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What really is PETA?

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Well, the two sexually frustrated old hags are rambling incoherently again, what a surprise!

Nicky & dickie - "I don't think it's worth even answering myopinion any more, since he really has nothing of any substance to say."

I have plenty of things to say that contain substance but it’s not worth posting here anymore because you two twits don’t understand it. Yabby has also posted some good points but all you two bitter old hags do is criticize them.

Dickie – “How long must we endure the incoherent rantings of a dummkopf?:”

in•co•her•ent – adjective
1. without logical or meaningful connection; disjointed; rambling: an incoherent sentence.

Read the above definition of incoherent. You and nicky should know this word perfectly as it describes the vast majority of your posts on this thread. The words “logical” or “meaningful” are the ones you should take the most notice of. My advice to you two is also look up the word “truth” because you obviously don’t know what it means.

Dickie - “This is the least desirable method of castration. It is bloodless, but calves castrated in this manner are subject to tetanus (lockjaw) infection. Sometimes the rubber ring fails and voids the operation. The post-operative appearance produced by complete removal of the scrotum is objectionable to some producers.”

I agree with the above statements. In all my experience (some 15 years) of seeing male calves castrated and castrating them myself, both here and in the U.S. I have never seen elastrator rings used. It was standard practice to take the testicles out with a drop point blade. As for the complete removal of the scrotum, I have never seen this. The top of the scrotum was cut allowing the testicles to protrude through the cut skin and then the cord attached to the testicles to be cut. I don’t know the number of calves that I have seen castrated or castrated, but it would be into the many thousands. Whether some producers use the above method, I can’t comment as I haven’t been on every cattle producing property in the world
Posted by myopinion, Monday, 9 June 2008 10:11:28 PM
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Shockadelic, rocks.

Then I noticed he has had similar experiences to mine regarding the poster specific sensibilities of the OLO moderate-ate-or

now I think Shockadelic is a rock-a-billy.

I scanned the postings hoping for some new opinions but could only recognise two new names. Disappointing.

Isn't there any bench warmers for Dick-n-Nick? This fundamentalist, bigoted, Animal Taliban and speciesist tag team is becoming incredibly tedious. Hang on, it just occurred to me that Nick is probably pretending to be Dick or vice versa. Two people could not possibly be so exceedingly obtuse.

I still remember one of them coming up sputtering for air after being asked to define cruelty. In their juvenile universe everyone is just supposed to intuitively 'know'. Sure saves a lot of time writing unnecessary legislation, or does it?

Imagine the queue at district court -- charged with cruelty -- all those devolved hamburger eating Neanderthals.

Really tangential BUT why is it necessary for the RSPCA officers to be uniformed like storm troopers? Does it increase donations? Their dress promotes violence and I thought they were anti violence. I was actually traumatised the time I encountered a stern faced RSPCA bull dike officer eating lunch at McDonald's. Unfortunately, there is no law protecting me from being inflicted with discomfort by such an insensitive individual.

Do McDonald's serve lentil burgers? Not germane to the topic but never-the-less good to know these things.
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Monday, 9 June 2008 11:30:44 PM
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Thank you very much myopinion. At last you've given us a coherent response to an issue, despite my vociferous objections to surgical procedures on defenceless animals which are denied the benefit of pain relief.

Now I draw Nicky's attention to the Yabby's declaration where he assured her:

"Its not going to affect me by 1 single cent,
as I don’t mules a single sheep here,"

Then on 29/03/08 on another thread he declared:

"PF, I did a trial this year with a few merino lambs, leaving long
tails, unmulesed etc. The results were frankly a disaster with
lambs struck on their butts, that had been shorn a couple of months

Tut tut what a deceitful grub you are Yabby and you audaciously denounce our intentions to let the world know the type of slippery and sadistic characters they trade with in Australia's livestock industry. So what's the next lie?

'No “dead ocean” zones on the sheep trade Dickie, stop lying. You know full well that any waste becomes fish food. Fish do not drink water for nutrition, organic matter is part of their diet.'

More ignorant swill Yabby? The Indian ocean is the most polluted of all oceans and while dead zones shrink or grow depending on nutrient input and at times, climatic conditions, the resulting fish die-offs are not so easily reversed. Most of the surviving fish are now so heavily contaminated with agricultural pollutants, they are not fit for human consumption.

Shortly scientists will wake up to Australia's live exports and its impact on marine life. In the meantime, I intend writing to several scientific bodies around the world to express my concerns. Four million animals exported last year probably equates to at least some 200 sea journeys each year, each spanning some three weeks. The load of chemically contaminated animal faeces, urine and livestock dumped overboard is unimaginable.

And I see the turd burglar's back so playing drop the hanky didn't work for him either but then new age enlightened males don't like intellectually impaired, flesh eating mammals!

