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meat prices and value for money

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Poor little lamb, you just don’t get it.

Oh no, of course theirs no you scratch my back Mr Elders, AWB – and we will still give you a billion dollars on the quite of tax payers funds.

Live Export support has been promoted by the lobbyists for the trade, with Government support.

Animal welfare and trade unionists have consistently raised a far more serious reason why we need to stop and slaughter here.

The Live Animal; export industry economy deserves a closer look, beyond the umbrella of industry protection and ‘self promotion.’

A very different picture emerges as Nicky has pointed out on the economical foundations on which the trade has been promoted and legitimized.

Oh Yes, the old we are going broke tax relief trick. Umm Packer was rather good at that. Buying up all the plants around Australia.

Get to know the farmer supplier- then bugger the families who mortgaged their houses just close up the plant and ride it off as a tax loss and cop a double whammy with the trade dollars.

Even the live animal exporters themselves recognize that the value and profitability of the trade is not intrinsic to the product itself, but rather a product of market distortion in the form of tariff and non tariff barriers.

Australia is not such a poor country it need to trade off the back of unspeakable misery of Animals for an extra $20.00 0o $40 or even a thousand dollars a head. Bugger your cruel friends Yabby. We will see you in hell!

Yabby said
closing it because of the live trade is nothing but imagination.
That is exactly what happened, it is now owned by Singapore interests.

pale replies

Bull Yabby, utter crap.

Oh yeh, the Singapore connection a legacy from our late Mr Packer.

Sure ,that is why the local Aussie bloke got knocked back by the Government for a $500.00 loan grants and three weeks later our offshore buddies were given 40 million dollars by the Australian Government for the ‘same’ plant.

Pull the other leg Yabby- It whistles.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Monday, 31 March 2008 7:04:13 AM
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*just because they bred too many and they
stopped producing the best wool*

Nicky, you girls crack me up, you really do. What do you think farmers are going
to do with them? Perhaps dig them each little graves with a little cross on top,
then hold hands and sing Kumbaya ? You are free to live in your little fairyland of
tippytoeing through the tulips, meantime the rest of us live in the real world and
accept that we eat livestock, much to your disgust. Tough titties as they say :)

*As for Fat Chance, I'll bet he's a farmer (or
his relatives and/or best mates are).*

Wow, how evil is that? Actually having friends who might be farmers! ROFL

*but what nationality is the crew?*

Who cares about the nationality of the crew? You might be racist, I am not. There
are good and bad people from every country. I evaluate individuals as just that.

*why it doesn't matter if a few thousand die.*

Of course it matters if a few thousand die! The economic loss of hundreds of
thousands of Dollars just for starters. Buyers do not pay for dead livestock, that
is the reality. It is the same with farming. Healthy, happy livestock are more
profitable then sick ones. The industry has a great record of 99% and improving.
That is highly acceptable, to those who know anything about livestock.

Fact is Nicky, you are against anything and anyone who disagrees with your
philosophy that livestock should be bemothered and not eaten. That is the
bottom line here.

*Oh yeh, the Singapore connection a legacy from our late Mr Packer.*

Mr Packer has been chewed up by worms Gertrude. Your loan refers to a
case from a different decade, different Govt, different State and has sweet
FA to do with the Harvey Beef case. The connection is in your imagination,
nowhere else. I am not about to blame the Govt for your neural wiring :)

As to long distance transport Nicky, there is a great solution,
put them on a boat with feed and water!
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 31 March 2008 3:13:42 PM
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Official Hansard
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
stroyed the abattoir or meatworks business in ...... titled ‘Packer beats the tax man on $95m’ which reported that 17 of Mr Kerry Packer’s companies ...

REPORT Peter Beattie MP Premier and Minister for Trade Japan and...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
owned by the Teys family and Mr. Kerry Packer’s Consolidated Pastoral. Company. ...... Is the largest Nippon Meat Packers Australia (NMPA) group abattoir and ... - Similar pages


The latest now is your Minister Ravlich interfering in judicial process instructing the WA State Solicitor to drop the Al Kuwait appeal.

