Comment History for DavidJS
The Forum > User Index > DavidJS > Comment History
» 18/12/2009 2:10:38 PM More trite insults from those who have the gall to call this article stupid. Here's one ge.....
» 18/12/2009 6:50:06 AM Unfortunately for those who don't like this article history is not on their side. They may.....
» 17/12/2009 12:34:13 PM Pathetic responses in the most part to this interesting article. And nobody seems to have .....
» 30/10/2008 6:47:49 AM It is certainly the case that religious fundamentalists are more concerned about controlli.....
» 29/10/2008 1:38:10 PM I agree with the last poster but I still think we have to try. I can't believe sexual heal.....
» 29/10/2008 7:22:54 AM US administrations have long been interferring the affairs of other countries and other pe.....
» 28/10/2008 1:21:01 PM Although I'm a leftist I've never been anti-American. Just against the cartel running the .....
» 5/10/2008 8:34:05 AM Horus, you've got my drift. You could divide Palestine between Israel and Jordan or absorb.....
» 4/10/2008 3:50:07 PM In a more direct reply to David Singer, I would say that you could simply redraw the bound.....
» 4/10/2008 1:20:00 PM Let's take Singer's proposal at face value. That is, divide up the West Bank etc between J.....
» 3/10/2008 12:17:35 PM Thinking along similar lines as David Singer, why not divide Lebanon up between Israel and.....
» 3/10/2008 8:19:15 AM Keith, I think it's a bit simplistic to say that Reagan liberated Eastern Europe. Certainl.....
» 2/10/2008 9:43:46 AM Keith, we had peace (if that's what you want to call it) in Eastern Europe between 1945 an.....
» 1/10/2008 4:02:44 PM According to Keith: "You appear to have ignored the reality of the existance [sic] o.....
» 30/09/2008 2:49:55 PM Probably like most people, the whole Israel vs Palestine debate gives me a headache. Much .....
» 13/09/2008 4:46:44 PM "I wonder how you guys [sic] can suggest with a straight face that Palin is inexperie.....
» 13/09/2008 11:59:54 AM Palin's admirers naively assume she will do in office what she says on the campaign trail......
» 12/09/2008 5:17:50 PM Sarah Palin is obviously Elaine from "Seinfeld" but with a new job. And who can .....
» 14/08/2008 1:52:21 PM "But I believe that personal transformation of individuals, the internalization into .....
» 12/08/2008 9:08:13 AM RonH, would you then get any other employee to fund the costs of advertising etc if s/he r.....
» 11/08/2008 9:10:13 AM Maybe I shouldn't bite but I will. Glorfindel shows his/her ignorance in a number of ways......
» 10/08/2008 10:07:53 AM I agree with Passy in that religious fundamentalists and certain political sects persecute.....
» 9/08/2008 6:31:55 PM There may be valid arguments against by-elections but the expense is not one of them. Demo.....
» 7/08/2008 1:57:33 PM The approach you could take is like the campaign against smoking. Over the years a combina.....
» 7/08/2008 8:23:35 AM "So, DavidJS, the human rights battle is being won here" says katieO. Yes, I'm c.....
» 4/08/2008 11:26:11 PM In answer to Logic, first of all the lack of democracy in Israel's neighbours is well-know.....
» 4/08/2008 10:52:37 PM From reading the postings on this subject I've learnt I have a brain malfunction, am incli.....
» 4/08/2008 4:16:51 PM "My best guess so far is that homosexuality is a rejection of male responsibility. Fo.....
» 2/08/2008 5:09:51 PM The problem for pro-market political parties such as the Liberals here, the Republicans in.....
» 1/08/2008 5:35:53 PM "I wonder what the author would make of a statistic revealed in the United Kingdom re.....
» 31/07/2008 6:07:59 PM Apparently during the 2000 run for the US presidency, it was not the oil companies that ga.....
» 29/07/2008 11:16:10 PM TUS asks " it just a 'think of the children' hysteria? If so, why are boys in no.....
» 26/07/2008 5:57:56 PM As I expected the usual racist arguments in favour of Israel dressed up in the language of.....
» 25/07/2008 9:43:14 AM I would agree that Australia, like Israel, was founded on acts of terror. And as descenden.....
» 24/07/2008 10:40:01 PM "David JS where do you draw the line between sexualised images of children and child .....
» 23/07/2008 12:18:27 PM "Yet we all need the babies, who will become the service sector when we grow old.&quo.....
» 21/07/2008 11:20:06 PM It is certainly true that many men are not part of the ruling class. Men doing time in pri.....
» 21/07/2008 1:51:44 PM Polygamy is male oppression? Then why are males rather than women promoting polygamy here .....
» 21/07/2008 9:20:22 AM At one level I can understand Johnston's motivation. Her daughter was molested by her fath.....
» 16/07/2008 6:52:25 AM As Rodney says, "Same-sex marriage only begins to make sense in a society where there.....
» 11/07/2008 9:05:45 PM All religions are stupid......
» 10/07/2008 2:35:44 PM Once again someone (this time Hamlet) tries to find persecution of Christians in Australia.....
» 8/07/2008 11:18:28 AM Evolution is no more a myth than the theory of gravity. Moreover, plenty of Christians hav.....
» 7/07/2008 5:48:00 PM David Palmer says "Governments put money in the way of churches because churches are .....
» 6/07/2008 9:44:36 PM The trouble with the "sin" argument is what constitutes a sin is a matter of opi.....
» 6/07/2008 10:33:14 AM I like to think of homosexuality as a life with style......
» 6/07/2008 10:31:01 AM Philip Tang contradicts himself. On the on hand, he says I'm soft on Muslims. On the other.....
» 5/07/2008 3:30:14 PM Not as bitter and twisted as you, sweetie. I've seen I have your numb.....
» 4/07/2008 5:56:18 PM "The bitter vile responses to David [Palmer] confirms that you are on to the truth he.....
» 4/07/2008 2:04:59 PM I've got a few friends who have had an abortion (or maybe more) and they've never felt so .....
» 4/07/2008 9:46:59 AM My position on this issue can be summed up thus: Polygamy (official or unofficial) is a f.....
» 3/07/2008 4:35:43 PM Why are some Christians "hung up" about homosexuality? Because they have a sick .....
» 2/07/2008 10:24:06 PM Western style participatory democracy has more in common with Periclean Athens than the an.....
