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Comment History for calwest

The Forum > User Index > calwest > Comment History

» 23/01/2020 9:25:09 AM So, which particular "global order" did Soleimani follow when he directed the ki.....
» 5/11/2019 7:30:46 PM SR, I repeat: the federal government has no constitutional responsibility for health or ed.....
» 5/11/2019 11:10:59 AM SR "Our largest companies are not paying any tax, money which would have gone into ou.....
» 25/10/2019 10:16:15 PM BTW Foxy, Thanks for dealing with the facts!.....
» 25/10/2019 10:13:55 PM Foxy, You are an idiot......
» 25/10/2019 5:02:33 PM Foxy, Greta Thunberg's screeching and snarling, according to you, is acceptable and nobod.....
» 27/06/2019 3:26:58 PM The quality and value of Tristan's PhD is evident from his writing: he has attributed to m.....
» 26/06/2019 6:24:39 PM "So therefore, would you have us sit on our hands and do nothing about reducing the a.....
» 26/06/2019 5:47:19 PM I guess the dumbing down of the education system has run all the way to PhDs - your irrefu.....
» 25/06/2019 4:22:46 PM Hey, Tristan, Coincidentally, just found this:
» 25/06/2019 4:12:57 PM Tristan, the Left is a one trick pony - spend other people's money on the latest half brig.....
» 25/06/2019 2:55:59 PM Tristan Ewins never fails to demonstrate what is wrong with the far Left of politics: he c.....
» 19/06/2019 12:47:11 PM Paris or London as models for future Sydney? You mean massive unassimilable immigration an.....
» 14/06/2019 1:46:34 PM On what basis does one support whistle blowers, even in principle? There may be circumsta.....
» 22/05/2019 11:08:15 PM Hasbeen, you made me laugh and laugh. Very clever comment. I saw her on TV this evening......
» 22/05/2019 1:05:30 PM Hi Tas, As Hasbeen says, the reef bleaching scam has been doing on for a long time. I fir.....
» 15/05/2019 12:22:03 PM I'm confused too. The High Court has found that there is an implied right to freedom of sp.....
» 15/04/2019 10:23:14 AM Daffy Duck writes: "They are funded by the deep pockets of right-wing billionaires, b.....
» 9/04/2019 4:36:13 PM Aidan, You prove my point - and Hasbeen's, too. If the trains are not "high capacity.....
» 8/04/2019 7:49:13 PM Aidan, I apologise for misspelling your name. My error. Nevertheless, your excuses for L.....
» 8/04/2019 3:27:59 PM Alan B., You have no evidence whatsoever that trains would be "both cheaper and fast.....
» 8/04/2019 3:09:44 PM Aiden, You miss the point entirely with your inane comment. As usual. Here's one of Ross.....
» 8/04/2019 12:11:56 PM Thank you, Ross Elliott. An excellent article. Those who promote or support concepts like.....
» 5/04/2019 1:21:52 PM You know we're in deep trouble when our potential next prime minister, Bill Shorten, tells.....
» 3/04/2019 2:09:08 PM Thanks Everald, you've made a great business case (though much more could be said) for why.....
» 22/03/2019 7:34:51 AM Foxy, you say: "There's plenty on the web about Breitbart..." And you have deal.....
» 21/03/2019 5:05:47 PM Foxy, You say: "You gave all your links to us from 'Breitbart.'" Yes, I did. T.....
» 21/03/2019 10:16:18 AM Joe, you're absolutely correct, of course. But there are two problems: the first error is .....
» 21/03/2019 8:46:03 AM Hey, Foxy, There's a Chinese proverb which says "a frog at the bottom of a well sees.....
» 20/03/2019 2:04:49 PM Well, Foxy, your concern with divisiveness is not a surprise. Perhaps you should consider.....
» 17/03/2019 2:54:50 PM Alan B., s44 of the constitution is written in plain English. The High Court certainly di.....
» 15/03/2019 1:17:18 PM >>"...The constitution, our constitution was written over two centuries ago and.....
