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The Forum > Article Comments > Harry versus the politically correct: But where is our sense of humour? > Comments

Harry versus the politically correct: But where is our sense of humour? : Comments

By Neil Clark, published 19/1/2005

Neil Clark argues that political correctness means we are in danger of losing our sense of humour.

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I wonder how long it will be before the dreary, overdone cliche "political correctness" dies as a result of old age? It is trotted out so regularly that you wonder if the writer of the article has anything real to say or just wants to sloganeer. It really puts you off reading the article and makes you think that the author would have inserted "chickens coming home to roost" and "rolling stones gather no moss" but for lack of space.

I did find the Prince's choice of costume offensive but as a member of the politically correct, left-wing, liberal, chardonnay-sipping, latte-drinking, bleeding heart elite (have I left anything out?) what would I know?
Posted by DavidJS, Wednesday, 19 January 2005 11:26:19 AM
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To be fair to Neil Clark, I chose the new title. It was originally published in The Australian yesterday with the title 'Laughter the best medicine for curbing fascism'. Susan Prior - Editor
Posted by SusanP, Wednesday, 19 January 2005 12:33:48 PM
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That's always been the problem with the left. Absolutely no sense of humour! Plenty of scowls, clenched teeth, tight thin lips, but definately no sense of humour.
Posted by Cranky, Wednesday, 19 January 2005 1:03:08 PM
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I don't know, I find Cranky's posts pretty funny. At any rate, many conservative Jewish people were offended by the Nazi costume. So were the British press, Prince Charles and other members of the British royal family. If all these people are leftists I'll drink my bottle of chardie in one gulp.
Posted by DavidJS, Wednesday, 19 January 2005 1:21:35 PM
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What is this obsession with bemoaning political correctness it has always be with us and always will be. I always wondered how the makers of superman would think that people would not see Clark Kent for who he was. I don't anymore change the name of manners to political correctness and suddenly no one knows what they are. I think what happens is if you like a social practice you call it manners and if you don’t you call it political correctness. The author of this article makes a valiant attempt to turn Harry into some political crusader but he falls well short. Now lets go have a nice cup of tea and remember pinkies up and out.
Posted by Kenny, Wednesday, 19 January 2005 2:09:16 PM
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Actually you're quite right DavidJS.

I was referring to the left in general. What Harry did was insensitive, not to mention stupid. There are still many people alive who lived through the horrors of the concentration camps, and many more who lost parents, relatives and everything else they held dear. It's not like it happened 1000 years ago.

The argument that Harry is only a normal 20 year old doing what normal 20 year olds do is pretty weak when you consider that he is hardly a normal 20 year old. I bet Harry wishes he'd gone with the Osama Bin Laden costume now!
Posted by Cranky, Wednesday, 19 January 2005 3:03:48 PM
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