» 2/07/2008 7:52:32 PM The modern Olympics has pretty much always been a propaganda exercise for the government o.....
» 2/07/2008 10:08:17 AM "The Muslims do not recognise Jesus Christ as God,” [Rep Metcalf] declared indignantl.....
» 2/07/2008 9:38:45 AM Actually Runner, I think comparative religion should be taught in schools rather than Chri.....
» 1/07/2008 1:56:30 PM Hamlet, Jensen should be calling for the death penalty for gays, adulterers and child mole.....
» 1/07/2008 7:26:08 AM As much as I loathe the undemocratic regimes of Mauritania and Sudan, at least in regard t.....
» 29/06/2008 6:25:37 PM I don't support a War on Drugs or any such political hype (conveniently forgotten once Car.....
» 29/06/2008 12:36:19 AM Not content with demonising Muslims, Philip Tang appears to white-washing the murderous co.....
» 28/06/2008 10:32:56 PM I agree with Arjay. Ramsay is boring and predictable with a very limited vocabulary. And v.....
» 28/06/2008 7:06:06 PM Bronwyn has the most considered and rational response to this issue. As opposed to Philip .....
» 28/06/2008 8:29:50 AM I'll happily wear the label of puritan if being a puritan means not wanting to be threaten.....
» 26/06/2008 10:59:21 PM It'd be interesting to know how many people have only one glass of beer or wine each day. .....
» 26/06/2008 10:09:21 AM So Senator Bernardi is retiring. What a shame because I didn't really get to know him. He .....
» 25/06/2008 8:26:18 PM According to Greg Barns: "alcohol is not inherently harmful in the way that cigarette.....
» 25/06/2008 11:01:30 AM Steel, I wouldn't be so hard on yourself. Over in NSW we have Fred Nile and the so-called .....
» 24/06/2008 10:26:12 PM Senator Bernardi, like other defenders of marriage as it currently stands, doesn't spell o.....
» 15/02/2008 9:02:51 AM Rhian said "By taking the position that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” extreme.....
» 12/02/2008 3:04:18 PM "the essential commonality of capitalism and libertarianism." Really? And here I.....
» 12/02/2008 12:20:41 PM "Democratic libertarianism"? Sounds like a good idea. I don't think it could eve.....
» 12/02/2008 12:15:19 PM Xenophobia the natural state to be in? What garbage! The implication is that most people a.....
» 11/02/2008 1:42:20 PM I probably shouldn't dignify that ignorant comment by Saunders but against my better judge.....
» 11/02/2008 10:49:30 AM It's true that being skinny doesn't guarantee you happiness or even satisfaction with your.....
» 9/02/2008 4:49:29 PM According to Salty " often the driver of such research is the desire to have wha.....
» 8/02/2008 1:07:20 PM Interestingly, a recent article by Michael Rubin from the American Enterprise Institute on.....
» 8/02/2008 12:29:04 PM What does the Bible actually say about cloning (human or otherwise)? What was Jesus Christ.....
» 7/02/2008 12:43:24 PM In terms of satire, Arjay's posts can't be topped. Well, maybe anything uttered by the Jen.....
» 31/01/2008 1:13:39 PM Quite frankly I think blaming feminism for your ills is as immature as blaming your parent.....
» 31/01/2008 10:12:49 AM Boy howdy! The umpteenth article blaming feminism for every problem in the world bar globa.....
» 31/01/2008 9:14:22 AM "[Gays] have no concept of the hardship and sacrifice of many ordinary heterosexual f.....
» 30/01/2008 9:00:49 AM Keith's use of the term 'socialist' reminds me of revolutionary leftists' use of the term .....
» 29/01/2008 3:33:46 PM Regarding the difference between religion and dogma, I think with religion you are looking.....
» 29/01/2008 10:34:30 AM I'm reminded of Lyndon Johnson's description of a Caribbean dictator: "He might be a .....
» 29/01/2008 9:20:22 AM Damn, Arjay just uncovered our evil plan for world domination... Back on planet Earth, I'.....
» 27/01/2008 9:33:21 AM Well, Arjay I think I refuted your arguments and threw in one or two personal attacks as w.....
» 26/01/2008 8:59:27 AM If there is a problem with sexual relations today, it has nothing to do with the prospect .....
» 25/01/2008 9:40:40 AM An interesting article. My atheism leads me to put Islam and Christianity in the same cate.....
» 25/01/2008 8:36:20 AM Arjay says: "You [gays] are a minority group and like the fanatical Muslims must lear.....
» 24/01/2008 8:59:23 AM "Marriage is about the procreation of the species" according to one poster. And .....
» 23/01/2008 4:25:44 PM Predictably the usual sick obsession with gay people's personal lives on the part of relig.....
» 24/12/2007 1:09:23 PM I just loved the supporters of the racists out at Camden trying to prevent the setting up .....
» 24/12/2007 12:26:02 PM Communism a form of atheism? Wrong, wrong, wrong! In theory, yes. As practised by Mao or S.....
» 24/12/2007 12:13:49 PM I don't know about Switzerland but in Australia, mining companies rent land after signing .....
» 23/12/2007 10:44:30 AM Empty myths indeed. This atheist regards monotheistic religions such as Christianity and I.....
» 20/12/2007 11:45:16 AM "Halt the laissez faire policy trend and progress must stall". Actually, keep .....
» 20/12/2007 10:09:49 AM If WorkChoices was so fabulous, why didn't the Coalition advertise it as a great new polic.....
» 11/07/2007 1:48:24 PM I'm not a woman but the thought of facing hideous pain every month would certainly turn me.....
» 10/07/2007 1:31:21 PM No, Ponder. I disagree. Zionism emerged in the 19th Century, the era of nationalist moveme.....
» 10/07/2007 8:56:55 AM If inequity is not a problem then model states are places like Brazil, Mexico or South Afr.....
» 4/07/2007 2:00:16 PM Nurses are some of the hardest working people I know and their skills mean that patients l.....
» 4/07/2007 11:37:57 AM Those who think that it's perfectly okay in our free enterprise system that the head of Ma.....
» 4/07/2007 10:41:19 AM Howard's grand plan around Aboriginal child welfare seems like a combination of a lot of t.....
» 4/07/2007 7:41:48 AM If Australians were offered a republic, what sort would it be? One where the head of state.....