» 13/03/2019 1:57:36 PM Foxy, you say: "Has justice been served? That's up to whether you believe in our lega.....
» 13/03/2019 10:35:37 AM >>...the World Wild Life Fund for Nature...<< That'd be the World Wide Fund, .....
» 13/03/2019 8:49:20 AM Why are conservatives supporting George Pell? Because the lack of objective "evidence.....
» 8/03/2019 8:14:24 PM Once upon a time, Aidan, many, if not most, people in Melbourne worked in the CBD. Then co.....
» 6/03/2019 2:33:27 PM Good to see such sensible comments on this article. Sorry, Taswegian, but I suppose you're.....
» 4/03/2019 1:12:52 PM Alan B., If you think that Australia's puerile actions on global warming make us a leade.....
» 21/02/2019 12:11:21 PM Poor Margaret Court, lately the victim of the worst Left wing intolerance going around. Wh.....
» 5/02/2019 2:00:38 PM Why should anyone (especially elected politicians) expect householders to waste time (and .....
» 5/12/2018 8:15:39 AM Yes, ttbn, one of the great ironies is that when one looks around the world, it is the cou.....
» 4/12/2018 10:22:41 AM Stick to chemistry, John Avery. You're out of your depth on world governance......
» 26/11/2018 10:07:11 AM "...elect a clown and you live in a circus." Great line. We'd better get out t.....
» 2/11/2018 2:06:05 PM >>Gorillas may well be smarter than Humans because they do not wantonly and delibera.....
» 2/11/2018 8:40:56 AM How about that? An intelligent article by a Lefty! So rare......
» 3/09/2018 7:47:37 AM It is extremely unlikely that this loop rail line proposal will ever be completed - and ce.....
» 20/08/2018 2:44:00 PM >>Have either proportional or direct representation, then the senate can be done awa.....
» 24/07/2018 2:15:35 PM I'm not sure that bring in a bunch of Islamists and giving them "something like a sti.....
» 23/07/2018 9:55:53 AM Good article. Yes, the fundamental contradiction is that the Democrats seem to think they .....
» 23/07/2018 9:42:16 AM "...our most trusted and faithful allies..." haven't been paying their way for d.....
» 20/07/2018 2:35:06 PM ttbn, "Most Australians of aboriginal background accept 'our' culture because they a.....
» 19/07/2018 2:54:27 PM John Ryan, Tony Thomas is a respected journalist and commentator. Has been for years. In .....
» 19/07/2018 1:32:26 PM "We live alongside the world's oldest continuous culture, yet too many of us expect o.....
» 31/05/2018 3:29:30 PM Plantagenet, I presume you're trying to be droll, but you're a bit light on for facts. .....
» 7/05/2018 1:41:01 PM Let me be the first to say it: anybody whose life revolves around PC thinking is mentally .....
» 6/05/2018 8:07:34 AM >>"Then there is the research of Peter Read who found that between 1909 - 1940 .....
» 4/05/2018 12:56:34 AM Aidan, You say "...the fact remains that thousands were taken away for dubious reaso.....
» 3/05/2018 4:28:54 PM Aidan, That is just another Left fantasy, but I suspect you know that. Children were rem.....
» 17/04/2018 5:09:59 PM As always, Aidan comes to the party with nothing to contribute. If these magical batterie.....
» 2/04/2018 12:47:19 PM This article has been a revelation. I've just realised that the reason Australia's primary.....
» 27/03/2018 10:50:28 AM Alan B, You make some fair points, but I think it's way too late for co-operative capitali.....
» 27/03/2018 9:11:34 AM Yes, yes, Richard. We get that you're pissed off. So what?.....
» 27/03/2018 9:01:52 AM Right down there with Compton's usual dross. In Compton's world, we'll all work for ".....
» 8/01/2018 8:28:54 PM Anyone who continues to grovel to the thoroughly discredited "97% of scientists".....
» 29/12/2017 11:32:44 AM Some people have no shame. They'll support Labor no matter how incompetent Labor proves to.....