Yeehaaa....ride 'em cowboy!
Posted by dickie, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 12:09:28 AM
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"Tailing lambs is a fairly standard procedure."

Dickie - "Yes indeed it is fairly standard procedure and rather mild for the Marquis De Sades of the twenty first century who suck up to ignorant and colluding governments.”

Does this disjointed sentence have any meaning? I’m sure I don’t understand it and I don’t think anyone else would either.

dickie – “Your pleasure in tailing lambs without pain relief is another indication of your cruel ignorance of nature. Nature provided the tail for good reason - as a fly swat, dummy.”

HAHAHA. ARE YOU SERIOUS? Are you on some sort of medication or should you be on some? Like, are you bi-polar or schizophrenic or something? Nature did not provide sheep with a tail to be used as a fly swat. LOL. I’m almost lost for words at this statement, it’s that absurd. While cattle and horses can use their tails as a type of fly swat, sheep cannot. Kangaroos have tails but can’t use them the same as cattle and horses. These animals, unlike sheep are short haired and don’t get fly strike. For God’s sake, know your subject before making outlandish, stupid statements!

Nicky - None of these ‘procedures’ is performed using anaesthetic or analgesic follow-up. Rarely are they carried out by veterinary surgeons; most being undertaken by unqualified untrained workers.

You’re right, anaesthetic or analgesics is not used and never will be, but keep dreaming. You’re right again, vets are not used for tailing and there are many reasons for this. The claim that most tailing is carried out by unqualified untrained workers is wrong. I have never seen a vet that could castrate lambs or calves better than I could and definitely not at the speed that I could do it. I have seen many farmers tailing lambs and I can assure you they were very qualified for the task. Farmers are trained in whatever they do in farming. Just because they don’t have a university degree in everything they do, doesn’t mean that they aren’t highly qualified and experienced.
Posted by myopinion, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 12:40:57 AM
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Dickie – “More ignorant swill Yabby? The Indian ocean is the most polluted of all oceans and while dead zones shrink or grow depending on nutrient input and at times, climatic conditions, the resulting fish die-offs are not so easily reversed.”

Really and where do you get your so-called facts from? shows that the world's seas are beset by a variety of water pollution problems. The 10 of the worst areas in 2005 are:

Gulf of Mexico
Caribbean Sea
Baltic Sea
Aral Sea
Yellow Sea
Bohol Sea
Congo Basin
Benguela Current
Lake Victoria
Pacific Islands

The Pacific Islands are in the Pacific Ocean and the Coral Sea, on the opposite side of the country. All the rest of the listed worst polluted areas have nothing to do with us on the west coast.

As for coastal dead zones, the only two that effect Australia at the moment are on the east coast. This is 2005 information and I haven’t seen anything more current.

The Spanish newspaper “El Pais” wrote in September last year that referring to the leading scientists and nature defending organizations that the Mediterranean sea is the most polluted sea in the world.
According to the international organization Greenpeace and Spanish World Ocean Research Institute, every cubic metre of Mediterranean water contains 33 various waste kinds. But every litre contains 10 grams of petrochemicals.
Every year more than 400 tonnes petrochemicals intentionally or accidentally are blown into the waters of Mediterranean Sea; every kilometer of the ocean bed is covered with 1900 objects being waste of human activity, - is noted in the article.

There is no evidence that I have seen that shows that the Indian Ocean is the most polluted in the world, but then I don’t have an agenda like you two clowns.

Nicky – “If we have to drag you kicking and screaming to civilization, we will, and if we have to do it with international pressure we will. It may take us years, but we will win in the end.”

Don't you two feel stupid because you should.
Posted by myopinion, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 3:23:27 AM
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Dickie, what a Dummkopf you are! Rushing off to jump to conclusions,
without even checking your facts.

If the truth be known, I will be actually making money out of all
the drama over mulesing and merinos. In the late 90s I predicted
the downturn in the woolindustry, due to the Chinese buying up all
the processing machinery. The Chinese know how to rig markets, they
don't pay more then they have to, for raw materials.

I started breeding shearing free meat lambs, which shed any
bit of wool grown. Demand for these, which make up 95% of my
animals, has gone through the roof now. Any females that I can
produce, are already pre sold for the next 18 months, at ever
increasing prices! The more drama that you create over mulesing, the more I
benefit, you dummkopf.

The tiny flock of merinos left here, are here for one reason only,
ie to measure economic differences between the two systems.

What the long tailed experiment with merinos showed, was exactly
how easily merinos still get struck, even if recently shorn.
No, their tails were not used as flyswats, or they would not
be flyblown, you ignoramous. All that Peta are doing, is making
sure that the 80 million merinos in Australia are going to
suffer, due to Peta's ignorance.

No dead zones in the Indian Ocean Dickie, but the fish are short
of food. Stop lying.
Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 9:33:58 AM
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