» 3/07/2007 11:03:46 AM I think the Republican Movement still has some big hurdles. They argue Australia should ha.....
» 3/07/2007 9:20:44 AM There seems to be this idea that Pell somehow is not allowed to voice his opinion. With ea.....
» 2/07/2007 1:50:09 PM The main thing is that Pell's veiled threats didn't work. For yonks in this country Cathol.....
» 29/06/2007 1:58:54 PM I would suggest that prostitution can only exist in societies where sex is regarded as dis.....
» 29/06/2007 10:36:52 AM The laws of physics have nothing in common with belief systems such as Christianity. The t.....
» 28/06/2007 3:31:42 PM One things governments can do is to get serious about public transport. In Sydney at peak .....
» 28/06/2007 2:52:44 PM Somehow I can't see the number of men increasing in prostitution to remove the gender imba.....
» 28/06/2007 11:17:39 AM "On my excursions through the streets I spend a lot of time with the drug addicted gi.....
» 28/06/2007 8:27:55 AM George, firstly the controvesial issue here is religious teaching in state schools. If it'.....
» 27/06/2007 11:44:16 AM Whether it's a male pimp or a female brothel owner, I think you'll find that the people ma.....
» 27/06/2007 9:17:44 AM APR should note that seemingly rational people also believe in the tenets of Islam, Judais.....
» 27/06/2007 8:38:28 AM In response to this article, some people have said that women should have the freedom to s.....
» 22/06/2007 2:57:33 PM Israel has been called many things such as a "terrorist state" (fair enough), a .....
» 22/06/2007 2:05:10 PM Australia's first Prime Minister was Edmund Barton - not John Barton. Regardless of that.....
» 22/06/2007 11:38:29 AM "Getting rid of RI is not about any kind of freedom, it's about militant, dogmatic, f.....
» 22/06/2007 10:53:46 AM The first two posts remind me (if I needed reminding) of why I'm a militant atheist. Maybe.....
» 22/06/2007 8:11:53 AM Dear CatholicMom03 (I feel like we're old friends), you are right in that we won't convinc.....
» 21/06/2007 1:57:46 PM "I would ask you, if you haven't already, to read the New Testament. I think there ar.....
» 21/06/2007 11:10:50 AM It turns out I'm right on the money. Who would have thought? Oh well, I suppose blathering.....
» 21/06/2007 10:47:24 AM Danielle points out the relatively newness of Palestinian nationalism. This may be true bu.....
» 21/06/2007 10:13:05 AM The woman's back in America now and this seems to be the umpteenth article on her. Boy how.....
» 20/06/2007 2:03:00 PM A global Islamic state almost upon us? More hysteria and garbage. Like reds under the bed,.....
» 18/06/2007 12:01:21 PM I fail to see why comparing Israel with pre-1994 South Africa is anti-semitic - especially.....
» 15/06/2007 11:45:27 AM "Islam is a STATE AND A RELIGION." Garbage. Not in Turkey it isn't nor was it i.....
» 14/06/2007 2:55:11 PM Unfortunately in the Middle-East we see women being blown up partly thanks to a ham-fisted.....
» 14/06/2007 10:17:36 AM Billy C, you may be interested in reading Laura Flanders' book The Bush Women where she do.....
» 14/06/2007 9:53:57 AM It is one thing to believe in the existence of Jesus Christ. I hold that much to be true. .....
» 14/06/2007 7:41:57 AM The church does not believe in the death penalty for homosexuals? So says you, CatholicMom.....
» 13/06/2007 9:14:12 AM CatholicMomO3's views on homosexuality seem pretty whimpy compared with some True Believer.....
» 12/06/2007 3:53:29 PM The problem is that people like Albrechtsen get readers riled up and they respond in kind .....
» 12/06/2007 9:47:08 AM Instead of axing Jones, get Jones and Flint to do a morning show together. Also, get John .....
» 12/06/2007 9:31:38 AM So the Bible states "The Truth". This line of thought has lead to countless deat.....
» 8/06/2007 11:29:00 AM I always crack a wry smile when the likes of CatholicMomOf3 claim to have gay friends. Yea.....
» 8/06/2007 9:02:11 AM Who needs Mary Donaldson and that Danish guy? The affair between David Flint and Alan Jone.....
» 7/06/2007 10:51:28 AM The idea of homosexuality as a 'sin' is like my opinion that Christianity is no better tha.....
» 7/06/2007 8:29:22 AM In response to Rob, I enjoyed my trip to the US back in 2000 and I want to go again. I can.....
» 7/06/2007 8:18:00 AM Homosexuality a 'sin'? *groan*. Hey, do you think it's okay then for Muslim schools to tea.....
» 6/06/2007 9:30:56 AM I read the previous article by Peter West and it was full of cliched generalisations. The .....
» 6/06/2007 8:32:14 AM Individuals certainly are responsible for their health - but up to a point. You see, Austr.....
» 31/05/2007 1:41:01 PM "Benevolent colonialism"?! Tell that to the indigenous population of Australia. .....
» 31/05/2007 10:29:03 AM French foreign policy has been roundly critcised in American, British and Australian polit.....
» 31/05/2007 9:48:35 AM In terms of "Australian traditions" and trying to get new migrants to understand.....
» 30/05/2007 1:09:13 PM I'd like to know how many Jewish people find the term "Judeo-Christian" extremel.....
» 30/05/2007 9:10:19 AM I've always wondered about this term "Judeo-Christian" as if Jewish people and C.....
» 28/05/2007 10:48:37 AM At the risk of setting off yet another debate about abortion, events in China illustrate w.....
» 28/05/2007 8:54:01 AM It is not beyond the realms of possibility that a doctor in an authoritarian regime could .....
» 28/05/2007 7:47:21 AM Much better female roles models are women like Jeane Kirkpatrick, Madeleine Albright and C.....
» 25/05/2007 1:09:26 PM The trouble is Paris Hilton will be a loser when she gets old. All the millions in the wor.....
» 25/05/2007 9:19:01 AM Good article. The more I learn about this woman the more she makes me angry. Firstly, alth.....
» 24/05/2007 11:06:55 AM In response to goodthief, here is the last part of my previous post: "Finally, altho.....
» 23/05/2007 1:20:52 PM At the risk of answering my own questions...I'm going to answer my own questions. First up.....
