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The Forum > Article Comments > After Cronulla, life goes on in sun city > Comments

After Cronulla, life goes on in sun city : Comments

By Natasha Cica, published 20/1/2006

Natasha Cica examines the aftermath of Sydney race riots.

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Some clarification please.

• What were the other incidents of Middle Eastern thuggery?

• How have the Left instrumental in the “breakdown of law and order and thus the rise if fear and the resultant racism”

• What evidence do you have that police deliberately “sat on video tapes” or refused to act to act because they were under govt directives?

• What evidence can you provide to support your claim that police only acted because of "Shock Jocks"?

• Where in the article does Natasha espouse a PC multicultural perspective?

• And finally, were the aliens that abducted you greenish with scaly skin and bulbous eyes and spoke a dialect that sounded middle eastern?
Posted by Rainier, Friday, 20 January 2006 7:12:31 PM
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Very droll. Wrong about Malcolm Turnbull, though. He's too far to the left for me.
Posted by Leigh, Friday, 20 January 2006 7:18:16 PM
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Just for Rainer from my own experience.

Early eighties.
Lebanese thugs walking four abreast down George st Sydney pushing people off the pavement.

Freshwater Beach,taking over the beach through violent play and foul language.

Aust Day 2004 my son and friends get attacked at Darling Harbour by 40 thugs.Racial mix,Pacific Islander,Aborigine,Lebanese and a few Anglo thugs.

Oct 2005 at a school function Lebanese thugs attack them with baseball bats ,bars and bottles.

Violence in Sydney is out of control and you Rainer are in denial.You and your lefty mates are responsible for this mess because of this continual mentality of appeasement.It is time for some tough decisions and action.Rainer,you and your lefty mates don't have the clarity of mind or the courage
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 20 January 2006 9:26:28 PM
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The problem with Sydney is that it is multi-racial. A Vietnamese lady told me recently that I was a true Australian. She is correct.

Before 1972 Sydney was a great city. Then unfortunately Gough Whitlam became Prime Minister and we now have a multicultural city. The left wing of society would never dream of maintaining the white race.

My culture has produced the majesty of Wagner. My culture has produced classical writing by Nietzsche. I doubt very much that any other "culture" could have written The Rings.

What sort of multicultural city is Tokyo? How many Muslims migrate to Japan each year. Asians are allowed to keep their race pure. Why is it that they are not called neo-nazis? Let me make it perfectly clear. Japan has a policy of race purity. Mention race purity in Australia and you are a neo-nazi.

Multicultural Sydney is a joke. The people that profit from the multicultural society are the same people that play canasta once a month and put the proceeds into a suitcase for their brotherhood. They are the people who control the pornography industry world wide. They are the people who pull the strings for George W Bush. They started the war in Iraq. They control Hollywood. The people of real culture in this city are "suckers" and the Eastern Suburbs looters love every minute of it.
Posted by FRIEDRICH, Saturday, 21 January 2006 7:52:08 AM
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There is middle eastern thuggery, but also other ethnic gangs. However the difference is that other ethnic communties take responsibility and show some leadership. Even the cronulla thugs were shown in no uncertain terms that what they did was not acceptable. As long as people sense there are some adults taking action then they feel there is some control over the issue. However all the Islamic Friendship Society spokeperson does (aka Keysar trad) is suddenly deny any criminal activity is the work of a true muslim so the offenders are automatically tagged "Australian" instead. There is no denial of the fact there is a problem, only no-one wants to claim the problem as their own. Buck passing. The police when they try to take action against these "Australians" are then lablled racist for targeting suddenly reconfirmed "muslims". So they back off.

If you contrast this to say the Vietnamese community where at a meeting to try and get support form the police for law and order the only one to stand up and suggest it was racist was a white geenie or some left leaning loony. The truth is that most ethnic communities want law and order and to live in a crime free area. To suggest crime does not happen is denial. There is no doubt.
Posted by Verdant, Saturday, 21 January 2006 8:59:20 AM
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Friedrich, throw Stepan Kerkyasharian into that bouillabaisse of multicultural players. Mr Kerkyasharian has been able to create a career in the multicultural industry because of the fact he hews to the cause and he is a multicultural pet.
Posted by Sage, Saturday, 21 January 2006 9:36:09 AM
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