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Give ‘babe’ some wriggle room : Comments

By Mirko Bagaric, published 9/5/2006

We are camped somewhere near the base of the moral mountain when it comes to pig farming.

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"I wonder what all these animal groups actually do with the donations and funds they get. "

Well Celivia, by what I can see, they probably sit in their
offices and argue amongst themselves on the internet :)
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 9 November 2006 2:22:48 PM
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Hi Celevia and Yabby
I can probably fill in a bit here. The RSPCA in each state is currently sitting on hundreds of thousands of dollars - in some states millions, in investments. It is the only body with the legislative power to enforce animal cruelty legislation in the country, yet does not intervene in intensive farming matters, even when conclusive evidence is provided to it by groups such as Animal Liberation, whose members often risk their safety gathering this evidence.
Animals Australia is the "peak" animal "welfare" body in the country, and many other groups are members. Animals Australia is currently running a very strong campaign in the press (and those magazines who have accepted it; some refused) about intensive pig farming with the support of Voiceless. Animals Australia also brought the recent film and documentary evidence of gross animal cruelty in five Middle Eastern countries to which Australia exports animals (Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman), some of which was seen on "Sixty Minutes", in the handling and slaughter practices there (see and go to live exports, Middle East investigation. They had some support from PETA in that, and PETA continues investigating there (see
Animal Liberation in NSW is currently running a strong campaign about battery (caged hen) egg farming - but cannot get support from the RSPCA there because the RSPCA NSW has a royalty arrangement with Pace Farms, a huge battery farming organization there (they have a few hens in barns, which the RSPCA clearly feels is sufficient for it to endorse Pace Farms' products). Animal Liberation Victoria continues to campaign vigorously against broiler chick farming, puppy mills, amongst other things, and has its Animal Rescue program.
Most people, in my experience, who work with these groups, contribute enormously of their own time and resources, because there really is not that much money in their bank accounts.
Also, groups lobby governments, write complex submissions when needed, visit schools and hold demonstrations to raise awareness.
So - the information is out there really, for those who want to see.
Posted by Nicky, Thursday, 9 November 2006 7:08:24 PM
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What Nicky? not saying is that RSPCA dont have the "codes of practise-" "The laws to convict many of these people".

What everybody needs to do is 'ring the bells of Parliment" and demand! some decent laws .

This campange against RSPCA by extreme groups such as PETA and Animals Australia could do some real good if it wasnt run by veg people.

Two nights ago RSPCA QLD was on National Tv under a threat of closure due to lack of funds. So if they are sitting on millions I am sure the CEO would like to know.

Animals Australia being a "Peak" body is interesting. They are self appointed to that postion which would not be a problem if they were not a vegatrain and vegan 90% of Australians pluss are meat eaters.

PETA "their friends" kill millions of dogs.

They dont beleive people should have a dog as a pet for goodness sake.

Animal liberation have been told a million times RSPCA cant prosecucte if the evidence is obtained illeagally "tresspassing"

Thats right Animals Australia vist, hold rallies and write subs and letters? refuse to work with alternative solutions and oh of course fund raise

Mark pearson and Lyn White are good operators by large but the leader Glencye should have been replaced ten years ago.

What the Animals Need is for AA to stop misleading the public that its the RSPCA who are slack instead of all State and federal Government.

The public need to get more involved.

I think nothing short of a Royal Commishion is required in this country into all groups and animal welfare including RSPCA.

Might be a real eye opener to the public.

Celivias idea of the public getting more directly involved to improve conditions is a good one.

To stop live exports we must open more abattoirs here in Australia.

Both voiceless and Animals Australia oppose that.?

Pity labour are so dumb they cant see the votes in this and do a MOU with their uniouns to allow abattoir workers to slaughter here.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Friday, 10 November 2006 5:42:18 AM
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Perhaps, People Against Live Exports, you could ask RSPCA Queensland about the $12 million it was holding for the year 2005 - I think you will find it is invested, as is the case with other states, such as South Australia: just under $5m, and Victoria: $20m as examples, from a reliable source. It was reported not so long ago in either The Age or the Australian, I think (please someone correct me if I am wrong) that the RSPCA is the biggest NGO (non-government organization) outside the churches.
As for Codes of Practice and enforcement, the Codes of Practice provide expressly for breaches of the cruelty provisions contained in Animal Welfare/Prevention of Cruelty to Animals legislation when it comes to farm/food/production animals everywhere. It has been found in a couple of states just recently that the CoP for pigs WAS being breached, but the RSPCA chose to ignore the opportunity to gather its own evidence (since it claims it cannot use "illegally obtained" evidence, although that seems to be largely based somewhere between choice and denial). While non-compliance with a CoP can form the basis of a prosecution, so can compliance form the basis of a defence - and we all know that if you kept a dog or cat in conditions such as pigs are kept, you would be before the courts in no time. Similarly, the mulesing mutilation practised upon sheep.
The University of Queensland Gatton campus was reportedly in breach of the "Model CoP for the Welfare of Animals - the Pig"; I wonder if anything has been done about that?
The legislation is there, the CoPs protect the perpetrators from prosecution where they do comply (and it cannot rationally be said by anyone that the deprived and barren conditions under which pigs are kept provide for the "welfare" of ANY animal), the enforcement of the legislation by all authorities, including the judiciary, is pitifully inadequate.
Posted by Nicky, Saturday, 11 November 2006 6:29:33 PM
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If you have proof please post it. All NFP organisations invest. It costs eleven million just to run QLD. A indication how much the public care. I was told some property left to RSPCA QLD about seven years ago was re nigged causing hardship. Wendy has asked Jenny Hodges for years to get all of the Branches to put in a lousy twenty dollars a week each towards expenses. Also to attend meetings with Malaysian Government officials and get behind the cojoint venture as policy towards phaseing out live exports. Pigs might fly. They have shown no interest and been agressive. I know for a fact she mortgaged her home to keep the Ban Live Exports [PALE] going. RSPCA QLD has been the only! ones to help. I moved from the Snowy to help because they couldnt afford to pay staff. She's waited for three years for some help with paying a consultant to prepair a plan requested by Government regarding the joint venture being adopted as policy. RSPCA national say they have no money. Your lot say no because its about killing animals.I know this thread is about pigs but I can only talk about live exports. It seems we are not so different after all. Celiva suggested a open Royal Commission into all Animal Organisations. Or a public verses animal welfare organisations court case. I believe Wendy suggested that four years ago and provided silks to run it but got no support from your people. After all it IS the public money. You cant have extreme people telling others not to eat meat Nicky. Its your only! handicap. So why dont you spend your donations on radio and tv adds telling the public the truth about our so called Animal Welfare. Where do you display your donations to the public? I am all for calling for a Royal Commission and I think I know somebody who would make a good wittness and be there with bells on.
We would still have the difference of main stream and vegetarian to sort however.
Antje Struthmann.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 12 November 2006 9:50:39 AM
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Pale, I think bagging the RSPCA on this thread is in very poor taste.

Especially when you would have us believe that you work in conjuction with them - seems like you are more against them than with them.

You can shout as loud as you like that you support QLD not national, but to the general public they are all one in the same.

The whole thing is really off topic. Why dont you start your own thread and take it there.
Posted by PF, Sunday, 12 November 2006 1:21:22 PM
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