» 23/05/2007 9:24:42 AM I have some questions. Should Amnesty have a neutral stance on China's one-child policy an.....
» 23/05/2007 7:32:22 AM Somehow I don't think the US and its allies invasion of Iraq is a particularly good model .....
» 22/05/2007 8:23:43 AM lesley & baba, if I could be of help I'd also recommend Beyond Blue (
» 22/05/2007 7:49:35 AM Islam as Arab Imperialism? But the biggest Islamic countries in the world are Bangladesh, .....
» 18/05/2007 1:21:01 PM grn, my main point was to find out whether anti-abortionists intend to live up to their pr.....
» 18/05/2007 11:23:24 AM If abortion is murder then logically anti-abortionists must campaign for the full weight o.....
» 18/05/2007 8:51:22 AM grn asks if I am critical of France because of its arming of murderous despots. Damn strai.....
» 17/05/2007 1:45:15 PM grn, Israel certainly is entrepreneurial. I've already mentioned its willingness to sell a.....
» 17/05/2007 7:43:10 AM This article is garbage. A quick look at the websites of the main human rights groups such.....
» 15/05/2007 1:32:09 PM My tax dollars go to the likes of John Howard so he can spew out biased rhetoric and imple.....
» 15/05/2007 10:00:19 AM What makes me puke is that politicians - ALP and Coalition - take Alan Jones and his ilk s.....
» 14/05/2007 1:24:17 PM I think environmentalists are required to be "good" people in a way in which sup.....
» 14/05/2007 10:04:48 AM Bob Carr also copped flak from John Hewson (remember him?) for being childless. More recen.....
» 11/05/2007 11:16:23 AM As an aside, I can think of the US Secretary of State and the German Chancellor on the con.....
» 11/05/2007 9:42:54 AM I agree with some of grn's comments. I remember reading a book on a well-off professional'.....
» 10/05/2007 1:25:12 PM Adele Horin's column in Saturday's SMH was interesting. Essentially, she made the point th.....
» 10/05/2007 11:24:05 AM I shouldn't dignify Leigh's contemptuous comment except to say something about rehab. Reha.....
» 10/05/2007 11:04:05 AM Heffernan honest?! If he was really honest he would have included Julie Bishop in his comm.....
» 2/05/2007 1:37:09 PM I have news for you, Mr Hockey. Regardless of official figures, we don't live in a era of .....
» 26/04/2007 2:54:15 PM Ena, I reckon if the Virginia Tech shooter was captured he'd face the death penalty given .....
» 24/04/2007 1:29:57 PM I'd like to know when this fabulous IR legislation that is being touted as so good for the.....
» 19/04/2007 1:40:26 PM I cannot possibly imagine me being able to defend myself with a gun. I'd probably shoot my.....
» 18/04/2007 3:01:18 PM Like I said, I do enjoy my freedom from guns. The fact that I'm here partly because so man.....
» 18/04/2007 2:09:24 PM I just want to make a point here - I used to be a Marxist and it was definitely not a rela.....
» 18/04/2007 10:43:10 AM Another problem with ready access to guns is the likelihood that domestic disputes will tu.....
» 17/04/2007 3:37:08 PM The pseudo-academic babble I used was meant as a joke. Okay, so I'm not Ross Noble. I do.....
» 17/04/2007 8:51:41 AM I notice in his sarcastic diatribe on taxpayer funded government ad campaigns Peter Saunde.....
» 17/04/2007 8:23:30 AM In his time, Shakespeare provided entertainment to everyone from Elizabeth I and her court.....
» 16/04/2007 2:52:03 PM I find Big Brother pretty revolting and in fact extremely boring. A bunch of vile yobs and.....
» 13/04/2007 2:22:58 PM It's good Grey described abortion as murder because leads me onto the following point: wha.....
» 13/04/2007 1:39:49 PM Hanson has grouped all Muslims (apart from the Christian ones - wherever they are) as peop.....
» 13/04/2007 7:56:33 AM Zoe72, the decision for a woman to have an abortion is so personal that nobody else should.....
» 12/04/2007 2:10:30 PM Banjo says: "Ms hanson [sic], has a right to advocate that certain people not be allo.....
» 12/04/2007 1:36:46 PM I'm glad Col Rouge raised the issue of abortion under Hitler's Germany because it's a lead.....
» 12/04/2007 10:02:29 AM I probably shouldn't dignify Banjo's previous comment. However, there is plenty of evidenc.....
» 11/04/2007 1:18:24 PM You're right, Banjo. In fact, I over-generalised. Pauline Hanson is on the record for supp.....
» 11/04/2007 10:57:04 AM It's strange how Country Gal and other female posters appear to want to restrict access to.....
» 11/04/2007 9:53:16 AM Perhaps the Sheikh could do a double act with Pauline Hanson around all the comedy venues......
» 11/04/2007 8:36:14 AM It would be interesting to see some research on women who are relieved they had an abortio.....
» 8/04/2007 9:47:06 AM Boy, some people have David Hicks on the brain. My point was this satire illustrates how p.....
» 5/04/2007 1:41:38 PM grn asks "so David Hicks is Jesus is he?" My answer is no, he's David Hicks. And.....
» 5/04/2007 11:27:01 AM It was very funny but it did make the serious point that Christ was considered a 'do-goode.....
» 4/04/2007 2:12:03 PM It is unfortunate that in Australia politicians tend to be humans rather than angels. Sadl.....
» 4/04/2007 1:30:46 PM Australia doesn't have compulsory voting. This furphy is so old it has a long, grey beard......
» 5/05/2006 4:02:00 PM Kevin Donnelly makes the valid point that regarding Shakespeare with Australian Idol as eq.....
» 5/05/2006 1:42:34 PM Given that this discussion has veered off into the ludicrous I may as well bite. When are .....
» 4/05/2006 3:53:32 PM Russell asks me "Finally, in response to DavidJS, did you know that Martin Bryant was.....
» 4/05/2006 10:28:52 AM Martin Bryant was a law abiding citizen until 28 April 1996. But no doubt he could have us.....
» 10/01/2006 10:42:41 AM The word 'racist' has certainly been overused. As have the terms 'politically correct', 'a.....
» 10/01/2006 6:56:26 AM While I am concerned about giving governments new powers, people should get it into their .....
