eminent China" scenario is the peril of extrapolation......
» 28/09/2005 11:40:54 AM This article reflects a very common capacity to over compartmentalise an issue into what c.....
» 28/09/2005 11:19:32 AM The cost of a serviced house block in inland country towns is about $10,000 and this can b.....
» 28/09/2005 10:57:42 AM Tell me, Wrighta & Rainier, don't you think it is about time a bunch of coastal Blackfella.....
» 27/09/2005 10:22:54 AM The secret to tender Roo meat is to do it gently and not over done. I have eaten flying fo.....
» 14/09/2005 4:48:49 PM There are a few more skunks waiting to assault the voter's noses yet. The sale of the $bil.....
» 13/09/2005 9:34:15 AM Good article. It is not widely appreciated but local government planning schemes constitut.....
» 12/09/2005 9:59:51 AM I am pleased to note, JohnA, that you have one former country local councillor who support.....
» 10/09/2005 9:57:32 AM One can agree with Peace up to a point but it doesn't solve the issue of how remote SydMel.....
» 9/09/2005 10:05:21 AM The Bureau of Transport Economics (1996)has estimated that each additional internal or ext.....
» 9/09/2005 9:30:29 AM Thank you Spendocrat and Lisamaree, for you additional examples of distorted thinking. Spe.....
» 8/09/2005 10:21:53 AM Good stuff AndrewM, we also need to recognise that canabis and alcohol use are not mutuall.....
» 7/09/2005 10:19:27 AM Thanks for the example, spendocrat. Your use of the false statistic and the "but stil.....
» 6/09/2005 10:52:46 AM Thanks JohnA. When I mentioned people being fully informed on the issue of new states or a.....
» 5/09/2005 9:40:46 AM Sure, Ericc. The decline in sales of SUV's in response to the rise in petrol prices is a v.....
» 5/09/2005 9:23:02 AM Interesting point, AndrewM. I have a nagging half recollection that the analyses that indi.....
» 4/09/2005 12:46:52 PM One important issue in the dope/booze/substance debate is the consideration of chain of cu.....
» 3/09/2005 12:49:12 PM AndrewM, this may only rate as anecdotal evidence but through the course of a well spent y.....
» 2/09/2005 11:53:43 AM No, Eric, changing lifestyles is not nonsense. But sending the whole economy on a prozac h.....
» 2/09/2005 10:58:15 AM Interesting point, Jellyback. The US has "farm states" that are not dominated by.....
» 2/09/2005 10:27:40 AM Good piece. When can we get some data on heavy user's voting patterns and subsequent emplo.....
» 1/09/2005 11:59:57 AM Klaas, your notion of "a superior form of decentralisation" with power ceded to .....
» 1/09/2005 9:22:21 AM If Beattie really did govern for all Queenslanders, as he claims to do, he would be out th.....
» 31/08/2005 5:45:57 PM My understanding of the climate modelling is that CO2 is deemed to remain in the atmospher.....
» 31/08/2005 5:26:06 PM Interesting, Klaas, but what is the difference between a small state the size of Tasmania .....
» 31/08/2005 10:48:41 AM I agree with the central message but there is one point that must be corrected. The only &.....
» 31/08/2005 10:17:32 AM Yes, Jellyback, work is being done on this issue for NSW by NSW Farmers New State Assessme.....
» 30/08/2005 12:30:07 PM Martin, Bim was correct in relation to coal. Coal exports are the emission of the country .....
» 30/08/2005 11:45:02 AM Abolishing States attracts regional Australians as an initial gut reaction to metropolitan.....
» 29/08/2005 10:03:46 AM Dear Ranier, You need to ask yourself why you must run every idea through a political spec.....
» 28/08/2005 3:58:44 PM It is no small irony that the much reported community consciousness and interrelatedness o.....
» 28/08/2005 3:39:58 PM A good and timely article, Frank. And never mind the rent-a-diatribe mob. I would sooner b.....
» 28/08/2005 3:27:35 PM Bim, you are wrong. Under the IPCC methodology, all emissions from wood products are deeme.....
