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What really is PETA?

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Nicky said

I don't know any animal advocate who would be involved in form of violence against other living creatures, humans included.
pale comments
Nicky there is a difference between violence and common sense.
Strange the Maylasian PM is mentioned now.
The sad fact is had some of these organisations accepted invatations they would have been a big help to animals TBO.

To sit and talk with Maylasians who have the power to make changes was offered again and again . Because actually it very important considering they are the future hub of halal to distribute to ME and world wide.

I have told you a million times they ONLY way to improve condtions is to make changes within the industry.

Insulting farmers and muslims post after post has the opposite effect.
This is why live exports has grown over the years because nobody wants to help make sensible changes.

Put in its most simply form nobody is going to listen to sensible changes and a fair go for farm animals when its presented by veggies.

After all this is a meat eating country and if you cant see the politics and fund raisers then I cant help you.
You need people with knowledge of the meat industry. You need farmers and muslims working with you to make changes if you serious- and that is the real problem.

You people dont do anything other than highlight the cruelty but nobody is listening.
You need to get off your bums and be serious about making real changes.
God knows we offered enough times.
How sad for the animals
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Wednesday, 11 June 2008 6:33:29 AM
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*Not man enough to apologise, Yabby? I thought not.*

So Dickie, you think that I should apologise, because you are
trying to sneak in what is essentially a geological answer, into
what was a biological question? Next you will be blaming
exploding volcanoes on the live trade!

*We are not opposed to mulesing.*

Who is we? Dickie and Nicky essentially don’t matter. Your
Peta buddies, who have threatened companies with brand damage,
if they don’t comply, don’t agree with you. The debate is not about
Trisolfen or no Trisolfen, it is about mulesing or no mulesing. That
is the critical point.

*incarcerated beasts,
bellowing and crying in agony.*

When I zapped off the tail of my pet lamb, she hardly blinked. Dropped
to the ground and went back to chewing the nearest bit of clover, as
if nothing had ever happened.

*David Attenborough is as clinical and frigid as you.* David Attenborough
can separate emotion from reason as I can. He respects and is in awe of nature,
that is not salivating. The world over he is respected for that, but you just
don’t get it.

You think that people salivate over this. That is where you are so mistaken.
I usually hope that the prey escapes, but am also realist enough to realise that
if it does, the lion will starve. That is the reality of nature for you, that will
not go away. If you don’t accept it, you are kidding yourself about the world.

*but that's not for public knowledge, is it?*

Of course it is for public knowledge. You keep inventing these little strawman
arguments, mainly in your own mind. Then you argue against the crap that
you have dreamed up, in your own imagination.

*Whether we eat meat or not is none of your business and not relevant to good versus evil.*

Of course it is relevant. Vested interest is not just about money, it can be ideology,
as is the case with you and Nicky.
Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 11 June 2008 7:26:47 AM
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Dickie – “We are not opposed to mulesing. We are opposed to the cruelty which accompanies this procedure because you refuse to use anaesthesia.”

In all your posts on this thread you have not once stated this or insinuated that you were not opposed to mulesing. This is what happens when in your fragile mind you flap your jaw before engaging your brain. If you said that you were against the pain which accompanies this procedure, you might get more people to listen to you, but no you have to dress it up with your ‘over the top’ use of emotive words.

Dickie – “David Attenborough is as clinical and frigid as you. Only last night, he was salivating over and portraying the predatory skills of lions. My young family members are well aware of the laws of nature but are mature enough to realise that Attenborough relishes showing an animal being brought down, which certainly would get your juices flowing, however, we simply switch off.”

Your family sounds as immature as you are. Once again you make outlandish statements about someone who has without question done more to raise people’s awareness of wildlife than you or your family will ever do. Pathetic!

Dickie – “Incidentally, mulesed sheep also get fly blown but that's not for public knowledge, is it?”