» 9/01/2006 10:54:04 AM Dave Smith asserts (rather alarmingly) that the rioting made its mark in normally peaceful.....
» 9/01/2006 8:35:00 AM French society is good example of monoculturalism in a Western democracy and the Paris rio.....
» 9/01/2006 7:48:52 AM While were all getting excited about Lebanese gangs (that was sooooo unPC of me, how naugh.....
» 5/01/2006 1:38:43 PM The ridiculous thing about "Middle-Eastern Appearance" is that I would fit the d.....
» 5/01/2006 7:54:12 AM The new industrial relations laws have nothing to do with productivity or any such tosh th.....
» 5/01/2006 7:28:12 AM I think we'd be better off if government's turned their attention to the development of in.....
» 4/01/2006 10:33:46 AM Kenny, the problem is that while many people I'm sure would love to live in regional areas.....
» 20/12/2005 1:29:24 PM The conservatives I am referring to here are John Howard's core constituency. Those more l.....
» 20/12/2005 11:28:24 AM The author said: "Yet the more these youths are demonised, the more they are driven .....
» 20/12/2005 9:32:16 AM I'm sure many gays do vote Liberal. Given that federal Labor threw its lot in with the Coa.....
» 19/12/2005 12:52:58 PM Thank you, Robert. I must say though that this thread (so far) has been more informed than.....
» 19/12/2005 12:26:23 PM Of course there was no racism at Cronulla. In fact, racism doesn't exist anywhere. It's ju.....
» 19/12/2005 8:52:48 AM I hardly think a few gay men and lesbians marrying the partner of their choice is going to.....
» 16/12/2005 1:51:33 PM One salient issue that has been mostly overlooked is that the perpetrators of violence on .....
» 16/12/2005 12:22:23 PM David Flint talking about elites is hilarious! Look in the mirror, sweetie (you should fin.....
» 16/12/2005 9:33:57 AM Robert raises some interesting points about marriage provisions etc. I had a look at the M.....
» 16/12/2005 6:42:47 AM Some informed comment here as well as the usual homophobic dross. There seems to be some c.....
» 13/12/2005 12:02:56 PM And I know plenty of men and women formerly in straight relationships and who now identify.....
» 27/09/2005 10:58:44 AM The Commonwealth has funding allocations and guidelines for schools including private scho.....
» 27/09/2005 9:28:37 AM John, I'm in general agreement with you there. Although I will say that we should hold dem.....
» 27/09/2005 7:46:53 AM Col, I never have regarded my posts as "sacrosanct". That's your piffle projecte.....
» 26/09/2005 3:21:32 PM Leigh's logic could extend to Iraq. Don't go there - you'll be decapitated or blown up. Do.....
» 26/09/2005 11:17:25 AM I knew it was only a matter of time before someone had a go at "the left" in thi.....
» 26/09/2005 8:47:55 AM Well, kactuz is going to scream. Bring it on. You see it was the Reagan Administration's i.....
» 26/09/2005 8:26:36 AM The decline of Britain as an economic power goes further back than Col Rouge suggests. It .....
» 23/09/2005 1:33:23 PM "I don't hate [Muslims]. I just see them as death-loving, misogynist pagans." Is.....
» 23/09/2005 10:44:14 AM The problem for many self-styled conservatives is that their ideology rests on an fundamen.....
» 23/09/2005 8:11:45 AM How hilarious that rancitas (aka auntyhazel) has been suspended for naughty behaviour on t.....
» 22/09/2005 2:39:56 PM I didn't think I got the quote quite right but the overall point stands. Thatcher obviousl.....
» 22/09/2005 1:15:49 PM Numbat asserts that most terrorists are moslem (sic). First of all, Muslim is now the usua.....
» 22/09/2005 9:03:01 AM While stamp duty, regulations the building industry must comply with (reasonable or unreas.....
» 21/09/2005 4:22:06 PM Why would the US want to make war on Pakistan? Unlike Iraq, Central American countries and.....
» 21/09/2005 11:37:18 AM American power, however, under the Reagan Administration propped up Saddam Hussein in his .....
» 21/09/2005 10:40:39 AM I agree with Alex that children need discipline and there must be predictable consequences.....
» 20/09/2005 2:11:40 PM Yes you're right and when you see a house advertised the stamp duty is not even factored i.....
» 20/09/2005 1:00:29 PM In a sense, home ownership is not "natural" for want of a better phrase. What I .....
» 26/08/2005 1:02:05 PM Maybe not the last post on this subject but my last post. It has been really interesting h.....
» 19/08/2005 1:25:12 PM Back now. Made two converts. I am surprised the issue of homosexuality as a sickness hasn.....
» 19/08/2005 11:32:12 AM I'm confused when people refer to government ownership of enterprises as "socialism&q.....
» 19/08/2005 9:45:06 AM Forcing my views on people? Deary me. I appear to have forced people to read my article, r.....
» 18/08/2005 12:31:35 PM Grey could have added Christianity to his/her list of immoral deeds. It is to the more clo.....
» 18/08/2005 9:12:07 AM Anal sex is something many heterosexuals do and, conversely, many gay men actually don't l.....
» 17/08/2005 1:50:55 PM "The left" is basically anyone you disagree with. It's a nonsense term like &quo.....
» 17/08/2005 12:58:36 PM My attitude is that he should be given a trial in Australia and if he's found guilty or in.....
» 17/08/2005 10:23:38 AM Pericles point is a good one because it illustrates how private enterprises can be more ef.....
» 17/08/2005 9:09:53 AM It probably doesn't have a lot to do with supposed ABC bias. However, a point was made abo.....
» 17/08/2005 8:16:13 AM Some people at this forum seem to express surprise that I and others would take offense to.....
» 16/08/2005 12:44:03 PM I think you'll find the Federal Government has "tidied" up the figures in the wa.....
» 16/08/2005 12:09:45 PM The Alchemist says: "What the gay community along with the rest of the sane communit.....
» 16/08/2005 8:16:49 AM It's weird how you get some people whinging about overstaffing in organisations like the A.....
» 16/08/2005 8:05:30 AM As someone said, private businesses do have to respond to customers or go bust. Well over .....
» 15/08/2005 12:57:10 PM Moribund and inefficient?! Medicare, a government run health insurance fund is way more ef.....
