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Comment History for redneck

The Forum > User Index > redneck > Comment History

» 2/02/2008 7:44:56 AM Hey Timmy, has it ever occured to your vestigial brain that those who act out the moral pu.....
» 29/01/2008 5:26:27 AM Dear Ms Foxy. Malcolm Fraser has apparently gotten you teary eyed over some speech where .....
» 28/01/2008 4:56:41 AM Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Foxy. I am surprised that you would use Prime Minister Keating as an .....
» 27/01/2008 4:30:44 AM Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Mz Foxy, the trouble is, I do know something about Australia's history an.....
» 26/01/2008 5:30:31 AM There are an awful lot of aborigines running around today whose sole means of support is t.....
» 25/01/2008 4:30:11 AM It is the Candberra journalists who have collective amnesia, not white Australians. If wh.....
» 25/01/2008 3:55:52 AM Hi, Mr Hotrod. 1. In reply to point one. While the concept that our society can always be.....
» 24/01/2008 4:30:08 AM Answering Ingolfe Iede’s questions. 1. Is it relativism to hold our liberal democratic tr.....
» 21/01/2008 7:20:14 PM Hallo, Mr CJ Morgan. I am a bit confused over your logic. If you say that "people li.....
» 21/01/2008 6:56:35 PM Hi Mr Stickman. There is no such thing as total freedom of expression. Libel, child porn.....
» 21/01/2008 4:38:53 AM Of course racism exists in Australia. I am a racist, and I exist in Australia......
» 21/01/2008 4:32:16 AM The word "teenager" was coined by Madison Avenue advertising executives when the.....
» 16/01/2008 7:47:06 PM Oh no. Another Catholic trying to force his religious values onto the Prots. Sorry mate, .....
» 10/01/2008 4:37:03 AM As an electrician and an ETU member who has worked within the NSW Electricity Commission j.....
» 15/12/2007 6:18:01 AM Well, of course we had a change of government. A new generation of voters had grown up una.....
» 24/11/2007 4:56:54 AM Ed Coper is absolutely correct, war is just awful and Western people must never engage in .....
» 23/11/2007 4:17:42 AM it is impossible to refute a 2000 word propaganda peice with a 350 word reply, so I will f.....
» 22/11/2007 4:19:01 AM How does Australia "get this inclusion thing working" Mr Jakubowicz? It doesn't......
» 21/11/2007 5:26:10 PM It was you who decided what attitudes rednecks have, yet you now object to me doing the sa.....
» 20/11/2007 7:26:08 PM I call you a white and West hating bigot TLTR because I have been crossing swords with peo.....
» 20/11/2007 4:24:02 AM You are asking me if racial discrimination can be justified? Of course it can. In Austra.....
» 19/11/2007 4:16:00 AM I chose the name “redneck” as a trap tactic to smoke out white hating racists like you TLT.....
» 18/11/2007 3:41:36 PM I have an appropriate name, have I TLTR? Struth, if I was to label poor black people with .....
» 18/11/2007 4:31:50 AM The author of this article claims that homosexual couples are moving into the "mortga.....
» 18/11/2007 3:46:08 AM The article above seems to me yet another "kick then Yanks" effort which also im.....
» 16/11/2007 4:17:25 AM The publication of FBI profiler Roy Hazlewood and internationally renowned forensic psycho.....
» 16/11/2007 3:53:58 AM Once again your attitude is that I must prove my premise while you need not bother to prov.....
» 15/11/2007 4:04:58 AM It does indeed make a lot of sense to redistribute the common wealth to ensure social stab.....
» 14/11/2007 3:55:50 AM The point I am making is the same one I started with, that is, I take exception to the att.....
» 13/11/2007 3:58:18 AM The objective way which I measure the degree of dole bludging Wizofaust, is with the evide.....
» 12/11/2007 3:31:33 AM Wizofaust, you claimed that dole bludgers were only “tens of thousands” out of a populatio.....
» 11/11/2007 5:54:56 AM Wizofaust, my membership of the disadvantaged class gave me a realistic impression of the .....
» 10/11/2007 5:28:06 AM I disagree with John Warhurst's opinion that Republicanism is back on the agenda. The fail.....
» 10/11/2007 4:46:29 AM My own boy's high school in 1970 had a school armoury which sported 100 Lee Enfield rifles.....
» 9/11/2007 3:45:53 AM Well Wizofaust, if you “believe” that all human beings are capable of being productive, re.....
» 8/11/2007 4:11:07 AM Clarisa Kiel's article about Switzerland follows the customary approach of the modern post.....
» 7/11/2007 6:53:28 PM Wizofaust, how is it that you expect me to come up with the solutions to poverty in Austra.....
» 7/11/2007 3:56:04 AM To Dnicholson/wizofaust. I did not say that all poverty is caused by stupidity, but from .....
» 6/11/2007 4:14:54 AM Hi Johnj. I am astonished that you could imply that as a counter officer with the CES, th.....
» 5/11/2007 4:17:50 AM To Haygirl. I pay their bills because they are family, and they would collapse in a heap .....
» 4/11/2007 6:10:22 AM Poverty is primarily a product of low intelligence. You want to know about poverty? Take .....
» 3/11/2007 1:44:12 PM Thank you Peter Saunders for your timely and accurate article. As a former resident in a .....
» 3/11/2007 1:19:37 PM What values should Australian society be built upon? Gee, David Holcroft, that's a no bra.....
» 2/11/2007 4:26:53 AM Wizofaust You said, “I regard it as obvious that the social mobility of people who make u.....
» 1/11/2007 4:30:41 AM My dear Wizofaust. If you admit that intelligence levels largely determine social positio.....
» 31/10/2007 4:27:11 AM Wizofaust/dnicholson, I regard it as obvious that the social mobility of smart people is u.....
» 30/10/2007 5:24:41 AM Actually Wizofaust, people with high IQ’s build communities which “interact” socially a lo.....
» 29/10/2007 5:51:35 AM It depends upon what sort of society you want, Wizofaust. People with low IQ’s socially in.....
» 27/10/2007 8:40:35 AM This sure looks like another Artz grad indulging in "How can I find a perspective to .....
» 27/10/2007 8:14:59 AM But if you accept that there may be a genetic reason why blacks have a lower IQ than white.....
» 26/10/2007 8:39:19 PM Mr Wizofaust/Nichols, you appear to be contradicting your previous post in which you admit.....
» 26/10/2007 4:50:53 AM Hi Jack the Lad. Yes mate, you see the anti racists have no problem with anybody saying th.....
» 22/10/2007 5:06:41 AM Real soldiers disagree with you, Mr Hamlet. The diggers in the First AIF called themselves.....
» 21/10/2007 12:35:35 PM Hi Wizofaust/nicholson. You asked me whether anybody has done research on DNA to deturmin .....
» 21/10/2007 12:22:50 PM I can see that you were never in the Army, Phanto. Armies everywhere hardly give much re.....
» 20/10/2007 8:14:03 AM Mr Daggert, the exact date of the Chinese Communist Insurgency in Indonesia I did not know.....
» 19/10/2007 6:16:12 PM In answer to your question, none of them. All of these people have their own cultures and .....
» 19/10/2007 5:05:20 AM Human beings are emotional organisms, Phanto. And we do not like it when people abduct, ra.....
» 18/10/2007 6:46:03 PM Well, Wizofaust, the amount of melanin in a person’s skin and their physical appearance ap.....
» 18/10/2007 5:20:05 AM The death penalty should be imposed for very serious crimes like that of "abduction, .....
» 18/10/2007 4:58:33 AM As a person who firmly opposed East Timorese "Independence" and Australian inter.....
» 17/10/2007 8:40:34 PM Mr Wizofaust, I hardly need to “cherrypick” examples of ethnic crime when my bucket is alr.....
» 17/10/2007 5:08:07 AM Mr Daggert, there is nothing wrong with using facts and statistics to support a premise. I.....
» 16/10/2007 7:27:08 PM If poverty causes crime, my dear Wizofaust, then crime must have been right out of control.....
» 15/10/2007 8:18:44 PM Good point, Wizofaust. But whites were the most advanced race on Earth and it was only to .....
» 14/10/2007 9:40:30 PM Good post, Wizofaust. Inferring negative value judgements on a race of people by claiming.....
» 14/10/2007 7:30:38 AM Are you Wizofaust, dnicholson? If any person makes a negative generalisation about a race.....
» 13/10/2007 6:43:15 PM Wizofaus. To claim that white people are more murderous than other races, is an act of rac.....
» 13/10/2007 5:20:34 AM I’ll answer that for Scotty, Wizofaus. I take exception to your claim that skin colour do.....
» 12/10/2007 5:57:19 PM As an ex surfer, I can assure you that you were the victim of a territorial attack. Surfer.....
