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meat prices and value for money

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Nicky, I would be interested in your comments on the AAWS. I take it you have little regard for the strategy? What do you think the purpose of the conference is then?

I must admit i have not been paying it much attention as i have been too focused on other things, but all of a sudden I am hearing more and more about it from all different areas.
Posted by PF, Thursday, 1 May 2008 5:55:07 PM
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Hi all
Yabby, I will pass on your comments to the contacts I that I have about the fencing - thanks, I do appreciate that.

The issue I have with sheep on trucks results from my own observations of trucks leaving saleyards hopelessly overloaded, with sheep on top of one another on the top decks (which are often all you can actually see unless you can get close enough, and I've been attacked by the truckies often enough to be wary of that). In one instance I saw the result of that - three young wethers who had fallen. I was driving behind two heavily overloaded trucks, after a bend, I came across the three sheep. While we tried to find a vet nearby to euthanize them (there wasn't one, and they were shockingly injured, broken limbs and bleeding from the nose and mouth) or even the police in time (to shoot them if necessary), they just died where they lay. And I see the same trucks doing the same thing, over and over again.

I do take on board what you say about stocking density and the problems associated with loading so that they do not fall (more than necessary!) though. I was aware of that, and I do know the difference when I see it.

Also, it is possible to represent to schoolkids why they are being put on a bus and why it is for their own good, It must be hard to present that point of view to sheep i.e. that it is good for them to be loaded onto trucks for slaughter/live export, and not for the obvious reasons either.

PF, may I get back to you about the AAWS please? I'm going away for a few days tomorrow and I have some preparation (papers) to do before that so I'll only get to quick stuff tonight, I'm afraid.

PS Yabby, is there a reason you can think of why one lone sheep would have been left behind in a paddock outside a saleyard for almost a week now?
Posted by Nicky, Thursday, 1 May 2008 7:54:40 PM
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Nicky, what happens to sheep from the saleyards, most of the time has little
to do with farmers. Trucking companies usually reach long term agreements with
processors at rock bottom prices to get the business, I have no doubt that some
of them would try and solve some of those logistical problems by squeezing too
many on. But that is out of farmers hands, ring Mr Fletcher etc.

In my own case, when any of my sheep go on a Double B, I’ll estimate the size
of the animals from experience and book an appropriate number of pens. 10 to
the pen or 12 to the pen, depending on wool length, size etc. Its not in my interest
to crowd them in, for I would not get paid for dead sheep or crook sheep. The farmers
that I know, do the same as I do.

I think that you want to be careful about making overall judgements about sheep
transport in Australia, based on your experience from that one saleyard. I see
sheep trucks on the roads every day, most look quite professionally loaded to me.
But as in any industry, there will always be some dud operators.

I have to agree with you, I don’t have long philosophical conversations with my sheep about why they need to go on a truck :) But then I can’t remember having
them with my mom either. I had to go to school, end of story. She was bigger then
me lol.

I have no idea why somebody left one sheep behind outside a saleyard
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 1 May 2008 8:42:05 PM
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Hi all
Thanks, Yabby, I wasn't attributing the transport conditions to the farmers, in fact, I know of a couple of farmers who have taken the transporter/s to task for their treatment and/or loading of their animals. And you are also correct in saying that lots of transporters do it right (if it must be done but we won't go there). But I have also seen some shockers, and oddly enough, those seem to be the ones who want to attack me. It must have to do with reports I've filed with the police. I have an excellent camera.

It's usually the biggest operators who do it, the smaller trucks are often farmers' trucks and they usually appear to be quite well managed.

This particular saleyard is currently facing police charges for leaving 41 sheep in a pen for over a week with no feed (and it's not the first instance over which they have been charged and convicted). They had water but the police established that they had no feed in that entire period. They said it "wasn't their problem" (to feed them). Four, in particular a Leicester ram, were very ill. Reports about them to the RSPCA fell on deaf ears.

There is no supervision when the animals are left there or collected.

Call it oxytocin, but this oe lone sheep does look terribly forlorn (but we won't go there either).

Posted by Nicky, Thursday, 1 May 2008 9:21:41 PM
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PALE, one more thing. You claimed in an earlier post that Sheill was appointed by the government to organize the NCCAW. Does it not strike you that he would be the most obvious person that the government (first Howard and now Rudd) WOULD appoint, to try (but fail) to give him a bit of cred, given their positions on the live export trade?

Even though the NCCAW had been there for something like 16 years without any previous input from him because he HAS no credibility. THAT is why the AAWS has been established, to try and exclude any credible animal welfare people from the debate.

So much for Rudd's "I cannot abide animal cruelty", and "rest assured......"

Posted by Nicky, Friday, 2 May 2008 12:37:14 AM
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Reports about them to the RSPCA fell on deaf ears.?
Hello All
Can you give us any details of reports to RSPCA falling on deaf ears?

Regardless or not if you think we are only supporting RSPCA you would be incorrect.
Of course Howard put Kevin In Charge etc for their own reasons Nicky.

Dont even start me on Rudd. I honestly think its a step backward for Animal Welfare.
Even with some concern towards animals they simply do not have the mjen to carry out the job.
All the more reason why we must take over the industry and forget the Government.

The answer has always been to take on the Government legally Nicky.

Sure they play unfair and use powers they should not but sooner or later they are going to make a huge mistake like we just saw in WA.

You dont honestly think they will get away with that do you.

The bigger the bully the easier to catch them out.

To be honest at least the Howard had some small degrees of brains in their offices.

This Government are a band of silly fools full of their ignorance and power.

Much easier to take on.

Yabby, those sheep in the sale yards may well have been Elders just as easily as Rodgers.

You simply dont care. If you did you would get off your bum and start up some plants in WA.

You keep saying you have friends with farms and in high places.


The sick industry is going down.

Like I said before we will Ban It ourselves.
Use your vivid imagination as to whom we are.
Toodle pip!
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Friday, 2 May 2008 9:57:11 PM
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