» 15/08/2005 12:00:08 PM Bryan seemed to be confusing the theory of evolution with Social Darwinism. Given the rise.....
» 15/08/2005 9:13:57 AM Self-reliance and responsibility? Apart from the private school system, the aged care indu.....
» 12/08/2005 12:58:41 PM Part of the problem stems from 'corporatisation' whereby the government is a shareholder r.....
» 12/08/2005 10:22:30 AM The Coalition has been 'in' since 1996 yet we still get people like Ben Terpstra alleging .....
» 12/08/2005 9:04:10 AM A comparison between condoms and cigarettes?! Now I've heard everything LOL! The only way.....
» 12/08/2005 8:19:27 AM Terpstra forgot to call the ABC a Soviet-style collective (he used most cliches). That's a.....
» 10/08/2005 2:36:29 PM "The Corporation" was actually aired on SBS so if we're talking about "left.....
» 10/08/2005 12:55:50 PM It's interesting that Ben finds the documentary on Fox News an example of conspiracy theor.....
» 29/04/2005 8:43:17 AM The Anti-Discrimination Act in NSW and its equivalents elsewhere already require organisat.....
» 28/04/2005 4:18:18 PM One theory I heard re: the reduction of AIDS cases in Uganda was that there was nobody lef.....
» 28/04/2005 4:04:13 PM And objecting to the practice of homosexuality is no less bigotted than objecting to the p.....
» 27/04/2005 1:29:04 PM Well, Cadiz, I am pro-gay and anti-prostitution. I don't know how that sits with your vie.....
» 27/04/2005 8:30:45 AM Slumlord, fascism and communism are not the same as moral relativism. Hitler and Stalin h.....
» 27/04/2005 8:18:28 AM It is true that same-sex marriage has not been recognised legally in the past. However, g.....
» 26/04/2005 9:24:33 AM Well, I hope Slumlord remembers his/her condemnation of bigotry when the Catholic Church a.....
» 26/04/2005 7:59:58 AM In regard to the nuclear family, I certainly don't wish to make people abandon it. The nu.....
» 24/04/2005 11:35:59 AM I shouldn't be amazed (but still I am) of remarks aimed by some self-styled Christians tow.....
» 22/04/2005 2:01:51 PM I'd imagine many of the clergy here don't want to see a further haemorrhaging of their con.....
» 22/04/2005 1:40:24 PM Aslan, the point still stands that a legally sanctioned marriage (and one prefered by reli.....
» 21/04/2005 1:35:13 PM Dysfunctional behaviour? Do you mean an obsession with the relationships of gay men and l.....
» 21/04/2005 12:25:30 PM Aslan's quote from Matthew Loader does indicate that gay activists do have differing views.....
» 20/04/2005 12:03:32 PM It is all very well to talk about self-reliance but what about the largesse given to priva.....
» 20/04/2005 8:47:30 AM Aslan inadvertently reveals his/her contempt for marriage by asserting that homosexuals ar.....
» 19/04/2005 12:52:21 PM And I can't believe Em's ignorance of what this is all about. It is do with equality and .....
» 12/04/2005 2:35:28 PM I agree with Xena but I while I am repulsed by the opportunistic Christian fundamentalists.....
» 12/04/2005 8:25:26 AM Bozzie, you obviously haven't been following media reporting from Italy, Poland and elsewh.....
» 11/04/2005 9:30:16 AM Regardless of the assertion that secular humanism is dead, I think you'll find it operates.....
» 11/04/2005 8:06:30 AM Molly, I'd go for the Quakers - gay friendly and everyone shuts up and lets you think. No.....
» 9/04/2005 1:26:53 PM Xena, John Paul II has provided a black and white world view for young (and old) people wh.....
» 9/04/2005 12:28:25 PM The argument that a monarchy prevents instability and is above politics is also absurd. F.....
» 9/04/2005 10:39:48 AM Yes, Col, it certainly does not help by bring comparisons with Nazism into this debate. N.....
» 8/04/2005 10:26:16 AM In regard to the forthcoming wedding my response is an emphatic WHO GIVES A TOSS?! My mai.....
» 8/04/2005 9:52:57 AM Howard has pandered to plenty of minority groups. The voters of the likes of One Nation a.....
» 7/04/2005 1:13:48 PM Well, the so-called "silent majority" was hopeless in the last Federal election......
» 7/04/2005 8:47:52 AM The whole problem with a debate like this is that we talk about the "US" doing t.....
» 7/04/2005 8:22:55 AM Regarding "evil choices" (as Sayeret puts it): the last Federal election had not.....
» 6/04/2005 1:31:27 PM All this focus on Tony Abbott would not have happened if he kept his big mouth shut and no.....
» 6/04/2005 10:45:08 AM I'll really have to get around to reading this book. I wonder, however, how much in it is.....
» 4/04/2005 1:42:43 PM Sorry, Leslie. I'm going to play the man. I found Tony Abbott's discomforture over the l.....
» 24/03/2005 12:00:14 PM Glad you liked the article, Grace. It was a bit of a rush job but as the issue was topica.....
» 24/03/2005 11:40:16 AM There seems to be a contradiction in the arguments coming from the pro-Muehlenburg camp. .....
» 24/03/2005 10:48:08 AM I haven't read the book so I can't make an informed comment on Maddox's views. I can make.....
» 24/03/2005 9:50:08 AM A discussion of Syria has quickly become discussion of Israel. I'd like to consider a dif.....
» 23/03/2005 8:01:26 AM In Victorian England the age of consent for girls was 13. Books by the likes of Cyril Pea.....
» 22/03/2005 12:02:11 PM I really get fed up with the politics of envy Brendan Nelson engages in when he wants to s.....
» 22/03/2005 8:46:04 AM Wow, I agree with everything Davo says. Companies sell products by making people feel dis.....
» 22/03/2005 8:28:42 AM I would aim to remove sex education from what some would describe as "morality" .....
» 21/03/2005 3:05:27 PM Sex education should be taught in the home? I question that given that we usually don't t.....
» 21/03/2005 9:05:02 AM Davo is partly correct in terms of the struggle for gay rights in Australia being directed.....
» 21/03/2005 8:36:55 AM For me, the recent war in Iraq has presented a dilemma. On the one hand, it was good to s.....
» 21/03/2005 8:16:03 AM The hilarious thing about the metrosexual exercise is that the gay men I know (including m.....