» 7/12/2017 1:35:26 PM Correct, Philip S, It's the government. They've loaded up the excise charges to deter peo.....
» 6/12/2017 4:58:05 PM A Russian Jewish friend, long deceased, once told me this one: An American TV reporter wa.....
» 30/11/2017 10:19:28 AM I was thinking it was the most extreme piece of virtue signalling I've ever seen, but yes,.....
» 14/11/2017 2:46:48 PM Ah, Toni, "... people's right to call brown skinned-people 'monkeys'!..." You'.....
» 13/11/2017 3:40:07 PM Hi Joe, In a former life I met a few Aboriginal students in secondary colleges in the NT......
» 12/11/2017 7:13:59 AM Mr Vinokurov's use of four carefully-selected people to argue that all immigration by &quo.....
» 3/11/2017 2:17:45 PM Further thoughts on "diversity" from the American journalist and blogger Fred Re.....
» 3/11/2017 2:05:45 PM Hi ttbn, >>The purveyors of mass immigration and multiculturalism certainly have a .....
» 10/10/2017 4:52:11 PM Aidan's throwaway line, that Iceland powers three aluminium smelters with "renewables.....
» 21/09/2017 9:10:21 AM Garnaut's 2011 Review has been mugged by reality. This was his pie in the sky outlook for.....
» 21/09/2017 7:49:55 AM Excellent article. While some of the legal aspects may indeed be vague, unclear and lacki.....
» 20/09/2017 1:19:28 AM Hi Hasbeen, Yes, there have been many cyclones that nobody remembers any more. For exampl.....
» 19/09/2017 3:22:01 PM The Bureau of Meteorology now has a reputation for fiddling the books in relation to tempe.....
» 19/09/2017 10:51:39 AM ant says: "The point being that these storms have been made stronger through climate .....
» 19/09/2017 10:42:12 AM The author relies on a lot of unsubstantiated assertions and assumptions. That's typical o.....
» 19/09/2017 8:28:45 AM Every time some idiot politician decides to insert "safeguards" into legislation.....
» 18/09/2017 2:55:47 PM Minotaur, In relation to 18c, you must have dozed off and missed the court proceedings ag.....
» 18/09/2017 12:27:24 PM There is a very good reason to vote no: the Turnbull government won't tell you what it is .....
» 12/09/2017 1:21:21 PM Changing the date will not satisfy the whiners: it is not the date but the fact of settlem.....
» 6/09/2017 5:49:54 PM One of the mysteries of Australian political life is why so many loopy left extremists com.....
» 6/09/2017 5:24:13 PM Most people would be amazed at how little most members of political parties actually know .....
» 4/09/2017 1:13:19 PM Aidan, Let's cut through all your crap: why don't you just tell us what it is you love ab.....
» 1/09/2017 5:20:00 PM No, Aidan, you've caught yourself out: >"The major totalitarian governments were .....
» 31/08/2017 2:21:54 PM Daffy Duck chides the IPA for being a "charity". More correctly, IPA is registe.....
» 31/08/2017 1:51:44 PM Aidan, I'm well aware of the history of the communist Chinese revolution. We were, howeve.....
» 30/08/2017 6:29:38 PM Aidan, Communist China was - until relatively recently - communist, not nationalist. I ce.....
» 30/08/2017 4:28:53 PM So, proponents of the "yes" vote, tell me again this is only about letting two p.....
» 30/08/2017 12:08:36 PM Hi Aidan, The Liberal Party was formed in August 1945. The Chifley government decided to .....
» 29/08/2017 2:56:04 PM Hi Aidan, An "irrational fear of communism"? That's tautological. There's nothi.....
» 29/08/2017 12:28:51 PM Aidan's proto-communist economic theories again. Aidan believes in totalitarian control o.....
» 19/08/2017 9:53:23 AM So, a special rule for Catholic clergy is proposed. But none for other religions which don.....
» 10/08/2017 1:15:40 PM Don't believe me? ask the ATO for a definition of 'income' I bet you wont get one!. No tax.....
