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Promised land a hollow promise : Comments
By Greg Barns, published 25/7/2006Israel has lost its direction as a nation.
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Posted by Hamlet, Sunday, 30 July 2006 12:04:26 AM
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Hamlet..didn't u hear....the 'roadmap' is dead.
I support the ethnic clarification of the whole area, and the re-shaping of the area demographically, even as a Christian. I also support in principle the efforts of the Serbs to re-patriate Kosovo Albanians to Albania and Robert Mugabe addressing the crimes against humanity by British Colonists who took 90% of the best land and left the 90% of the black population to the scabbiest 10% of the land. I don't support his or the Serbs brutality/methods though. I would support in principle the right of Aboriginal Australians to boot us out and for the British crown to foot the bill for our relocation. But would we let that happen ? If not, how would we stop it ? If we left, would some other power fill the vacuum ? Clearly, when we start thinking about 'principles of justice' it gets messy and the point where we stop would have to go back to Cain killing Abel... So, to what do we look for solutions to human conflict ? Well ultimately it is the kingdom of God where there is neither Jew nor Greek, Slave nor free. But this is not something we can 'impose' with military or political force. So, for the most part, the world operates on the principle of 'might' ..not 'might is right' but that 'might decides'. Looking to the UN for just solutions is futile. The only effective UN at the moment is the united Bush/Blair coalition and if you think about it, they are the two major powers which saw victory in Europe during WWII. The Russians are the others who should join with them. A trinity of benevolant force ? :) Yikes.. if the yanks had their way we would see evergreening of pharmeceutical patents and be paying 3 times as much for a script.... But there is an alternative...... 5And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.Romans 5:5 Posted by BOAZ_David, Sunday, 30 July 2006 7:13:09 AM
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In another OLO forum
wobbles noted that "nobody in our media seemed to notice that the new Ceyhan-Tblisi-Baku (BTC) oil pipeline opened just as the hostilities began - taking oil from the Caspian to the Mediterranean. There's a second pipe that will carry much-needed water to Israel from Turkey." I knew nothing about it but then I am not surprised because I figure that our news is heavily edited. I recomend that others check out the link provided by wobbles. It certainly makes for interesting reading. Posted by Aka, Sunday, 30 July 2006 4:18:42 PM
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• Col Rouge ..."Leo Braun, I am not sure where you are coming from but can tell where you are going and the bleating self-righteousness is not the stuff which will resolve problems. You should really accept the facts of life as they are - Israel now exists"... Yeah, as a safe-haven enclave for organised-crime-syndicates and tax-dodging billionaire oligarchs. Welcomed as norm in the land of milk-n-honey, courtesy of psychopaths-junta-protectorate. Which won't extradite them (whilst no Palestinian to have any right of return). As an-utterly debauched society of the entirely brainwashed zealots plunged in a freefall paradigm.
While dragging along into oblivion umbilical-cord-attached USA, revered in Israel for $3 billion drip-fed economy in shackles. Yeah, Israelis are a very grateful bunch for uncle Sam invoked UN vetoes each-time in succession. Not mentioning their gratitude for charismatic Zhyd Billy, who pardoned Marc Rich (not-before having unzipped genitalia for Mossad's Monica). No wonder criminal Jews constituted 0.5% of the US prison-population, versus 25% of the convicted criminals whose sentences were commuted. Tough-luck for the life-sentenced ordinary Russian people! Depleted of basic means-of-existence, thanks to elders-of-zion practiced predatory privatisation. As cold-blooded movers-n-shakers sucked the life out of the societies in which they live-in-Galuth. While indulging in jewvoracious opulence, sustained via money-laundering on a global scale. Courtesy of Israeli banking system with the unique expertise at hiding-assets-offshore (in a way that they could-not-be-traced). Being on Interpol's ten-most-wanted list, didn't keep Marc Rich from continuing to-enrich himself in the "neutral" Switzer-Land, to the tune of hundreds-of-millions of dollars a year. As he shuttled regularly to Israelis safe-haven for villains. Where as a token of appreciation, reportedly he has given $200 million to Israeli junta (during the time he has been-on-the-run). Whilst the long promised land of milk-n-honey evolved into-a-hotbed of corruption, unparalleled in the history of the modern nation-states. Notorious as-a-centre for slave-trade, drugs and prostitution, investment-chicanery, banking rip-offs and money-laundering, not mentioning blood-diamonds-trade. Coexistent via strong ties with Russian-Jew-Mafia, whose oligarch-affiliates take advantage of the Israel's sly-crafted Law-of-Return. Utilised "to-convert" expeditiously Russian-Jew-mobsters, to-Judaism! For collaborative exposé proceed to ... Posted by Leo Braun, Sunday, 30 July 2006 4:30:06 PM
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Protocols of Zion an interesting read Eva Braun? I know life is hard, but you're not going to make it easier for yourself inspiring hate. It will consume you.