» 18/03/2005 2:58:43 PM Bozzie says "What a joke! The left have NEVER condemned any human rights abuses by an.....
» 18/03/2005 1:28:37 PM This gay male finds "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" nothing more than yuppie co.....
» 18/03/2005 1:05:10 PM Without getting into an orgy of mutual backslapping, I'd like to thank those heterosexual .....
» 17/03/2005 4:04:46 PM Ringtail, interestingly enough the lesbian age of consent hasn't been discussed. Barnett'.....
» 17/03/2005 1:35:47 PM Timkins, why don't YOU write such an article? Why don't YOU lobby to have the inquiry you.....
» 17/03/2005 8:52:41 AM The hypocrisy and brutality of US administrations when it comes to Latin American politics.....
» 17/03/2005 8:35:04 AM David, when you say homosexuality is a "sad, destructive lifestyle" it reveals a.....
» 17/03/2005 8:21:33 AM I've learnt an important lesson here. Never use irony (or any sort of humour) when postin.....
» 14/03/2005 2:19:46 PM Clearly this is author's attempt to further the homosexual agenda using our young-uns to s.....
» 14/03/2005 10:33:46 AM Actually, it just gets beyond a joke. To blame feminism for an incident where a criminal .....
» 14/03/2005 8:23:21 AM And David, don't forget, Feminism is also to blame for 9/11, global warming and continuing.....
» 14/03/2005 8:19:22 AM Unfortunately, Biblical cherry picking is a major growth industry and David, your last pos.....
» 14/03/2005 8:04:03 AM Regardless of whether Tracey thinks the Emily Maguire piece is vague or badly written she .....
» 11/03/2005 1:21:26 PM Interestingly, the author didn't mention Emily Maguire's piece in the Sydney Morning Heral.....
» 11/03/2005 8:54:27 AM Ron, that was doing the email rounds a few years ago but it is still extremely funny. But.....
» 11/03/2005 8:47:11 AM In regard to Timkins question, why not say "homosexual orientation"? To say &qu.....
» 10/03/2005 3:45:12 PM The Bible may appear to be against homosexuality. However, the concepts of being gay, bei.....
» 10/03/2005 3:20:38 PM In regard to the Australian gay community, it used to be the case that male and female sep.....
» 10/03/2005 12:32:34 PM NAMBLA have no right to alter the law in order to allow their sexual practices free rein. .....
» 10/03/2005 8:15:04 AM Aslan asks what standard I use with regard to moral values. A standard which respects inn.....
» 9/03/2005 2:39:59 PM I'm not in the slightest bit interested in what Genesis has to say. The Bible (nor the Il.....
» 9/03/2005 2:21:17 PM In relation to abortion, it is interesting you (and Anne O'Rourke for that matter) didn't .....
» 9/03/2005 10:41:14 AM Timkins seems to deplore tolerance as a cover for moral relativism. And yet he doesn't li.....
» 9/03/2005 8:51:30 AM I think you'll find feminism is a vast social movement with many different women who accep.....
» 8/03/2005 1:49:02 PM I know what you mean. I'm not impressed by the cliche "politically correct" whi.....
» 8/03/2005 1:36:45 PM In terms of abortion, I don't think David should have cause for optimism. The concept of .....
» 8/03/2005 9:45:29 AM What goes on in homosexuals bedrooms? Not very much lately in mine. Every gay except me .....
» 8/03/2005 9:38:36 AM My concept of marriage is two adults entering into the contract. They could either be a w.....
» 7/03/2005 3:10:33 PM Sex education, like everything else, needs to be done properly and professionally taking i.....
» 7/03/2005 1:23:25 PM And all I'm saying is that the rights of workers who have to serve beer, clean up ashtrays.....
» 7/03/2005 11:50:38 AM A predictably circular debate about abortion. And a very long one. It's strange how fasc.....
» 7/03/2005 9:12:01 AM Religious fundamentalists won't like to hear this but they are not having it all their own.....
» 7/03/2005 8:12:54 AM We seem to have accepted smoking bans in restaurants and they were forced to have smoke-fr.....
» 5/03/2005 11:28:27 AM Davo is right insofar as there is bigotry within the gay community. It is deplorable that.....
» 4/03/2005 11:26:10 AM There will probably be an number of justifications posted on this site in favour of the pr.....
» 4/03/2005 10:29:27 AM Oh come on Grace! I was analysing the historical context of Austen's work as a primary sc.....
» 4/03/2005 8:58:36 AM Homosexuality is not a "lifestyle". It is a life with style. It is also a life.....
» 4/03/2005 8:32:35 AM Ros is correct in describing the foetus as a life. But so is an embryo, ova and sperm. T.....
» 3/03/2005 2:59:52 PM I have no problem endorsing Anne O'Rourke's comments. If anyone tried to threaten my repr.....
» 3/03/2005 8:07:58 AM Firstly, paedophilia (child molestation) is not a right. It is a violation of children's .....
» 3/03/2005 7:41:56 AM I see two separate (but related) points here. Personal debt seems to be increasing and by.....
» 2/03/2005 4:03:41 PM I understand though that tax in Australia is still not that high compared to other OECD co.....
» 2/03/2005 1:57:10 PM Aslan's last post, in a funny way, completes the circle. S/he disputes the fact that the .....
» 2/03/2005 1:40:52 PM Although I am gay, I can appreciate Davo's comments. I don't want anyone imposing heteros.....
» 1/03/2005 1:36:46 PM Oh, he did too! How embarrassing! At any rate, I thought I'd expand on the issues. I wo.....
» 1/03/2005 12:56:10 PM Fortunately at least, in Senator Greig's home state, we won't see an attempt for a while t.....
» 1/03/2005 8:43:11 AM I learned to read in the late 60s and early 70s. I don't know what theory I learnt by but.....
» 28/02/2005 8:05:53 AM I was in California in 2000, 2 years after the ban in restaurants, bars and similar venues.....
» 25/02/2005 3:04:10 PM For abstinence to really work you would have to advocate abstaining from sex after marriag.....
» 25/02/2005 2:19:57 PM Actually it's smokers who tend not to respect the rights of others and force their smoke o.....
» 25/02/2005 8:55:31 AM One alternative of not putting up with a dangerous work environment is to go on strike. T.....
