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What really is PETA?

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Dickie posted this link:

What has this to do with Australia or Aussie farmers? I could guarantee that the animals being butchered (as in killed for consumption) aren't from Australia but are LOCAL STOCK! They've been butchering animals like that for thousands of years, why don't you do something about that if it bothers you. You complain about us but you don't see us dragging stock into the street and killing them, so where is the comparison. Has Peta made a campaign against this and publicly condemned the practice or have they been silent as one poster stated on the page; “Oh well, I know fully that Peta dare not say a word from fear of a jihad.”

I don’t understand the logic of this link being posted. Oh but wait a minute, I forgot you two don’t understand logic, you just have preconceived ideas and motives.

I see that you and nicky haven’t yet replied to my previous two posts, so you’re either madly googling away to try and prove me wrong or out and about saving the world from us normal meat eaters. Good luck on both counts.

Cowboy Joe might have a valid point, maybe you two posters are the same person. Maybe one person (being kind here calling you a person) with a split personality or even several personalities. I will now sit back and wait for the usual venomous uncontrolled comments from both of you. Do try and post some facts about what you talk about even if you have to ask someone who knows more than you, which wouldn’t be very hard.

Before I go I notice that you and nicky are always whingeing about Australia and the way things are here. You openly admit to denigrating Australia and Aussies on web sites and to various organizations. Let me give you a bit of free advice: If you don’t like it here, piss off and live somewhere else, both of you certainly won’t be missed.
Posted by myopinion, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 12:25:58 PM
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The caring, sharing nature of Yabby and Myopinion is very touching. For these two intelligent, creative, sophisticated and financially successful individuals to donate time out of their busy day to educate the wayward Nick-n-Dick on a myriad of life's realities is the mark of a true elder.

Their patience (or is it patients Nick-n-Dick?)deserves acknowledgement.

Now for the latest lesson.

Training usually relates to a skill i.e. a process that could require hand and eye co-ordination, but not always. The way one becomes highly skilled is to repeat the process over and over again until the person becomes so good at it, the process can be done subconsciously. TAFE generally tends to be involved with training.

Universities on the other hand generally deal in education i.e. the theoretical aspects of various social & political disciplines. One being education. Degree holders are then expected to go into the world and experience life thereby making adjustments to the theories they have been exposed to. Unfortunately, the modern version of a degree holder is to go out into the world and steadfastly hang onto theoretical notions that are not verifiable. This probably happens for a number of reasons, but it seems clear that a lack of genuine or crystalline intelligence and an air of entitlement significantly contribute to this increasing phenomenon.

So Nick-n-Dick, a vet can quite easily be much less skilled at castration compared to a non-degree holding farmer. If the layman can perform a technical task quickly and effectively they are deemed competent in the real world of work. The level of hubris that the elitist Nick-n-Dick consistently demonstrate is absolutely extraordinary.

The usage of the word skill has been bastardised / misused as of late due to the so called skill shortage.

Nick-n-Dick are you descended from British Aristocracy? Sorry, I am just mulling over the ramifications of genetic memory.
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 4:49:58 PM
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Hi all

I have been a bit remiss on the last couple of evenings; had a major report to do, and I have also been concentrating on a major report to the OIE, copying the film material on to DVDs and all that. As well, I have been reading the PROTECTION OF THE SEA (PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS) ACT 1983.

which strongly suggests that these livestock carriers are breaching this legislation every day, as well as international covenants protecting t5he "high seas", as they are referred to in international law.

I also made a conscious decision to ignore any further claptrap from myopinion, since there has been nothing of any substantive value from him to which to respond. I made another conscious decision not to keep going over the same ground with Yabby, and Cowboy Joe (although he seems slightly more articulate) doesn't seem to be able to come up with anything worth responding to either, so unless you guys can come up with something different, I'm off to threads that can. I can do without you bragging between yourselves about how many animals you have managed to brutalize, and who can come up with the best allowable degree of abuse - got better stuff to do than that, like telling the international community all about it.

Posted by Nicky, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 7:35:24 PM
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"Its not going to affect me by 1 single cent,
as I don’t mules a single sheep here,

Yabby, you're clearly a liar. Always have been?

I acknowledge my error on the sheep's tail and apologise. However, I have far fewer concerns with an animal's anatomy than the savage slashing and maiming perpetrated by the sadists here. It appears that the sheep's tail is to protect the anus, vulva, and udder from weather extremes. This of course is of no concern to halfwits.

