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What really is PETA?

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Myopinion, you continue to let yourself down badly with poor evaluation methodology (you discredit anyone who disagrees with you without any explanation beyond that you like to exploit, kill and eat animals). You are not qualified to comment on the well-articulated views of established scientists and ethicists, regardless of their agendas, simply because they advocate vegetarianism/veganism just because of your own proclivity for violence.

The material posted by Dickie and me is from government codes of practice, so it can really hardly be described as "ranting". It can, however, be described as a series of cruel practices which have nothing to do with the welfare of the animals and everything to do with the productivity of the farmer. Do you think, for example, that the Animals Angels report on the transport from WA to SA was acceptable practice? And it was recorded as a "routine" journey, reported factually and without emotion.

Have you been to a battery egg production facility or an intensive pig farm? Until you have, you cannot discredit the material that has been filmed and documented in them. My hens from a battery farm were exactly as I described them - for months.

BTW, what do you do with the joeys of the kangaroos you have blown away? Beat them to death?

Posted by Nicky, Monday, 9 June 2008 12:17:38 AM
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Nicky – Once again you continue to jump to conclusions before asking. I didn’t do anything with the joeys because I didn’t shoot females, only males. Probably unlike you I could tell the difference between the two without standing only 20 foot away.
Again you use emotive exaggerated phrases; “the kangaroos you have blown away?”
No I didn’t blow them away, I didn’t use an RPG, air strike, 155mm howitzer or any other weapon that “could blow them away”. However do continue with your baseless accusations that I am cruel, morally challenged etc., as it doesn’t bother me.

You’re incorrect that I discredit anyone who disagrees with me. I discredit you and dickie because that’s exactly what you do to everyone else, so I give you a bit of your own medicine back…and you can’t handle it. But that’s typical of women like you two…once a bitch always a bitch!

“Do you think, for example, that the Animals Angels report on the transport from WA to SA was acceptable practice?”

Why would I read it when I know what happens with the transport of livestock. Unlike you and dickie I don’t have to read reports or watch videos in regard to this as I have seen it in real life.

Yes I have been to a battery egg production facility and intensive pig farms. Are these the most in depth questions you can ask. Feel free to ask relevant questions, you might learn something.
Posted by myopinion, Monday, 9 June 2008 1:03:11 AM
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Hi thanks for that. I would like to ask pls. Why intensive has your support against free range? Also dont you worry about disease such as bird flue and others?
Or do you not support intensive against free range but came across that way being angry feeling your being attacked at times.

I honestly understand the frustration of people like Nicky and Dickie when it comes to the outragous lack of laws against animal cruelty in this country.
What upsets me most is this deep sense of outrage and justise hasnt been directed in twenty years to a better programe.

I can see these people given a good project towards improving animal welfare and the funds to do it would be dedicated and I think very successful.

I mean a approved programe' Something to make a REAL difference. For example- Re locating and transfering intensive poulty into free range farms.

PALE, I remain mystified about AFIC. I have no idea what court you refer to, or even what congress, unless it is its own, or what its purpose in these discussions is any longer.

Ok Nicky, I will you tell you. I come in here to learn. No one person knows it all. I learn from you and Dickie and Yabbbs and other comments.

But your contiuned dismissal of anything and everything we try to put forth is a bit annoying TBO.

I was 'trying' to give yourself and everybody else a fair open report and share information. I just dont see how you can honestly think people can make informed judgments without knowing the all facts.
Or why you would put all yopur eggs into one basket.

The most vaulable thing we have in life Nicky is 'knowledge'

You shouldnt be so quick to dismiss somthing because you personally dont know. However consider the subject closed. That suites me fine TBO
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Monday, 9 June 2008 8:14:49 AM
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*You wouldn’t know an elastrator from your jock strap. You prefer to maim and slash. *

Written by an old fanatic on a crusade! I teach you about what
farmers actually do, you are not interested. So ranting and raving,
as we see above, is what you are left with.

*All you can tell us is that you brutalized your own animals today.*

"Brutalised" in nothing but your imagination, Nicky. Tailing lambs
is a fairly standard procedure. They soon mother up and are back
grazing. But then you have clearly never been there at tailing to
observe it all, so all you have is flawed ideology and your
imagination mixed with the normal melodramatic language.

*Yabby, you have already said that you don't know what other farmers do.*

I know what huge numbers of farmers do, in my region of Australia.
Australia is a big place. I comment about the things that I understand, unlike you girls, who are on your little ideological
crusade about things which you don't understand.

*Describing Dickie and me as "old tarts" when you have no idea of how old we are *

But I do have an idea. Dickie made it rather clear in the past
and you have a bad memory about what you have posted on OLO so far.
Go and read what you posted about yourself on the feminist thread.
You are hardly a young tart :)
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 9 June 2008 8:23:34 AM
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'"Brutalised" in nothing but your imagination, Nicky.'

Come now Yabby. You know very well that you prepared and exported your sheep in time for the "joyous" Haaj festivities in the ME last year.

The lovely footage below was released early last year so this is an indication of how they celebrated with your animals. I trust the pictures will be blood thirsty enough for the other bum buzzard on this thread.

Meanwhile, "your" WA is cooking. Thirty six percent of the South West's waterways are now saline; swans are dying by the hundreds on nutrient rich and polluted lakes; the Canning and Swan Rivers are on life support (oxygen depletion;) the Ord River is heavily impacted by sedimentation while you and the other trogs exploit our diminishing surface and groundwater and further trash other depleted resources to grow sheep, cattle and feral animals, not for domestic consumption but for export to your brothers-in-crime, the barbarians in the Middle East and Asia.

These exports have seen billions of tonnes of contaminated animal faeces and urine tipped into our fragile oceans and millions of diseased livestock dumped overboard, seriously impacting on marine life.

These pitiful animals and their waste contain hormone growth supplements, antibiotics, dioxins, vaccines and other pharmaceuticals. Mass mutated and diseased marine life are washing up on the shores around the world, resulting in the mass deaths of sea birds around the planet.

Shipping fuel is the filthiest available and already there is a record number of "dead" ocean zones which cannot sustain any life whatsoever. So what do you care dummy as long as you can get your filthy hands on the foul and lucrative spoils, whilst operating under third world standards.

"Tailing lambs is a fairly standard procedure." Yes indeed it is fairly standard procedure and rather mild for the Marquis De Sades of the twenty first century who suck up to ignorant and colluding governments.

Your pleasure in tailing lambs without pain relief is another indication of your cruel ignorance of nature. Nature provided the tail for good reason - as a fly swat, dummy.
Posted by dickie, Monday, 9 June 2008 1:09:05 PM
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Hi all

I don't think it's worth even answering myopinion any more, since he really has nothing of any substance to say. It should not be acceptable in any "civilized" country that animals can be deprived of water and feed for upwards of 70 hours for no better reason than a couple of bucks more at the slaughterhouse. Myopinion confirms that this is pretty common practice, along with an acceptance of the conditions under which intensively farmed pigs and hens are kept.

Dickie, Yabby sent his lambs to the slaughter on the "BECRUX" because he is such a warm, caring, compassionate person. No crappy "Al Kuwait" or "Al Messilah" for his lambs. Never mind what happened to them when they arrived, or, for that matter, those who did not get to arrive. Those would be the ones who got thrown into on-board macerators or simply over the side as you describe.

PALE, if you do not answer any questions you cannot expect anyone to understand. If there is no-one running AFIC then what negotiations can anyone be having with them?

Posted by Nicky, Monday, 9 June 2008 3:33:08 PM
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