The Forum > Article Comments > After Cronulla, life goes on in sun city > Comments
After Cronulla, life goes on in sun city : Comments
By Natasha Cica, published 20/1/2006Natasha Cica examines the aftermath of Sydney race riots.
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Posted by Rainier, Monday, 23 January 2006 6:47:20 PM
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Thor, I'll agree that giris seems to go to far in dismissing concerns about the behaviour of these gangs. Your attack on giris is way over the top though. It reads as though you would be happy if giris had a daughter raped by these gangs - no excuse for that.
The main point of giris's post is that the whole group should not be held to blame for the actions of a portion of that group. Fair call. I have been disgusted at the obvious downplaying of the issue by muslim/middle eastern community spokesmen on this site and in the wider media. That does weaken the credibility of these spokesmen but does not make every individual from these groups responsible, rather it leaves the muslim and middle eastern communities with few spokesmen who deserve to be taken seriously and at face value. R0bert Posted by R0bert, Monday, 23 January 2006 6:49:57 PM
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You will never accept that it was(is) the behaviour of a section of Lebanese Muslim society that caused the riots at Cronulla. I don't know what you are complaining about though. Your lot got away scot free, whilst the true patriots were busted left right and centre. Do you really think you are going to pull the wool over the younger generations eyes? The real problem is the brave Lebanese never had the fortitude to face the whites during daylight hours. Do you know what General Patton thought about your mob? As for the "anti-dumper" if you don't like it go back home. Posted by FRIEDRICH, Monday, 23 January 2006 7:03:15 PM
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Daily Telegraph Sat 21Jan06 1/ Former junior rugby league coach Ahmed Jajieh, 24, was last night confirmed as a central figure in the gang attack on 35-year-old Steve B at Cronulla on December 12. 2/ The family of Mr Jajieh admitted he was among the throng of up to 30 men of Middle Eastern appearance captured on CCTV camera when Steve B was set upon outside the YHA Hostel. But Mr Jajieh's brother, who did not want to be identified, told The Saturday Daily Telegraph: "If you see the video you can see he went in to help the guy." [BOAZ comments: It looked to me as if he was 'supervising' the action, yes, he pulled some off, AFTER he was beaten to a pulp]... If Mr Jajieh is not forthcoming with the NAMES of his co-attackers, then he is an accessory anyway, and unwillingness to cooperate would conceivably make his position much worse. IS HE IN CUSTODY ? IS HE BEING INTERROGATED ? HAS HE BEEN CHARGED ? (Affray, riot, accessory etc etc etc ) Lets recall.. the bloke with the ‘branch’ of Anglo descent is IN JAIL NOW for 4 months. Arrested, convicted JAILED on the same day !... for carrying a ‘branch’ <<But as of last night (20th) Jan , police had yet to contact Mr Jajieh. >> (Daily Telegraph) simple question........if not.....WHY NOT ? Why don’t we all ask the police this question ? I just spoke to a constable at a police station in the area Mr Jajieh lives, and he mentioned that many of the senior police are about to strike ! GIRIS.. you missed it, we DON’T tar ALL Lebanese with the same brush, nor are we 'superior'. Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 23 January 2006 7:24:20 PM
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No Rainer you lie again and again.It was Graham Young who removed your post because you could not substantiate your claims that I was a member of the Aust First Party.No protestations were forth coming from myself.I have still got a copy of Graham's email.Would you like a copy?
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 23 January 2006 8:08:25 PM
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lets gets honest here,
If racism really concerned anyone it would be headlines around the world how young white, aboriginal and italian women were gang raped, instead of a really poor weak riot. It would have been front page news about the sexual attack by men of middle eastern appearance against a young women walking home in the eastern suburbs in the days after the riots instead of the fairly lesser crime of riot and affray. She only managed a small paragragh on page 9. If racism really concerned people they would wonder why a young innocent girl taught tolerance dates a lebanese guy to only find out later, sometimes years, that she was simply being used. there is no way they would ever marry white scum. Would those that preach tolerance tolerate their daughter being used in this fashion? If racism was a concern and also muslim issues then we would be asking why lebanese muslims will not even allow a black muslim into their house. Never mind allow their daughter to date a black muslim. If racism were an issue we would ask why they hate aborigines so much? If racsim was an issue we would ask why we have so many christian arabs here anyway. Speak to the Coptic egyptian or the maronite from Lebanon, why are they here? Why are so few christians left in Jeresulem? So if people are against racism, lets talk racism. If we are such a racist horrid nation then why don't we do all these poor souls a favour and deny them entry. Sounds like A hell according to Rainer et al. :) Posted by Verdant, Monday, 23 January 2006 8:58:57 PM
Kaos, I agree with you analysis of crowd metality and unlike others you have at least identified this as a racial issue, not a Muslim issue, although this has heaps to do with perceptions and prejudices expressed in this discussion thus far.
Thanks girls* for inserting some comon sense observations here in this discussion. Racism is argued as a justified patriotic right and virtue by many here. I feel sorry for them.