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Sowing noxious seeds : Comments
By Beverly Holmes-Brown, published 30/11/2017When the British government transported criminals and political enemies to this far-off land their plan was kinder than ours.
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Wow! Self-hatred at its most extreme.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 30 November 2017 10:06:12 AM
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Bev Holmes-Brown, I am afraid that in the eyes of both our major political parties as well as the media, you are a voice crying in the wilderness and no politcal candidate has the guts to stand up and say "enough is enough"
David Posted by VK3AUU, Thursday, 30 November 2017 10:06:48 AM
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I was thinking it was the most extreme piece of virtue signalling I've ever seen, but yes, a lot of self-hatred too.
And, of course, the obligatory denigration of white males. That's all the Left has these days. Of course, no mention of criminal activities by those in detention centres. Apparently we're supposed to ignore all that and just let them in. As Frau Merkel did in Germany. That turned out to be a great success, didn't it? Posted by calwest, Thursday, 30 November 2017 10:19:28 AM
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Risible rubbish. Privileged white men ended slavery, with many giving their very lives to the cause!
Ended child labour, gave women the vote, sacrificed their lives in millions to preserve the freedoms we enjoy today! And marked by fields of poppies that stretch beyond the horizon! Overturned years of prejudice in 1967 and gave back confiscated land and well, there are word limits and the list is thousands of words long! How dare you come here and start barking at ordinary decent Australians like a disturbed junkyard dog, madam. We have one of the most generous refugee resettlement programs anywhere! And retain the right to decide who is on that list, their cultural suitability, ability to actually assimilate into OUR culture! And the manner of their legitimate arrival! If people want to settle here, we welcome them with open arms if they are documented, and of provable good character. Able therefore, to prove who and what they claim to be and from where they claim to have escaped from, via transition countries, where what they claim they were escaping, no longer prevailed! Time we just moved these alleged victims to their new domiciles where there's no wire and no restrictions on their lawful movements? And where they are afforded comfortable shelter, food, water, sanitary amenities and medicine! And if that doesn't suit, well they remain free to return from whence they came? As are all the shite stirrers like this demonstrably disingenuous writer! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 30 November 2017 10:44:25 AM
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Hi ALAN B...
I couldn't agree with you more with your description of this particular lady. Though she doesn't especially say so, I wonder if she'd eluding to those still left on Manus Is? From the images I've seen of these people, most appear to are young men, of military age, no older refugees or women or children. Mainly young men. Why? Posted by o sung wu, Thursday, 30 November 2017 11:49:28 AM
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I am rather hoping that the author seriously considers some voluntary work abroad for a few years. There is a lot that has to be lived to be understood.
Posted by leoj, Thursday, 30 November 2017 12:35:38 PM