» 12/10/2007 5:30:46 PM Its funny that Irfan Yusuf should drone on about racism and prejudice when his own God ban.....
» 10/10/2007 4:55:30 PM If I were to ask Jennifer Clark whether aborigines should be allowed to preserve their cul.....
» 20/08/2006 4:47:37 PM George Orwell once said that intellectuals parrot slogans who's literal meaning they do no.....
» 20/08/2006 7:11:44 AM I am absolutely shocked at Maralyn Shephard's last post. She is implying that a group of p.....
» 20/08/2006 6:37:13 AM To Mr Carl. I am not promoting genocide, merely pointing out that in a situation where a .....
» 19/08/2006 6:55:57 PM Why arn't "Australian" Jews who support Israel not subject to the same restricti.....
» 18/08/2006 8:41:49 PM Thank you, thank you, Chris Shaw and Carl. By claiming that 9/11 was the work of the Pent.....
» 18/08/2006 8:16:21 PM I do not understand what Clive Williams article is trying to say. He kept harping on the.....
» 18/08/2006 7:46:10 PM To author John E. Carey The Western worlds present moral compass has developed from 60 ye.....
» 16/08/2006 4:23:33 AM Gee, what an interesting philosophy, Chris Shaw. All of the problems on the world are ca.....
» 15/08/2006 4:24:15 AM The recurring theme in the arguments of the Jew hating trendy lefties is this. "If yo.....
» 13/08/2006 11:44:57 AM There is no doubt whatsoever that James McConville is pro terrorist and anti Jew. I have n.....
» 13/08/2006 9:29:19 AM Well, whadyaknow, Strewthie? For the first time on OLO you were actually right about somet.....
» 12/08/2006 4:33:43 AM Does "Lebanon's" attitude justify Israel's "disproportionate" response.....
» 30/07/2006 8:52:45 AM Hi Sarah, nice article, but I don't think you have figured out what the real problem is. .....
» 14/07/2006 4:31:53 PM Yes, Rex, I will comment upon your post. On the 14th of April, 1994, the seven CEO’s of A.....
» 13/07/2006 5:46:01 PM It is already happening in the USA, Mickijo. The television networks in the USA hide beh.....
» 13/07/2006 5:15:55 AM What, Schmucky? You a-a-agree with me? YOU agree with me? You agree with ME? Well, th.....
» 11/07/2006 8:04:42 PM To Steve Madden Big Brother, Uncut, was always broadcast at the beginning of every school.....
» 10/07/2006 7:26:13 PM Thank you for your vitriol, Steve. I always know when I am winning a debate when my oppone.....
» 10/07/2006 6:40:03 PM To Mr or Mrs Shorpe. Excuse me? Governments have no right to exist? Uh huh. Gee, I thoug.....
» 10/07/2006 5:04:49 AM To Mr Shorbe. If the history of the Christian churches (and every other religion) was wri.....
» 9/07/2006 8:53:10 PM You are kidding, Steve Madden. Children are not born with moral values, and the family i.....
» 9/07/2006 8:27:05 AM To Mr Proud to be an Indonesian. With East Timor now looking to become an economic black .....
» 9/07/2006 8:12:52 AM To Steve Madden Reading back through your previous posts, I see that you have no trouble .....
» 8/07/2006 7:44:09 PM To Steve Madden. The proof that parents are getting fed up of entertainment industries ta.....
» 8/07/2006 5:07:02 PM Onya, Mickijo and Maximus. To Steve Madden. Yeah, mate, we have the OFLC to watch over o.....
» 8/07/2006 5:05:59 AM To Philo. Thank you for the complement. To Big Red. Very good point. I would like to d.....
» 7/07/2006 7:28:37 PM To Trade 215 If you believe in the absolute right of Freedom of Expression, then do you a.....
» 7/07/2006 6:50:28 PM To Mr Strewth. Oh, thank you, thank you, for your last post. I was not born until well a.....
» 7/07/2006 6:18:35 PM Children, my dear Gemma Collins, are not born with moral values. They are inculcated into .....
» 6/07/2006 6:46:14 PM Big Brother is a pornographic TV show which is aimed directly at children. That the produc.....
» 6/07/2006 6:10:37 PM The presumption that everybody is a racist is a pretty safe bet, Mr Strewth. Because the d.....
» 6/07/2006 5:18:38 AM To Mr Strewth. Your attitude is plainly anti Jewish. But in order to appeal to the delud.....
» 5/07/2006 5:52:26 PM Thank you, thank you, Elizebeth Asocroft for the information. If I am ever in Cambodia, I .....
» 5/07/2006 5:38:10 AM To Amel and Jkenno. When either debating with an opponent or giving opinions which you ho.....
» 4/07/2006 8:38:56 PM Prior to 1870, captured enemy combatants were simply considered criminals and were either .....
» 4/07/2006 7:25:33 PM To Mr Strewth. I am not “coy” about anything. I simply pointed out that you are hardly no.....
» 4/07/2006 5:04:00 AM Ye Gods! Kevin and Saintflethcher actually think that AIDS was a weapon created by white p.....
» 3/07/2006 8:12:52 PM To Mr jkenno. Naughty, naughty, jkenno. You are prejudging me, and stereotyping rednecks......
» 3/07/2006 7:31:54 PM To Mr Strewth. I always know when I am winning a debate because my opponents simply resor.....
» 2/07/2006 7:33:49 PM To Mr Strewth. No, as a matter of fact, I opposed the war in Iraq. Saddam was estimated .....
» 2/07/2006 7:06:37 PM To Mr Pickledherring. I feel sad for all the innocent people who get AIDS through bloo.....
» 2/07/2006 9:06:49 AM I like AIDS. If one considers that the Earth is itself an organism, then that organism is.....
» 2/07/2006 8:49:35 AM OK, Mr Strewth, you have not given me much to work with, with your latest rant, but I will.....
» 2/07/2006 8:14:58 AM To O Sung Woo. I accept that your experiences with pschologists as you worked as both a p.....
» 1/07/2006 5:45:58 AM To Mr Strewth. And the point you wish to make about the Arab-Israeli conflict is....?.....
» 1/07/2006 5:07:57 AM I would have to agree with Maximus, Barbara. When I first saw the title of this topic, I .....
» 30/06/2006 6:47:10 PM To David. I knew that would rev you up. But no matter how you duck and weave, your God was.....
» 30/06/2006 5:25:28 AM Well, ya see, Strewthie, I am concerned about the abysmal quality of many of the submissio.....
» 29/06/2006 6:38:34 PM Yes, Mr Odsoc. My premise is that the spiralling rates of violent crimnal behaviour in th.....
» 29/06/2006 6:20:58 PM Aw shucks, Strewth, is that all the gratitude I get for helping you and showing you the er.....
» 29/06/2006 5:08:16 AM Good evening, Wendy. So, shooting human beings is OK, but shooting animals is not OK? He.....
» 28/06/2006 5:25:44 PM You want me to “educate” you, Mr Strewth? Well, OK, but I should be charging you for this......
» 28/06/2006 4:42:24 PM Sorry, Wendy, but you are wrong again. The normal male human reaction to the act of killi.....
» 27/06/2006 5:37:54 PM No, Rache. I'm from the "If it moves, shoot it, if it doesn't, chop it down." br.....
» 27/06/2006 5:23:32 PM Well, I do take exception to your implication that it is “self evident” that all races are.....
» 27/06/2006 5:12:18 AM From the poor quality of your submissions, Mr Strewth, I gather that you may have left it .....
» 27/06/2006 5:00:48 AM Back again for some more lumps, Rainier? I was not going to bother wasting another post o.....
» 26/06/2006 5:29:23 PM Let's turn Strewth's rhetoric around. "If Strewth is not a Muslim apologist as he ma.....
» 26/06/2006 4:55:43 PM To Mr Peace. Captured enemy combatants do not need to be tried for anything. They can sim.....
» 26/06/2006 5:13:50 AM Well, Ari, I never considered a show like "Countdown", where numerous video clip.....
» 25/06/2006 5:37:21 PM Hi Wendy. I am a lowlife hunter who kills animals for sport. I find it odd that you are s.....
» 25/06/2006 5:15:33 PM To David Boaz. I have no wish to meet any of the people I debate with on any debate site......
» 25/06/2006 6:30:47 AM The legal position of David Hicks is indeed an interesting question. It was only 140 years.....
» 25/06/2006 5:51:24 AM To Rainier. You can meet me right here on this site, mate. Your obvious lack of integrity.....
» 24/06/2006 5:02:57 AM Oooooh, look, Schmucky! Rainier is prejudging me. You should now give him a smack for doin.....
» 23/06/2006 4:48:51 PM Yoo Hooooooooooooooo. Rainierrrrrrrr. Where arrrrrrrrrre youuuuuuuuuu? Cmon, mate. here's.....
