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What really is PETA?

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You've got a flatbed scanner, you've got a cat. Once you run out of old porno magazines to scan in, what are you going to do? That's right. The cat!

At first glance, this site looks like some kind of insanely inhumane kind of deal with pictures of cats all contorted and meowing and miserable, but then you realize the Cat Scan Contest is just that: cats on flatbeds scanners! Nobody gets hurt, everybody goes home happy and the cats just lose a little bit of dignity. You gotta love technology.

So here's the deal: this guy has this site where you can (or could; the "first" cat scan contest is finished, check the site for details on when the second will begin) send in photos of your cat squashed against the scanner glass. It's a really simple but hilarious idea; all the cats look really angry and sort of sad that they're squashed up against the glass of a flatbed scanner. It's a really good way to get back at cats for their haughty attitudes, I think. There are millions of entries to look through, and the winner got a bunch of junk like some software and whatnot.

Almost as funny as the actual pictures of the flat cats, though, is the explanation of how the entries will be judged, including "Style: does the cat's squashed hair make an interesting pattern?" and "Form: does the cat's squashed body look like a pear, or a pile of dough?" There are also some hints for making good squashed cat scans, like this one: "KEEP THE F*_*_NG LIGHT OUT OF THE CAT'S EYES."

You know the drill. Scanner. Cat. Go.
Posted by myopinion, Thursday, 5 June 2008 2:18:40 AM
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I cant say I agree with you on rodoes or the roos.

After saying that you and I probably could put ourselves in the place of a person seeing nothing other than cruelty to animals.

I have always said the bottom line is a 'persons intentions.'

I would like to go back and comment on the apology regarding the Campaign angered Holocaust survivors.

I suppose one ought not raise this again but may I say I dont think Ingred would have meant to do anything other than raise awareness of the dreadful suffering of animals.

Those people who were so offended should also be the "first to relate to injustice and have compassion."

Is there a law somewhere that says peoples suffering is worse than animals suffering.?

Is there a law somewhere that says its insulting to compare the suffering of animals to that of humans? Because if there is it is wrong.

To a large degree we humans bring on our own problems . ie Fighting over whos God is best power money greed etc.

Animals on the other hand a totally inncocent of these sins and truely Gods most beautiful creatures. We only share this earth with animals and we only think we are superior IMOP.

Throughout the world millions of fellow creatures suffering daily at the hands of people.

Yet mostly the Church Leaders sit in silence. Then they pounce on someone who says something thats deemed offensive.

Whatever is said, where ever it is said ,- if it is said for the right intention I think it probably passed the real ruler of the earth.

After having said that I cant say Gods done much of a job to protect his most beautiful creatures. So I guess that leaves me somwhat at odds with everybody including him.

Its hilarious how they are scared of bird flue and other diseases that 'they' manufactered through cruelty to animals- but yet its never occured to them to ban intensive farming.

Maybe thats what its meant by - Reep what you sew.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 5 June 2008 6:45:58 AM
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My opinion,
Nobody has all the answers yet we have found PETA to be extraordinary TBO.

Now PETA say on their web site as well as others= Ban Live Animal Export trade and replace it with chilled only.

We looked at the history of animal welfare in Australia which also included PETA.

What we found missing was a project to do just that,- divert live to chilled.

We wondered why because it seemed the obvious thing to do.

So we decided to work on that side of the problem as nobody else was doing it.

We wrote to PETA and Animals Australia expressing interest to discuss promoting Free Fange in place of intensive and local slaughter instead of live exports

PETA refused to reply. They "refused" to even speak on a phone to staff... PETA hung in people’s ears.

Why did PETA 'refuse' to discuss a project to unite farmers with ME buyers to reopen abattoirs?

Mind you it’s not just PETA

Hugh Wirth for eg,is the President of WSPA and X President of RSPCA but still President on Victoria. Wouldn’t you know it "he too" refused to discuss this project.

This is despite the fact we work in conjunction with RSPCA QLD?

Now its mighty interesting Hugh`s and other your handle with care mob have contacted the very people you 'refused 'to meet "with at our invitation for years.

Anybody who has read these threads will see the attacks against our organization (even extending the personal attacks) Why?= because we decided to try to address the answer instead of the problem.

Nicky being the number one against our organization. I believe that person to be Suzanne Caz of Tasmania despite the denials.

We are just wondering WHY these people put on their sites *replace live with *chilled yet *attack the only people working hard to do *just that*.'

Is Animal Welfare all about fund raising? Is it in fact a political front for fund a raiser?