Why isn’t it for public knowledge? Who said it wasn’t apart from you? Of course mulesed sheep can get flyblown, but it’s very uncommon. It is also relevant to what type of pasture you’re running the sheep on. For example if the sheep have a reasonable amount of fleece and you run them in lush pastures where the feed is a couple of feet high or in blue lupins which can reach a height of four foot or more, then the stock will be more susceptible to fly strike. But this is down to farm management practice of the individual farmer and they must be doing it fairly right as I have seen only a very small number of mulesed sheep blown.
Posted by myopinion, Wednesday, 11 June 2008 11:17:57 AM
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"In all your posts on this thread you have not once stated this or insinuated that you were not opposed to mulesing."

Why not get a life tosser? You've only been on OLO since 25/05/08. Your declaration tells me that you have so much time on your hands that you've resorted to filtering through all my posts (total 1042), to spew such a "resounding" piece of crap and then blundered!

Why don't you go and do a good days work tosser? Perhaps tend to your flock for a change or you could form an association with the other farmers here who don't know what to do with themselves (except the very obvious of course - he hem!)

There you go tosser: "Bludgers, Buffoons and Biophobes Inc."
Posted by dickie, Wednesday, 11 June 2008 11:46:42 AM
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Dickie – “Why not get a life tosser? You've only been on OLO since 25/05/08. Your declaration tells me that you have so much time on your hands that you've resorted to filtering through all my posts (total 1042), to spew such a "resounding" piece of crap and then blundered!”

Tosser now! Haha, are you cracking under the pressure of being exposed to too much truth, or is it because of the exposure of your constant propaganda and lies that is getting to you. One doesn’t have to be on OLO for very long to realise what sort of fake and deceitful people you and nicky are, about five minutes actually.
Once again you have made an assumption that I have been through all of your posts, which is incorrect, AGAIN! If I read through all of your posts I think I would end up as mentally fragile as you. In regard to mulesing, if I am wrong when I said that in all your posts on this thread you have not once stated or insinuated that you were not opposed to mulesing, then PROVE IT! You with the big mouth and the small brain, PROVE I’M WRONG!

Dickie – “Why don't you go and do a good days work tosser? Perhaps tend to your flock for a change…..”

If you had taken any notice of anyone’s posts other than yours and nicky’s, you would have notice that I stated I was a former farmer; therefore I don’t have a flock to take care of. DUH! $200k p.a. I don’t think I’m worried…lol.

Dickie – “There you go tosser: "Bludgers, Buffoons and Biophobes Inc."

Biophobe. So once again YOU ASSUME that I am fearful of or discriminate against homosexuals, lesbians, etc. Unlike you dickie, I’m honest, so this is my outlook on your assumption. I couldn’t care if people are gay, bisexual, etc., as long as they’re not around me. I don’t fear ANYONE and what other people’s sexual preferences are, I couldn’t care less. By putting this word in are you latently suggesting that you are gay, bisexual etc.
Posted by myopinion, Wednesday, 11 June 2008 12:41:13 PM
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I think that the topic of this thread is wandering a bit. But I can't help noticing that the two (apparently male) farming identities seem to be relying largely on insults and sexist remarks because they are being argued with. And Pale tends to be repeating everything it has said on all the other threads that I have looked at. Pale, how long have you been in operation? What progress has been made with your proposed solution? It seems to me that every group involved in animal concerns has different ways of working and different ideas and I think that's a good thing. Nicky seems to be fairly well in control of the informstion she needs in this debate, and hsving seen some of Attenborough's docos (they aren't really) you have to ask how many times does he really need to film animals being ripped to bits. We all know that that is nature, that there are predators and prey animals, but how often do we need to see it? Dickie also hasn't said she (?) cateorically opposes mulesing as far as I can see and neither has Nicky. Both of them are saying that they object to cruelty and I can't see too much wrong with that I'm afraid.
Posted by Alexandra0814, Wednesday, 11 June 2008 12:52:52 PM
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