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The Man who would be....GOD.

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Hiiii Jinny :) it's Pakcik for sure.. lelakilah saya.

Glad to give you a sense of connection.

Don't feel downhearted about some of the responses.. we get all types here. So..which area did you live in Malaysia?

Today is part 3 of Beck exposing Soros :) it's rather hilarious.

1/ Beck exposes Soros as 'puppet master' using SOROS OWN living color/video.

2/ MediaMatters mocks Beck...and extols Soros

3/ MediaMatters of course received 1.8million from Soros and of course..they are not only 'not' going to bite the hand that feeds them but also they will snuggle up and give his hand a lick or 3 :)

Soros number 2 Executive tried to intimidate Fox and no avail.
They tried the old "SEXUAL EXPOSE'" trick on Beck but it just fell flat because no substance. Lasted all of about 2 days I think.

What worries me more than a man who confesses to having fanstasies about being a god... is that lefty's seem to ignore this megalomaniacal delusion, and simply follow his agenda like lemmings.
But well know how lemmings end...and it's not a nice ending.
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Friday, 12 November 2010 7:13:01 AM
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Cat got your tongue, Boaz?

I know how important it is that you people have graven images to burn in the fiery pits (that may be a mixed metaphor; I'm actually not entirely certain what you religious folk do with graven images. But I do know that you are against them, generally speaking).

Although I'm not sure that you have selected a particularly viable target on this occasion, nor that your slings and arrows are actually reaching their mark.

Beck can slander Soros all he likes, the only outcome will be an erosion of his own credibility. As I pointed out to you earlier in this thread, all the bogeymen that he conjures up are mere figments of his virulent anti-socialist imagination, brought into being so that the mass of people who only look at the pictures can be manipulated into deeper ignorance.

This is classic weasel-wording, Boaz, that you have swallowed whole.

"[Soros is] known as the man who broke the bank of England. The Prime Minister of Malaysia called Soros an unscrupulous profiteer. In Thailand, he was branded the 'economic war criminal.' They also said that he “sucks the blood from people."

Pure rabble-rousing pamphleteering.

The phrase "the man who broke the bank of England" is simply a headline formed from a nineteenth-century music-hall song:

"As I walk along the Bois de Boulogne With an independent air
You can hear the girls declare "He must be a Millionaire."
You can hear them sigh and wish to die,
You can see them wink the other eye
At the man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo"

The Bank of England still stands.

Dr Mahathir, as I previously pointed out, subsequently apologized to George Soros, personally and in public" for his intemperate, politically inspired outburst.

Interestingly, the supposed Thai verdict that he was an "economic war criminal" who "sucks the blood from people" doesn't seem to have an original attribution. I wonder where it came from?

>>lefty's seem to ignore this megalomaniacal delusion, and simply follow his agenda like lemmings.<<

What agenda is that, Boaz?

Be specific.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 12 November 2010 8:35:18 AM
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Selamat pagi pakcik. Saya raya bahasa baku anda lebih fasir daripada saya. Coz the younger generation now like to take short cuts with everything so we can save time. Now we go online with all kinds of lingo that if you're not in that generation, it's hard to comprehend the writings. Do you realize how we use symbols to express expressions now? That is evolutiob.
Saya dari sebuah kampung tepi pantai bernama Port Dickson. Goodness, I feel like I'm back in primary school now :). Where were you station? With the army by any chance?

Sorres is a *toot* and so are most of the successful entrepreneurs and powerful icons at this time. Look at my ex boss, I had a big show down with him because he abused the workers right just because it is in asia, BS! We got bk on good terms after that tho.

They will all get what is coming to them in due time, coz karma, is real. I know it so well, and see it happening everyday. They are all greedy inconsiderate liars! Honestly, with more n more of us getting aware of what is really happening to the systems, how long more do you think it's going to go on this way. They people in asia are protesting and rioting whenever needed because they too are trying to topple the gov. Btw, I've lived most of my live in MYS, only 2 yrs here.. But I observe n see n learn a lot.

Am so happy to terjumpa org di sini from my home country.. Coz I'm so missing my parents right now. Danielle lived there as well she mentioned. Just finished wt my phychiatrist n he suggest I shouldn't write to strangers :p coz he knows I write here.
Posted by jinny, Friday, 12 November 2010 11:41:36 AM
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11/11/10 pts 1,2&3:
Posted by Proxy, Friday, 12 November 2010 7:13:29 PM
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OH Pericles :) I'm smiling ear to ear here.

Thank you for your contribution!

Without you we would be suffering 'lack of alternative view anxiety'.

Ok.. let me look at one of your insights.

"Beck can slander Soros all he likes, the only outcome will be an erosion of his own credibility."

This is a most interesting statement. Because (unless I'm wrong) you appear not to have actually viewed the material from Becks 3 day 'expose'.

If you had, you would quickly realize that the 'slander' as you put it, comes directly from the mouth of Mr Soros himself. All Beck is doing is saying "LOOOK...THERE IT IS... LISTEN TO IT".

There are too many examples of things (in context) which Soros has said to start quoting here now..but if you have a look at him pointing out that the only thing holding up 'his' New World Order is....yep..the United States....then you might see that Beck is not adding much to what Soros says...Beck is just telescoping it all into a shorter time so we can actually see the incremental (wolf in sheeps clothing) but real nature of the beast.

But the thing which made me smile... was your 'hook line and sinker' acceptance of the 'surface' layer of "Mahathir apoligies to Soros" :) oh my oh myyyy oh my..Jinny will be able to help you out here.. Malaysian politics has a 'way' of it.. usually with large amounts of money changing hands. Do I need to say more ? :)

The one that realllly used to crack me up, was when a member of the opposition party puts in a full page advert in the Borneo Post saying "After long and serious reflection and consideration, I have decided to join the government party" ! :)

HIS AGENDA ? is.."New World Order, Global Government with HIM as it's conscience" (it's secular god?)

JINNY... hang in mate.. I'm Aussie though..not malaysian. I was in Sarawak.
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Friday, 12 November 2010 7:47:45 PM
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Pericles again....sorry, I didn't address some of your earlier questions.

"What is he doing"... he is building a huge network of foundations aimed at undermining national sovereignty(s) and forging a one world Government. "Global Government" He is undermining the independance and sovereignty of the United States. Thus he is a national security threat.

Yes, he should be stopped.

The back and forth between the Fox exec and the Soros one was reported by Beck (who was the focus of the discussion) (i.e. attempted intimidation)

Pericles.. just out of curiosity, are you a member of the Fabians ?
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Friday, 12 November 2010 7:53:41 PM
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