Are you able to include this in your paranoid scheme of things? At least 171 Jews and persons of half-Jewish ancestry have been awarded the Nobel Prize,1 accounting for 23% of all individual recipients worldwide between 1901 and 2005, Jews currently make up approximately 0.25% of the world's population A nice little visual at this site to put things in perspective for you Eva Braun. “Unlike Islam’s Koran, which commands Muslims to force the entire planet to submit to literal control by Islam, the Jewish Torah promises the children of Israel a modest and reasonable allotment of land. Israel in RED , is a democratic nation 1/19th the size of California, surrounded by 22 hostile Arab/Islamic dictatorships with 640 times her size, 60 times her population and ALL the oil. How dare Arab propagandists call Israel “expansionist!” And how dare anyone believe them! How can Israel, which occupies one-sixth of one percent of the lands called Arab, be responsible for the political dissatisfaction of 22 Arab countries? How can the 13 million Jews in the world (almost 5 million fewer than they were in 1939!) be blamed for the problems of the 300 million Arabs, who have brotherly ties to 1.4 billion Muslims worldwide?” And you're joining the Mohammedans in this Eva? Its just sick Posted by Martin Ibn Warriq, Sunday, 30 July 2006 5:12:14 PM
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First, Leo Braun - thanks for your creative ideas on how to make money and gain power. My real name is Ron Hubbard (hehehe the world believes I'm dead, but I discovered immortality which I'll bestow on anyone in our galaxy who pays me the weight of planet earth in gold), I happen to own a secret motorcycle gang, The Elders of Andromeda, we plan to take over the universe, and since your ideas surpass even mine, we could certainly use your services as our spiritual advisor.
Aka, One very important factor for the start of hostilities that you forgot to mention, is the conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury in the 7th house. Hamlet (at least someone is serious): If what you write is true, then it is sad indeed. However, the report you rely on is from 2004! Ariel Sharon is no longer prime-minister (he had a severe brain-stroke and lies in coma for months while the settlers believe it is due to the voodo-like curse they placed on him after he changed his policies and turned against them) and the current government of Israel was recently elected on the agenda of eliminating settlements in the West Bank - not the contrary. For a moment I was startled: is the battle in Lebanon so heavy that the government of Israel is afraid to confront the settlers on a 3rd front and therefore tries to appease them and gain their support for the war on Hezbullah...? Fortunately I saw the date. Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 30 July 2006 5:55:44 PM
New homes may block 'road map'
August 14, 2004
Thousands of Jewish homes to be built in the West Bank undermine the "road map" to peace. Ed O'Loughlin reports from Jerusalem.
The Israeli Government moved ahead this week with plans to build thousands of Jewish homes in the occupied West Bank, despite promises to the United States and the international community to halt construction on seized Palestinian land.
The Israeli daily newspaper Maariv revealed that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon recently authorised the Defence Ministry to build 800 houses on West Bank land annexed to the settlements of Maale Adumim, to the east of Jerusalem, and Ariel, to the north.
The paper reported that the new projects are part of even broader master plans to insert thousands of Jewish homes into the West Bank, despite Israel's promise to freeze construction under last year's "road map" for peace.