We would prepared to follow up.

Nicky Said

PALE, you had a good relationship with HSI, did you not?

Pale -Yes

I think CIWF were instructed like everybody else not to work with us.
I would much prefer RSPCA ,Bidda and yourself along with as you say HSI.
You might have contacts with Dawn and she might know where Trish Brown is. It would be a good start.

We have a first meeting agin in 4 weeks so anytime after that. You motivated me So we re made contact this morining.


If PALE and Animals Australia ...

Pale replies
Just for the record we are not opposed to AA We support their efforts 100% despite my comments letting off steam to you in the past out of frustration

We would just like them to also consider the possibilities that many heads make light work.

We do have unique contacts and wish to share them with ‘all of the groups’.

We want to assist groups to be in a better position to sit regularly at the table with the Muslim people who are making decisions and have strong influence with the people overseas who are buying meat supplies.
In Particular groups like PAACT and Dawn Trish You.

I will look at the drafts and comment ASAP- thanks.

Thanks for all you do but don’t underestimate yourself given the right contacts pls
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Monday, 31 March 2008 8:00:38 PM
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Gertrude, do you even live in the real world, or in the world of

Kerry moved on to become wormfood, James is busy building casinos,
he has no interest in meat processing. Teys Bros moved on too.
Now its the Brazilians who have become the big players in meat
processing in Australia, as they buy up more plants.

Quote history all you like, but it is exactly that, the past.
Are you even aware of the present reality? Somehow I doubt it.
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 31 March 2008 10:34:11 PM
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Oh Yes, the old we are going broke tax relief trick. Umm Packer was rather good at that. Buying up all the plants around Australia.

Get to know the farmer supplier- then bugger the families who mortgaged their houses just close up the plant and ride it off as a tax loss and cop a double whammy with the trade dollars.

The word is that Packer closed the Rockhampton plant due to 'continued strike action'.

As for the harvey beef issue. Harvey is an export plant dispursing of it's excess within Australia.

With the added presure of huge freights from there, along with a deflated export market it is little wonder they are struggling.

All businesses within WA wanting to deal interstate battle with freight costs due to their remoteness.
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 1 April 2008 5:59:55 AM
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“Rising Above the Herd”



Fact that strikes and the unions played a big part.

Lakes creek has struggled since reopening. Regarless its common knowledge Packer was a live export man. He brought many plants up there which he later closed and re- diverted to live.

Not always were plants only closed down because of weather, staff or strikes. The fact is some of those became a convient excuse.

Remember Packers tax Bill rehctub. Ever wondered how such a clever man did that.

Had he not rediverted his plant interests to mostly life and use his influence more than once we may have a different picture here now.

Of Course I am aware there were other players but Packers influence was huge.

Lets say you decided you wanted to export meat.

Just how much help do you think you would have got? Do you think the Government subs would have loaded you up with 40 million to expend your business goals?

Lets face it when did the butchers of Australia ever get one cent of that funding that is 'thrown' at those involved in the live export trade.

This is one of the reasons the red meat industry are again pushing for an inquiry as they have done for year.

In Western Australia 1997 there wasa economic relationship study undertaken by researches on behalf of the Agriculture. It was written with interest of being able to measure and compare the contribuition of major agriculture industries to State and regional .
The analysis was to focuss on the value -adding components.
The results indicted that animal meat contributed the highest level of value - adding to the sates economy. You get no value adding in live exports yet it is the live exports that is heavily propped up by the Government with our public funds.

Yes trucking is a problem and costs I agree. Its another mob with vetted interests to keep the cruel life trade going.

Public wouldnt mind if the truckies were subbed and abattoirs reopended instead our money being given to ME
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Tuesday, 1 April 2008 7:55:26 AM
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