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What really is PETA?

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"I don't think it's worth even answering myopinion any more, since he really has nothing of any substance to say."

Indeed Nicky. How long must we endure the incoherent rantings of a dummkopf?:

"Yes I have been to a battery egg production facility and intensive pig farms. Are these the most in depth questions you can ask."

We've got a real sick one here, mate.

Off you go dummkopf. Psychiatric help is available for the deranged who think they're landed gentry.

Toodle pip and the best of rotten luck. Nah...cancel that. Karma will sort you out.

By the way Nicky, what do they do with the macerated animal remains? Do they also go overboard?
Posted by dickie, Monday, 9 June 2008 4:09:13 PM
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As a matter of fact Dickie, Hajj lambs bought by the Islamic bank, go to huge
meatworks on the outskirts of Mecca. Pilgrims pay a fee and the meat is given
to the poor. Kim Chance had a look at one Saudi meatworks recently. He says
that it is equal to or better, then anything he has seen in Australia.

WA is doing just fine. Salt that came from the ocean is going back to the
ocean, where it belongs. Drainage is how to solve the salt problem.

Without livestock to keep the grass down, huge yearly grassfires would
choke you girls to death, as they have learnt the hard way, in the ES.

Meantime you two moral pygmies seem to have no problem with doing your
best to wreck Australia’s reputation, despite the fact that you have ridden
on the sheep’s export back for most of your lives. Without past agricultural
exports, you two would have grown up in a banana republic.

No “dead ocean” zones on the sheep trade Dickie, stop lying. You know full
well that any waste becomes fish food. Fish do not drink water for nutrition, organic
matter is part of their diet.

Nicky, the Becrux is a far kinder solution their your vegan one, ie letting animals
starve to death from hunger. You need to think your philosophies through, beyond
your feelgood limits.

Meantime, other Australians, unlike you two, who are trying to destroy Australia,
are making a valid contribution to finding solutions to problems.

They are working with farmers to achieve results, not attempting to bankrupt the
country. You should both be ashamed of yourselves.
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 9 June 2008 6:04:16 PM
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Hi all

Yabby, I have copied this from the other thread in case you miss it (and because neither Dickie nor I should feel in the slightest embarassed discussing Australia's 'World's Best Practice' on international websites):-

"Kim (Fat) Chance visited one meatworks in Saudi Arabia and said it was as good or better than what he has seen in Australia. One? ONE? In ONE country? What a dropkick. Of course he is going to say that, he is a sheep farmer (or if he isn't, he is in the pocket of sheep farmers).
The RSPCA in WA has two live export farmers on the State Council, Des Gooding and Neville Marsh. Gooding has an old conviction for cruelty to animals too. Looks pretty corrupt to me.

"Yabby, if your lambs go to the tender mercies of an Islamic bank for the meat to be "given to the poor" why not give meat processed in Australia "to the poor"? And is this ALL of the Hajj lambs we're talking about? No, I thought not.

"Nor is the "Becrux" kinder than any vegan alternative. No animal should be born for no better purpose than to spend its short life being brutalized by you (remember, we are talking about practices you would not attempt on your dogs), then put on a tramp ship (let's not forget that the "Becrux" is the only ship that anyone ever gets to see because the rest are simply disgusting. let's not forget the similar fairytales from Cameron Morse - they only get to see the sanitized stuff) and butchered halfway across the world. (Dickie, yes, the contents of the macerators are sprayed out over the side of the ships (those equipped with macerators. The animals put into them may or may not be dead, likewise those put over the side).

Don't breed 'em if you can't feed 'em, for God's sake. It's not rocket science.

And don't forget to answer the question about Tri-solfen - according to the link you provided, it is readily available from a veterinarian.

Posted by Nicky, Monday, 9 June 2008 7:52:31 PM
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*No animal should be born for no better
purpose than to spend its short life being brutalized by you,*

Animals are born Nicky, because their parents have sex, the most natural thing
in the world. Your very own charter states that they should live naturally.
Leave animals to their own devices, as you vegans claim should happen, they will
do exactly that. Then, when there are too many, they will die miserable deaths from
starvation, due to overpopulation. That is the reality of nature for you, which you
are trying to deny. The vegan solution means huge suffering, starvation and misery
in the animal world, something which you cannot deny, even as you wear your
feelgood blinkers.