» 18/05/2017 8:45:59 PM Hi Joe, Yes, I did see documents relating to the passengers on the trains that took peopl.....
» 16/05/2017 4:58:33 PM It's pretty well established that the Japanese had no immediate plans to invade Australia .....
» 15/05/2017 3:30:39 PM The shallow thinking in this article does not bode well for the success of the project, ev.....
» 29/03/2017 10:31:46 AM So, just in case the unrepresentative swill (as Keating called them) in the Senate are not.....
» 27/03/2017 5:14:22 PM "The signal achievement of the Australian Parliament that first assembled in 2013 was.....
» 19/03/2017 11:18:32 AM AJ Philips, you say: "The world is better off without toxic people." Agreed. G.....
» 18/03/2017 8:59:48 PM AJ Philips, Nothing I have written was prompted by outrage. Nausea and disgust are closer.....
» 18/03/2017 1:13:50 PM AJ Philips, Bill Leak has been dead barely a week. His wife and family are surely still g.....
» 17/03/2017 11:59:52 PM I've seen a maggot infested pig carcass with more class than John Ryan and AJ Phillips. Co.....
» 17/03/2017 11:10:46 AM For about a millisecond, I thought Toni Lavis had written something intelligent for a chan.....
» 16/03/2017 12:01:49 PM $90 billion for batteries and more wind farms? And when the batteries and photovoltaic cel.....
» 13/03/2017 4:50:20 PM An excellent article. The case for the proposed Cross River Rail project in Brisbane is v.....
» 2/03/2017 3:41:45 PM I'm sorry I didn't get to this sooner, but I've been busy. Aidan said on 26 February 2017.....
» 28/02/2017 4:31:21 PM This is a very sound article, Marija. Agree with every word of it. But there's more to it.....
» 25/02/2017 5:14:47 PM It's a rare pleasure to see two sets of loopy fantasies on OLO on the same topic. Alan B .....
» 8/02/2017 9:14:19 AM The author could shorten his CV to "bleeding heart multiculturalist" and everyth.....
» 7/02/2017 11:28:13 AM Alan B., I've often wondered what life's like for a demi-god like you on planet rhrosty, a.....
» 2/02/2017 4:11:28 PM One more point: the white paper's reference to "a period of weak demand" is misl.....
» 2/02/2017 3:55:43 PM Check this list of federal environment ministers and you'll see why we have had such appal.....
» 1/02/2017 5:11:47 PM Tranter uses OLO to run her predictable propaganda against Western civilisation from the p.....
» 31/01/2017 11:00:48 AM Short answer to Tranter's question: not enough, given the recent history of terrorism. A .....
» 25/01/2017 11:52:40 AM Warren Mundine is almost always correct. He's a deep thinker. But his objection - and the .....
» 19/01/2017 2:00:23 PM billyd, your lies and ignorance are manifest. Anyone who thinks Australia has a first pas.....
» 18/01/2017 2:11:57 PM billyd thinks Australia has a first past the post voting system "as does the UK".....
» 17/01/2017 2:09:55 PM We don't yet know whether Donald Trump will be a poor president, a good president or a gre.....
» 13/01/2017 11:39:39 AM As always, a sane and fully informed post by Gary Johns. What a thoughtful contrast to Stu.....
» 13/01/2017 11:24:11 AM Stuart Rees is a well known public cretin of long standing. Again in this post, he proves .....
» 12/01/2017 7:09:17 PM Toni Lavis, Normally, you'd be correct about taking each argument on its own merits. In t.....
» 10/01/2017 7:03:16 PM nicknamenick, Google "turtle plastic" and the first image you get is one of a t.....
» 9/01/2017 10:23:52 PM The federal environmental agency, back about 2005, used to quote a Canadian study of ".....
» 9/01/2017 10:00:56 PM OK, nicknamenick, we're all waiting to know how YOU know that turtles "think" pl.....
