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Prejudice is not a joke : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 12/10/2007

The parallels between the rhetoric and attitudes of yesterday's anti-Semitism and today's Muslimphobia are striking.

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Although the symptoms may appear similar, to my mind there is one critical difference.

>>Even a cursory study of pre-Holocaust attitudes towards Jews in Europe and the West will show that yesterday's bloodsucking Jewish lenders have been replaced by today's bloodthirsty Islamic terrorists<<

Anti-Semitism in pre-Holocaust Germany was hate-inspired. Anti-Islamic sentiment is largely motivated by fear.

In Hitler's Germany, Jews were a convenient symbol for "not Aryan", in a time where the prevailing thought process was "racial purity will make us stronger". To my mind, anti-Semitism was, at least to begin with, little more than a convenient hook for the resentment that had built up since Versailles, which was then fanned into full-blown hatred by Herr Hitler.

The comparison of the serious privation of the average German on the one hand, with a symbol of relative financial survival on the other, was sufficient to convince the citizenry, and eventually allow them to take the full step to the Holocaust.

Today's Islamophobia is driven by fear, rather than resentment, at least in the Western countries. Where the conditions exist for direct ethnic confrontation, such as Bosnia, this may not at all be the case, but when we look at the US, Australia and to a great extent Europe, fear is far more evident than any serious depth of hatred.

I suspect that fear diminishes over time, while hatred tends to increase. At least, one can hope.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 12 October 2007 5:06:06 PM
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Its funny that Irfan Yusuf should drone on about racism and prejudice when his own God bans me from entering the Muslim heaven because I am an unbeliever. Seems like Allah is just as racist and prejudiced as I am, but you will never hear Irfan attacking his own God’s prejudice.

As for gang rape, if you had thought about it a bit, you might have answered your own question about “What kind of thinking leads to such atrocities?”

Well Irfan, in the case of the Sydney gang rapes by Muslim race hate rape packs, you begin by telling your young men that women who do not dress like Muslims women are just filthy “cat meat” sluts who deserve to be raped. You then go on and tell your young men, that it is a man’s duty to chastise women who do not act modestly, and then tell them that if a woman gets raped, it is entirely her own fault.

And that is exactly what your Muslim culture teaches your young men, isn’t it Irfan? No wonder the Serbs and Croats didn’t like your mob.

If your religion preaches that Muslims are one thing, and everybody else on the planet is something else, then you can hardly complain if the non Muslims regard you with suspicion and deep mistrust, especially when you go into bat for a certified fruitcake like the President of Iran.

50% of the women in Muslim societies can neither read nor write, THAT is something you should be writing moralizing articles on, not having the presumption to attack the societies which you fled to because your own Muslim societies were so dysfunctional.

As for "prejudice", there is nothing wrong with that at all. "Prejudice" literally means "to pre judge",and everydody does that. People are, always have been, and always will be, judged by their group associations. I think it is a safe bet that Irfan will not invite the Hells Angels around for his daughter's 16th birthday party, not will Rainier invite a gun club full of rednecks to the next aboriginal Land Council meeting.
Posted by redneck, Friday, 12 October 2007 5:30:46 PM
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Mr Yusuf,

Western society has its faults, including anti -semitism and prejudice against Moslems by some citizens. However, which person suffers more opression, a Moslem in the West or a non-Moslem in an Islamic country, Saudi Arabia for example?
Posted by mac, Friday, 12 October 2007 5:58:07 PM
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is their preduce to the people who were in the states run institutions in australia , the australian goverment is covering up the rapes and abuse that the vicims of the forgotten australians , they are sweeping this report under the carpet and just want us dead, well it is not happening , we are alive and we still will fight ,for justice ,so take it to the election and then we will see who has the real guts to speak out if neither labour or liberal bring it out then we know that they are still covering up those nortrosities the children suffered at the hands of those pedophiles who work for their institutions ,
Posted by huffnpuff, Friday, 12 October 2007 8:25:15 PM
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yeah, one group isolated...first painted black before attacked...then reported that a good act been done...not just before wwi/ii, nor now, but going for a long time...

I think will continue to happen...unless we as common people change the way we choose to look at the world arround us...and stop relying on the power/authorities of the time to feed us 'facts'...

when a whole group is targeted as one, something is very wrong in this, as all people in group get grouped together and yes this is your gold standard for 'prejudice'...but if each of us can actually meet the individual persons forming this group then it becomes clear they are not really different to our community...differentiate them into any groups you like, destructive/constructive, aethist/god believing, unfriendly/friendly...

As individuals with various traits combination, they are no different to us, except their culture gives their daily life a variation, which a bit of mutual adjustment can easily overcome for us to meet as two persons...

And for that matter our society aint that hot either, eg difference between men and women, they dont have a family court or csa like us, nor preferential benefits or governmetn office, ?hospitals all to themselves, and it seems for same crime, if ever prosecuted, they get lighter or no sentences...remember 'sniper-women' whom guilty of patiently waiting for husband to shoot him multiple times, was set free by jury...not even manslaughter...she is walking our streets we have a lot of fundamental imbalance here...

so basic message is all our societies have problems...lets get on with getting to sustainable and fair society everywhere...and focus on the organized corrupting elements in our backyard taking us away from the fair point first, and encourage others to do same to theirs...even something basic as being man/women getting some advantage/disadvantage in some situation should not be allowed whether in the open or concealed with deceit...

Ps~remember saying about a bad apple in the barrel...thinking through...the question is what do we do with the organized corrupting elements when removed from area of power and authority as its likely to reform elsewhere...hmmm
Posted by Sam said, Friday, 12 October 2007 8:48:25 PM
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Hello people! Are we still in the dark ages. It would seem so. Look! if we dont come together, we will loose this race. In all our minds we have no time for ignorance. Please stop fighting amoungst yourselves, there is a bigger picture that needs to be taken in hand imediately. race, colour or creed, this conversation is totally irrelevant. If we dont pull together all we have achieved will be lost and the world coming together will just be a disapointment.
We have to get off this rock! Sorry for changing the subject but this in all the studies i have done can only be a wake up call to what's about to fall upon us. I am not an alarmist but only a thought in time. The world has changed in so many ways and evolution bears the facts that are not indisputable. If we do not have a life boat that we can climb upon to save all that we have achieved and bleed and died for all we have done will be for nothing. Some may laugh, some may think it's serious but if we dont reinsure the survival of the human race it will all be lost. What im asking you to do is think of the big picture. We are all our brothers in arms. So lets get to the point. You are all smart people stop wasting our time.
Posted by evolution, Friday, 12 October 2007 10:32:19 PM
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