*One? ONE? In ONE country?* I never claimed the he only visited a single one,
but stated what he found in one of the new plants just built. Kim has less of a vested
interest then you have, for its you who seek the power to close down farming as we
know it. He can at least be somewhat objective. Not so with you fanatics.

*why not give meat processed in Australia "to the poor*

Because it is part of the Hajj ritual for pilgrims going to Mecca. This year, Australia
missed out on the order, the Saudis have found cheaper supplies from Africa, China and South America. If Australian lambs go to the ME, they won’t be going as part
of the Islamic Bank order, where they all go to the same place.

*Don't breed more than you can feed,*

Sheesh, you are thick as a brick Nicky. Animals left to their own devices, act
naturally and breed by themselves. Leaving them to their own devices, is exactly
what you vegans are suggesting, to replace farming, which you detest.

As to the work that Meredith Shiel is doing, its a lot more then Trisolfen, but that
seems to have gone over your head too. Fact is that Trisolfen is still not good enough
for you vegans, banning farming altogether is your agenda
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 9 June 2008 8:19:59 PM
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Hi again all

Yabby, for God's sake, do the maths. If you don't put too many animals together, they don't breed too many animals. Is that simple enough for you? The fact is that you are actively breeding these animals in far greater numbers than you claim you can feed for commercial gain. Be honest.

Kim Chance and Cameron Morse obviously were never going to get to see the street bloodbaths and backroom slaughter operations either, all they got to see was what the industry wanted them to see. You know it and we know it. If packaged meat is good enough for the poor it's good enough for all of them. It's the only way they will be stopped, ultimately, from brutalizing animals. Australia can make a start on that by not sending them. Is that simple enough for you?

I met Meredith Sheil (any relation to the charming Kevin, or is the spelling different?) at a conference. We regard Tri-Solfen as an interim (and barely acceptable) measure until you people can manage to breed out the excessive and unnatural wrinkles you bred into these animals for commercial gain. Don't blame us because you're paying the price for that, and the fact that what you do has been exposed to the world. It seems that there are plenty of farmers out there who manage without mulesing and/or have managed to breed bare-breech sheep. Don't blame us because you are backward. If we have to drag you kicking and screaming to civilization, we will, and if we have to do it with international pressure we will. If you and others like you go broke in the process, too bad.

It may take us years, but we will win in the end. Luckily, fuel prices are going to help us out with the live export issue as well. You can't run these old tramp ships forever, they cost too much, and there's only one new one.

Posted by Nicky, Monday, 9 June 2008 8:55:19 PM
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*Yabby, for God's sake, do the maths*

You do the maths Nicky, but first learn something about livestock. A flock of sheep,
left to their own devices, can double in 12 months. By 13 months of age, those
hoggets are already dropping their own lambs. You live in fantasy land and don’t
understand the animals you are dealing with, nor how nature works.

*Australia can
make a start on that by not sending them. Is that simple enough for you?*

It is simplistic garbage. As the Saudis showed this year, they will source sheep,
with or without Australia. Sudan and Ethiopia have just offered them millions
of hectares to invest petrodollars into livestock farming. AA showed that if
you try just a teeny bit, you can bring about change in the ME. Sticking your
head in the sand like an ostrich Nicky, is about as smart as the ostrich.

*We regard Tri-Solfen as an interim*

You don’t accept Tri-Solfen at all, certainly not your fanatic buddies. You
completely overlook the fact that there are around 80 million merinos in Australia.
Those sheep are going to pay a huge price, but then your agenda dominates, not
your care or understanding of animals. Its not going to affect me by 1 single cent,
as I don’t mules a single sheep here, but those 80 million sheep will suffer,
because of
you lot. All very sad, what ignorance can do. Shame on you for your stupidity
and ignorance.

*Don't blame us because you're paying the price for that*

Sadly the sheep will pay the price for that, but you are too thick to understand it.

*but we will win in the end.*

Exactly, fanatics who have lost the ability to reason or even think about the effects on livestock,
as they focus on their agenda.
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 9 June 2008 10:10:41 PM
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