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What really is PETA?

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Ah Dickie's melodrama, nearly good enough for another Mills and Boons
tear jerker, trying to create perceptions in gullible readers minds!
Of perhaps, given her total lack of knowledge about livestock, she
might well believe her own rubbish.

Nicky, you are nearly as bad. According to your language, I would
have "brutalised" 180 innocent poor little lambs this morning,
certainly in your mind.

Fact is they were meat lambs, fighting and kicking all the way.
You could not have done the job of catcher, for they were tough,
strong, full of energy lambs. You would have landed up black and
blue and soon given up lol. Even the bloke doing the catching,
as big as 2-3 of you girls put together, was struggling.

But in your mind of course, these "poor, meek, timid little darlings"
were "brutalised". Housewifely perceptions I call them, for they
have little to do with reality.

Fact is that as long as we handle, farm and eat livestock, you
will accuse us of being "evil brutes". Never mind, that if left
up to nature, they would starve to death. Never mind that if left
up to nature, they would be ripped apart alive by various predators.
Never mind, that they now have far happier and healthier lives then
they would ever have in nature, its just those evil farmers that
are the problem. The brutes. Such simplistic fantasy.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 8 June 2008 2:27:32 AM
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Posted by my opinion

PALE - "it is ridiculous that we could ever police long haulage of Animals especially in these numbers."



I see we agree once more... “Great”. Now lets talk about suggestions put by buyers and others with an interest in this industry to fix this
Err, Could you explain what is incorrect about these comments pls and why you feel this? =
In sow stalls swaying, gnawing on metal bars and screaming their misery and deprivation.”
Pale thinks myopinion has never visited an intensive farm. Otherwise you would know that is %100! Correct.

Government’s takes no notice of extremists...
Yabbs the Government took enough notice to stage the biggest porky ‘ever’ on Landline. Note you didn’t respond to my comment about catching the bad guys. I take it you agree with me as usual :)

PALE If you are referring to the 2003 submissions

No. I was not... Just codes of practice.

What, besides that ..
Pale replies

Umm, the biggest so far is to vote to go to congress to lobby against live exports. That’s far more than our Christian Churches have discussed. ‘However’ Hugh’s caused ‘big problems’

Halal meat plays a enormous part in Muslims lives. AFIC will go to court now. (Afew weeks) Possibly they will then hold another election in about six months. (Depends, on the outcome of the case). Or, its possible Ikebal will return.. Mean time it’s in care taker mode.

Nicky said
I have emailed Hugh ….
Hope you get a reply. Good on you!
. I found was from a …

Yes that one was the ‘best’ – I thought

.However, give them a break. They were sincere.. Lets face facts .. That was their first.

Regardless, they have the contacts to really make a difference. We all need help at times to follow protocol in new territory.
Perhaps yourself and Dickie might assist them next time.
The invitation has always been there.

Please consider - but NOT like Hugh because THAT ISNT a Help!
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 8 June 2008 7:18:11 AM
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Dear me. It appears that myopinion has again lost control and is experiencing another hissy fit. Have a look at all the trouble he's gone to gathering "incriminating" evidence against those who love to bait him - which, due to his retardation, is very easy.

I do believe this bigot's been up half the night, venting his spleen and whipping himself into a frenzy.

Nevertheless, as my Mum used to advise: "Try and see good in everyone", so perhaps this misfit is assisting us in allowing posters to again read the cold facts of animal cruelty in Australia.

No doubt the following excerpt the bigot provided will again remind posters of the utterly barbaric atrocities Australian sheep and cattle owners inflict on their animals:

“roustabout’s, armed with searing irons, knives, mechanical contraptions to force open a cow's vaginal passage to hack off her ovaries and shears to hack off cattles', sheep and pigs' testicles, crudely slice through an incarcerated animal's exterior."

Thank you so much myopinion. Now should you be denying these atrocities occur, it is up to you to shut up or put up any evidence to the contrary. You will need to cease your inane dribbling, keep both hands on the keyboard and say something relevant to the subject.

I've already provided dozens of industry links substantiating these claims. In fact so many it made the Yabby very nervous which got his knickers in a twist where he even suggested I was "over googling."