» 22/06/2006 4:59:26 PM To Rainier. I was absolutely fascinated by your last post, my dear Rainier. My last two .....
» 21/06/2006 6:39:58 PM To Mr Schmuck. Human beings think by categorising concepts. Stereotyping is a form of cat.....
» 21/06/2006 4:56:50 AM Yoo Hoo, Rainier. You picked a fight with me and now you have gone walkabout. I take it th.....
» 20/06/2006 4:50:34 AM No Rainier, I am not angry at all. Just a bit indignant at your self evident hypocrisy, wh.....
» 19/06/2006 4:55:10 PM To Rainier Since when were you ever an “anti racist”, Rainier? You are just as big a raci.....
» 18/06/2006 5:12:39 PM To Mr-Schmuck. That is the beauty of high sounding moral declarations, they can mean just.....
» 18/06/2006 7:13:50 AM Thank You Simon Haines, for your excellent article. As a redneck, I am naturally concerne.....
» 18/06/2006 6:39:57 AM Thank you Strayan for your expose’ on Ghassan Hage. Internationalist humanitarians love t.....
» 16/06/2006 9:20:27 PM Racism is natural and normal. It is a cultural universal that people prefer to live aroun.....
» 16/06/2006 4:28:50 AM To FrankGol Slither back for an inaccurate Parthian shot Frank? In future, you had better.....
» 15/06/2006 6:13:52 PM To GrahamY(oung?) Thank you,"brown eyed girl" It is generally accepted that the.....
» 14/06/2006 5:25:09 PM To-FrankGol I don’t blame you for “giving up” on me Frank, your posts are obviously getti.....
» 13/06/2006 8:03:04 PM To-GrahamY I don’t have to “duck” anything. I am comfortable with this subject and if you.....
» 13/06/2006 7:01:21 AM To-GrahamY I compliment you on your ability to acknowledge the validity of the fundamenta.....
» 12/06/2006 6:59:42 PM To-FrankGol I always know when I am winning a debate because my opponents resort to chuck.....
» 12/06/2006 8:20:47 AM Your reference to a possum skin coat is unknown to me and I would love to know when it was.....
» 12/06/2006 8:13:32 AM To JohnJ Part 1 All the power in aboriginal cultures resided in the whims of the Old Men.....
» 11/06/2006 10:32:32 PM To Mr Bosk. Your first premise is incorrect. Just because something “occurs in nature” do.....
» 11/06/2006 10:07:33 PM Welcome back, Jigga. The first thing I would point out is that with the singular exceptio.....
» 11/06/2006 6:54:33 AM To FrankGol. The concept that human beings are one species is correct, and one definition.....
» 10/06/2006 9:44:50 PM To Human Interest. I am not opposed to aboriginal people given preferential treatment acc.....
» 10/06/2006 8:13:21 AM Well, to start with Donna, the never was any "stolen generation(s)". Just like .....
» 10/06/2006 7:17:25 AM Equality in law has not, never has been, nor ever will be, the over riding conbsideration .....
» 10/06/2006 6:19:10 AM To Mr Boaz. I regret that I was unable to respond to your recent reasonable post, but par.....
» 9/06/2006 9:27:59 PM To Human Interest. Who’s side are you on? I have never even mentioned that the most comm.....
» 8/06/2006 8:03:56 PM To Human Interest again. There are “numerous” rural communities scattered throughout Aust.....
» 8/06/2006 7:50:48 PM Well Mr Human Interest, of course you do not believe that black culture should be blamed f.....
» 7/06/2006 6:44:52 PM To Mr Scout. I congratulate you on your perpacicity in admitting that genetics and crimin.....
» 7/06/2006 6:33:43 PM To Mr Jigga. Why Asian culture did not become pre eminent before western culture is a my.....
» 6/06/2006 6:35:13 PM To Mr Scout Your previous broadside at me was so full of factual errors that I could not .....
» 6/06/2006 5:54:40 PM Dear Mr Tha Konfederation. I would like to express my eternal gratitude for your timely a.....
» 5/06/2006 6:02:36 PM To Mr Jigga Smart people in Western societies are usually upwardly mobile while dumb ones.....
» 5/06/2006 5:17:20 PM To Mr Amel I will guarantee that 95-97% of the inmates of Russian prisons are males. This.....
» 4/06/2006 7:17:25 PM The human race does should unite to praise the catholic faith for one of its most useful d.....
» 4/06/2006 12:21:46 PM To Mr Jigga I once believed in the concept that ‘all men are equal” but I am daily confro.....
» 4/06/2006 7:05:22 AM As a schoolboy, I was indoctrinated with the concept that “all men are equal.” But this is.....
» 22/04/2006 7:40:23 AM Sister Sheppard is an agent for a multi national religious organization that wants Austral.....
» 14/04/2006 7:51:44 AM To Mr Realist I am not sure what you mean by “our” cause. I am an Australian and “my” cau.....
» 14/04/2006 6:35:18 AM The simple thrust of Jane Cato's article is the one popular among trendy lefty preacher-te.....
» 14/04/2006 5:53:10 AM To Mr Rogindon. Yep, I wish that my country had the intestinal fortidude to kill the peop.....
» 13/04/2006 5:13:02 AM Harry Seidler, like most architects, needed a reality check. The position of the goods lif.....
» 13/04/2006 4:59:11 AM To Mr Hellothere. Even if your spurious claim that heroin “only” caused “400” direct deat.....
» 12/04/2006 7:07:06 PM I love the way Mirko Bagaric tries to portray his experienced drug trafficking clients as .....
» 12/04/2006 6:42:13 PM What should we do about cannabis use mr Moodie? Well, gee, I thought that was simple. The.....
» 12/04/2006 5:18:24 AM It is not in Australia’s interest to have yet another failed black state on our borders. P.....
» 1/04/2006 6:35:20 AM To Fellow Human. You are saying that modern Muslim jurists are re evaluating Koranic law,.....
» 1/04/2006 5:31:56 AM Any person who lived in Sydney during the 80’s, can still remember the industrial turmoil .....
» 31/03/2006 7:32:45 PM Well, wadyaknow? Ya pick up the Daily Telegraph this morning and out comes the screaming b.....
» 30/03/2006 3:53:07 PM To Fellow Human. If Muslims are “dealing with it”, could I suggest that you come back in .....
» 29/03/2006 6:02:27 PM Oh, hello Fellow Human. I thought I was “persona non grata” to you? Did my pointed logic f.....
» 28/03/2006 6:23:08 PM To RObert I put it to you, RObert, that so called “moderate Muslims” endorse the core val.....
» 28/03/2006 6:17:19 PM To RObert I put it to you, RObert, that so called “moderate Muslims” endorse the core val.....
» 28/03/2006 7:29:54 AM To RObert. There are 300,000 Muslims in Australian society who are a danger to you and I......
» 28/03/2006 7:02:24 AM Looks like the usual feigned moral granstanding. Trendy lefties demand that any hostile g.....
» 27/03/2006 5:35:56 AM To Robert Just what the proportion of Muslims in jails in Australia to other religions, I.....
» 27/03/2006 4:21:42 AM To Mr Spuds. Your claim that “majorities” in Australia do not feel the effects of discrim.....
» 26/03/2006 12:01:29 PM Australians will not support a Bill of Rights, primarily because they distrust the motives.....
» 25/03/2006 7:31:23 PM To RObert. Middle Eastern criminals are very disproportionately represented in NSW jails......
» 24/03/2006 3:59:51 AM To RObert I do not even need to draw conclusions from a "reasonable asumption",.....
» 23/03/2006 8:22:20 PM To RObert. Outlaw bikie gangs make no secret of their anti social cultural values. Muslim.....
» 23/03/2006 4:24:39 AM I was interested to understand how Sebastian De Breen would reconcile Sharia Law with Aust.....
» 22/03/2006 9:15:00 AM Thank you for your clever prose, Diver Dan, I salute your perspacicity. Thank you also fo.....
» 22/03/2006 8:58:23 AM To RObert During my misspent youth, I lived in a doss house in Balmain, with the Presiden.....
» 21/03/2006 3:50:27 AM Dear Mr Remote Centreman. I consider the author’s premise, that the Howard government is .....
» 20/03/2006 7:22:49 AM I could only shake my head in pitying wonder at Tony Kevin's analysis. Last night on the .....
» 19/03/2006 5:44:03 AM I would like to thank Sharon Beder for giving all of us an insight into the convoluted wor.....
» 18/03/2006 4:22:06 PM To Arjay. I can indirectly confirm your information that Muslim gangs target nightclubs f.....
» 17/03/2006 3:49:08 AM To Mr Wobbles. The serious crime problem in the Vietnamese ghetto of Cabramatta has not b.....