» 28/08/2005 3:12:01 PM You are continuing to attempt to suggest that any adverse view of the urban community, tha.....
» 26/08/2005 10:15:26 AM Rancitas, the way terminology like "redneck attitudes" and "right wing bigo.....
» 25/08/2005 10:56:12 AM After all the "noble savage" myths have dried out and faded away like morning mi.....
» 25/08/2005 10:24:44 AM I am a third generation Australian farmer, Mr Grayson, who also lived and worked in London.....
» 19/08/2005 11:40:32 AM You neglect to point out that the "median line" option for delineating sea bound.....
» 19/08/2005 11:18:01 AM No-one appears to have asked whether a full stand alone broadcaster is the most effective .....
» 16/08/2005 12:14:30 PM These models imply that eating meat vs grain is a direct trade off when this is not the ca.....
» 16/08/2005 11:35:48 AM I was in the Labor Party for years. I have been rained on, hailed on, sunburned, soaked, c.....
» 16/08/2005 11:12:25 AM The ABC has made much of it's services to regional communities as a convenient hook at bud.....
» 13/08/2005 4:12:47 PM Someone might ask the Quebecoise what they think of this Canukanz stuff before anyone gets.....
» 13/08/2005 3:50:52 PM This "ecological footprint" stuff is pure crap. For a start, it ignores the fact.....
» 13/08/2005 3:28:16 PM All over Queensland on Friday 12th August 2005, towns have experienced the lowest winter m.....
» 13/08/2005 3:08:04 PM The problem is not population growth. The problem is Sydney's population growth, combined .....
» 10/08/2005 12:13:11 PM Not a very convincing effort, Sympneology. You forgot to mention all of the instances wher.....
» 10/08/2005 9:45:10 AM Mr Michael Hastings is his name. True (blue) heir to the Crown......
» 9/08/2005 11:26:06 AM I have just acquired the source reports on this, Pericles, and can say that the methodolog.....
» 9/08/2005 11:06:25 AM It may be even more appropriate, and a classical Australian solution, to appoint the true .....
» 9/08/2005 10:48:12 AM A world democratic forum based on one vote one value assumes that each participating gover.....
» 9/08/2005 10:17:01 AM Your site fails to tell the whole story, Sympneology. Increased CO2 follows temperature in.....
» 6/08/2005 6:40:28 PM A very good point, Anna. The greatest value of the monarchy, from the perspective of the o.....
» 6/08/2005 6:15:27 PM Dear Wanda, I provide this advice, not in any way to insult or denigrate, but rather, out.....
» 5/08/2005 11:38:40 AM That is the power of an idea whose time has come, David. The New England referendum failed.....
» 5/08/2005 11:24:13 AM Goodness me, Doug, we simply can't have farmers aspiring to anything beyond servile subsis.....
» 5/08/2005 10:58:56 AM Goodness me, Bob, "no evidence that capitalism exists", the greens must have put.....
» 4/08/2005 12:15:56 PM David, I fail to see how regional government could be dismissed as "This is certainly.....
» 4/08/2005 11:57:24 AM My point, Bronwyn, is that Clive's core conceit, that affluence is a synonym for environme.....
» 4/08/2005 11:15:54 AM An excellent and timely expose' of the "CO2 Flux Clan", Bob. The only thing more.....
» 3/08/2005 12:14:24 PM Flannery is a Paleontologist who has spent most of his life looking backwards. A luddite i.....
» 3/08/2005 11:57:07 AM By the number of comments, Peter, either no-one contests the validity of your argument or .....
» 3/08/2005 11:33:02 AM The expansion of the commonwealth to include New Zealand is an interesting issue as, absen.....
» 3/08/2005 11:03:02 AM Dear Dalma, I fear my point was unclear. I was not sneering at canal dwellers, nor denigra.....
» 3/08/2005 10:28:46 AM This was looking like a reasoned, plausible argument right up until the inclusion of the b.....
» 2/08/2005 9:31:27 AM You mistakenly attribute a call for citizen initiated referenda to me, David. I made no su.....
