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meat prices and value for money

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We understand you’re busy. I am pleased you have picked up on

the Strong Smell for reason for closure in WA.
I reckon your lawyer ...


Umm, well, Nicky There’s bound to be stuff he would to be brief on (background)

If they would not co operate to brief him it would hinder his work and the possible outcome.

Could put you in contact with him and they might cooperate more. Just an idea. No need to decide now.

Nicky Said
Finally - may I suggest ...

pale comments
It’s an awful for just one branch. I don’t like to ask. At this stage we are looking at meeting on 26th. Make it worse is a Saturday- in Brisbane. Not sure if we should ask RSPCA and HS to that one or not.

Lot of sorting to do.

The plants you mentioned below are a small part of that.

Robert spoke with them and apparently the gas was mentioned. Lets wait and See..

Nicky said

PS Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought Packer was cremated.

Pale- No buried on his property.


Peter Dundon reports a very different picture then you do from the ME and he is there every day.

Pale comments-

Pigs might fly. He’s here everyday. His office is at Ipswich. The last I spoke with him it was re the AWB Enquiry.

We asked him if he would care to make a comment on the strippers outside the AWB Enquiry protesting the Cruelty of the live Animal Export Trade.

He referred us to head office= Elders FYI:)


You can preach to the world from the Gold Coast, yet things
are falling down right in your own backyard.

Pale comments
Yes we are in contact with the Minister for immigration.

Had a `lovely little chat` quite late this evening. ..

Pointed out in writing it would be difficult not to call for an enquiry and use the WA Hansard doc etc..

So you know I don’t mind sharing I will post part of our message tonight to the M- Evans...
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 3 April 2008 12:51:35 AM
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From: Halalkindmeats
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 8:22 PM
Subject: Shame on you!

Dear Mr Evans

It is painfully clear to the public and our members that Abattoir workers have had extra pressure put on them.

Are these animals are now trucked instead?

Or perhaps sent on ships?

The Abattoir 457 Visa for these workers are vital Or is it orders from Mr Rudd protecting the live trade. This town will collapse without the workers.

We require urgently 457 for at least another hundred thousand to one hundred and fifty thousand 457

As Minister for Immigration it is a perfect opportunity to have migrants trained as staff so they can eventually work and make lives in Australia for regional area survival and training of aboriginal people.

We urge you to act now. We are calling for an open public enquiry into the involvement of your office in making it almost impossible for these owners to comply.

Are you familiar Mr Evans with the WA enquiry into similar in 2005 perhaps. The department of immigration are not the workers watch dog.

We urge you not to sit back use the useless dribble that you will be watching NZ.

The locals also will loose their jobs and the town will collapse if you dont act.

We intend to reopen dozens of plants throughout Australia and employ and teach the Aboriginal People and regional people how to be self sufficient.

We do not intend to be fobbed off to Tony Burkes or elsewhere.

We are asking your office to consider we have a moral obligation attempt to not to put dozens of good people out of work and destroy somebodies business.

Abattoirs have demands and conditions put on them that NO other industry has.

These people earn a dozen times more than they do back home.

Yourself and your staff are paid by the tax payers so pls carry out our wishes and do something today.


Halal Kind Meats
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 3 April 2008 1:03:03 AM
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Nicky, Peter Dundon is paid by MLA and so what? The problem is your wrong
perception that farming and animal welfare are mutually exclusive, when in fact
the opposite is the case. Animal welfare is one of many topics that farmers have
to deal with.

Tell me something Nicky, on how many properties have you been, where you
have seen what professional farmers are actually doing? I can tell you that
I deal with these people every day and 80-90% are very concerned about
animal welfare, or they would have been out of business a long time ago.

By far the majority of animal welfare issues that I see are on hobby farms
and absentee owner farms, usually through plain ignorance.

David Suzuki noted in his OLO article that farming brings one close to nature.
Very true. Farmers have a much more natural understanding of the world,
life, birth, death etc, then somebody like you, with her weird philosophy.

I’ve looked at the exports statistics many time Nicky and the fact remains that
you as an Australian, owe your lifestyle to farming, given that Australia rode
on the sheep’s back until recently. Without it, we would still be a banana
republic. Even today, as our current account still runs at 6% or so of GDP,
take out farm exports and the Australian $ would soon become the Australian
Peso, as you report writing paper shufflers are clearly unable to generate
any significant export $ to pay your way. WA I might add, with 10% of
the population, generates around 40-50% of our export $. You have us to
thank for your well being.