» 16/03/2006 4:35:40 AM To Mr Wobbles. It must be so-o embarrassing when a man of the stature of Tim Priest puts .....
» 15/03/2006 5:22:28 PM To Narcissist. Detective Sergeant Tim Priest was the NSW police officer who put his caree.....
» 14/03/2006 3:44:50 PM When Gough Whitlam got chucked out on his ear, the Australian Labor Party decided that it .....
» 13/03/2006 4:28:27 AM Hey, Irfan. If almost all of the Muslim's in Australia regard Muslims who wish to impose .....
» 9/03/2006 7:54:00 PM Hey Wobbles. Spain was primarily Celtic before the Muslims cleaned them out. The Muslims t.....
» 9/03/2006 7:17:12 PM Father David Smith is correct when he points out that there is no absolute right of freedo.....
» 8/03/2006 4:43:59 PM Every religion on the planet has had it’s history written in blood, Mr Wobbles. But today,.....
» 7/03/2006 5:44:54 PM "Kenny" is a convincing argument for abortion......
» 7/03/2006 5:17:32 PM The term “Australian” means a lot more than a person’s place of residence. It could be equ.....
» 7/03/2006 3:44:14 AM Well, at least Alan Baker has proven that opinion polls can be manipulated by asking quest.....
» 6/03/2006 4:24:33 PM Oh, so you are not a Muslim, Azilitz? Sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you. How you figure .....
» 6/03/2006 4:02:45 PM The prior convictions and even the charge sheets of an accused should be presented as evid.....
» 5/03/2006 7:47:49 PM Hey, you have got a point there, RObert. Looks like we had better get on because we are b.....
» 5/03/2006 7:09:15 AM The Christians have sorted through their Bible and realised that God was getting a bit car.....
» 5/03/2006 6:29:21 AM To Ms. Bronwyn No hypocrisy at all. If unelected governments in Iraq and Afghanistan ar.....
» 5/03/2006 5:34:59 AM To Ms. Bronwyn. The culture of the North European Protestant people has been the most suc.....
» 4/03/2006 6:30:18 AM To Azilitz I know that you only want to talk about the last 100 years when you drone on a.....
» 4/03/2006 5:53:58 AM The only Christian people today who consider the Bible to be the literal word of God are a.....
» 4/03/2006 5:24:18 AM To Mr Amel. And your point is....? To Joh. Hi Joe, I thought you were dead. I loved it w.....
» 3/03/2006 3:59:16 PM Once again, Ladies and gentlemen, once again. A person who wishes to solve the world’s ove.....
» 3/03/2006 2:59:17 PM To Mr Greg Barns. “Christian fundamentalists” have not declared war on the West. There is.....
» 3/03/2006 4:28:30 AM To Mr Gavin Moodie. I suppose you may attack me for using your post to push my own agenda.....
» 3/03/2006 3:58:52 AM To Mr Odsoc. I have lived through a period of history when legions of educated and suppos.....
» 2/03/2006 7:54:53 PM Australian law and Sharia Law are compatible? Here is the Ayatollah Khomeini, arguable Isl.....
» 2/03/2006 4:36:37 AM Mr Aliliz's posts are typical of the Muslim persecution complex which lists aggression aga.....
» 2/03/2006 4:21:34 AM To Mr Wakim. If Muslim people are offended that the Western media unfairly depictes them .....
» 1/03/2006 1:25:05 PM To Scout Once again you feel compelled to tell me that I must not judge an entire group o.....
» 1/03/2006 4:13:14 AM Ken McNab is opposed to capitol punishment, mandatory sentences and incarcerating minoriti.....
» 28/02/2006 6:10:50 PM Well, I will say one thing for you Scout, you have more intestinal fortitude than David La.....
» 28/02/2006 4:25:25 AM Andrew Leigh chants the mantra of every trendy lefty. All social problems can be solved if.....
» 28/02/2006 3:59:07 AM Yoo Hooooo, David Latimer. C'mon mate. I didn't pick a fight with you. You tossed the gau.....
» 27/02/2006 6:53:46 AM To Mr David Latimer. If it is “heartless and offensive” to deconstruct the illogical atti.....
» 26/02/2006 5:44:09 PM To Keith. The reason why Scout will not ask any hard questions to her Muslim mates id bec.....
» 26/02/2006 6:18:52 AM Spare us the feigned indignation about racism and intolerance, Mr Aziliz. All religions ar.....
» 26/02/2006 5:35:39 AM Andrew Bolt's book has not been released yet, Darlene? Thank heaven you wrote that in your.....
» 25/02/2006 11:29:47 AM When I read the book "Longitude" by Dava Sobel, I became aware for the first tim.....
» 25/02/2006 6:34:17 AM You are kidding Mr McConville. "The law and morality are different entities"? I .....
» 24/02/2006 5:09:51 PM Oh I get it Pierre. You begin the article as though you are attacking the worst aspects of.....
» 24/02/2006 4:49:22 PM I can not fault Bashir's post. I think that he is genuine in his desire to find an accomod.....
» 24/02/2006 5:51:13 AM To Irfan. With 70 Australian girls raped by Muslim race hate rape packs at the time of th.....
» 24/02/2006 5:14:34 AM To Irfan Bigmal was very perceptive. He pointed out that there is a fundamental contradic.....
» 24/02/2006 4:41:03 AM I do not think that defacing Australia's national flag should be illegal. As a matter of.....
» 21/02/2006 4:45:05 PM Shock Jock disk jockeys are not driving people into prison, Mr Barns. It has long been sp.....
» 21/02/2006 4:08:13 PM By satirising Islam, the Muslims in Western society were offered equality with every other.....
» 21/02/2006 5:20:12 AM To Mr JR If Muslim's will "only" constitute 14% of the Australian population in.....
» 21/02/2006 4:48:25 AM MUSLIM WORLD REACTS CALMLY TO DANISH CARTOONS. Those people who have the intelligence to .....
» 20/02/2006 5:25:17 AM Buenos Dias, Pancho. Future historians will mark the downfall of Australia as a fit place.....
» 19/02/2006 5:11:20 AM The most "Kafkaesque" absurdity about the new anti teror laws Mr Adam Ferguson, .....
» 18/02/2006 7:06:23 AM Australia is richer today than at any other time in it’s history and provides a salutory c.....
» 18/02/2006 6:16:56 AM I can only partially argree with Ted Lapkin's point of view. If moviemakers wish to produ.....
» 18/02/2006 5:28:44 AM I really have trouble trying to figure out what people like Guy Goodwin-Gill use for a bra.....
» 14/02/2006 5:14:18 AM I fully agree with mr Flint that the Whitlam government was fiscally irresponsible. But el.....
» 13/02/2006 6:06:38 AM To Kalweb. "Prejudice" quite literally means to "pre judge". Pre judg.....
» 13/02/2006 5:37:05 AM It is interesting to speculate whether Stephen Hagan's article is yet another attempt by a.....
» 11/02/2006 7:33:39 AM Fascinating. Utterly fascinating. I can see that Lorenzo Veracini has a big future ahead.....
» 11/02/2006 6:24:19 AM Stephen Leeder's article which asked for psychologists to be funded by Medicare puzzles me.....
» 11/02/2006 5:53:40 AM Mr Hassan’s opinion is simply a demand that Islam must be exempt from any criticism, dress.....
» 9/02/2006 5:06:21 AM To Mr Plantagent. Enemy captives do not need to be tried. They can be incarcerated until .....
» 8/02/2006 6:11:25 AM You must be getting rattled if you stop addressing your posts to me and instead look for s.....
» 7/02/2006 4:52:20 PM Amaaazing. Just amaaaazing, Mr Plantagenet. You emphatically proclaim that prejudging, la.....
» 7/02/2006 4:22:36 PM Dear Salam Zreika. As a freelance journalist in the West, you should be aware that the We.....
» 7/02/2006 6:25:01 AM To Mr Disgusted. You are a firm believer in Equality, are you? Well, mate, here is some e.....
» 7/02/2006 6:07:46 AM Amazing, Platangenet. Utterly amazing. I pointed out to you the fundamental contradictio.....
» 7/02/2006 5:37:08 AM I have never been able to deduce if Irfan is the sort of liberal minded Muslim that his fa.....
» 6/02/2006 5:25:39 AM Thank you, thank you, thank you, Plantagenet. The inability of trendoids to even perceive .....
» 6/02/2006 5:07:41 AM To Mr WRE You must be a pretty odd "right wing" person if you do not have the w.....
» 5/02/2006 7:18:16 AM Colin Anderson's critique of the movie "Munich" is the second critique that I ha.....
» 5/02/2006 6:31:27 AM Me being strictly neutral I would point out that "Proud to be Indonesian" is wri.....
» 4/02/2006 5:26:01 AM Aristotle once said that “the highest morality is the protection of your own people.” It i.....
