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What really is PETA?

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*We "normal" farmers, Yabby?*

Yes Dickie, we normal farmers. Of the thousands of WA farmers,
most do much the same as I do. Use standard concentrated P and
K, then some N, although alot of that is supplied by legumes.

As I pointed out to you in the Landline article, those rejoicing
about human sludge, are in fact organic growers.

What the occasional farmer in WA did, is as much my responsibility as
it is yours what the occasional woman in WA did. Neither is
any of my business. Should I hold you accountable for every
fruitcake female in WA? (apart from yourself of course ) :)

Dickie, you seem to be so terrified about what you eat, best
you give up eating altogether, so that you cannot be poisoned
by us evil people!

As my evidence shows, organic farmers love sludge. So off you
go and eat a bit more recycled sludge and pay a premium for it,
for the food which us normal farmers produce, is clearly simply not good
enough for you.
Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 3 June 2008 11:54:06 PM
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Hi all

Dickie, that is scary stuff indeed, but certainly not beyond the realms of what agriculture is prepared to do to turn a profit. Myopinion, I don't really think your egocentric, ill-informed, and bigoted views are worth dignifying with much of a comment, since you appear to be quite fixated on perpetuating animal abuse to the best of your (limited) ability. And it is your intellectual ability that is so noticeablly limited.

Conversely, the majority of people with whom I have been involved in animal advocacy work are degree-qualified professionals, and far from the "dole-bludgers" you accuse them of being.

You, on the other hand, are driven to the teachings of the amoral to justify what you do.

PETA and Scientology? I can see that you would be drawn to the latter, and totally uncomprehending of the former.

I'm sure you will enjoy your "barbecue", and the rotting, carcinogenic animal flesh inside you.

Posted by Nicky, Tuesday, 3 June 2008 11:56:04 PM
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"Conversely, the majority of people with whom I have been involved in animal advocacy work are degree-qualified professionals."

Plueese! Am I meant to be impressed? There is nothing worse than someone who has left university with a degree and think because they have it that they are actually smart. I have a friend who doesn't have a degree and earns over $250K a year. I earn over $200K a year but I don't have a degree, so put that in your pipe and smoke it! By the way I haven't farmed for over 10 years, but at least I can say I have done it, unlike you rabbit food eaters.

"PETA and Scientology? I can see that you would be drawn to the latter, and totally uncomprehending of the former."

Actually nicky I do understand those organizations and that is why I am so critical of them. You don't have to be rocket scientist or have a degree to know what they are about.

And what is your opinion of feral control of foxes, rabbits and cats?
Now that should be an interesting answer.
Posted by myopinion, Wednesday, 4 June 2008 12:28:49 AM
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I read this the other night and thought maybe rodeo is cruel...

Spokane, WA has been the latest victim of an animal rampage in North America. A maddened 2,000-lb. bull, driven insane by the torture and taunts of a rodeo crowd, threw its rider, broke out of the ring and ran wild in the streets of Spokane!

The frenzied animal charged through the streets of this tiny town, easily out-weighing all the police cars on Spokane's puny force. Despite SHOTGUN BLASTS from Spokane's finest, it continued running, crunching a compact car like a Mountain Dew can in the process!

Amazingly, this out-of-control behemoth managed to escape into the woods! It made a break for it, and then got out to freedom! As of this writing, the huge rhinoceros-like creature is still at large, knocking over might redwoods and gigantic boulders in its total furor of destruction.

Police have asked Spokane residents to keep an eye out for the bull. The bull is 6'-4" tall, about 8-1/2' long, brick red with matted sweaty fur, razor-sharp hooves, and telltale buckshot scars on its monumental ass. It will be readily recognizable as a gigantic, hairy bovine creature snorting huge gusts of steam out of its bloodied snout like a demon from Hell's worst nightmare as it crushes automobiles, backhoes, small homes, freeway overpasses, and anything else that stands in its way.

If you DO encounter the bull, DO NOT try to confront it! Instead, play music of unearthly beauty on your violin that will soothe and charm the savage beast. When it is overcome with aesthetic emotions and subdued, hit it on the head with a shovel.
Posted by myopinion, Wednesday, 4 June 2008 12:33:32 AM
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nicky, genocide is not an appropriate word because no one is trying to eliminate sheep,cattle etc. Similarly so with the holocaust, the intent of that was to wipe a particular race off the face of the earth, for no logical gain - only ideology.
I accept you do not like the thought of people eating animals, but the intent behind their deaths is completely different, and certainly not to eliminate them as a whole.

The use of such analogy by animal groups is pure propaganda, and I'm surprised so many take it unquestioningly. I'm sure they believe the end justifies the means, but truly such misinformation and lack of credibility can only eventually embarrass thinking supporters.
Posted by rojo, Wednesday, 4 June 2008 3:05:58 AM
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*and the rotting, carcinogenic animal flesh inside you.*

Written like a true fanatic Nicky, which is what you people
seem to be all about. Religious or philosophical, there is
little difference. Both are in denial about those parts
of their philosophies, for which they have no answers.

What you simply refuse to address, is the realities of nature
and evolution. Every species makes a living one way or another.
Herbivores do it, by converting low quality grasses and pastures
into nutrition on which they thrive, some predators make
a living by eating those herbivores. Change the balance and
those herbivores die slow, cruel deaths, starving to death.
Why that you think that its fine for animals to starve to death
in nature, or be ripped to bits by other predators, but wrong
for humans to eat them, you have yet to answer.

As to the "rotting flesh", I remind you that when you are on
the toilet, the smell is not of rose petals :) Things are
rotting inside you Nicky, just like anyone else.
Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 4 June 2008 4:38:16 PM
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