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What really is PETA?

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Alexandra0814 – “I think that the topic of this thread is wandering a bit. But I can't help noticing that the two (apparently male) farming identities seem to be relying largely on insults and sexist remarks because they are being argued with.”

Dickies 1st post on this thread –“That this hypocrite (myopinion) can attack anyone is astonishing. He advised on the cull thread that he is a former sheep farmer and that he rode bulls here and in the US.”

“by the rash of inhumane "myopinions" who are driven by greed to suppress vital information.”

Nicky’s 1st post on this thread –“Myopinion, you are already a self-confessed animal cruelty practitioner.”

Go to page two and read my response to dickie’s assumed claims about me. You will see that I responded appropriately and without any verbal abuse, unlike those two. However if you had read the whole thread, you would already know that.

Her response was to me; “Clearly you have a cruel indifference to and a relish for the atrocious practices of the industries you have participated in.”

These two started the verbal abuse and continue to use it. When they cop it back they can’t handle it.
They have both changed the direction of this thread that was started by me, on at least two occasions. This is for their own personal little jihad against anyone that doesn’t agree with their notion of how the world should be.
They have answered very few of the questions put to them, and if they don’t have an answer they have then verbally insulted the person asking the question.

I find it mind boggling that you appear on this thread and then accuse myself and Yabby of being sexist and verbally abusive. Can't you read English properly? If you’re going to make a comment, then why don’t you make a comment that is unbiased and constructive? However if you want to continue with your false assumptions, feel free and join the other two.
Posted by myopinion, Wednesday, 11 June 2008 1:34:44 PM
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Alexandra0814 now is it? Ok Nicky Debby Suzzane whatever. I note all the dodgey bodgey names who hide like crooks in the night.
Whats the matter with you lot. Why cant you be honest about who you are like us.
Anyway what I say to you all:) is this.
The fact you have to ask me what pale has done in its few short years is an example of your ignorance.
I am not going to sit and crow because we are WELL off the mark from achieving what we want.
We have given the people of this country a clear alternative apart from just the veggie approach.

We have worked with rather than against RSPCA by working in conjunction with RSPCA QLD.

We have shown some real leadership by signing off on mous with leaders of the Islamic Councils.

We have even managed to give some farmers some assistance and a new programe

Mind you the ever faithful sneaky mob have trudged to back doors in the last eighteen months.

However thats not something you two girls would be aware of because I am sure 'IMOP your only used to come in here posting anti pale comments.
You have NO idea whats going on but stick with your 'little agenda' to discredit pale. By the emails we are getting the public finally can see its a clear agenda to stop us from diverting live to chilled at all costs.

Isnt that right? You dont want to stop live meats. You want to STOP all meats.

They dont want any changes to their industry which is imop fund raising.

Now if I am wrong then it can only be they are stupid.

Its one or the other. Er, in hindsite perhaps I am wrong.

Blimey it could be both!
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Wednesday, 11 June 2008 3:22:55 PM
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Hi all

Poor Alexandra, that will teach you. Never mind, Dickie and I are used to this rubbish from myopninion, Yabby and PALE. As I decided earlier, I'm not even going to bother going there with the former two, I've been down the track too often, going over the same tired ground.

PALE is an interesting case though. It has "signed off on MoUs with Muslim Leaders". So:-

How many MoUs?
What were the provisions of these MoUs?
What was the legal standing of these documents and what is it now (since there are no office-bearers at AFIC at this time)?
What precisely did they achieve in "fazing" (sic) out live exports
How many farmers - exactly - has PALE assisted and what form did that assistance take?
How many slaughterhouses has HKM opened and where are they?
To what extent have they impacted on the numbers of animals exported live?
Are animals pre-stunned at these slaughterhouses?
What exactly does PALE's "team of lawyers" (all of whom I suspect are related to PALE's Director in Chief and Director of HKM) do (other than threaten the rest of us with legal action every time we disagree with PALE)?

You see, we NEVER get any ANSWERS to these questions, just barrages of hate and delusion, because so many people have opposed PALE, for whatever reason, PALE thinks they are all one person. I keep asking for just a shred of proof that PALE has actually achieved anything other than the complete alienation of the entire animal advocacy community.

BTW, what is the connection between violence and common sense?