» 4/02/2006 4:43:33 AM To Mr Numbat. You have to forgive Steve Madden, Hedgehog and WRE’s deep concern for the w.....
» 3/02/2006 6:05:45 AM To Mr WRE You are implying that traitor Hicks is facing criminal charges in Australia, an.....
» 1/02/2006 8:24:08 PM To Mr proud to be an Indonesian. Yeah mate. We get the same accusations about "genoc.....
» 1/02/2006 8:01:52 PM To Mr WRE The reason why David Hicks has not been charged for what appears to me as plain.....
» 31/01/2006 6:57:06 PM To Philo. If separatist religious terrorists waged a war against the Australian people de.....
» 31/01/2006 6:45:23 PM To Mr WRE David Hicks was caught fighting for a hostile armed force by members of an arme.....
» 30/01/2006 7:45:10 PM Thank you, thank you,, John Andrewartha, for sticking up for that traitor Hicks. There is .....
» 30/01/2006 7:27:45 PM Well,I keep hearing of allthese supposed "benefits" of Multiculuralism, but what.....
» 30/01/2006 4:36:48 AM To Mr Proud to be an Indonesian. Thank you for offering us a happy Australia Day, and may.....
» 28/01/2006 8:27:07 PM To Mr Proud to be an Indonsian. I see that you are having a bit of trouble with our resid.....
» 28/01/2006 6:46:01 AM To Mr Bosk From the very beginning of our exchange, you have based your argument upon the.....
» 28/01/2006 6:21:40 AM To Leigh. Looks like you hit a nerve with WRE. When you provoke an emotional outburst fro.....
» 28/01/2006 6:06:24 AM Whereas I can see the benefit of importing small numbers of of well educated immigrants wh.....
» 27/01/2006 6:30:32 AM Tony Bosk, Who writes for a newspaper in the People’s Republic of Canberra, is obviously a.....
» 27/01/2006 5:52:47 AM To Mr Bosk. I have refuted your assertion that equality before the law is uppermost in Au.....
» 26/01/2006 2:11:36 PM I expect Salam Zereika will celebrate Australia Day. After all, this date has now morphed .....
» 26/01/2006 7:09:07 AM Stereotyping other human beings has always been the favourite pastime of all human beings......
» 26/01/2006 6:25:34 AM Australian Law is based upon the British legal system which was in itself based primarily .....
» 25/01/2006 4:20:08 AM Memo to Mr Loewenstein. If you are going to write propaganda, at least try to write good .....
» 25/01/2006 3:55:12 AM Does anybody know if whale oil will work in my bullbar equipped, diesel four wheel drive?.....
» 24/01/2006 5:50:51 AM Well written article, Richard Eckersley. The problem of human beings having far more conc.....
» 24/01/2006 5:27:05 AM To Pedant. I am surprised that you claim that the principle of being kind to animals is n.....
» 23/01/2006 3:21:37 PM To Mr Bosk. I agree that equality is a very important guiding principle in law. But equal.....
» 22/01/2006 5:43:51 AM Since you are a vegetarian, Pedant, I can see that you are unable to understand the concep.....
» 22/01/2006 5:09:25 AM Wrigley's chewing gum is also manufactued in China under licence. Unfortunately for Wrigle.....
» 21/01/2006 5:30:39 AM To Mr Bosk. You are using the concept of universal equality as a moral absolute. Could I .....
» 21/01/2006 5:21:44 AM We did indeed sneer at the quality of Japanese goods Arjay, but you are missing the point......
» 20/01/2006 3:59:14 PM For a few thousand years, my dear Pericles, the cost of doing business in uncivilised coun.....
» 20/01/2006 3:32:59 AM I am not misreading this column at all, Amanda. I am staying on topic. The principle that .....
» 19/01/2006 7:49:46 PM The good news is that a lot of manufacturers are having second thoughts about setting up m.....
» 19/01/2006 7:17:54 PM Mirco Bagaric should be congratulated for his perspicacity in pointing out that Greenpeace.....
» 19/01/2006 7:07:31 PM The first thing I would point out is that Democrats Senator Greig is not above using stere.....
» 17/01/2006 3:34:15 AM Comparing Graham Young's article with Dan Cass's article makes for interesting reading. I.....
» 16/01/2006 3:34:35 AM To David Boaz. Thank you for your invitation to read passages from the Bible, but I have .....
» 15/01/2006 9:08:06 AM OK Remy. So, when is God and his son Jesus Christ goimg to open up Heaven for Muslims, Bud.....
» 20/12/2005 3:25:18 AM To Robert. I generally agree with the age of consent laws, because a line has to be drawn.....
» 18/12/2005 7:27:10 AM To Kalweb. I did not say I did not like it. It is just that the girls kept coming back for.....
» 18/12/2005 6:55:50 AM Tanveer Ahmed is a great spin doctor. His motive is to downplay the self evident cultural .....
» 14/12/2005 5:54:33 PM To Pedant. You are seriously suggesting that an 18 year old man who bonks a willing girl 3.....
» 14/12/2005 3:28:15 AM Thank you Yobbo. Your comment that people in Cronulla were happy for ethnic gang violence.....
» 13/12/2005 3:36:34 AM Hi Kalweb I was very interested in the cases that you submitted and I consider that preda.....
» 12/12/2005 2:50:04 AM To Pedant Part 2 But in another school, a 15 year old boy told his mates that he intended.....
» 12/12/2005 2:48:43 AM To Pedant. Part 1 What is “a child”? All NSW states consider “adulthood” begins at 18 yea.....
» 10/12/2005 2:55:43 PM Yes Pedant, I do realize that my position could provide a partial justification for the be.....
» 9/12/2005 4:10:51 PM This is now the fourth anti capitol punishment article published on this site. The owners .....
» 9/12/2005 3:21:20 AM To Kalweb. The difference between killing and murder is the difference between a serial k.....
» 8/12/2005 6:18:12 PM I did not appreciate the attentions of the two ten year old girls, Pedant. I told my mothe.....
» 8/12/2005 5:29:08 PM Daniel Miles has now been convicted of the murder of 21 year old Yolande Michael while on .....
» 7/12/2005 7:05:40 PM For heaven's sake, Crocodile. I do not go around organising my life based upon worst case .....
» 7/12/2005 6:34:39 PM We-e-e-e-ll, I don't know about that, Pedant. I do not see much wrong with older females g.....
» 7/12/2005 3:19:11 AM To Shonga. I deny that most people are opposed to the death penalty. Every poll that I hav.....
» 6/12/2005 6:50:43 PM Yoo hoo. To the people who are running this debate site. We have now had three journalists.....
» 6/12/2005 6:44:16 PM To Ms Hedgehog. Internal enemies? Serial killers, terrorists, mass murderers, hired murder.....
» 6/12/2005 6:05:46 AM Anybody from a non allied Army who's uniform was a different colour to mine, Mr Hedgehog......
» 5/12/2005 5:00:54 PM Come on girls, we know you are out there. Are we all just male chauvanist pigs fanticising.....
» 5/12/2005 4:19:50 PM To Space Cadet. Sneaky Peter based his argument upon a statistic which was clearly wrong......
» 4/12/2005 6:13:42 PM Your claim that 1-5% of executed people were innocent is an unsupported allegation. It sou.....
» 4/12/2005 8:47:33 AM To Space Cadet Why Texas executes criminals at a higher rate than other US states is some.....
» 4/12/2005 5:59:57 AM Dear Ms Biggs. I am a man raised in a Housing Commission area and I can not entirely agre.....
» 3/12/2005 5:56:00 PM No wuckers, Keith. Firstly. If twice as many “whites” were executed in the USA in 2004 a.....
» 3/12/2005 6:14:11 AM To Sneaky Peter. Norman Mailer is hardly a credible source of informed criticism of the U.....
» 2/12/2005 6:11:59 PM Rancidus asks the question "How did the bombings in London show that multi-culturalis.....
» 2/12/2005 4:55:15 PM Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you Sneaky Peter, for putting your foot firmly back in you.....
» 2/12/2005 3:38:40 AM The countries which support the death penalty range from dictatorships to democracies INEB.....
» 1/12/2005 4:20:01 PM Once again, ladies and gentlemen, once again. Some trendy lefty ascends his pulpit, dons h.....
» 30/11/2005 6:17:53 PM Mr Alchemist, I used to think like you. I once vehemently claimed that the only difference.....
» 29/11/2005 8:21:31 PM Stereotyping, generalising and racist names are just awful, are they Almanac? OK, lets ex.....
» 29/11/2005 6:53:28 PM Bye bye Swilkie. Another one to cut and run. What was that you were saying about nobody wi.....
» 29/11/2005 6:37:51 PM Guess what, ladies and gentlemen? It is "Be Kind To Heroin Pushers Week." Heroin.....