"No dead zones in the Indian Ocean Dickie, but the fish are short
of food. Stop lying."

Hey stoopid, I didn't say there were - but there are anyway so could YOU please stop lying?

"Really and where do you get your so-called facts from?"

Years of research dummy, relevant to my career and an archive filled to capacity with scientific literature.

1. 2005: "A "dead zone" devoid of life has been discovered at the epicentre of last year's tsunami four kilometres beneath the surface of the Indian Ocean. Scientists taking part in a worldwide marine survey made an 11-hour dive at the site five months after the disaster.

"They were shocked to find no sign of life around the epicentre, which opened up a 1000-metre chasm on the ocean floor. Instead, there was nothing but eerie emptiness."

WASHINGTON (AP) 2006: The number of oxygen-starved "dead zones'' in the world's seas and oceans has risen more than a third in the past two years because of fertilizer, sewage, animal waste and fossil-fuel burning, United Nations experts said Thursday.

2. Most polluted: The 2004 Tsunami devastated 12 countries, impacting on marine life and breaking up coral reefs. Cars to concrete, sewage waste, hazardous agricultural chemicals and livestock, debris, mud and dead bodies were washed out to sea. Researchers have deep concerns over the fishing gear which was also swept into the oceans, harming coral reefs, trapping and killing marine life. Long term effects are unknown.

Is this all too complex for the retards?

Posted by dickie, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 8:05:55 PM
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An international group of scientists participating in an Indian Ocean Experiment has documented extensive air pollution covering the Indian Ocean. The findings raise serious questions about the impact that widespread pollution is having on climate processes and on marine life.

Director of C4 at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Dr. V.
Ramanathan said the team of scientists was shocked by the extent of the pollution they encountered during the six-week field experiment that began.

PCDDs, PCDFs and coplanar PCBs, levels of these compounds were determined in the muscle of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) collected from the offshore waters and open seas of the Indian Ocean, the East China Sea, the South China Sea and the North Pacific Ocean.

PCDDs, PCDFs and coplanar PCBs were detected in almost all the specimens collected from all the locations surveyed, indicating widespread contamination by these compounds in the marine environment. Higher concentrations of dioxins and coplanar PCBs were detected in the samples from temperate Asian regions.

Myopinion. This I believe is beyond the comprehension of buffons, particularly when they're off their medication, however, learn one thing, ocean currents connect. Some areas of the Benguela Current receive some 25% of water from the Indian Ocean and so on. What you do to one, you do to others - get it?

Next stop: International investigations into the trashing of oceans from transporting millions of Australian animals by ship - animals contaminated from PCDD/Fs, pharmaceuticals and other chemicals which are entering the marine life food chain.


The PM of Malaysia trucked in 6 cattle and 10 goats and had them slaughtered at Parliament House for his wedding last year so what can one expect from those "refined" people in the Middle East?
Posted by dickie, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 8:14:25 PM
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*Yabby, you're clearly a liar. Always have been?*

Where did I lie Dickie? As it turns out, no I don't
mules sheep on this farm, as I have bugger all merinos
left, just a few for various trials. Amongst them
trials to answer questions, when people like you make
your usual irrational claims.

You thought I had money to lose over the mulesing debate
and you still don’t get it. It is against my self interest
to argue for the benefits of mulesing. But the welfare
of 80 million sheep matters, besides, I don’t need the

The sad story about the whole mulesing saga, which you
girls in your fanatical states completely forget, is
that farmers don't feel a thing when sheep get flyblown,
it is animals which suffer en masse. The fact that
various animal welfare groups are going to be responsible
for causing huge amounts of suffering to millions of animals,
because they just don't understand enough about an industry,
I find terribly sad, certainly for the animals. As I said
before, farmers won't feel a thing, but all that is clearly
beyond you.

Nicky, I am sure that you don’t want to go over old ground,
as you could not answer so many questions the first time

Fact is that veganism is a feelgood philosophy which tries
to ignore the realities of nature. Ignore those realities
at your peril, just like the Catholic Church does.
All the philosophy in the world, won’t change them.
So best you just avoid dealing with the answers
huh, it feels better that way.

Dickie does the same. Just switch off David Attenborough,
so we don’t have to deal with what is really going on out
there. Out of sight is out of mind and we all feel better,
as we comfort ourselves with believing that karma will
fix it all one day. I have news for her lol.
Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 9:02:29 PM
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