» 1/08/2005 12:39:45 PM Gosh, Clive, you've discovered that "fools and their money are soon parted". It .....
» 1/08/2005 11:46:24 AM The facts are, Anomie, that Batterham was at the peak of his scientific field. Crosier, pr.....
» 1/08/2005 11:21:46 AM My point, David, is that becoming a republic will not solve a single problem that currentl.....
» 29/07/2005 11:41:12 AM Here we are, back at the 6th order issue window dressing, when the greatest potential for .....
» 29/07/2005 10:43:47 AM I understand the problems faced by honest, diligent and professional public servants, Davi.....
» 29/07/2005 10:18:20 AM Real men don't take vacations, Pericles, they accumulate them so they can have serial mid-.....
» 28/07/2005 12:19:15 PM One of the finest forests on the East Coast can be found only 15 minutes from Brisbane CBD.....
» 28/07/2005 11:37:21 AM Seeker of truth? I just like to outwit Gorgons and decapitate Medusa's, Pericles, it's bet.....
» 27/07/2005 10:50:06 AM The great irony here is that of all the ethnic groups to come to Australia over 30 years o.....
» 27/07/2005 9:46:45 AM Far an additional insight into the diseconomies of centralised, metropolitan dominated sta.....
» 26/07/2005 12:40:35 PM I hope you don't fall off your chair, Pericles, when I advise that I actually agree with y.....
» 26/07/2005 11:33:35 AM Dear Pericles, the fact sheet at the end of the url indicates that these costs are calcula.....
» 25/07/2005 12:20:52 PM This article is a continuation of the prevailing metro-centric view of theses problems. Fo.....
» 23/07/2005 9:28:25 AM A key Qld ALP number cruncher once gave me the best argument in favour of keeping/re-estab.....
» 22/07/2005 11:16:19 AM It is interesting to note that the only instances of actions for "apprehended bias' t.....
» 20/07/2005 8:11:57 PM The latest reports indicate that four of the London bombers may have been tricked into blo.....
» 20/07/2005 11:25:05 AM The capacity to determine the age of whales by purely visual means prior to harvesting wou.....
» 20/07/2005 11:19:33 AM To Sien's question, "why wasn't Afghanistan a sufficient place to take on terrorism?&.....
» 20/07/2005 10:13:32 AM Am not certain what you mean by "impact on the donor cities", Swilkie. Do you me.....
» 19/07/2005 12:38:26 PM One often hears the call to abolish states and replace them with regional government but w.....
» 19/07/2005 12:06:09 PM Dear Pericles, I do regret your apparent retention deficit but am bound to respectfully su.....
» 18/07/2005 12:37:06 PM A student of ancient Chinese master strategist, Sun Tsu, would recognise a very successful.....
» 18/07/2005 11:40:10 AM My front yard is not a beach but when farmers manage what must be regarded as the most suc.....
» 13/07/2005 1:06:09 PM This problem is exacerbated by the deliberate misinformation that the political arm did no.....
» 13/07/2005 12:42:33 PM The first, and most critical step in true sustainable agriculture is to restore all proper.....
» 13/07/2005 12:06:11 PM So can anyone advise what the annual world wide total of whale deaths from beachings etc i.....
» 13/07/2005 11:44:32 AM A very good article. Brisbane listeners were subjected to a seriously squalid outbreak of .....
» 11/07/2005 11:48:02 AM Planning for drought, gosh, why didn't any farmers think of that before? The key to drough.....
» 11/07/2005 11:03:57 AM The Minister responsible for garnering a sufficient proportion of votes from the religious.....
» 11/07/2005 10:36:17 AM Neither Nick Gruen nor Tony Kevin appear to have grasped the key issue here. The Forster I.....
» 1/06/2005 10:24:53 AM The impact of thinning on catchment water yield was made known to the cradle/navel of the .....
» 31/05/2005 12:19:15 PM A recent report has highlighted another major water source that has been ignored as a resu.....
» 26/05/2005 10:49:56 AM I understand the sentiment behind getting rid of states altogether but the Australian Cons.....

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