What’s you excuse Ingrid?
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 5 June 2008 9:37:54 AM
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Hi all

Myopinion, your lack of intelligence and discernment becomes more and more obvious. You fixate on one thing one person from PETA MAY have said (you provide no reference for that "quote") and attribute that to everyone involved in the animal advocacy movement. As for the cat and flatbed scanner rubbish, I can find no relevance in anything so ridiculous and puerile.

PALE, you were doing so well with your first post, and for once, I largely agreed with you. Then you went on and ruined it to re-hash all the same old bitter claptrap. If you really think I am Suzanne - good on you, and thanks for that. Keep thinking that if you wish, I couldn't care less, and Suzanne probably would care just as little if she knew. Have you told her that she has an alter-ego? Or is it "Debbie" you are confused over?

Only you know the real reasons why these people (PETA, Hugh Wirth, Animals Australia, Animal Liberation, WSPA, Handle with Care are the ones you have named at various times, and that's just about everyone) chose not to work with you, but there is certainly a common thread there, is there not? Could it possibly be your attitude? I've actually heard recently, after making a few enquiries, that people have moved house and changed their telephone numbers to get away from you.

It is hardly reasonable to accuse the whole world of being misguided when it appears that the problem is with PALE.

Posted by Nicky, Thursday, 5 June 2008 3:53:28 PM
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You lack knowledge within the industry.

You were asking Yabby the right questions but then- back to your old bible- Pity.

Try this next time.= Easytimes =I do not agree with your opinion and this is why= Instead of your an idiot etc.

Your 'very naive' Nicky.

You trust in the great leaders a hundred percent? Despite NO results other than millions of dollars of funds being raised for YEARS! 'I dont'

' We suspect Animal Welfare is extremely political'.

We looked at Hugh and listended while you all complain about him for 20 years. Only to except him as your world leader?

I question his motives? Suspect they go beyond his huge ego?

IMOP hes a Government trouble shooter or watch dog.- Dog being the key. 'Personally' do I trust RSPCA National for the same reasons.

We looked at Andrew too - gaining votes for himself through Animal Welfare and PASSING those votes onto ALP for years?

We look at him and all of the others and questioned WHY they never in twenty years prior to us even once contacted the Muslim Leaders?

Maybe its just poor leadership but whatever it is its not good enough- We suspects its more TBO.

I must thank you however of written confirmation of the person who used the name of our organisation as her own name complete with a donation button to be hideing from us.

The fraud squad will be delighted with this evidence Nicky.

TBO I wasnt going to bother but as you have made it so easy. Tar.

Getting back to Ingreds comments. Cant see much wrong with them myself except that animals STILL suffer this treatment.

'I am offended 'that people complained. Small minded people who clearly could not care LESS that this suffering is 'still going on'.
Suffering is suffering be it people or animals NO DIFFERENCE

I will stand by Ingred on 'that one.

Australias cruelty to Animals is being encouaged by the RUDD Government.
The milky bar kid whos not short of a quid but terrible short on MORALS
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Friday, 6 June 2008 7:41:51 AM
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I have to rush to feed my horses so a quick one.
Dont be so quickly brain washed against us. Sure we are the enermy Nicky. Yup they apparently hate us. Mind you this was even before we worked with Muslim leaders.
Ask yourself this and be honest to yourself. If they all say replace live with chilled yet turn and attack the lone group working a "programe to implement that with farmers and Muslim Leaders what does that tell you? Arnt you just the slightest suspicious.

If they rejected new kids on the block complete with six lawyers as members who offered to help freee of charge ( one being a QC- what does that tell you?
It either means that= As they All provided in writing reopening plants to faze out live is NOT on their agenda. So WHY have it on their web sites?
I am talkng outside scool here but you might like to know the very last meeting of AFIC brought in a agreeement to go to Congress to Ban Live Exports.

Here is a short copy of just a few words to myself from Ikabel the evening before AFIC closed.

"But one thing that we did yesterday was passed a motion that AFIC believed that live animal trade is inherently cruel and that we will be lobbying to put a stop to this.
Now nicky thats through PALES years of hard work with AFIC not AA or Hugh.
All Hugh has done going through the back door is create HUGE problems as Halal Meat is very important and so are MOUs.

Hugh actions have hindered the Animals NOT helped and his behavoiur as well as AA is under a careful eye.

Its a matter of record we invited Hugh and AA for YEARS to join us working under our MOU with Muslim Leaders.

Heads are going to role and we have questions for Hugh to answer

HOWEVER - We will only do whats best for Animals.
Your move Hughy.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Friday, 6 June 2008 8:21:43 AM
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