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Promised land a hollow promise : Comments

By Greg Barns, published 25/7/2006

Israel has lost its direction as a nation.

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Shalom alekhem yuyutsu,

I agree wholeheartedly, the level of anti-Israel hatred that seems to come out whenever there is an opportunity is daunting in this day and age. Is it based wholly on the current crisis, or is at least some of it derived from the historical problems between jews and goyim (careful, do not use the 'anti' word, or we will both be termed 'zionofascists' or something similar)?

This is the face of the new and improved 'blood libel', bloodthirsty jews seeking the blood of goys (what for this time, rosh hashanah perhaps?). Actually, purim would be good, you can get nearly anybody to drink nearly anything.

alekhem shalom



Posted by 2bob, Thursday, 27 July 2006 7:49:57 PM
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Col Rouge wrote:

"here the Israelis were working toward the creation of something, a Jewish state, Hezbollah (and Hamas) are working for the destruction something, the Jewish State."

Unfortunately the creation of a Jewish state was predicated on the removal of the inhabitants from that land and the pre-emptive destruction of any potential Palestinian state covering the area. I would scarcely call that creative, more like lebenstraum.

It is interesting, the USS Liberty in 1967, Qana in 1996 and now the UN observers in 2006. Do I see a pattern here?
Posted by Hamlet, Thursday, 27 July 2006 8:50:45 PM
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Sam Said

Yes Karma is a one on one thing and I meant it that way.

Your correct of course and every now and then I do get carried away.

Its not nice to scare people but fair dinkim some people here need it Sam.

USA gave far too much to their mates and of course the land should be returned to the others.

Still that said it wont stop there and we can only try to hold it off.

United Europe we will see one day I am afraid.

Until then I know you will find it strange but I dont see much difference between all of them.

Ghandi once said you can tell a nation by the way it treats its animals.

Surley any God from any land must be very angry at what all his people are doing.

Thats what I meant by Cow Karma.

As Australia is the largest exporter of live animals in the world and other animals I beleive we are well and truely on his list.

I find it hard to feel sorry for any of them who have turned their backs on gods creatures.

If you follow our religion there never has been much concern for animals.

Maybe thats the key that we all need to think about.

I saw Steve Fielding a few months ago and he certainly as not think its important either.

I just think that theres something wrong with any leader who has no compashion.

Its just not right somehow.

We reep what we sow and it will come home to us.

The rest is not Rocket science America will be broke and unable to save us this time.

We are right next door to a huge muslim country and we will one day reep our cow Karma.

So Sam Yes your correct and sometimes I am too.

Once its all over and the fighting stops world wide the animals will finally have peace from the cruelty of man.

I hope so Anyway.

Thank you Sam
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Thursday, 27 July 2006 9:54:59 PM
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FAIR GO Yuyutsu, flying around in circles in helicopters is one difficult manoevre , spotting unidentified soldiers doing something suspicious fits in to , but blowing up a large white painted building with various large black painted UN signs on it [and one that's been there for years] and also transmitting to the Israelis "don't shoot any more" to be considered fair game!
No, sadly YUYUTSU, they have lost the plot .
Posted by kartiya, Thursday, 27 July 2006 11:30:58 PM
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Bombing the UN is indeed a failure of Israel, a big failure. It is currently under investigation and hopefully we will soon hear the results. I don't believe that anyone deliberately wanted to bomb the UN, but if it is found that some stray officer of whatever rank did so, that officer will be charged for murder and will spend the rest of his life behind bars.

The more likely scenario is a mis-communication between intelligence and the air-force and artilery. It could even be caused by fatigue. Artilery does not see their target, so they can only rely on coordinates, and so are pilots: one cannot expect every pilot to know every building in Lebanon, so pilots must also believe the intelligence. After all, every terrorist could paint their house with UN signs, just as in the past, rockets were transfered by red-cross ambulances. How can you tell whether this is the case? well, that's what the intelligence is for, and this time they failed bitterly.


Thank you for the support. However, I don't think that the current war has anything to do with the "historical problems between jews and goyim". I also think that "goyim" (=gentiles) is a derogatory term which should not be used (except when drunk and even then only between Jews and other Jews).

We have a case of Shiite Islamic extremists who strive for world domination and the Jews of Israel, due to their proximity, just happen to be among the first to block their path. Actually, they place the Israeli Jews in the same basket as Christians, calling them "European crusaders".
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 28 July 2006 3:56:31 AM
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Your interesting.

So tell me whats the alternative to us sending troops to fight off these lunatics.?

I just dont see we have much choice if we want help come our turn to be attacked.

Do you?

I mean isnt it better to try to tear down their organisations before they group too much.

What alternatives do you see.

Its a funny world really. Watching those Muslim people on TV thanking the Australian Government for getting them out makes you proud to be Ausie.

Then you walk down the street and see these young muslim boys calling our girls names for wearing costumes to the beach and you just want to deport to lot of them.

Its very difficult to get a handle on the way one should feel over all.

Yututsa what do you think about our involement overseas.?

I look at India and think well they copped it while staying out so clearly its just them wanting to wipe out democracy world wide.

Thanks for your post it was interesting.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Friday, 28 July 2006 6:12:40 AM
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