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Walking the tightrope with Indonesia : Comments

By Gary Brown, published 11/4/2006

Australian actions which might fuel secessionism are always going to be resented by Indonesia.

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Indonesia’s displeasure is certainly understandable. It was stupid in the extreme to give protection visas to 42 self-interested cowards who fled West Papua leaving the majority of their people to face the brutality that these big-timers (now that they are safe and waving their flag in Australia) claim exists in Papua.

We need the goodwill of Indonesia much more than we need ‘refugees’.

West Papua is not going to achieve separation from Indonesia. Australia has enough pin spots on the map posing as ‘independent’ nations to support already. And Indonesia should be left to work out its own path to a better society.

As for asylum seekers – from Indonesia or elsewhere - the only genuine ones are stateless people, not people who are able to leave their countries while their fellow countrymen have to stay.

It is far too easy for people to decide that they would like to live in Australia without going through the proper channels, thanks to our laughable border ‘protection’, the ineptitude of DIMIA, and an immigration Minister who doesn’t think she is responsible for anything
Posted by Leigh, Tuesday, 11 April 2006 10:44:44 AM
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Our fearless leader said "We will decide who comes here, and the circumstances under which they come" and he has. Johnny Bonsai stumbles yet again......
Posted by SHONGA, Tuesday, 11 April 2006 12:05:41 PM
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It is interesting that many supporters of the Asylum seekers are ex Anglican Missionaries (not the most politically radical people). These people have witnessed reports of torture and exile in Javanese prisons of West Papuans who have advocated real autonomy and a demand for basic justice in health, education and land ownership. Not all were taking up arms for independence.

A recent visit by an Anglican minister to Jayapura, "The Age-27th March", unwittingly witnessed the atrocities of a Papuan protest rally. Yes, 3 Indonesian policemen were killed. However, many West Papuans including children were also shot. The number of deaths and injured cannot be tallied as the hospital was closed to outsiders.

Jayapura is now an "Asian" city. The Chinese own the shops. The Makassans own the food stalls and the West Papuans are left selling Betel nut on the ground. They refer to themselves as "budak"- slaves to the Javanese.

Leigh, I would not refer to the recent asylum seekers as self interested cowards. I applaud the fact that DIMIA independently accepted these asylum seekers without ministerial interference. If we did not accept them, that would make us the cowards.

Yes, Australia will have troubles in the future with Indonesia, because of the acceptance of these asylum seekers. Yes, there are enormous misunderstandings on both sides as to how each system of government works, as highlighted by the author.

However, to be a good neighbour we should not be isolationist in our outlook or simply appease the Indonesians in solving the present crisis in West Papua.
Posted by Lubis, Tuesday, 11 April 2006 1:24:29 PM
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Let them in, and dont let Indonesia govern any of our decisions.

They have a very short memory and are still on the cusp of the third world, as the monority controls the wealth of the nation.

Your country is only as successful as the standard of living of your poorest citizens, and they fail miserably in this instance, so much so that we as Aussies empty our pockets for them on a regular basis.

Stuff them, cut them off from our compassion, they are ungrateful and disrespectful. It is our decision, not theirs and we determine who we want in our country not them, just like conversely we do not control who comes to their country.

We are flogging a dead horse at least in this generation trying to build relations with Indonesia, as they are disrespectful and dont mind taking your money but on the other hand wont give us the respect to make our own decisions. they landed on our doorstep, not theirs.
Posted by Realist, Tuesday, 11 April 2006 1:51:29 PM
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Well Mr. Hitler, I see you have been elected democratically, and you have invented a spurious claim over a neighbouring country. Having taken that country you are now brutally subjugating the populace and stealing the best lands and treasure for your own people. Meanwhile pretending that you are looking after them as part of your own country.

Sounds ever so similar doesn't it?

We even have the cowards chorus saying "it's all too late", "we can't do anything about it", "they'll stop there, they have all they want", "we have to be their friends".

I don't want to be friends with murderers.

What are we going to do when the Javanese Empire invades New Guinea after they have been "insulted"?

If they continue behaving badly we will have to fight them eventually.

It will be easier to fight them now before they get stronger
Posted by Bull, Tuesday, 11 April 2006 2:04:02 PM
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Maybe it would suit the Indonesians more to get rid of all the original inhabitants then the so called "transmigration" can go full steam ahead without the Papuans nit picking.
But do we in Australia want the entire native population descending on us?
We are already over loaded with "asylum seekers" from all over. A line must be drawn somewhere.
Posted by mickijo, Tuesday, 11 April 2006 2:51:14 PM
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