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The Forum > General Discussion > The Man who would be....GOD.

The Man who would be....GOD.

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While you are busy hunting down all the Socialists (much of it only perception) you are letting all the other extremists in through the back door.

I will start taking you more seriously when you display an even-handed outrage over the self-serving agenda of the far Right.
Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 10 November 2010 10:50:09 PM
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Dear Jinny,
Go to the real power source and get plugged in. Death can't defeat death for a kingdom divided shall fall. Man is not the enemy for we are all in the boat together. All have sinned (miss the mark) and fallen short of God's best (glory). Without a change of heart we will never see God's Kingdom. You must be born again to become a citizen. Seek yea first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Happy hunting, see if you can hit the target.
Richie 10
Posted by Richie 10, Thursday, 11 November 2010 12:19:39 AM
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SO Richie, I have circumnavigated the entire human history of all, and still, I have found No such god?

Why do I feel this?

Posted by Deep-Blue, Thursday, 11 November 2010 2:02:19 AM
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Blu, because you have been looking for Love in all the wrong places.
Posted by Richie 10, Thursday, 11 November 2010 3:49:52 AM
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Dear Pelly

I have the same *rage* for the BANK robber barrons and 'their' agenda.

I have the same *rage* for the Electricity and Utility companies which are now privatized for the sake of short term CASH which was then spent to prop up electoral fortunes by LEFT (who privatized the CBA?) and RIGHT

I am focusing on this bloke because his network is so vast, his pockets so deep and unless stopped..he WILL (if not already) regard this world, which includes Australia as his personal fiefdom, where 'he' is it's conscience. (sound like 'Big Brother' just a tad?)

I strongly urge you to take the evidence itself more seriously. Proxy's links are good and as Beck says "DON'T BELIEVE ME... CHECK IT YOURSELF" and I invite you to do so.

Jinny.. you wonder why such a thread is raised here in Australia?

Mate....OPEN YOUR EYES... please!

Look at THIS..and then tell me " were completely wrong about how Multiculturalism would turn out" (if you can keep a straight face)
That's the APPEAL document which overturned the original progressive judge's view that the man who raped his wife did not commit a criminal act!

Read it and weep! That a western Judge could EVER come up with such a ruling is clear and present evidence (irrefutable) that MC is a pernicious disease of the most evil and seditious kind.
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Thursday, 11 November 2010 10:18:43 AM
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PELLY..I don't believe 'conservative people' have an evil agenda... do you consider morally and spiritually and socially conservative poeple as the 'Right' or.. do you consider the Greed of corporations and their upper management types to be the 'Right' ? Once I know what you mean, we can connect better.


My target would be the ELECTRICITY scumbags and robbers.

What do organizations respond to ?

-"appeals for common sense?" (nope)
-"Friendly overtures and wise words?" (nope)

They DO however respond to 'brute force'.

ELECTRICITY COOPERATIVE. Why don't we the people get together in a 'buying cooperative' and register ourselves and account numbers in a 'bloc' which can then threaten to 'en masse' leave one supplier and goto a 'better deal' supplier?

A 1000 electricity accounts suddenly 'gone' from TRU or ORIGIN might make the CEO think twice?

That would be (based on my own elec bill for the past 2 quarters)


Imagine if 5000 people signed up ? We can keep switching until they bleed to (tempted to use expletive here) financial DEATH for all I care.

Hmmmm 5000 x $600 = $3,000,000

If 'god' get's his way you would have buckley's hope of doing that.
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Thursday, 11 November 2010 10:27:13 AM
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