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The Forum > General Discussion > What really is PETA?

What really is PETA?

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Perhaps while the Muslims are about it, the farmers could join them and say "we object to our animals being tortured like this". No, not them, because there's a few extra bucks to be made here.

They are foolish if they think PETA has dropped its opposition to the live export trade, and look what PETA has achieved with mulesing. There would have been no research into alternatives had PETA not exposed it world wide. Now it's a matter of exposing other aspects of the livestock industry in Australia - and we're working on that. The international community has made it clear that mulesing is unacceptable since awareness has grown - we just need to keep getting the information about live exports, long distance transports within Australia and some of their other nasty practices out there. Time consuming, but achievable. We just have to encourage the international boycotts, if we could do it over mulesing we can do it over live exports.

Posted by Nicky, Thursday, 12 June 2008 12:23:14 AM
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"You obviously don’t understand anything about how the economy works, what international trade or agreements mean."

We understand much more than you Dipsy Doo. Your total lack of rationale in any of your arrogant rants, reveals that you would not have the foggiest about live exports which, last year realised $690,000 and chilled and frozen meat exports some $6 billion.

When a ban was imposed on live exports to the ME, chilled and frozen meat exports increased.

One plus one equals two but maths are not taught in lunatic asylums.

Therefore, must you persist in making a goose of yourself? Go away and take your medication - please.
Posted by dickie, Thursday, 12 June 2008 12:43:37 AM
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"last year realised $690,000 and chilled and frozen meat exports some $6 billion."

Correction. Should read:

last year realised $690 million and chilled and frozen meat exports some $6 billion."

Good night all
Posted by dickie, Thursday, 12 June 2008 2:00:52 AM
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*and look what PETA has achieved with mulesing.*

Yup, huge numbers of sheep will die miserable and slow deaths,
eaten alive by maggots, because of Peta's actions.

What a sad story of the law of unintended consequences in
action and you people are still too stupid to understand it.
So many animals will suffer because of your actions.
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 12 June 2008 5:24:19 AM
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Hi all

Those sheep will only die slow terrible deaths becaus:

Farmers have interfered with the breeding of these animals, creating a breed unsuited to the Australian environment
Farmers neglect them by failing to monitor/treat them properly
Farmers won't pay for more frequent crutching
Farmers feed Merino sheep incorrect diets
Farmers insist on farming these animals in areas to which they are unsuited
Farmers are greedy and insist on breeding/keeping more animals than they can adequately care for then complain bitterly at the cost of medication for them

As for myopinion, once again you are in fairyland, but I won't bother going there.

Posted by Nicky, Thursday, 12 June 2008 8:16:45 PM
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Whatever you want to accuse farmers of Nicky, I can assure you that
the magic fairy is not going to come along with her magic wand
and wave it over farmers.

Farmers, like women are made up of all sorts of people, good, bad,
indifferent, caring, less caring.

What is now going to happen, is that huge numbers of sheep will
suffer and die, because of Peta's actions, which at least had
some protection from blowfly strike before.

If Peta had half a brain, they would have pushed for Trisolfen.

Instead, they think that the magic fairy is going to come along
with her wand. I have news for you!

With rising fuel prices and sheep worth 20 bucks a head, do you
think that the magic fairy will make farmers check their sheep
more often?

Ignore human nature and the law of unintended consequences at your

Fact is that millions of sheep will suffer because of Peta's actions
and farmers won't feel a thing.

So frigging intelligent, you lot.
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 12 June 2008 9:22:31 PM
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