» 9/01/2017 10:14:26 AM Just another Left-wing catastrophist fantasy to demonstrate Valerie's moral superiority. T.....
» 5/01/2017 9:01:08 PM Well done, Leo. You have spent more time on that clown Billyd than he is worth. Just expun.....
» 1/01/2017 10:48:51 PM As for your "97 per cent" figure, billyd, wrong again. That has been discredited.....
» 1/01/2017 10:37:43 PM billyd, you are becoming an ever greater embarrassment to yourself. The electoral college.....
» 1/01/2017 10:34:47 AM billyd, you are an ignorant moron, impervious to fact. Your comments about global warming.....
» 27/12/2016 10:00:25 AM Actually, Lego, the global warming hoax predated the Millenium Bug hoax: the global warmi.....
» 22/12/2016 5:03:50 PM That'd be iron "ore"........
» 22/12/2016 5:01:50 PM Alan B., I have no idea what you're rambling on about: I didn't mention foreign investmen.....
» 21/12/2016 4:49:45 PM The people doing most of the squeezing of loot from the proles are the likes of Shorten - .....
» 21/12/2016 12:54:03 PM perspective123, Oh, please. Give us a break. Your "various respected publications&qu.....
» 21/12/2016 12:04:03 PM Alan B, One of the myths of Australian politics in recent years has been the one in which.....
» 21/12/2016 9:38:43 AM An essential article, Viv. Needed to be said. Well done. And it highlights the sophistry .....
» 21/12/2016 9:20:54 AM Touche, ttbn!!.....
» 21/12/2016 9:17:02 AM "We must make the atrocities stop" = "somebody should do something". .....
» 21/12/2016 8:36:22 AM Another loopy Compton fantasy. The malodorous Angela Merkel and the boy bimbo Justin Trud.....
» 20/12/2016 10:21:06 AM Thanks,Prompete, I know you're right: that belief system is now part of who they see thems.....
» 20/12/2016 8:56:23 AM Busy readers can save a lot of time via a quick check of Harter's bio: she's a "clima.....
» 20/12/2016 8:25:52 AM Coincidentally, Don Aitkin has published an excellent summary of Judith Curry's assessment.....
» 20/12/2016 7:21:06 AM People like Billyd are pretty much beyond rational discourse. Not only irrational, but pi.....
» 6/12/2016 7:48:56 AM Bugsy, You show yourself to be no more than an ignorant, self-important lout, with no red.....
» 5/12/2016 9:08:54 AM "The journalists of the Right..." At first that this reference to the "Ri.....
» 5/12/2016 8:14:05 AM Well, it's a pleasant surprise to read something by Bruce Haigh that doesn't warrant a hos.....
» 29/11/2016 6:51:19 PM The socialist left faction of the Labor Party in Victoria kept Labor in opposition federal.....
» 29/11/2016 12:15:57 PM Tristan, For left wingers like you, cultural relativity is a way of life. Castro was a .....
» 29/11/2016 8:49:31 AM Tristan, Your equivocation, your post-truth whining cannot excuse Castro. There is no &q.....
» 28/11/2016 1:09:24 PM Tristan, No level of equivocation or excuse-making justifies praise for Fidel Castro. H.....
» 28/11/2016 11:46:44 AM "Arguably his government was authoritarian..." "All this aside, the threat .....
» 24/11/2016 1:04:43 PM Every time Tranter chooses to bestow her great knowledge and sensitivity upon us, she gets.....
» 21/11/2016 2:49:48 PM So, Tranter the ranter is back with her moronic ideas. I agree with the consensus of comme.....
» 2/11/2016 1:12:34 PM Amazing. Bruce Haigh accusing others of "dopey bile"!! Then again, he thinks Jul.....
» 27/07/2016 1:17:37 PM By the way, Iftikhar, just what is it in Islamic culture that you think the West should &q.....
» 27/07/2016 1:09:29 PM Iftikhar is a wonderful example of what's wrong with Islam. If this Iftikhar is indeed Ift.....
