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The Forum > Article Comments > Rethinking the White Australia Policy > Comments

Rethinking the White Australia Policy : Comments

By Andrew Fraser, published 28/9/2005

Andrew Fraser calls for the re-establishment of the White Australia Policy on racial groundsv.

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One hesitates, sighs deeply, and then, with a sad shake of the head, decides that this false, bad, and ugly rhetoric should be challenged. Though it is hard to know where to start.

Is it enough to say that the two last great race-based regimes were Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa? It should be.I grew up in South Africa and know well that 'those whom the gods will destroy, they first make mad." It was mad and it was destroyed, and thank god and men of goodwill.

It should be more than enough to make the banal observation that variablity amoungst people in regard to "cognitive and athletic ability, behaviour and temperament" are found within homogeneous "races" at least as much as between "races". As we all know. As a friend of mine knows, who is showing school teachers how to best work with the 15% of 'white' children with an IQ of less than 85.

But to imply, as Fraser does, that those variables should be the basis for founding public policy, including immigration policy is, well, just so insane as to leave one speechless.

I sincerely hope that one day Mr. Fraser will come to sufficient an understanding of himself to know that he is also a human being, along with the other 6.2 billion of us, "homo"- as in "homogenous" sapiens, rather than some bizarre, frightful, Nietzsche-like übermenschlich/overman.

D. James
Posted by David E James, Wednesday, 28 September 2005 12:22:01 PM
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There is much food for thought here. It is certainly not what we are used to being told. We already know of the hysteria Andrew Fraser’s paper caused among the more precious academics and the media, and I am reasonably sure of the uproar we can expect on these pages. But this extract needs careful reading, and study of the advances in research reported by Fraser, along with all of his references, before anything but emotional and knee-jerk comments can be made.

I am appreciative that Andrew Fraser has pointed the way for us to learn more about an arcane subject whose details are kept from us by the “New Class cadres”
Posted by Leigh, Wednesday, 28 September 2005 12:29:40 PM
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It is a credit to our often maligned universities that they refused to publish such rubbish. Andrew, you bunker yourself down with and armory and lots of tins of baked beans, preparing for the imminent invasion.

Meanwhile, I'll calmly watch my left wing television shows (no doubt on SBS 'eh Andy?), and ultimately be overrun by the peril from within our borders.
Posted by Jude, Wednesday, 28 September 2005 12:46:34 PM
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Isn't it great when an article like this comes along, and you get all flustered and angry, and then you remember that you can ignore it cause it's just some loser who has no idea what he's talking about?

It always makes me smile.
Posted by spendocrat, Wednesday, 28 September 2005 12:52:23 PM
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"Chinese today place a premium on clannish behaviour and downplaying the worth of individual creativity"

According to who?

You really expect me to believe that the entire population of China (how many billion?) conform to this stereotype because they just happen to live or have lived within the borders of land mapped as "China"?
Posted by strayan, Wednesday, 28 September 2005 1:05:45 PM
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Thank you for reminding us of that Spendocrat. I was about to start ranting and raving about how appalling I felt this article was, but ahhhhh. Deep breath!
Posted by Laurie, Wednesday, 28 September 2005 1:50:56 PM
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