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Cool rationality shatters greenhouse hype : Comments
By Bob Carter, published 4/8/2005Bob Carter argues the Group of 8 meeting recently blew open the global warming scam.
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Congratulations on an excellent article. I have long believed that this subject had become more of a secular religion designed to denigrate capitalism than a rational debate. One of the most basic inputs to both the carbon emission and african famine debate (which are very similar), is that to achieve anything you must first stabilise world population, and this is politically unacceptable. It all goes back to one of the most significant, but totally unknown politicians of the 20th century, Konrad Henlein, who was the leader of the Sudeten Germans in Czechoslovakia in the nineteen thirties, who said: "We must make demands that cannot be satisfied".
Posted by plerdsus, Thursday, 4 August 2005 9:59:11 AM
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An excellent and timely expose' of the "CO2 Flux Clan", Bob.
The only thing more dangerous than a myopic bureaucratic ideologue wielding a blunt instrument is a sleazy Eurocratic spiv wielding a Kyoto Protocol. When we eventually get hold of all the relevant files, history will judge the Australian Greenhouse Office to have fully explored the boundaries of treason. Posted by Perseus, Thursday, 4 August 2005 11:15:54 AM
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Has our Liberal Party come in on the grouter and helped to knock out Kyoto? From an old cockie who has learnt the hard way about caring for the environment, finally giving credit to hard-fighting greenies and forward thinkers, the move against Kyoto seems too much like dirty underhand politics to steal the limelight to do something about our fast proving hotting up cataclysmic global future. Probably typical of Howard and Bush, but did they work this out while honest little Johnnie was over visiting in God's Own Country?
George C - WA - (Bushbred) Posted by bushbred, Thursday, 4 August 2005 11:19:42 AM
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C'mon, seriously now, Professor Carter. You don't expect us to believe you're injecting rationality and cool, dispassionate detachment back into the global warming debate when you use words such as "propaganda", "apocalypse", "fear-mongering", "scaremongering", "outrageous", "alarmist", "warming evangelists", "naive theory", and "global-warming hype" you?
You criticise those who support the idea of human-induced global warming as being politically motivated, infering that those who deny such "naive theories" instead base their judgements on sound scientific knowledge, when in reality the whole debate is a political one. How can a balanced assessment be made when you deny that human's have had no impact on climate change? What is such a dangerous denial based on, if not political motivations? Posted by mbd, Thursday, 4 August 2005 2:09:53 PM
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"Let rational discussion of the real climate change issue commence.": And what may that real issue be exactly?
Posted by Exadios, Thursday, 4 August 2005 2:38:56 PM
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Antarctic ice shelf collapse linked to global warming mbd you forget Bob also tries to slip in the slime that global warming freaks are only scaremongering in order to foil 'capitalism', whatever that is. I don't bellieve it exists, I mean where's the evidence? Sure you can come up with all sorts of numbers and there are all these 'shares' traded on stockmarkets, but where is the evidence that this leads to 'capitalism'. Looks like a leap of faith by a nuch of scardeycats to me. Bob is the conspiracy freakhead. Paranoid, believes in things that aren't there, blames everyone else for them not working perfectly like wot god ordained. .... I agree that risk management is important, but sliming people with this degree of silliness is not risk management, its political spin. Mind you it is just a fear of fear opinion piece and so need not have anything to do with reality. Risk management involves looking at risk, evaluating it by identification, impact, and how to avoid/manage it. Bob just wants to a call a spade an implement of fear in order to avoid discussing the risks, and calls those who do fearmongers, all the while trying to scare us with the 'it will destroy capitalism' scaremongering. Considering that there is no proof capitalism exists, as I have indicated above, this is all a bit rich. The proper thing to do would be to look at our perceptions of risk, of nature, of work, of the market, but to do so involves psychological appreciation. Bob's not ready to do that, he just what to throw blame and scare people, much like he accuses the global warming scaremongers of doing, it could well be projection. Unless he is working for a thinktank in which case it is paid for propaganda to hold the line while major investments are realigned.... except of course capitalism does not exist, or at least, maybe it has not really been tried yet... Whatever happened to our leaders saying "we have nothing to fear except fear itself" Or "fear of fear" for that matter. Posted by meika, Thursday, 4 August 2005 2:47:10 PM