» 17/06/2016 12:08:18 PM Cobber, Birmingham is the federal minister. "Senator" might have been a clue. .....
» 22/05/2016 10:09:42 AM Hi Shadow Minister, Don't disagree with anything you've written. I have no problem at al.....
» 21/05/2016 2:13:23 PM Hi Shadow Minister, Yes, agree. As I said in my first post on this topic: "Numerical.....
» 21/05/2016 2:06:57 AM Refdrivsoc, You may not have noticed, but Australian government handouts to the car compa.....
» 20/05/2016 4:42:39 PM Aidan, Grossly excessive spending did not keep us out of recession. That's just propagand.....
» 19/05/2016 11:20:01 PM Garbage, as usual, from you, Aidan. If spending was the panacea you claim, we'd already b.....
» 19/05/2016 2:59:30 PM So Aidan's solution is: SPEND on infrastructure; SPEND on education, despite the correlati.....
» 19/05/2016 2:50:13 PM Numerically, the vast majority of businesses in Australia are small businesses. And the v.....
» 17/05/2016 11:59:57 AM Neat little article, David. And just one more example of how Australia, like the UK, USA a.....
» 18/04/2016 2:08:48 PM The failure of the negative gearing restrictions under Keating happened pretty much as Has.....
» 5/04/2016 10:24:32 AM Faustino, I'm always amused by economists' child-like commitment to their theories, rarel.....
» 4/04/2016 10:31:27 AM [cont.] Competition law until now has required that misuse of market power had to be prov.....
» 4/04/2016 10:26:36 AM Viktor, Your approach to these issues is astonishingly simple-minded. For a start, the A.....
» 22/03/2016 3:52:15 PM [Greens MP Adam] Bandt told Guardian Australia [22 March] young people coming to terms wit.....
» 13/03/2016 12:31:24 PM No, Rhrosty, Don't try to rewrite history. Abbott rolled Turnbull because he (Turnbull) t.....
» 12/03/2016 2:12:04 PM If Turnbull believes his own propaganda, he's outclassed by Gillard...Nah, she couldn't re.....
» 11/03/2016 4:58:24 PM Cobber, I don't mind criticism, but I'd prefer it was literate: "Clearly your...&qu.....
» 11/03/2016 8:44:22 AM This writer has missed the point. Turnbull is shrinking because he is a hollow man, inflat.....
» 9/03/2016 12:02:25 PM Hi Joe, And thanks for your attempt at drollery. Just in case anybody else missed the p.....
» 8/03/2016 9:14:42 PM Very relevant item on A Current Affair tonight about Sarah Monahan's experience with Rober.....
» 8/03/2016 9:14:27 AM MarilynS, I've checked the posts again and I can't see one that attempts to "justify.....
» 7/03/2016 11:08:33 PM Agronomist, get over yourself. Deal with the detail of the evidence, not your own posturin.....
» 7/03/2016 5:27:55 PM An excellent article which deals with the facts. I agree with Big Nana that recalling de.....
» 5/03/2016 8:50:36 PM NathanJ, You take my comment to Suseonline in isolation. The context is far more extensiv.....
» 4/03/2016 11:45:41 PM Suseonline, it is a well established fact that you are a moron. Go away. You have nothing .....
» 4/03/2016 3:05:58 PM Ant, an increase of 0.83 degrees causes fires and/or flooding HOW? That's a smaller temper.....
» 4/03/2016 11:11:23 AM This woman is a trained ideologue - that's why she can fit so much tendentious garbage on .....
» 3/03/2016 5:46:38 PM That a member of Socialist Alternative, Roz Ward, has been the main instigator of this app.....
» 26/02/2016 6:56:11 PM Hi Phanto, Thanks for emphasising the point I made. As an example, when I was 10 I retur.....
» 26/02/2016 12:48:57 PM The problem with this "Safe Schools" program is that it messes with the minds of.....
» 26/02/2016 11:28:43 AM Aidan replies to my observation about the Left's managerial incompetence: "'I apprec.....