» 29/11/2005 3:34:01 AM R0bert There is some truth in your assertion that environment and behaviour are linked. P.....
» 28/11/2005 5:52:58 PM I used to think just like you do on the subject of race, Mr Alchemist. Your own statemen.....
» 28/11/2005 9:57:44 AM Bye, bye Almanac. Another trendy lefty who couldn’t take it when debating against informed.....
» 28/11/2005 9:20:58 AM To Hellothere This is a debate site, sonny, not an Inquisition. Thirteen questions in one.....
» 27/11/2005 5:43:03 PM We have got you and your friends on the run again, haven’t we Mr Swilkie? I have responded.....
» 27/11/2005 7:26:48 AM Debra, it was very naughty of you to call those inside “prisoners” instead of what they ar.....
» 27/11/2005 6:45:44 AM To Mr Almanac. Your reasoning is flawed, because some of the groups that you mentioned ar.....
» 27/11/2005 5:54:54 AM To Mr Alchemist. At least you have to wit to comprehend that in group / out group hostili.....
» 27/11/2005 5:22:06 AM To Kalweb. Crime costs the Australian community an incredible $32 billion dollar per year.....
» 26/11/2005 3:36:02 AM I would not have any sympathy for Nguyen's brother either, Ema. He is a convicted criminal.....
» 25/11/2005 6:18:51 PM You know that "The times, they are, a changin'"when journalists such as John Sto.....
» 25/11/2005 4:47:21 PM Gillian Handley has made two incorrect assumptions. The first is that the death penalty is.....
» 25/11/2005 3:32:05 AM Multiculturalism is failing so it is hardly surprising that those most aghast at it’s demi.....
» 24/11/2005 6:23:17 PM To Enaj. The reasons why advertisers do not praise products directly is because the adve.....
» 24/11/2005 3:31:30 AM To Mr Man. Your explanation that the Liberal party is somehow "guilty" of some .....
» 23/11/2005 7:53:50 PM To Sneaky Peter. When I first began contibuting to this thread (how you must curse that d.....
» 23/11/2005 6:24:47 PM It is a common debating tactic for people who wish to hide their self interest, or to prom.....
» 23/11/2005 5:29:52 PM To Mr Swilkie. Your entire assumption that racism is entirely learned behaviour is based .....
» 22/11/2005 6:44:30 PM Good post, Enaj. On the subject of violence, society has paradoxical views. Laws exist in.....
» 22/11/2005 6:33:02 PM First point, Mr Maracas, I have not said that I hate anybody. Grossly exaggerating other p.....
» 22/11/2005 5:33:13 AM Is that the best that you can do, Rancidus? I would like to make an observation here. It .....
» 22/11/2005 4:46:22 AM There sure is plenty of racism on this thread, Mr Man. What’s wrong with that? Racism is, .....
» 21/11/2005 6:42:21 PM To Rancidus. So you think that North European Protestant people, who’s culture is the mod.....
» 21/11/2005 6:07:58 PM To Swilkie. Oh, that's cute. I write a 300 word article using group psychology to explain.....
» 21/11/2005 5:50:53 PM Well, that's a novel idea, Sneaky Peter. I never heard that one before. So, criminals are.....
» 21/11/2005 3:15:56 AM On the separate subject of Iraq, I believe that President Bush sincerely wishes to the Mus.....
» 20/11/2005 3:45:19 PM As a trade unionist who marched against John Howard's new industrial legislation, I think .....
» 20/11/2005 3:10:11 PM I would like to thank Debra Park for linking the America hating social regressive caste wi.....
» 20/11/2005 6:26:13 AM Thank you Hoppa, for your statistics. But the problem of ethnic related crime is much high.....
» 20/11/2005 5:34:30 AM I think that terrorizing terrorists by torturing them sounds like poetic justice to me. T.....
» 19/11/2005 3:23:49 AM To Swilkie. I take issue with your unsupported allegation that racism is "inargueabl.....
» 18/11/2005 8:49:09 PM Another thoughtful and well considered post by Leigh. Marry me. Shakira Hussein's post re.....
» 18/11/2005 5:11:36 PM Thank you David Boaz, but I would like to clarify a point which you appear to think is my .....
» 17/11/2005 4:59:28 PM Catholic “brothers” are most definitely not left wing, Sneaky Peter. But they share a comm.....
» 17/11/2005 3:55:59 AM The attitudes of non racists is racist. If racism is totlly unacceptable, and opposition t.....
» 16/11/2005 4:51:48 PM Dear Mr .net noobie. if you think that an "Australian' is simply somebody who lives h.....
» 15/11/2005 6:00:43 PM If you stood “shoulder to shoulder” with the working and disadvantaged Australian class yo.....
» 15/11/2005 4:57:13 PM I am appalled that Greg Barns did not do a bit of research first before he put his foot in.....
» 15/11/2005 7:20:46 AM On the contrary, Mr Swilkie, the notion that a potential citizen could buy their way into .....
» 14/11/2005 5:19:17 PM Hey Irfan! I have got a confession to make. Just like most Australians, I have had sex out.....
» 14/11/2005 4:55:37 PM To Scout, Reason and Mahatma Sitting Duck. I can hardly attack all of you for prejudging .....
» 14/11/2005 4:26:30 PM Wromg, wrong, wrong, Mr Oligarch. Immigration is a two edged sword. The Achilles Heel of .....
» 14/11/2005 5:42:11 AM Hey Bennie, “there has been an undercurrent of racism” in every country in the world since.....
» 14/11/2005 5:18:54 AM To Mr Oligarch. As a former member of the "disadvantaged class" and a former Ho.....
» 13/11/2005 8:13:52 AM To Meg Your article was an attack on the attitudes of Australians towards immigrants. So .....
» 13/11/2005 7:12:02 AM To Fellow Human. The race riot in Redfern involved people of aboriginal descent who were .....
» 12/11/2005 6:46:04 PM Australia was being shamed by Tampa, Sage. It was being shamed in the cocktail parties in .....
» 12/11/2005 6:06:03 AM To Mr Corin Mc Carthy. The utter stupidity of rushing immigration checks for asylum shopp.....
» 12/11/2005 5:30:50 AM Not quite right, Minuet. Muslims don’t just hate Christians, they hate everybody. Catholi.....
» 11/11/2005 9:00:16 PM Thank you, Nick Xenophon, for your informative and timely article. For thirty years, youn.....
» 11/11/2005 8:40:56 PM I have rarely read such a rambling and almost incoherent rant from someone who is supposed.....
» 11/11/2005 3:54:57 AM The reason why you are so readily accepted as an "Australian" Ms Meg, is because.....
» 8/11/2005 5:59:35 PM If the best that you can do Kartiya, is to respond with sneery one liners instead of a rea.....
» 8/11/2005 5:31:56 PM Oh gawd. This must be the fourth or fifth article by some hand wringing trendy lefty journ.....
» 8/11/2005 3:56:23 AM To Kartiya. If you have a problem with Western society then by all means go and live in a.....
» 6/11/2005 7:11:38 PM Hi Ari ben and Philo in Israel. The when the Israeli Air Force bombed Iraq's Ossirak nucl.....
» 6/11/2005 7:07:06 PM Good post, Mr Fellow Human. I concede that the Muslim world was the most advanced people i.....
» 6/11/2005 3:58:28 AM Dear “Schmuck” I suggest that you read Ms Torresi’s article again because you are wrong. .....
» 5/11/2005 3:52:52 AM Not once in Tiziana Torresi article did she even mention whether unrestricted immigration .....
» 3/11/2005 6:47:56 PM That's not true, Mahatma Sitting Duck. I cry every time I pull the trigger......
» 3/11/2005 6:41:11 PM "Threw back the frankish hordes?" HA! Looks like Irfan Yusaf got his education .....
» 3/11/2005 3:55:09 AM To Mr Terje. If one in four Australian teenagers has depression then I suspect it is beca.....
» 3/11/2005 3:42:22 AM Oh there you are "the usual suspect." I accidently flamed you on another topic w.....
» 3/11/2005 3:32:27 AM Since the term "Australian" now can mean somebody born in Jordan, who can not sp.....
» 2/11/2005 4:04:16 AM “Human Rights” has now become the fallback position for Snivel Libertarians, who can not j.....
» 1/11/2005 8:08:34 PM First to Mr The Usual Suspect. I gave you a kick on the Sea of Sadness" topic because.....
» 1/11/2005 7:20:20 PM Keep making excuses for religious terrorism, Mahatma Sitting Duck, it does the redneck cau.....
» 1/11/2005 7:06:58 PM It's nice to see that Andrew Bartlet has got off the parliamentary grog and has stopped ab.....
