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The Forum > General Discussion > The Man who would be....GOD.

The Man who would be....GOD.

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I must say I found you far more agreeable in your plain vanilla whack-a-mozzie costume, Boaz. This recently-acquired "it's all a global conspiracy" schtick is actually quite sad.

>>HIS AGENDA ? is.."New World Order, Global Government with HIM as it's conscience" (it's secular god?)<<

Nicely vague.

You need to work on that - Arjay does it so much more convincingly, you know. In his case it is an international cadre of banksters, or some such nonsense. Your bogeyman is less well defined, and relies entirely on the input of populist US TV personalities, which doesn't have the same gravitas.

From experience, I have learned over the months that it is pointless arguing facts with someone who actually believes that there is a "Global Government", or that some individual or individuals are hell-bent on creating one.

Because there never are any.

And you certainly appear to be hooked...

>>you would quickly realize that the 'slander' as you put it, comes directly from the mouth of Mr Soros himself.<<

Stringing together a bunch of sound-bites is the oldest deception in a very well-worn bag of tricks, I'm afraid. And has never been at all convincing.

>>But the thing which made me smile... was your 'hook line and sinker' acceptance of the 'surface' layer of "Mahathir apoligies to Soros"<<

Oh, please. It was precisely as convincing as his original slander. Both were entirely driven by political expedience. Which is, as we both understand, all about money.

Trouble is, unlike the good doctor, I'm beginning to suspect that you actually believe this...

>>"What is he doing"... he is building a huge network of foundations aimed at undermining national sovereignty(s) and forging a one world Government. "Global Government"<<

My thesis - and as Arjay will tell you, I have been researching for some time - is that conspiracy theory uses the same part of the brain as religion. Some people need desperately to invent an answer to life's weirdness.

But it's actually quite simple , Boaz. You don't have to invent gods, or conspiracies.

It is what it is because it is.

Posted by Pericles, Friday, 12 November 2010 10:31:04 PM
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Blu, because you have been looking for Love in all the wrong places.
Posted by Richie 10, Thursday, 11 November 2010 3:49:52 AM

Thank-you Richie. I hope my wife does not here this:) I believe If you are with love, and we are the same species, logic would dictate that all would feel the same as us and they do Richie. Just some are more in touch than others.

Posted by Deep-Blue, Saturday, 13 November 2010 12:13:54 AM
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Dear Pericles

you say:

//My thesis - and as Arjay will tell you, I have been researching for some time - is that conspiracy theory uses the same part of the brain as religion. Some people need desperately to invent an answer to life's weirdness.//

I tend to agree with part of that-the bit about "conspiracy theories/part of brain/religion"

In Arjay's case his main premise is based on speculation and arguments from silence. Specially the 9/11 'conspiracy'.

One (you) could easily move from that implausible/flawed/politically biased approach (which seems to scratch a certain type of person exactly where they are itching) and apply it to ALL information about various activities or exposure of activities, such as those of Mr Soros.

THE DIFFERENCE...between the Soros scheme and the 9/11 conspiracies is that in Soros case you actually have it from his own mouth. He documents his goals in his own books. He has the runs on the board which are there for all of us to see.

What the wiki article does not do however is show Mr SOROS in press conferences and speeches where he says the things you very irresponsibly describe as 'sound bites'.

You could say the same things about many of the quotations from Hitlers speeches or Pol Pots... "just sound bites"...nope..sorry that doesn't and wont work here.

If I was woffling on like "Glenn Beck says Soros says"...... you could possibly have a case, but that's not how it works. Here is how it really works- Glenn Beck says "Soros says/does"......then shows SOROS saying/doing that very thing. You don't have to be particularly bright to catch the context of what Soros is saying.. Beck usually provides enough 'sound bite' for the context to be clear.

"Broke the bank of England" means 'broke their will to resist' which he surely did. (and made a cool billion)
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Saturday, 13 November 2010 5:53:29 AM
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@Pericles still.....

I 'could' go on about the old favorite of Arjay's "Rothchilds/Bankers/New World Order"... but if one cannot actually show accurately that such things are the specific goals of such people.. in their own tends to look a bit tardy, which is why Arjay tends to be mocked quite a lot.

His 9/11 conspiracy thing is just ludicrous, and you know this.

The problem for Arjay is that he is looking for 'hidden' things which he can 'reveal to us all'.

This SOROS thing is not's in plain sight.

If I were to connect the dots, the following would be very closely connected. (Politically)

Group A
Gore/Strong/Zoi/Blunt/CCX/Cap & Trade/Democratic party/Socialist-communist elements in the Democratic party/Green movement.

Group B

Soros/Open society insitutes/various foundations/undermining national sovereignty/destroy the United States/create a Global government.

Group C Socialist thinkers, Frankfurt school,==> Political Correctness/MultiCulturalism/Feminism

Pulling allll this together, you have the FABIANS or at least their strategy and thinking.

WHO IS DRIVING ALL THIS ? Well..if it was as simple as just choosing a name there would be little to discuss for sure. I don't believe there IS "a name" running all this, though SOROS does figure highly with his resources and activities.

BECK speaks about Soros as the 'Puppet Master' but I once saw a very good cartoon which showed at the lowest level "Political Puppets" which strings attached to a "Puppet Master".. but then the more poignant part of the image showed strings leading up from the Puppet Master to...... the edge of the image.

This is the point where I become 'religious' and I don't expect you or anyone who is not schooled in such things to agree... because I'm not trying to convince you :) The puppet master's "MASTER" is none other than Satan. "the god of this world".

cont... can have some fun with that if you wish :)
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Saturday, 13 November 2010 6:09:12 AM
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@ Pericles....

Continued on.

Now.. the 60s were a momentus period in the West.

(which spawned...)

HERBERT MARCUSE......(thinking behind much of American 60s counter culture) who gave us:

-[Political Correctness/MultiCulturalism/Gay Rights/Feminism]into popular counter culture.

SAUL ALINSKY......... "Rules for Radicals"

and Alinksy's forward says it all, in connection with my 'god of this world' point in the last post.

"Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer."

Although Alinsky may have been an atheist..... I consider him ignorant of 'who' was pulling his strings.

Amazing also how many of these people are Jewish.


and many other names could be mentioned. Can't figure out why to be honest..but it's real and strange.
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Saturday, 13 November 2010 6:16:00 AM
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Dear Al,

Fox News only came up with their creeping communism scenario after Bush lost power. Beck's star began to rise about the same time...and before you could say "Obama's a communist" they had found their new conspiracy format.
I did watch Beck one day as he alluded to Obama's supposed "communist sympathies" by implicating his grandfather's torture at the hands of British colonialists in Kenya. All accompanied by Beck's knowing looks and shaking head.
Beck performs...he is a performer....every move, grimace, faux tear and meaningful stare into space is scripted. I can't believe that you can't see that, Al.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 13 November 2010 6:47:38 AM
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