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What really is PETA?

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"No dead zones in the Indian Ocean Dickie, but the fish are short
of food. Stop lying."

Not man enough to apologise, Yabby? I thought not.

And you continue to manipulate the facts. We are not opposed to mulesing. We are opposed to the cruelty which accompanies this procedure because you refuse to use anaesthesia. Please for the first time in your life, separate the two.

That also applies to all the other medieval surgical procedures you perform on incarcerated beasts, bellowing and crying in agony.

David Attenborough is as clinical and frigid as you. Only last night, he was salivating over and portraying the predatory skills of lions. My young family members are well aware of the laws of nature but are mature enough to realise that Attenborough relishes showing an animal being brought down, which certainly would get your juices flowing, however, we simply switch off.

God only knows what Attenborough's footage does to the cockroach and the opinionated one. Some orgy that would be eh, shooting up and bashing their prey to death.

Incidentally, mulesed sheep also get fly blown but that's not for public knowledge, is it?

Have you had a vasectomy Yabby? Did you have anaesthesia? Come come now. You didn't did you? Of course you did or would. I knew you were a wimp and a coward. It's well documented that those who torture animals are.

Whether we eat meat or not is none of your business and not relevant to good versus evil. You are so out of touch and have no idea how many knowledgeable people have become vegetarian because of your heinous actions.

Nicky do you know how many animals are crammed in on ships to the Middle East? I need to include that in my statistics, thanks.
Posted by dickie, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 9:54:01 PM
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Now that Nick-n-Dick are in a more rational mood, I would greatly appreciated some explanation and elaboration about the the cruelty aspects of the annual seal hunt in North West Canada. It would be of value to many readers if you were to provide a factual analysis of the sealing operation from the anti sealing view point. I am sorry but I do not cope well with emotional arguments like many other people.

It would be helpful if you were to also compare and contrast the various animal liberation groups with the traditional organisations such as RSPCA. I am thinking of Voiceless, PETA, Animals Australia and other groups that you are familiar with.
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 10:05:59 PM
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I submit this on behalf of a mate of mine who has wondered:

"If PETA is concerned only with the "ethical treatment" of animals, which is a laudable purpose :
(a) Why is their ultimate aim to see an end to all human exploitation of all animals, including animals as companions to humans? Surely most if not all modern human communities are all the richer (in terms of ethics & aesthetics) for having companion animals as part of those communities. Conversely, dogs for example, clearly crave human affection - they choose to be with humans.
(b) Why is it necessary for PETA to support (covertly - there is documented evidence for this claim) violent activities which harm humans?"
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 10:09:11 PM
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Hi all

Dickie, regarding the number of animals on the ships - that depends on which ship and what type of ship, some, for example may carry 60,000 sheep and 20,000 cattle, some may only carry sheep. If you have a look at there is a document there called "A Disaster by any other name" - it details all the ships used from Australia, there histories, their re-births under other names (usually following a major incident, for example the Cormo Express, an old car transporter, became the Merino Express). The document was written by Suzanne Cass, a Tasmanian animal advocate, is referenced against the Fairplay International Register of Shipping, and also lists the numbers of times each of them has been detained in Australian ports for major defects.

A ship like the "Al Kuwait" can carry something like 120,000 sheep, and is over 40 years old, the "Al Shuwaikh is a bit smaller, and these are converted oil tankers. The "Becrux" is a similar capacity. The latter two carry sheep and cattle, but you are certainly talking around 100,000 animals per shipment on these larger ones. Another is the ill-fated "Maysora", an old container ship. Have a look also at the following link:

Cowboy Joe, I'll respond to your questions in a separate post.

Posted by Nicky, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 11:45:48 PM
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Hi again all

Cowboy Joe, you asked about the Canadian seal hunt. I'm sure it's a loaded question, but I'll answer it anyway. I cannot see any possible justification for clubbing to death baby animals for their fur. I cannot see any justification for the use of fur at all, since there are synthetics which serve as good or better a purpose. There is the argument of the Inuit people that it is a cultural pursuit, but that is similar to the argument used to justify the Tasmanian short-tailed shearwater (commercial) hunt. There is also a "recreational" shearwater (otherwise known as muttonbirds) "season". So that turns it into a political argument.

Other arguments advanced for the Canadian seal hunt is that the seals deplete the fish population, but there appears to be no real scientific evidence to support that, nor is it mostly the Inuit people who do the butchering. The major arguments we have against it though is the cruelty: a) it is well documented that a large number of the pups are skinned while alive and conscious and b) while their mothers flounder on the ice trying to protect them.

You asked about the various animal welfare/advocacy organizations. The most conservative is the RSPCA, which does not oppose the use of animals for anything much provided it is done "humanely". It has regulatory powers under most POCTAA state legislatures, and that is the only legislation in the country left to enforcement by a charity. Animals Australia and Voiceless would be, in my view, the most authoritative of the more mainstream groups; they are staffed by highly qualified people who back their material with considerable research and investigation. Animal Liberation, in the States where it is active (mainly NSW, Victoria and SA) are more activist/protest oriented. As for PETA, it is an international organization, both authoritative and activist, and very savvy. I don't know any animal advocate who would be involved in form of violence against other living creatures, humans included. For the record, I do not belong to any.

Posted by Nicky, Wednesday, 11 June 2008 12:07:13 AM
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The truth has prevailed and nicky has beat a hasty retreat to other threads to baffle and confuse people with her irrational ramblings. I spoke too soon, she has returned. Won’t this be riveting.

Now let’s look at dickies unintelligible slogans. I won’t be correcting her spelling mistakes as I usually do. She’ll have to learn to spell correctly herself. It must be all that university education.

Dickie – “I acknowledge my error on the sheep's tail and apologise.”

Well finally you have admitted you were wrong. Mind you, you are wrong about a lot of things on this thread but I suppose one admission is a start.

1. 2005: "A "dead zone" devoid of life has been discovered at the epicentre of last year's tsunami four kilometres beneath the surface of the Indian Ocean. Scientists taking part in a worldwide marine survey made an 11-hour dive at the site five months after the disaster.

"They were shocked to find no sign of life around the epicentre, which opened up a 1000-metre chasm on the ocean floor. Instead, there was nothing but eerie emptiness."

How fascinating. Do you think (there’s a foreign word for you dickie), that the occurrence of the tsunami might have something to do with the dead zone? I certainly would. And please tell how many live sheep or cattle are shipped from Australia through the area where the dead zone is located?

The PM of Malaysia trucked in 6 cattle and 10 goats and had them slaughtered at Parliament House for his wedding last year so what can one expect from those "refined" people in the Middle East?

Number one: who cares? I certainly don’t. I am quite sure there are more important things to be concerned about than how the PM of Malaysia butchers his tucker.
Number two: Malaysia is in Asia and not the Middle East, so I fail to see the comparison.
Number three: the link above does not work, but I suppose that happens when you pinch someone else’s work and post it as yours.
Posted by myopinion, Wednesday, 11 June 2008 12:13:06 AM
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