» 1/11/2005 3:57:55 AM I have problems, Mr Scout, with people presenting their left wing arguments dressed up in .....
» 1/11/2005 3:23:02 AM My mother could posibly be described as an Australian internal refugee. She had a miserabl.....
» 31/10/2005 5:17:56 AM David Latimer, I hate to remind you again, but what we have in Islamic colonisation of Aus.....
» 30/10/2005 6:29:59 AM Stone the crows, there go all the trendy lefties bleating about about the end of the world.....
» 30/10/2005 6:11:17 AM Thank you Fiona prior, for the movie review. I will definitely go and see that movie. Most.....
» 30/10/2005 5:57:05 AM It is so gratifying to see that a journalist as young as Mal Bozic has the wisdom to perce.....
» 28/10/2005 3:52:32 AM Stick a bunch of trendy lefties into positions of authority in the Immigration Department .....
» 25/10/2005 4:32:37 AM Among the catalogue of social disasters which Multiculturalism has created, we can now add.....
» 24/10/2005 6:57:12 AM I have always wondered why “intellectuals” in every western country have such an all consu.....
» 19/10/2005 4:27:12 AM Bye bye Hamlet. Don't bother crossing swords with me again until you have done your homewo.....
» 19/10/2005 4:20:41 AM As a matter of fact I did just that, Kenny. But what we have here is two mutually opposing.....
» 17/10/2005 4:33:17 AM Oh, you are a Muslim, Mr Amel? Could I remind you that the Christian countries went throu.....
» 16/10/2005 7:40:48 AM Yes, Mr Hamlet. This topic is indeed about multiculturalism. It deals with the utter stupi.....
» 15/10/2005 7:49:19 PM To Mr Hamlet. I knew that you were going to be easy meat the moment you barged into this .....
» 15/10/2005 4:55:50 PM Hey, right on, Maximus. Parents distrust the present "outcomes based" teaching m.....
» 15/10/2005 4:39:48 AM Hi Mr "Reason". I do not try to get involved in topics on this site which are .....
» 15/10/2005 4:19:49 AM To Scooper. The three men were acquitted by jury of the charge of aggravated sexual assau.....
» 14/10/2005 6:40:02 PM Gee Scooper, did you, Kenny and Mahatma Sitting Duck get all of your liberal values from w.....
» 14/10/2005 6:15:10 PM You first Hamlet. The only way that a Muslim woman can bring a rape charge against a man u.....
» 14/10/2005 4:28:06 AM I am working 10 hours a day on a building site Kartiya, and I get home pretty well exhaust.....
» 14/10/2005 4:10:44 AM Your last post seems to be directed at me Helen Pringle. It amuses me that people with you.....
» 13/10/2005 7:14:02 PM I think that the best way to solve world poverty is for the churches to pay taxes like eve.....
» 13/10/2005 6:17:54 PM So, Mr "Easy." all races are so gentically identical that there is more genetic .....
» 13/10/2005 4:31:10 AM The figures that are available are not for aggravated sexual assault, only for sexual assa.....
» 12/10/2005 7:35:21 PM Claiming that the NSW country town of Coolamon has a rape problem because it has the highe.....
» 12/10/2005 6:09:23 PM That's right, Mahatma Sitting Duck. Run away and hide. I think I will chalk that one up as.....
» 11/10/2005 4:20:58 AM I have got you, haven't I? You are starting to squirm. You are supposed to be debating wi.....
» 10/10/2005 8:11:44 PM To Mahatma Sitting Duck. When did you write it? That's the problem, Ducky. Hey, I know t.....
» 10/10/2005 7:34:15 PM Aw shucks, Scooper. You asked a very interesting question when you asked me to explain why.....
» 9/10/2005 10:05:42 PM To Scooper9 and Mahatma Sitting Duck. The newspaper reports and the subsequent electronic.....
» 9/10/2005 9:42:33 PM To Mahatma Sitting Duck. Just for the record, I do listen to the radio and much prefer bo.....
» 9/10/2005 6:17:04 AM I have no idea who “BOSCAR” is and I presume that it is just another politically correct o.....
» 8/10/2005 6:50:00 PM You are repeating the fiction now being offered by the politically exquisite that the 70 A.....
» 8/10/2005 4:53:41 AM To MatthewS. There book “The Bell Curve” was written by two Americans and it deals with .....
» 7/10/2005 6:34:49 PM Hullo. Scooper9 and Mahatma Sitting Duck are now a tag team. No wuckers. Their efforts are.....
» 7/10/2005 5:37:12 PM Thank you for your reasonable and intelligent post, Mr Reason. So far as physical ability.....
» 6/10/2005 7:20:50 PM Hullo, Scooper9. I thought you said that you were not going to talk to me anymore? The in.....
» 6/10/2005 6:54:47 PM Thank you IIly, for once again demonstating once again that that calls for "Human Rig.....
» 6/10/2005 6:40:12 PM To Mr Mahatma Sitting Duck. I figured that you were going to go down this route, and that.....
» 6/10/2005 4:59:55 AM While your premise infers that there is only one race, the human race. I think that most p.....
» 5/10/2005 6:13:07 PM Howard Glenn's article is the usual tripe from a social regressive who is mortified by the.....
» 5/10/2005 5:45:08 PM You trendies use “Human Rights” as some sort of trump card which you think wins every argu.....
» 5/10/2005 5:14:25 PM To Mr Mahatma Sitting Duck. I love it when my opponents do exactly what I anticipate that.....
» 5/10/2005 5:03:23 AM Easy, Kenny. This might be a bit deep for you, but when a black man and black woman procr.....
» 5/10/2005 4:54:26 AM To Mr Mahatma Duck. I would agree with your first premise but disagree with your second pr.....
» 4/10/2005 8:14:02 AM Has anybody else noted that those opposed to multiculturalism have decidely won this argum.....
» 4/10/2005 1:17:18 AM Muslim men do have an inclination to rape, HarryC. The gang rape of 70 Australian girls .....
» 3/10/2005 11:02:48 AM Helen Pringle's article follows the usual formulae of the trendy lefties, the only racists.....
» 3/10/2005 10:26:24 AM I thank Rowan Fairburn and Nich Rogers for their timely article. Teenagers today are lite.....
» 3/10/2005 6:27:35 AM Excellent post, Skippy. I will take issue again with you Scooper, on your claim that blac.....
» 3/10/2005 5:52:03 AM Wrong again, Scooper 9. The Australian referendum which recognized aboriginal people as Au.....
» 1/10/2005 6:36:35 PM Stuff "human rights". I care only for the welfare of my own people and for the w.....
» 1/10/2005 5:54:45 AM You wrote in your previous post that “intelligence” was not as big a factor in criminal be.....
» 30/09/2005 5:40:53 PM To Macropod. I am sorry that you are feeling depressed. Just think, If Australia had been .....
» 30/09/2005 5:17:52 PM I think, Scooper, that you agree that there is a genetic causal link to criminal behaviour.....
» 30/09/2005 5:02:19 AM To David Boaz. You claimed that there was no evidence for a causal link between genetics a.....
» 29/09/2005 5:21:11 AM The fact that 95%-98% of people in jail in any society are males seems to refute your view.....
» 28/09/2005 7:03:46 PM I would like to congratulate Andrew fraser on his timely and correct article. Throughout h.....
» 28/09/2005 6:07:25 PM Hi Col Rouge. It looks like both Sneaky Peter and Spendocrat have both spat the dummy out .....
» 28/09/2005 4:49:05 AM To Lisamarie. Your assertion that crime has nothing to do with ethnicity is wrong Ethnic .....
» 27/09/2005 5:01:29 PM Concern about rising crime rates in NSW has become such an issue that almost every state e.....
» 26/09/2005 9:17:52 PM To Mr peace. The USA was bombed into WW2 and it's armed forces were clearly inadequate to.....
» 26/09/2005 8:36:56 PM You might be interested to know that your sainted peace prophet who wrote your theme song .....
» 26/09/2005 7:31:32 PM Thank you Mr Reality Check. You may be interested to know that Canadians are calling their.....
» 26/09/2005 6:59:08 PM Thank you Nick Ferret, it is indeed homosexual judge Justice Kirby who is the most dissent.....
» 26/09/2005 4:41:59 PM To those people who never tire of bashing the Americans and claiming that they are warmong.....
» 25/09/2005 6:04:35 PM With human overpopulation still being ignored, perhaps humans are the Earth's pathogens an.....
» 25/09/2005 5:58:07 PM Yeah, David Latimer, I deliberately stuck the "no shame" shot in order to spark .....
» 25/09/2005 5:20:40 PM To Sneaky Pete Too bad you don't have enough wit to learn how to spell......
» 24/09/2005 5:24:11 AM Human beings are the most successful predators on this planet. The normal human reaction t.....