» 24/02/2016 4:53:28 PM Aidan, your economic theories are always a revelation. Too bad they have nothing to do wit.....
» 24/02/2016 2:09:34 PM Rhosty says: "Negative gearing? If house prices tumble so will your replacement when.....
» 24/02/2016 1:09:47 PM All good comments so far, but I tend to favour the Rhosty solution. A handgun is an equal.....
» 22/02/2016 2:26:04 PM Wow, Lego, powerful posts. Thank you......
» 20/02/2016 12:01:07 PM Captain Col, I admire your patience and tenacity in trying to give Tristan a basic educat.....
» 20/02/2016 11:09:26 AM Aidan, you say: "When you uncaringly denounce something that will enormously improve.....
» 20/02/2016 10:22:34 AM Suse, you have the IQ of a box of rocks, without the saving grace of any sort of education.....
» 19/02/2016 8:18:41 PM Aidan, you used the term "people trading", I did not. You attribute to the term .....
» 19/02/2016 8:01:03 PM I don't think you're a liar, Suse. I think you're a gullible fool, incapable of intellectu.....
» 19/02/2016 7:55:34 PM But it's ok for the homosexual lobby to dictate what can and can't be enacted in our parli.....
» 19/02/2016 4:12:05 PM Suseonline, Your arguments are pathetic. The people who fed you inaccurate or self-servi.....
» 19/02/2016 3:44:45 PM What a load of tosh, Brian. Whichever way you slice it, homosexuals and their supporters .....
» 19/02/2016 1:54:26 PM The "Stolen Generation" story, Suse, is a very specific proposition: that Aborig.....
» 19/02/2016 12:48:43 PM Aidan, You say Labor's NBN was money well spent. Except where it was way over budget and.....
» 19/02/2016 9:56:00 AM OLO 9 Duncan Graham 0.....
» 19/02/2016 9:33:40 AM Aidan says: "When something is illegal it tends to become lucrative, hence the crimi.....
» 18/02/2016 1:13:09 PM "Not all refugees carry radical disruptive agendas – many would enrich our society an.....
» 18/02/2016 9:43:51 AM cont. Ewins lists the poor and downtrodden whom he claims are suffering and would suffer .....
» 18/02/2016 9:41:55 AM Australia's current economic and budgetary problems are the direct consequence of the hyst.....
» 17/02/2016 10:54:23 AM Rhosty, what have you been smoking? The GST "exclusions" you mention reflected .....
» 12/02/2016 1:48:57 PM John Bennetts, Only a Left wing fool would try to pretend that the ABC is not Left wing a.....
» 12/02/2016 11:09:22 AM For all the bleeding heart Lefties promoting open borders, here's the reality of what is h.....
» 12/02/2016 10:16:57 AM "The Australian political process also has serious defects. We suffer from weak elect.....
» 7/02/2016 9:03:13 AM From the gormless Foxy on Friday: "The facts have now emerged: Both women have fina.....
» 4/02/2016 10:14:38 AM Another of Everald's lightweight analyses. This one tells us only about people Everald doe.....
» 1/02/2016 4:34:39 PM In fairness to all those "moderate" Muslims we read about, but seldom meet, we s.....
» 27/01/2016 8:47:22 AM Bruce Haigh's article embodies much that is contemptible about the Left: the predictabilit.....
» 8/01/2016 10:38:46 AM So Everald Compton's remedy for the coalition's ills is to turn it into the Labor Party, b.....
» 7/01/2016 2:37:36 PM Knowing how keen you are on Islamic culture, Suseonline, I'm posting this link just for yo.....
» 4/01/2016 12:33:48 PM Still running, Suse? When are you going to have the integrity to answer the questions I'v.....
» 3/01/2016 10:59:18 AM Poor ol' Suse, Talks a great game, but when it comes to the crunch, she runs like a scald.....
» 29/12/2015 11:07:04 PM No,Suse, I don't think your IQ is low because you don't agree with me. I think your IQ i.....
