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Promised land a hollow promise : Comments

By Greg Barns, published 25/7/2006

Israel has lost its direction as a nation.

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BLAME ? sure.. Britain (Supported Druze) Syria (Druze/Shia) Turkey (Its empire)?

Ask Walid Jumblat leader of the Druze in 2006 what his grandfather did in 1860 ! <==please READ this to be informed.

[Trumpets sounded. Turks ran through the barracks gathering the Christians from its three floors and forcing them at bayonet point into the parade arena. After a few minutes to allow the Turks time to take to the terraces so as to be able to observe the forthcoming spectacle, the gates were thrown open and the Druze rushed in and the butchery began. After firing a volley, the Druze set on the Maronites with swords, hatchets and bill-hooks. Those who tried to escape by the gate were either cut down by the turks or turned over to the Druze. Not a sole was spared. The orders were explicit, no Christian was to be left alive. At sunset, Naisie Jumblatt inspected the dead and congratulated her men on a job well done. An English traveler, Mr. Graham, who was in Hasbaya after the massacre, in a letter to Lord Dufferin states: 'From the wounds I have seen, both on the living and the dead, it would appear that the assassins went to work with the most systematic cruelty; ten, tweleve, and fourteen deep cuts on the body of a person are not unfrequent...In short everything was used which came to hand; and, according to the nature of the weapon, hands and limbs were cut off, or brains dashed out, or bodies mangled.]

NOTE......Britain_supported_the_Druze ! Rancitas..?

And Steve B cries out at Maroubra “Yes... I know about this savagery”

Greg Barns your shallowness is obscene.

Does anyone really think it would be different for the Jews if Israel was weak ?

Listening to the comments by the ‘innocent civilians’ fleeing Sth Lebanon, it is clear that attitudes toward non-Muslims have not changed. Support for Hezbollah is culpable guilt.

God said to Abraham Gen12:3
“Whoever curses_you, I will curse” and so the bombs fall ?.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 25 July 2006 12:13:41 PM
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Greg Barns quotes, rather approvingly, from former CIA analyst Kathleen Christison who says that: "A nation that mandates the primacy of one ethnicity or religion over all others will eventually become psychologically dysfunctional."

Has Barns stopped to think that on this basis many other Middle East nations such as Saudi Arabia (where culture revolves almost entirely around the religion of Islam), or those which officialy proclaim themselves to be Islamic - such as the Islamic Republic of Iran - are equally, if not moreso, "psychologically dysfunctional"?

I can't defend Israel's current military initiative, which I think is a gross over-reaction to the Hizbollah actions, however calling Israel a "failed state", or implying that it is fast becoming one does not help solve problems when Israel is surrounded by a grab-bag of other equally 'failed' nations, several of which lust for its total destruction.
Posted by EnerGee, Tuesday, 25 July 2006 12:13:44 PM
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Well, after viewing all the arguments , I can think of one question for you all...,

If your neighbor continually threw rocks, or whatever over the fence and caused you or your property injury or damage... How long would it take you to retaliate, and also after allegedly resolving the issue, when it reoccurs , how far would you take the retaliation.. And how many times must it occur , for you to brand it as final...

Peace is wonderful.. or it was , here, but not with the influence of the disruptive..
Posted by ozken, Tuesday, 25 July 2006 12:21:14 PM
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You're out of touch if you think Israel voluntarily returned Sinai after the '67 war. The Egyptians retook large parts of in the '73. They crossed the Suez and beat the bejesus out of the Israeli's. Peace was brokered, with eventually Israel forced to withdraw to it's pre '67 borders. Peace treaties were made with Anwar Sadat in the 1978 when he was Egyptian President, at Camp David with Jimmy Carter and the land grabbing Menachan Begin. They wouldn't have been signed if the US hadn't exerted pressure on the Israelis.

If you were to look at the 'bits and pieces' of the West Bank Israel proposed to return, take a look at that bloody fence, and see where Israel outrightly refuses to remone it's illegal settlers you'd not make the extraordinary and false claim 'Israel offered to remove its people for (sic) the vast majority of the West Bank'

What world are you living in?

Oh that's right... O'Reilly's. There's a view other than O'Reilly's.
If the Palestinains were given a far go, ie. their own state with fair borders (pre '67) support for the violence of Hezbollah and Hamas would wither.

Haha 2bob

The Israeli's claim they invaded Lebanon because two of their soldiers were kidnapped... Just as laughable as your rewrite.
I'll bet Hezbollah outlast any and all Israeli governments that are not prepared to meet the expectations of the Palestinians and with a return to the pre'67 borders.

You know you keep quoting UN resolutions to support your view.
Well explain away the non-compliance with this one, Resolution 242.

"It calls for the "withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict" (see semantic dispute) and the "[t]ermination of all claims or states of belligerency".
It also calls for the recognition of all established states by belligerent parties (Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan) of each other and calls for the establishment of defensible boundaries for all parties"


Define Israeli.


Many of the members of Hezbollah are Palestinian refugees. They were forced out of Palestine by the Israelis in '48.
Posted by keith, Tuesday, 25 July 2006 12:45:25 PM
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If you'd taken part of your neighbour's land, built fences around it, exploited him, had the aid and support of the neighbourhood's biggest and toughest, then when you trespassed in a menacing fashion, which resulted in your neighbour then throwing pebbles at your fortress, would you try to demolish his home and move him on just so you could take more of his land?

There are many more views than the propaganda merchants.
Posted by keith, Tuesday, 25 July 2006 12:56:04 PM
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The history of failed Blitzkreigs :- Germany blitzkreiged London and Coventry and lost the war. America blitlkreiged Vietnam,Laos Cambodia,Korea,Iraq and lost those wars.Now Israel has embarked on the same murderous strategy. The Lebanese democratically elected Hezbollah mainly because Hezbollah provided the structures necessary to support the people. Ditto for the Palestinians who democratically elected Hamas. Obviously the American backed regimes failed the people in those countries, typical of American backed regimes in South American nations which brutally suppressed their people. Why is it that with all the billions of dollars that have flowed into most Arab nations from oil revenue over sixty years that the vast majority of Arabs live in squalor? When you have millions of people living in squalor while they watch the wealth of their nations flowing to foreign businesses, its too easy to convince the poor to strap a bomb on and create havoc,especially when they have nothing to lose. Greed created these problems. Sharing the wealth will solve most of them. America would have had no problems winning over the Iraqi people if they dropped food parcels and basic necessities instead of bombs. Despite the devastation they cause the people,wars are a gold mine for businesses.Its a pity politicians are so bereft of skills that the only way they can balance budgets or grow economies is to start a war (with poorer counries,of course). Democracy can't survive such dismal actions.
Posted by aspro, Tuesday, 25 July 2006 12:59:07 PM
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