» 23/09/2005 5:39:56 AM I have bestowed upon myself the name “redneck” as a debating tactic, my dear Rancitus. The.....
» 22/09/2005 9:17:06 PM Almost every human being has the capacity for extreme violence. If a large predatory anima.....
» 22/09/2005 5:59:12 PM Hi Sneaky Peter. So you have not figured out yet that the homosexual loobby is not only th.....
» 22/09/2005 5:11:15 AM Once again the homosexual lobby uses any excuse to push forward it's vision of an Australi.....
» 22/09/2005 4:46:01 AM Mr Spendocrat. You share a vision with me that the human race must become a space faring c.....
» 21/09/2005 7:19:02 PM The topic under discussion, Mr Sneaky Peter, is capitol punishment. If you wish to cross s.....
» 20/09/2005 7:29:54 PM You took my position to an absurd length, yet you object when I returned the complement an.....
» 20/09/2005 4:59:53 AM This may be a little too deep for your marijuana addled brain, Spendocrat, but people who .....
» 19/09/2005 5:22:01 AM To Mr Mahatma Duck. 1. Yes, I am "old". 2. 48 states of the USA had responded .....
» 19/09/2005 4:59:56 AM Not since the infamous "Kangi seige", or the incident in Perth where the press u.....
» 19/09/2005 4:23:18 AM Another really deep and thoughtful post by Rainier. Ever tried developing an argument?.....
» 18/09/2005 7:07:00 AM For thousands of years, the paymasters of artists were the ruling classes of each civiliza.....
» 18/09/2005 6:19:50 AM I love it when my supposedly morally superior opponents who pretend to be SO concerned abo.....
» 17/09/2005 5:12:17 AM Yes, John Smith, rape is a very serious offence in the Islamic culture. In Pakistan, wome.....
» 17/09/2005 4:40:25 AM Wrong again, Rainier. Call me anything you like. Racist names do not worry me a bit. The G.....
» 16/09/2005 5:17:58 AM "The death penalty doesn't work" Says Mountbank. Gee, that's funny. On Monday, S.....
» 16/09/2005 5:07:30 AM Stephen Hagan thinks that calling white people who he does not like "rednecks" i.....
» 12/09/2005 4:56:20 AM The State always has had the power to kill to protect it's people, Vynnie. Soldiers use gu.....
» 10/09/2005 10:03:52 PM How about getting your noisy anti everything friends to push for a referendum on the death.....
» 10/09/2005 9:54:32 PM If you claim that white society is equally as dysfunctional as aboriginal communities livi.....
» 10/09/2005 9:42:57 PM Gee, what a nice hatchet job. There are so many contradictions in Megan Davis's post, I ha.....
» 9/09/2005 4:56:42 AM Wrong Di. Women (not just Muslim women) who do not wear the hijab in Pakistan or Jordan, o.....
» 8/09/2005 7:08:40 PM Should we allow schoolgirls to go to school wearing swastika armbands? If the answer is an.....
» 8/09/2005 5:22:47 AM There has not been an “active campaign of misinformation” about the Victorian “Racial and .....
» 1/09/2005 7:11:41 AM Well, well, well. If it isn't anti tobaccco activist and prominent anti guns campaigner Si.....
» 1/09/2005 7:01:11 AM The Australian Labor party began in Queensland as a grassroots working class Party, simila.....
» 1/09/2005 6:15:26 AM Gosh, Rainier, that was a deep, deep post. It immediately prompted me to see the error of .....
» 31/08/2005 4:50:25 AM If your definition of a “redneck” is a person who holds “provincial, conservative or bigot.....
» 28/08/2005 8:44:56 AM I could hardly contain myself from giggling at Wesley Methams amorphous philisophical argu.....
» 28/08/2005 8:08:43 AM Gee, Warren Mundine and Noel Pearson are rednecks too? It seems to be getting very fashion.....
» 23/07/2005 5:19:59 AM Right on, Arjay. Australia needs an ID card, and even the critics of such a card admit th.....
» 23/07/2005 5:03:26 AM Strayan. I am succesfully arguing that Muslim culture, which is based upon the theological.....
» 22/07/2005 6:36:17 PM Hullo “It’s not easy being” [deleted for flaming]. Thank you for agreeing that you support.....
» 22/07/2005 6:07:19 PM The question was, my dear ‘Reason”. What is wrong with being “intolerant” to people who wa.....
» 22/07/2005 5:47:42 PM I pointed out that the ongoing series of race hate rape attacks by Muslim men on Western w.....
» 21/07/2005 7:02:11 PM We are not in a court of Law, Irfan, we are the public and we judge Muslims as a group on .....
» 21/07/2005 6:26:35 PM I am doing just fine, “Mr Reason”. I asked you a question and I just knew you would dodge .....
» 20/07/2005 6:29:24 PM The London bombings did not expose the iraq war as being a blunder, Mr Brown, they exposed.....
» 20/07/2005 6:20:27 PM "Intolerant", Mr "Reason?" Muslims believe that people who have sex o.....
» 19/07/2005 7:53:31 PM Islam is similar to Nazism but worse. It is not just a religion, it is a complete social s.....
» 18/07/2005 6:43:49 PM Wow, it looks like Rainier does not want to talk to me now, and Garra is off with the fair.....
» 18/07/2005 6:34:16 AM Hullo, Rainier. Just like Brazuka, you think I have the capacity to respond to everyone. I.....
» 18/07/2005 4:57:45 AM I can see that this particular young journalist has a great future awaiting him in the ABC.....
» 17/07/2005 3:46:21 PM I was aware of Germany, Anomie. But I think you can appreciate that with only 350 words, w.....
» 17/07/2005 5:59:23 AM Hi Brazuka, thank you for your patience. I have not responded to you since my opening pos.....
» 16/07/2005 3:08:47 PM Aw shucks, Garra, there you go calling all us rednecks “ignorant” again. Well, don’t forge.....
» 15/07/2005 7:32:29 PM You might “refute the accusation of racism” all you want, Katsuhiro-san, but all you are d.....
» 15/07/2005 5:15:27 AM Yes, good post Garra. You correctly maintain that ethnocentrism is a cultural universal b.....
» 14/07/2005 7:22:40 PM George Orwell coined the word “doublethink” to describe the inability of young Idealists l.....
» 13/07/2005 6:51:32 PM I am not too impressed with you last effort, Deuc. May I offer you advice upon your writin.....
» 13/07/2005 6:47:58 PM Welcome Anomie, could I congratulate you on your exemplary and well reasoned reply? I am.....
» 12/07/2005 7:12:01 PM Sorry, Deuc, shall return in 24 hours. There was never a history of segregation, Brazuka.....
» 12/07/2005 6:02:57 PM I have been unable reply to your two posts, Rainier,because I am limited to 2 posts per 24.....
» 11/07/2005 6:33:31 PM Hiya Deuc, thank you for your input. You can denounce racism all you want, Deuc, but you .....
» 11/07/2005 5:33:37 PM Hi Brazuka, welcome to the discussion. Yes I am dinki di. No wuckers. No, I have never re.....
» 10/07/2005 1:02:18 PM Hi Trinity, welcome to the discussion. Let’s look at your premise, “Colour does not matte.....
» 10/07/2005 8:07:54 AM Firstly, I would like to thank Alan Anderson for helping the Liberal Party's re election c.....
» 10/07/2005 7:24:58 AM Yes Robert, I am a fair dinkum, gun owning, four wheel drive with dirty great bulbar drivi.....
» 9/07/2005 4:52:43 AM I will agree with most of what you said, Arjay. Even the oft repeated claims that "ra.....
» 8/07/2005 7:56:12 PM Our neighbour think we might be racist, Robert? Reality check time Robert. Papuans don.....
» 8/07/2005 5:15:12 AM "Right wing causes", Deuc? Well, I can guarantee you that a "Right to Bear .....
» 7/07/2005 8:35:26 PM “I do not doubt that many, perhaps most, lawyers, judges and legal academics think the rig.....
» 7/07/2005 8:19:34 PM No, no, no, Bozzie. Ya got it all wrong, mate. I want Chek Ling and Rainier to keep tellin.....
» 6/07/2005 8:06:02 PM Onya, Aslan. That is exactly what he wants. Having the courts rule the country is far more.....
» 6/07/2005 7:30:49 PM It’s funny how people who proclaim their distaste of racists are not above doing a little .....
» 6/07/2005 6:58:56 PM The death penalty should be imposed for very serious crimes like abduction, rape and murde.....
» 6/07/2005 5:38:31 AM Well said, Trade 215. It is amusing that the pop music industry, which has now become th.....
» 2/01/2005 9:49:40 AM First of all. Could I congratulate PeterinCanberra and Jean Jacques Bovay, for helping t.....

550 comments in total: 547 article comments, 3 general comments.

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