Gertrude, you are out of touch once again. Do your homework and
find out where Peter and his wife Sharon now live.
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 3 April 2008 9:22:27 AM
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There is an interesting article in this week's hardcopy of Farm Weekly. It seems that both Fletchers at Narricup and Lynley Valley,
are relying on backpackers to get them through their labour crisis.
Of course they train these people and then they are gone within
a few months. So they are unable to value add as they could, if they
had the labour.

Clearly paper shufflers like you Nicky, don't have the foggiest about
what is happening in the real world out there, when you try to
shut down the live trade. The meat industry clearly cannot cope
now, let alone with another 4 million head.

But that is fine, you just float along on your little dreams of
tulip fields :) Ignorance is clearly bliss!
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 3 April 2008 3:31:10 PM
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Hi all

Dear Yabby,

The reality is that I owe nothing of my lifestyle, wellbeing or anything else to Australian farmers, I have it because I work for it (without exploiting animals too) as is the case with the vast majority of the population. Exporting raw materials in any form is economic nonsense when there is a capacity for value-adding in this country. Ask an economist instead of a farmer or a live export agent. Some more realities for you.

Official Australian ABS Fact:

Chapter 14 of the Yearbook is dedicated to Australian Agriculture and states:

‘While Australian Agriculture no longer contributes a large share of gross domestic product (GDP) – averaging around 3% in recent years – it utilises a large proportion of natural resources, accounting for 70% of water consumption and almost 60% of Australia’s land use. The gross value of total Australian agricultural production in 2004-05 was $35.6 billion". (Source: ABS Product: 7501.0).

Peter Dundon no doubt gets paid extremely well to preach to the converted. What else is he going to say, for Heavens sake? I wonder what happened to Nigel Brown, MLA's erstwhile "animal welfare authority"?

PALE, my (unqualified) thoughts would be that if the WA case "failed" (although it didn't really, the cruelty charges under the WA Act were proven beyond a reasonable doubt) because of Commonwealth (Constitutional) technicalities, it should be removed from the WA jurisdiction anyway and referred to the Federal (or even the High) Court, but the problem is that there is no Commonwealth animal welfare law. The ALES are mandatory and enforceable, but are nevder enforced (see all the mortality reports). The whole situation reeks of corruption, and as I understand it, Ravlich got the push from the WA Education portfolio before getting this (Local Government) one. I suspect she is incompetent to even comment, nad it is extremely improper of her to intervene. Those are just my thoughts, based on what I have read (the Magistrate's judgment, etc).

What's the story with the Teys Brothers material? That workers should be imported under the 457 Visa system?

Posted by Nicky, Thursday, 3 April 2008 6:31:23 PM
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Hehe Nicky, you know about as much about economics as about farming, which is
about sweet FA :) I subscribe to the Economist and do try to at least inform myself
a little bit, unlike you it seems.

First world economies are not created by people trading houses with one another, which is much of the basis of your city based economy, other then supplying
agriculture and mining with inputs. Australia’s first world economy was in
fact created by exports, largely agricultural. You went to school here, you went
to University here, you live in cities where Govts have money to spend. Take
agriculture out of Australia’s history and present, you would live in a banana
republic, without these many benefits. No exports means no wealth.

Export $ create wealth locally, writing reports don’t. I remind you that with a
current account deficit of 6%, add another 35 billion (the value of agriculture )
it would be around 10% or banana republic status. Half the money that
Australian banks lend, they borrow from overseas. They charge banana republics
a great deal more, due to higher risk. So on your knees you go to thank us farmers :)

Yes, we don’t value add as much as we could, because you paper shufflers are so keen on even more rules and regulations, whilst adding payroll taxes and other
burdens on to exporters costs, so that city based value adding is simply uncompetitive
for much of the time, despite having some of the cheapest raw materials in the
world to work with. In efficiency terms, WA agriculture rates amongst the top
in the world. Don’t blame us, if you screw it up and can’t get it right.

I am sure that Peter and his wife are paid reasonably for their efforts. They can’t be
expected to up stumps and move to the ME, without compensation. That has little
to do with the validity of his claims. Either he is right or he is wrong. You have yet
to show where his claims are wrong.
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 3 April 2008 9:12:57 PM
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