Of course it's well documented that subterranean rodents detest seeing the light of day and endeavour to scurry back to their burrows - eh sorry - with the exception of the ground hog's "220 square house on two acres = value $1.6 million and paid for, haha!"

Could anyone provide a bucket please?
Posted by dickie, Sunday, 8 June 2008 1:47:49 PM
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*In fact so many it made the Yabby very nervous which got his knickers in a twist where he even suggested I was "over googling."*

Hehe Dickie, it just shows how posters like yourself, with a
vivid imagination, can get their own knickers in a twist,
by their own imaginings.

Fact is that when a well informed poster like say Rojo posts
a link, its usually worth the bother to read it and understand
his point of reason. With so called "Googloholics" as yourself,
who frantically post huge numbers of links in a desparate attempt
to justify themselves, most of the time its just not worth the
bother to even read them, for the quality is about as low
as the desparation of the poster.

So rather then get nervous, your crap is usually ignored to
a large degree.

Fact is that I don't know a single beef farmer who hacks out cows
ovaries and I don't know a single sheep farmer who hacks off
lambs testicles.

They might well exist somewhere, I really don't know and its not
really my problem. Just as you are not responsible for the actions
of every female in Australia, I am not responsible for the actions
of every farmer in Australia.

If cruelty exists, we have plenty of organisations in Australia,
such as the RSPCA, the vets association etc, to point it out and
to change things. The thing is, they need to be qualified people,
who know what its all about and who pass informed comment,
not just vegan ignoramousus such as yourself, who wear out their
google bars in desparation.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 8 June 2008 3:22:18 PM
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"Fact is that I don't know a single beef farmer who hacks out cows
ovaries and I don't know a single sheep farmer who hacks off
lambs testicles."

Fact is Yabby who cares? You don't have any friends. Fact is Yabby, your whole world revolves around "I, me and myself."

Fact is Yabby, you, in typical fashion, are lying - you are a cheat. That fact was established long ago.

The link on sheep castration is for Western Australia - right in your territory.

And you farm sheep? You must be the village idiot.

And thank you once again Yabby for confirming that the facts we present here are indisputable and they cannot be corrupted.
Posted by dickie, Sunday, 8 June 2008 5:05:51 PM
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Hi all
This is information from the WA CoP from Dickie's link.

Acceptable methods of castrating male lambs, without anaesthesia, are:

Cutting - The lamb should be properly restrained and the knife/cutting instrument kept clean and sharp. Good post-operative drainage of the wound is required.

Rubber rings applied according to the manufacturer's recommendation.
Emasculators or spermatic cord crushing instruments used according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Castration, vasectomy or the induction of cryptorchidism (the re-positioning of the testicles into the abdomen) of rams over six months of age should not be performed without the use of an anaesthetic.


Cattle spaying
Flank spaying involves entering the abdomen through a cut made in the flank of the animal. When performed without anaesthesia there is a level of pain and distress to the animal that is totally unacceptable. In nearly all instances this procedure is performed WITHOUT anaesthesia.

In heifers and undeveloped cows, passage spaying by hand is only possible with the aid of a mechanical device to spread the vaginal passage. This procedure inflicts extreme pain to the animal and causes irreparable damage to the vagina. The greater proportion of spaying is performed on undeveloped cattle where the procedure requires the use of spreaders.

Another method, the Willis Technique, is increasingly being used in the Northern Territory and Queensland. This method involves an operator placing his/her arm into the back passage of the calf and cutting the ovaries out. Again, no analgesia or anaesthesia is used, and the operators must be highly skilled to avoid internal damage and infections.

None of these ‘proceedures’ is performed using anaesthetic or analgesic follow-up. Rarely are they carried out by veterinary surgeons; most being undertaken by unqualified untrained workers.

The Willis technique is "preferred" because recovery time is shorter - and, you guessed it - the hide doesn't get damaged. (DAFF website)

Try these on yourselves and/or your kids and tell us if they are brutal or not. Go on!

Posted by Nicky, Sunday, 8 June 2008 7:20:52 PM
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