» 29/12/2015 2:17:38 PM JoM, That's $58,300 plus per migrant, just to get them here and support them. Then there'.....
» 29/12/2015 11:09:41 AM Suse, After all of the posts pointing out that you lack facts, evidence and rationality, .....
» 27/12/2015 9:41:33 PM Toni Lavis, Thanks, I stand corrected. I accept your point that ONE Muslim authority has .....
» 27/12/2015 5:27:39 PM Suseonline, your silence is deafening. I guess that's because after you've told us all wha.....
» 27/12/2015 2:45:25 PM Suse, why don't you try dealing with the facts instead of posturing? We have numerous fac.....
» 27/12/2015 11:16:19 AM Suseonline reckons that only a small minority of Islamists hate the West and engage in ter.....
» 21/12/2015 9:36:40 AM Congratulations, Rhrosty, Five full stops. A new record. Keep up the good work......
» 9/12/2015 5:25:55 AM Aidan, You contradict yourself with every post. Don't have time for that......
» 8/12/2015 5:15:56 PM Aidan, I was right, I reckon, you are an academic. "The best way to pay for it is .....
» 8/12/2015 1:53:39 PM Aidan, You must be an academic. Tell us all how you think a city the size of Sydney, Melb.....
» 8/12/2015 11:59:13 AM Another predictable left-wing rant by Kellie Tranter. Will it never end? For a start, any.....
» 7/12/2015 11:19:49 AM >> Changing the toxic culture among surgeons requires structural change. Such as?.....
» 7/12/2015 10:56:28 AM While it's very comforting to know that Damian Pheny speaks for all of Asian civil society.....
» 27/11/2015 8:20:14 AM An excellent article. Deserves to be read and thought about......
» 27/11/2015 7:45:25 AM Aahh. Another lesson in vacuity from the profoundly moronic Kellie Tranter, who is concern.....
» 23/11/2015 10:36:25 AM Clueless. The UN General Assembly's First Committee can pass all the useless resolutions i.....
» 3/11/2015 4:05:13 PM So Rees is a vile old left wing poseur who supports Palestinian terrorism. We knew that. N.....
» 14/10/2015 9:29:42 AM Well said, Yuyutsu......
» 5/10/2015 12:03:03 PM Precisely, ttbn. The entry-level questions are: what is irrefutably happening (virtually .....
» 28/09/2015 10:52:34 AM No, there is no warming trend. Hasn't been for 18 years and eight months. The warming sca.....
» 21/09/2015 1:04:20 PM Credit where due: a sound and detailed article which reaches irrefutable conclusions......
» 11/09/2015 10:53:32 AM BTW everybody, Just a pedantic point: the people flooding into Europe at present are not .....
» 11/09/2015 10:32:46 AM It's hardly worth wasting good pixels on this nonsense. Mike Pope says: Over the next thr.....
» 10/09/2015 9:29:02 PM Hi Rhian, Yes, yes. But Tristan really IS a full-on Marxist......
» 10/09/2015 9:57:44 AM Nice one, Jan B. But, actually, I don't see Abbott waging war against anyone, more's the.....
» 10/09/2015 8:00:40 AM What a steaming pile of wishful thinking. For the sake of the world, let's hope the Left i.....
» 7/09/2015 12:22:56 PM Tristan is of the Socialist Left of the Victorian branch of the ALP. Back in the sixties t.....
» 29/08/2015 12:39:47 PM Aidan, What happens when "the wind don't blow and the sun don't shine"? As usu.....
» 28/08/2015 6:44:58 PM Aidan, You are incorrect. The "fuel" costs for renewables do not go away, becau.....
» 28/08/2015 9:24:16 AM Tas, Emission reduction targets are every bit as flawed as the other "green" so.....
» 19/08/2015 10:14:44 AM What an incredibly long bow to draw. Just neurotic. Still, the mindset is consistent with.....
» 12/08/2015 8:59:26 AM Tocqueville also said democracy would last only until people realised they could vote them.....

255 comments in total: 251 article comments, 4 general comments.

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