Alexandra, don't let it get to you! Dickie and I don't.

Posted by Nicky, Wednesday, 11 June 2008 7:54:23 PM
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We have been open with everyone.

Many of the things you keep asking comes under others people biz in confidence. Surley that is not the way they teach people these days in uni to handle such matters.

Once you came out from behind your false names you were further invited to join the mou.

It just so happens that was a very important part of it.

It was really important for AA or someone to then co ordinate their different groups working under their umbrella. To assist with establishing animal welfare Muslim groups in each state of Australia.

The other part was working as hosts to introduce Muslim visitors to farmers. Talking to farmers to make them aware of this oportunity to meet with buyers direct.

Helping to identify land for new plants- again by working with farmers.
The rest would have to be left up to us. However of course as usual I am waisting my breath.

If you really care about animals pls know only by DOING it- 'Opening more plants'- instead of talking about it= will actually faze out live exports.

Oh but I forgot you oppose reopening plants Dont you.? Be honest. Instead of bagging Yabby and farmers. Make them a better offer- 0r at least an equal one.

Do the homework and bring on a federal case taking on the Government.
Yup its doable BUT Remember this, If Rudd banned it tomorrow it would mean nothing zilch. Why?

Because we would still need more plants to handle it. Thats WHY all our efforts go in that direction.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Wednesday, 11 June 2008 8:47:01 PM
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Hi again all

1. I do not use false names, I don't need to. I use a nickname so that I can't be contacted directly by people with whom I choose not to be involved

2. I am not a member of any animal advocacy groups therefore would not be working under any such umbrella. I also choose not to associate myself with your Muslim friends for reasons given multiple times, and farmers have more than enough people sucking up to them already.

3. "Commercial in Confidence" is the line that the government and the exporters use. Is it significant that PALE uses the same line? It's about hiding information from the public.

4. And I'll say it again - if your idea was the solution we would have seen it. So clearly that idea was never going to work.

5. And still we have no answers to the questions asked.

Dickie is right. Perhaps your Muslim friends would be better putting their money where their mouths are and representing the cruelty issues to their own countries, not the least being the fact that the meat the "poor" (and the rich) are being provided with, from brutalized animals, is not in fact halal, it is haram. I don't think you have too much hope of converting them to abating the cruelty either, here or in other countries. It's the culture. The solution is not to send them animals, and it not up to anyone to offer farmers alternatives. They should be able to do business in line with community values and expectations, but, as with their "husbandry" techniques, they will have to be dragged, kicking and screaming to change. And that may have to happen through international pressure.


Posted by Nicky, Wednesday, 11 June 2008 10:57:32 PM
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Nicky –“The solution is not to send them animals, and it not up to anyone to offer farmers alternatives. They should be able to do business in line with community values and expectations, but, as with their "husbandry" techniques, they will have to be dragged, kicking and screaming to change. And that may have to happen through international pressure.”

Well the fanatic has spoken again. Statements like what is above really shows how stupid and uneducated you are when it comes to knowing anything about farming. You and your other brainless half dickie continue to criticise and verbally abuse farming and farmers in this country. Why don’t you go and do it to their faces since you both think you’re so brave. As I said once before “the faceless cowards of the internet.”

You obviously don’t understand anything about how the economy works, what international trade or agreements mean. You are living in dream land if you think that any government in this country, be it Labour or Coalition, are going to stop the live export trade unless there is a viable alternative. The prejudices and ranting of you two will have no effect on their decision. Think of what comes from farming: wool, mutton, beef, pork, vegetables, diary products, fruit, wheat, sunflower, oats, cotton etc., etc. Now think of all the offshoot products that come from each of the above and then work out what that is worth to the economy and to the value of exports. You two have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. It’s your little ‘claim to fame’, running around the internet big naming yourselves and writing absolute nonsensical gibberish because you’re gullible.

As for your pathetic threat “they will have to be dragged, kicking and screaming to change. And that may have to happen through international pressure.”

Nicky you have stated that your cousin is a psychiatrist in Melbourne and who is fascinated by delusions, particularly those to do with self-aggrandizement.
You should book yourself in for an appointment, and take dickie, you might get a group discount.
Posted by myopinion, Thursday, 12 June 2008 12:19:50 AM
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