» 25/02/2005 8:41:21 AM It's a simple matter of equity. Bar workers don't have the right to a smoke-free environm.....
» 22/02/2005 11:31:54 AM Aside from the argument regarding passive smoke and cancer, second hand smoke causes physi.....
» 21/02/2005 3:24:39 PM I don't particularly want anyone in charge. It's one thing to study the dynamics of globa.....
» 21/02/2005 11:49:29 AM What a ridiculously naive article. The implication that George Bush stands up for freedom.....
» 21/02/2005 10:00:41 AM We live in a "socialist state"? After nearly 9 years of a Howard Government? I.....
» 19/02/2005 9:23:55 AM How many times has "the left" blocked legislation? If you mean the "unrepr.....
» 18/02/2005 2:24:21 PM I am reminded of John Barron in "Whoops! Apocalypse" when he said to the US Pres.....
» 18/02/2005 12:52:14 PM So, the emperor in the Book of Romans refers to the US President? A rather creative readi.....
» 18/02/2005 8:16:52 AM Did Biblical guidance make the Carter Administration arm the Shah's Iran to the teeth only.....
» 18/02/2005 8:11:02 AM But Arjay, the Howard Government has been in power since 1996 and responsibility for the s.....
» 17/02/2005 4:06:50 PM Of course, the Reagan Administration and others could have supported nobody. There are th.....
» 17/02/2005 3:14:47 PM Iraq IS certainly better off with Saddam Hussein gone. But Iraqis would have been better.....
» 17/02/2005 2:39:37 PM Well Arjay, I've supported quite a few bludgers in my time. The National Party first spr.....
» 17/02/2005 2:35:07 PM So if I shot Ted Lapkin in the war against Zionist terrorism would I get rewarded? It see.....
» 21/01/2005 10:06:32 AM The beauty industry certainly contributes to ageism - to the point where some people are o.....
» 21/01/2005 8:22:52 AM Where to begin with Ozaware' errors and childish, barely articulate rhetoric? The only sy.....
» 21/01/2005 7:52:34 AM I don't defend such a man. However, from what I am starting to learn about Kinsey, the ac.....
» 21/01/2005 7:44:15 AM I did say that Kinsey may have a lot to answer for. And I'll give others the benefit of t.....
» 20/01/2005 1:20:24 PM Child abuse, pornography and sexually oppressive relationships precede the 1960s. Reading.....
» 20/01/2005 8:12:24 AM To clarify my view of family values. Family values means mothers and fathers don't have t.....
» 20/01/2005 8:00:21 AM Where is our sense of humour? Good question. But at which point do we consider some thin.....
» 19/01/2005 3:20:14 PM I suspect if Prince Harry went as Bin Laden the reaction would be much the same. Bin Lade.....
» 19/01/2005 2:57:29 PM "Socialist" and "left-wing" are obviously flexible terms. But it is i.....
» 19/01/2005 2:53:17 PM But it is the Murdoch and Packer families that control much of the media in this country. .....
» 19/01/2005 1:42:36 PM I wonder what these whingeing conservatives want from the ALP? A pat on the head for bein.....
» 19/01/2005 1:31:40 PM Prince Harry's behaviour is definitely irrelevant as far as the republic issue goes. I'd .....
» 19/01/2005 1:21:35 PM I don't know, I find Cranky's posts pretty funny. At any rate, many conservative Jewish p.....
» 19/01/2005 11:26:19 AM I wonder how long it will be before the dreary, overdone cliche "political correctnes.....
» 19/01/2005 9:35:07 AM Lead by the "crazy left of the party"?! The ALP has been lead by some of the mo.....
» 19/01/2005 8:22:49 AM The Prince has every right to dress up like a Nazi. And everyone else has the right to sa.....
» 19/01/2005 8:14:46 AM Jimmy's post used the very tired cliche "elites" to describe the left-wing of th.....
» 12/01/2005 11:11:10 AM Deroy Murdock argues that: "Supply boxes and food sacks should be emblazoned with Am.....
» 16/12/2004 7:55:03 AM The funny thing is that if people like myself criticise John Howard's policies there is al.....
» 15/12/2004 9:44:01 AM Cranky asks why get married if not to have a family? Maybe because people love each other.....
» 15/12/2004 8:47:17 AM Bozzie had ample opportunity to read Grace's posting then proceeded to blast her for thing.....
» 13/12/2004 7:59:32 AM Oh dear, it does seem this argument will go on forever. Unfortunately, I don't have the t.....
» 10/12/2004 2:28:09 PM Correction to my last post: I meant to say that heterosexual forms ARE the predominant fo.....
» 10/12/2004 1:42:37 PM DM, not all gays agree with Signorile. And I'm not entirely sure if Signorile holds the s.....
» 10/12/2004 1:23:47 PM Harm reduction actually is already government policy (Commonwealth and state) in regard to.....
» 10/12/2004 10:49:34 AM Homosexuality is somewhat different to a predisposition to sexual promiscuity. Men, wheth.....
» 10/12/2004 9:44:56 AM Abstinence is probably very good advice. It makes sense to not put yourself in a situatio.....
» 10/12/2004 8:16:22 AM Ah, Dr Greg. The "slippery slope" argument. Interestingly, such relationships .....
» 9/12/2004 1:38:48 PM Cat, the public have spoken in Belgium, the Netherlands etc where same-sex marriage is in .....
» 9/12/2004 1:35:40 PM Dr Greg, just to fill you in: I am definitely not a post-modernist nor moral relativist. .....
» 9/12/2004 7:57:19 AM Marriage is not an institution that has it's origins in Christianity as 2into1 suggests. .....
» 8/12/2004 2:11:35 PM Dr Greg appears not to understand what argument is. Let me explain: Bill Muehlenberg has .....
» 8/12/2004 12:43:08 PM Insofar as Muehlenberg has described the phenomena of nuclear families throughout the ages.....
» 8/12/2004 8:20:15 AM Director, you completely misunderstood my point. I made the point, and I'll make it again.....
» 7/12/2004 7:49:51 AM Sam, you could go even further by saying that we've always had poor people, we've always h.....
» 6/12/2004 1:10:48 PM Assuming Muehlenberg's research is generally correct (and I have my suspicions regarding r.....
» 6/12/2004 11:54:02 AM Whether it is 100,000 abortions or actually less than that figure, I must say I don't have.....
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