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What really is PETA?

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*Fact is Yabby, you, in typical fashion, are lying - you are a cheat. That fact was established long ago.*

Another Dickie claim, not a scrap of evidence. As per usual.
Must be that air in the old peoples home getting to you once
again :) But yes, the memory does start to go, with you old

I guess we see the dangers of letting a couple of old tarts loose
with a google bar.

What A Govt dept says is acceptable and what farmers actually
do Dickie, can be two quite different things.

That is what farmers use Dickie, just about right around the
world these days. Walk into any Landmark or Elders branch
and ask them, seeing that you don't know any farmers.

As for spaying cattle, did you read the bit about the NT?
Did you read the bit about contacting their animal welfare
people by email? Go right ahead. Argue it out with their
vets, who are more qualified in these things then you are.

As I said before, it just doesent happen around here.

*your whole world revolves around "I, me and myself." *

Quite correct Dickie, I am responsible for what I do, not
what you do.

Meantime I put 150 lambs into the feedlot paddock and they
got stuck into the oats. One died, it must have missed it's
injection. Ahhh, shock horror, my losses are nearly as
bad as on a boat, and that is after only 2 days!

*Try these on yourselves and/or your kids and tell us if they are brutal or not. Go on!*

Nicky, best that you go and comfort all those males who were
circumcised without anesthetic. They would still be traumatised
40 years later, the poor dears :)

Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 8 June 2008 7:59:14 PM
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Hi again all

Yabby, you have already said that you don't know what other farmers do. And I think you should put one of these rubber rings on yourself, and your kids, as should myopinion (as a public service to stop either of you from reproducing) and on an unrestrained Pitbull or Rottweiler (your choice) and see what happens.

Describing Dickie and me as "old tarts" when you have no idea of how old we are is a self-defence response because you cannot counter the facts we have detailed. Do you have reliable information about where Dickie lives? Or me, for that matter. All you can tell us is that you brutalized your own animals today. Well done. As for the RSPCA, between its reluctance to spend its money on animals and its internal corruption, we all know how fatuous that remark is, and the AVA is hardly impartial or objective, having commercial interests in animals as its members do. Monitoring? Enforcement? Compliance? Don't make us laugh.

PALE, I remain mystified about AFIC. I have no idea what court you refer to, or even what congress, unless it is its own, or what its purpose in these discussions is any longer. Nor do you enlighten us about what "harm" Hugh Wirth is supposed to have done (I always thought the man suffered from such permanent lethargy that he wouldn't be able to do too much harm, but I must be wrong.If AFIC has no-one in any form of authority, which seems to be the case from its website, how can anyone be negotiating with them, including PALE and the Handle with Care people?

Dickie, come back to the other thread too - your contributions are excellent. I found the Hansard entry (Ravlich) and have circulated it - thanks heaps for that.

Posted by Nicky, Sunday, 8 June 2008 8:31:45 PM
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More of the ravings of dickie and nicky:

“real ‘karma’ would be for you people to have to face up to the animals you have used and abused in some massive 'judgment day.”
“The grotesque perversity is leeching from your personality Yabby which is morally degrading. You are an impressionable misfit, having descended to the level of the other unhinged misfits here.”

The reason the vast majority of people don’t take any notice of people like you two is simple. You’re fanatical, obsessed, and the majority of your opinions are paranoid delusions. In other words, you’re jokes!
Posted by myopinion, Sunday, 8 June 2008 8:50:44 PM
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“The reason the vast majority of people don’t take any notice of people like you two is simple.”

So why are you myopinion? We’ve gone to great lengths to get rid of the moral pygmies here but you have a thick hide eh? You just wont leave us alone. Don’t you have anything better to do?

Now where is the evidence I requested for the following?:

“Now should you be denying these atrocities occur, it is up to you to shut up or put up any evidence to the contrary. You will need to cease your inane dribbling, keep both hands on the keyboard and say something relevant to the subject.”

So where is it? Couldn’t find any eh? I suggest you wipe the egg from your face.

So Yabby, you had to scurry off to google no doubt. You wouldn’t know an elastrator from your jock strap. You prefer to maim and slash. Why don’t you try an elastrator on your own scrotum? On seconds thoughts, I don't believe you have one.

Elastrator. “This is the least desirable method of castration. It is bloodless, but calves castrated in this manner are subject to tetanus (lockjaw) infection. Sometimes the rubber ring fails and voids the operation. The post-operative appearance produced by complete removal of the scrotum is objectionable to some producers. Do not use the elastrator on calves over one month old.” (

I shall leave you sadists with some pretty pictures to gloat over. Enjoy the animal abuse but do keep your fantasies to yourself. We’d prefer not to listen to your rapturous shrieking and moaning.
Posted by dickie, Sunday, 8 June 2008 10:41:20 PM
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Dickie –

You ask me to say “say something relevant to the subject.” What could anyone say that is relevant in you biased eyes? I have continued to state relevant facts here but you and your girlfriend nicky continue to treat them as irrelevant. Any links that anyone posts, that you two don’t agree with, you state are self serving, incorrect and lies. So don’t try and make out that you are actually interested in what I have to say, or what anyone else has to say that disagrees with you, because you’re not.

You make this statement – “that the facts we present here are indisputable and they cannot be corrupted.” One word to describe this statement made by you – CRAP!

You ask me "whether I have anything better to do?" Well anything would be better than reading the rubbish you write on this forum, but I find it amusing to torment idiots like you.

So after reading something about elastrators you're now a full blown 'expert'. You're an armchair expert dickie and always will be. Forums like this are your's and nicky's 15 minutes of fame.
Posted by myopinion, Sunday, 8 June 2008 11:58:18 PM
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Dickie –

Let’s look at the link that you have posted above. Hell isn’t that informative, now let’s dissect it.
The title is “Why Vegan” and then “Boycott cruelty – Go vegan.” Lo and behold the article is actually produced by the ‘Vegetarian/Vegan Society of Queensland’ and ‘Animal Liberation Queensland.’
Well this article wouldn’t be biased by any chance would it? It’s only compiled by people who don’t believe in ANY people eating meat of any kind. The other group involved believes in total liberation for animals, which means NO farming. Well there’s impartiality!
Let’s look at some of the quotes by some of the people in the article.

“...if the public knew more about the way in which agricultural and animal production infringes on animal welfare, the outcry would be louder.”
Farm Animal Welfare, Iowa State University Press, 1995.
Bernard Rollin is author of more than 150 papers and
10 books on ethics and animal science.

I would agree with what Rollin has said.

K.D. Lang – good singer but who cares what her opinion is regarding cattle. She’s a committed vegetarian, her choice, so she’s biased against eating meat.

Kangaroo Slaughter
“They die cruelly, painfully and needlessly in the greatest extermination of wild animals ever carried out on the planet.”
JULIET GELLATLEY BSc (Zoology), Director of Viva!
Under Fire
A Viva! Report on The Killing of Kangaroos for Meat and Skin

What an absolute load of bollocks that they die cruelly and painfully and for that matter needlessly. Most roo shooters that I knew used .308’s and .243’s. I have shot roo’s with both of these calibre’s and they don’t try and run away, because they’re dead. Shooting roo’s in the head with a .17 calibre rifle using a 10x scope with an adjustable parallax and the projectile travelling 3,000 fps over the first second, produces only one result, instant death. So I can’t see how the person above says they die cruelly and painfully.

Alice Walker, Peter Singer, Tony Wardle, etc, all similar to you: armchair experts.
Posted by myopinion, Monday, 9 June 2008 12:01:45 AM
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