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What really is PETA?

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CJ, they would last about 5 minutes in farming, as they simply
don't understand what it is all about. I've seen academics
in agriculture make similar mistakes, just not as silly as
these girls. They focus on one thing, be it root disease
on crops, or whatever their area of focus is. They think that
the whole farming system should be changed, to focus on their
pet topic.

Farming of course is a constant compromise between many things,
that have to be considered. Change one thing, it affects other
things etc. So you have to take a holistic view, or you will
soon go broke.

If this was just all about skin wrinkles, as Nicky claims,
then breeds like Samms would not be getting struck as often
as they do. Fact is that if Nicky had wool growing around her
anus, she'd have a dirty, blownblown arse too.

Mulesing removes a small amount of skin from around sheeps butts,
not half the lamb as claimed, no flesh as claimed. It heals
very quickly and gives them huge protection for life. I've
never lost a single lamb from mulesing and if I was to grow wool
in the future, I would certainly keep mulesing, anything else
is cruel to sheep. Ok, so use Trisolfen, if its available.

I think that is going to happen. Sensible farmers will simply
tell Peta to shove it up their arse and sell their wool to the
Chinese. Let the Europeans buy Arab oil to keep warm. Production
is dropping anyhow, as farmers switch to more profitable enterprises.
Posted by Yabby, Friday, 13 June 2008 10:20:45 AM
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Nicky – “The Merino sheep was specifically interfered with to create an animal with more wrinkles so that it would grow more wool. It's about genetics and breeding. EVERYONE knows that.”

Where is your proof that the merinos I farmed or any of my neighbours had been bred with more wrinkles? You once again made a general statement, and you think you’re an expert on breeding, so now is the time to prove it. Also explain what they mean by “more wrinkles”.

nicky –“Farmers neglect them by failing to monitor/treat them properly.”

Your reply:

Nicky –“The numbers of sheep who are reported to die on your farms.”

So with no proof, no factual statistics, you just make a statement like this. This is why your reasoning and dickies is absurd and pathetic, a bit like your character and personality.

While we are looking at the truth of proof and statistics, I had a look at this Animal Liberation site and like the gullible nicky-and-dickie-road-show, it makes totally unsubstantiated claims regarding the treatment of farmed sheep. This is the site

Before we go any further, the references attributed to these statements cannot be accessed from this site and are only named. These are some of the spurious claims made by Animal Liberation Inc. (South Australia). Do note that it says animal liberation and not animal welfare. They are two separate things whether animal liberationists agree or not.

1) (a)“Most sheep don't get a lot of attention from farmers. About two-thirds of the national flock is on properties with over 2000 sheep, (b) so the individual animal is unlikely to be closely inspected, given help with difficult births, or hand-reared if the mother dies.”

The two claims that I have marked as (a) and (b) are complete lies and a baseless fabrication of anything near the truth. I was born, raised and worked in sheep country. We ran 14,000 sheep so I think I can talk more about this subject than the usual naysayer’s and the advocates of the anti-farming lobby present on this forum.

Posted by myopinion, Friday, 13 June 2008 2:54:37 PM
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Where is the indisputable proof that farmers neglect their sheep flocks?
Where is the indisputable proof that farmers don’t closely inspect their sheep?
Where is the indisputable proof that farmers don’t provide help to ewes having difficult births?
Where is the indisputable proof that farmers don’t hand rear lambs if the mother dies?

Some more questions for the radical extremists of animal liberation, ie nicky and dickie:

How many times does a farmer check his sheep during winter?
How many times does a farmer check his sheep during summer?

Animal Liberation Inc. (South Australia) makes this claim on their site:

“Almost one-quarter of all sheep are run in the so-called pastoral zone, that is, the arid and semi-arid inland areas. They have been described as semi-feral because they wander over large areas and have only infrequent contact with humans.”

Further down the page they make this claim:

“The fact is that of all the animals introduced to Australia, the sheep is the only one that has never become feral because it can't survive on its own.”

On the same page, Animal Liberation Inc. (South Australia) has completely contradicted itself by saying that sheep have never become feral and then state they become half feral.

I, unlike the misinformed Animal Liberation Inc. (South Australia), nicky and dickie, have worked on sheep stations and I can guarantee 100% THAT SHEEP DO GO FERAL. I have seen dozens of sheep that haven’t been yarded, handled, mustered or shorn for over seven years. Try catching them or mustering them and see how far you get.

This is why these animal liberation organizations spin their cheap propaganda with mistruths and lies. They have never worked in this industry and no very little about it, their statements, accusations and claims prove they are liars and uneducated on this subject. They pander to the ‘fruit loop’ fringe of society like nicky and dicky, who them become their misguided disciples of spin, lies and absurd propaganda.

Posted by myopinion, Friday, 13 June 2008 2:57:20 PM
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Nicky - “Farmers won't pay for more frequent crutching.”

I asked you “How many times should farmers have their sheep crutched per annum?”

Your reply – “Two to three, from what I've been told by a sheep farmer (depending on the area and the type of paddocks).”

So one farmer gave you this advice and was speaking from experience of having farmed over the whole of W.A. Grow up! As usual 5% fact and 95% bullsh-t!

Since you and dickie are the self proclaimed ‘experts’ on farming sheep, answer these questions:

How much does it cost to have sheep crutched by a shearing team?
What is the cost of mustering the sheep for shearing, including fuel and wages?
Why would you crutch sheep 2-3 times a year in a drier climate?
Will the wool from the crutchings pay for the total cost of crutching them?
Why won’t just crutching sheep eliminate fly strike?

Nicky - “Farmers feed Merino sheep incorrect diets.”

I then asked you to “List the incorrect diets that farmers feed their Merino’s and then list what you consider are the correct diets.”

Your reply was, “Will provide the dietary information tomorrow; it's too late in the night to find it now.”

So you didn’t have time to rifle through your book cabinet or file and find the ‘so called correct diet’ but you had time to jump to other threads on OLO and continue on with your dribble. Why would you have to even look it up, you’re a self claimed expert, you should know it of by heart. A farmer would know what ratio per head he was feeding his stock and what diet they were on.

You also made this statement, ““Farmers are greedy and insist on breeding/keeping more animals than they can adequately care for then complain bitterly at the cost of medication for them.”

Provide proof that sheep farmer on the whole are overstocked. Also provide proof that farmers are greedy. In fact do tell everyone, how many rams would you mate with a thousand ewes and what would the lambing rate be.
Posted by myopinion, Friday, 13 June 2008 3:34:51 PM
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Hi all

Here's one for the skeptics...

Posted by Nicky, Friday, 13 June 2008 7:18:12 PM
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Err Nicky, has it ever occured to you that every man and his dog
who think they can make a quid out of selling farmers "you beaut"
genetics, is not going to do so?

SRS genetics are all over WA. Sheep still get blown.
Samms, not even Aussie breeding, but a meat sheep from South
Africa with not a wrinkle in sight, still get blown.

Its going to take a bit more then the odd bit of googling,
for you to give credible answers.
Posted by Yabby, Friday, 13 June 2008 8:00:48 PM
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